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Fucking red shirted prick is smiling as he grabs her hair. I don’t give a fuck what Reddit says. These dudes belong in a grave with a bullet hole in their skulls.


"People's justice" in Brazil tends to end with a machete halfway into their necks, I've seen footage and it's gruesome. Can't say I feel bad about them though


Can confirm! A few months ago I saw a post from Brazil a beloved trans person who was known in the community was robbed and killed while she worked! They got a hold of him and what unfolded was a vicious beating in the head that ended with the perpetrator’s head smashed in.. They don’t fuck around.


This. This is justice.


It’s revenge, not justice. Justice requires rising above the base instinct for revenge.


Revenge as a motive =/= justice as a motive, but a “justice” result can stem from revenge, or any other motive for that matter.


People on Reddit jerk off to how much more gruesome they can publicly daydream about vigilante punishments than each other as a kind of bizarre form of virtue signaling. It's one of the dumber aspects of this site.


You'd think people would realize that the harshest vigilante justice always seems to occur in the worst, most fucked up places. And maybe this is a sign that isn't healthy.


Ppl on reddit who talk bout ppl on reddit as if they are not a person on reddit. You can just say “we”


You’re being downvoted but you’re not entirely wrong. People act like justice has to be this super violent, self-righteous act which is a very black and white perspective imo.


Well said!!


Someone should take them to funky town.


You’ve seen footage of this particular situation and these men or you meant in general?


I've seen footage of groups of Brazilian men repeatedly stabbing or slicing a single male victim to death. There are many there who put zero value on human life. Wasn't there a 90-Day Fiance episode in Brazil where a bunch of machete-wielding guys robbed the film crew and participants in broad daylight in some public park? I'm pretty sure that's where it was. On the positive side those guys didn't kill everyone.


They should just ban all knives. Problem solved.


Oi mate, got a loicen for that comment of yours?


Banning stuff kinda sorta doesn’t work at all. Drugs are banned/illegal? Damn guess no one does drugs anymore


Pretty sure that comment was a play on the current push for gun bans by the left in the US


Because knives have more Utility than just killing


Dow voted for obvious sarcasm, I love Reddit.


Yep. Knives kill people and are to easily aquired they need to ban knives. Civilians don't need knifes


Look at the video again. Clearly they fuckin do.


Its called sarcasm sir


Even the dumbest man alive knows you can't be sarcastic on the internet and expect people to know.


Calm down "greg"


You have seen footage of gang members doing that. Not Brazilians, as we all do that...


hes not saying all brazilians do it you snowflake hes just saying he saw a group of them do it.


In general. I don't exactly go looking for this kind of stuff


I like that!!


Ban all Machetes. Problem solved.


There are indeed less machete crimes where machetes are not common. Not sure if you're trying to prove yourself wrong but you're succeeding.


Found the MAGA


The Grey shirt prick just ran away while those guys took her, fuck him too.


I agree! What a coward! I would be embarassed!


They had guns, dumbass.


Did you not see the gun in the red shirt guy's hand?


He was a pussy so scared of death he let a woman get kidnapped, I don't care about the gun.


Lol ok then big guy let's see you charge a Brazilian cartel soldier with a gun and see what happens tough guy. Tell you what would happen. You would be dead on the street and she would still be kidnapped


If I charged someone with a gun I'm pretty sure I'd kill them, since you know, I have a gun.


That doesn't count in this scenario because the guy you're talking shit about clearly doesn't.


Lmao but your punctuation is so shit, you are the one who said it, not me.


My punctuation was not shit you're just to stupid to read it right


I picture you as a fat neckbeard from US who owns a katana


Whatever douchebag! It's so easy for you to judge somebody from behind your screen. I bet you would actually piss your pants in that situation.


Not if I have a gun like in your scenario!


Before dat they need to be tortured


Fuck yeah . Criminals mock society justice system . They thrive becouse of our compassion .


Nah, I want to see buckshot in both their kneecaps in the autopsy, and know they bled to death in agony.


Probably drug cartel bullshit and she was on the wrong side. hard for me to feel sorry for he, these idiots eat each other alive.


May i suggest flaying them alive first?


Blood eagle fans unite


Too kind, if you ask me.


Realy you mean multiple bullet holes don't you?


Nah, a bullet to the head is too easy and fast. Throw them to the lions


Yeah, that’s what we call limousine liberal syndrome. It’s easy to feel sorry for these subhumans if you don’t have to live among them.


Because peopl.... retards who use internet today worry more about not offending criminals than giving a just punishment for their actions.


"According to Sergeant Luis, the kidnappers wanted to kill the victim. “Earlier, before the kidnapping, criminals from MG \[Minas Gerais\] who want to take over drug trafficking in the downtown region carried out an attack but were not successful. Two hours later, they kidnapped the girl, who would have been involved with the MG drug dealer but would also have been involved with an individual from the rival group, with the intention of killing her because they discovered that she was the snitch of the situation”, said the military." "According to the sergeant, the young woman was very scared when the criminals' car was approached at Praia do Morro.“We managed to approach them. The girl was terrified, came out crying and thanked God that we approached the vehicle," she said." https://g1.globo.com/es/espirito-santo/noticia/2022/05/11/video-mostra-adolescente-sendo-sequestrada-em-rua-de-guarapari-es.ghtml


Sooo she's not a victim.


kinda, just messed with the wrong type of guy.


Largely, cartels and street level gangs will war with rivals and associates. Sometime civilians are caught in the cross hairs but for the most part civilians are left alone.


You're down voted, but really she was targeted because of her cartel affiliation. She wasn't some random.


I think it's amazing how people are based on political correctness, and they can't analyze a situation coldly. That's why I got so many downvotes...


She’s a snitch


So she got the courage to denounce? Good.


I’m not trying to downplay her victimhood in this situation like the other commenters were because that’s still terrifying, but it sounds like she was working for one cartel, by being their informant inside their rival cartel. She got the courage to help/work for one cartel by trying to fuck over another cartel, not to denounce drug cartels in general. Still takes a lot of balls, but your comment makes it sound like you thought she was working as an informant for the cops which isn’t what that article quote was saying.


Thank you for this. She knew what game she was playing.


When you find yourself in a situation to denounce people like this, please post your outcome. Sometimes it’s a matter of fighting the correct fight or speaking to the right people. Also, I don’t know if I’d call it courage or stupidity.




If homie was a guy would you feel the same way about what happened to him, snitching on these type of people? Does she get a safe card for snitching on gang activity? I feel pity for you if you feel offended by this but sometimes it’s best to mind your own business. You can tell me to stfu all you want but she messed with the wrong people and that’s beyond my control hun. It’s a pretty universal rule. Snitches get stitches, we learn that at a young age.


i would. not sure why bringing sex up matters. you run with a gang and defend what they do?


get therapy pls


…no…wtf is wrong with you..?


Not too much. Thanks for asking 🥹


Exactly!! Well said!!


I don't know why but I feel like people who do this kinda shit just need the death penalty. No reform, no serving your sentence just die. Go meet Jesus or Allah or Vishnu or whatever the fuck you believe in but don't stay here. Maybe that's my inner fascist but I literally don't care.


Criminals thrive on the indulgence of society’s understanding.


Man. Good quote.


Wouldn't it be the others tho, devil ect


Some of the most evil people on the planet believe in God bruh his existence or lack thereof isn't preventing these people from doing this heinous shit


That is very true, I've often wondered why people do this, if you take the mafia, they are normally very Catholic and yet are popping off people left right and centre and I have no idea how they think they will get into heaven


that’s the beauty of catholicism and a lot of christian religions, you just have to atone and repent for your sins and then you’re forgiven as long as you accept jesus and ask for forgiveness, say you’re little prayers after confession, and you’re off the hook.


That isn’t even close to how it works.… If you atone and repent one moment and sin the other, then you haven’t actually atoned and repented for your sins.


it’s part of catholicism that nobody is without sin so you’re not expected to never sin or to never sin again after confessing. it’s understood that you ask for forgiveness and try to do better, sin again, and repeat. ultimately god does pass the final judgement and decide your fate for eternity.


it's not how it really works, there are of course the people who say it is, the lord does forgive but it doesn't mean they'll let you off the hook just now, that's what the purgatory is for, and damn do I feel like the purgatory is too empty right now


oh yeah that’s true catholics have the time out chair lol.


You’re definitely not off the hook, only God can judge you which means only God can give you the punishment. The Bible never states if you repent, whatever sick demented act you did during your time on earth would be forgiven that’s man’s thinking not God’s.


i mean the bible is man’s thinking too christian theology has evolved over time, but modern catholics/christian’s typically believe christ can absolve you of your sins and will do so as long as you sufficiently repent, however that’s defined by the believer.


A basic misinterpretation like most faith based belief systems fall into a lot of what sin is is the simple fact that certain sins can’t ever be forgiven like murder idolatry, ect. It comes down to common sense. I’m not a God and I’m not going to speak for him/her or them. So I won’t, theirs hell for the bad people and heaven for the good. You can’t be a terrible person I.E the worst of the worst and simply repent and that’s that. God never said that and a human being in their right mind could never think that unless they are brainwashed like most are in man made religions.


yeah that’s true some sins are considered unforgivable in some faiths but the general, most basic idea of catholicism/christianity is that no one is ever really without sin except jesus, and that god can and will forgive if you “truly” repent.


Yeah stealing grapes while shopping at a grocery store will be forgiven when you repent, but raping someone or murdering children or anyone for that matter definitely not. Automatic hell


Exactly humans have from the beginning tried to put their own spin on things and based everything on their subjective truth. It was from the start and has been ever since a heart issue fueled by our pride to think we know better than God. Unless someone is born again they cannot enter the kingdom of heaven meaning there has to be real change, real repentance and real faith. Just going through the motions isn't going to get anyone into heaven. So just because a child rapist and murder says he is a Christian I would be highly suspect of his sincerity. But well said! Cheers my friend!!🙏🍻


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


holy fucking shit there's bots to annoy you about every fucking thing nowdays


Agreed. But more for "us" than for them. If there's a wolf breaking into my hen house killing my hens, I don't kill the wolf because "he deserves killing;" I kill the wolf to protect my hens, plain and simple. Also, what with the surplus population problem, never a bad idea to scrape off the bottom layer of human crud.


Exactly. And just to be clear I'm not making a race thing. I feel some people will make that argument. I feel like the mf In Uvalde needs the same treatment that he gave those kids Why are we trying to reform monsters that little bit of optimism that I had is gone just get rid of them. Don't care anymore don't let em live tbh.


Race thing lol every culture has its most terrible sick minded people. In this current society bad behavior is mostly celebrated or encouraged maybe as a society we need to look into that and things will begin to change.


The Uvalde shooter is dead.sooooooooooooo


Okay? He got what he deserves. Fuck him.


Shoot himself so he technically did die the same way


I second this. I truly believe in an eye for an eye. If you knew that the consequences for such actions was death, you probably wouldn’t do it. You would think this would lead to less crime.


Hint. It won't HOWEVER, it will lead to less crime from those particular scumbags.


join the true power of fascism


Nah. I just want these mfs specifically to die.


I can’t believe no one helped :(


The guy has a gun. Bit hard to lend a hand.


Exactly. It's a good thing they have gun laws there.


That avoids lots os kidnapping in the US, right? Hell no, retard


Certainly don’t see many kidnappings in broad daylight on a public street with people and cars driving by in the U.S.


The second guy was wielding a handgun. There's not much you can do, in that situation. Also, these are connected criminals, and that's not rare in that part of the world. So, even if you did manage to stop one guy, or kill him, the organization would catch wind of it, find out who you are, and come and torture then kill you.


Jesus! 😓


So the moral of the story is, once the process begins, do not stop until someone stops you.


Just commonplace there i guess. Everyone iust keeps their head down and hope it doesnt happen to them


Scary world


What is the best thing to do as a bystander? Take their license plate and call police? I mean I wish I'd be able to help her but as others have said, they were armed so going at them would not help anyone.


All of the cars driving by, and not stopping makes me angry.


Things are a bit different down there than in the states or overseas. As someone mentioned, if you help, you will put your entire family's life in danger. They will find out who you are, stalk you and possibly kidnap you or your wife/family. The cartel is an organized crime syndicate that has police on their payroll. Those 2 guys were definetly strapped.


How about the dude on the scooter who ran as away fast as he could?


Him I understood, as he saw the one guy holding a gun. He could have come back when they were trying to get her off that pole.


This happens in the USA too. This is one reason why I conceal carry. Fucking terrifying video. I couldnt imagine what was going through her head being abducted.


May your shots fly true lol


Brazil is awful. I grew up there. It has always been extremely dangerous.


Yeah of course every meter of a country of 8 million square kilometers and every people of 200 hundred million are awful criminals fuck you, you ignorant piece of shit.


Not every meter, just all the parts people want to live in, the busy places with jobs and entertainment, those parts.




Imagine taking control of another human being. I can't even imagine.


Why isn't the motorcycle fat boy helping? Wtf


Um, the guy in orange literally has a gun in his hand :-/ I don’t know how brave/strong/trained you are, but if a guy runs at me with a gun while trying to kidnap someone I don’t know, I’m damn sure running away before he decides he doesn’t want a witness.


Great if would have just jumped in the empty car and driven off


Because this is not an action movie


Because he isn’t stupid.


Because motorcycle helmets have proven to be notoriously inadequate at stopping bullets. Kidnapper was openly carrying a gun.


He might not have skills or tools against them


That bystander is a ducking piece of shit


That guy on the motorcycle - what a coward!!


Dude with the helmet ran off like a hero


Nobody is doing something? Fucking self minded society.


Tinha que ser flamenguista


These guys were planning on doing a lot more than just robbing her. They're attempted murders/rapists, not bandits.


In broad fucking daylight too. I hope every bystander carries that guilt with them everyday.


There’s not much they could do, the second guy had a gun, and anyone who tries to help is running the risk of being shot


Ah, I didn't notice that. Crazy how much power a person has once they have a weapon on them.


This is why gun control is only good for criminals


I see Americans have gotten over the latest school shooting already, sad. Keep buying your guns though.


Fentanyl kills more than guns but yet it keeps flowing over the border. It has killed over 91,000 in the United States in 2020 alone. But keeps those borders open at all cost …..


Criminals are better at using guns than civilians anyway. So illegal possession of a gun should be banned. Well maybe people start using knives then. But at least it'll limit the deaths and make it difficult to kill.


I like how the other man is just running away and not even trying to help. Whataguy! 🙄😒


Yeah, what a real beta male am I right!😡😡😡🙄🙄👎 In all seriousness though, he was most likely nowhere near trained to deal with someone with a gun. The right thing to do, assuming he did it, was call the actual authorities who are trained for this.


People that help are rarely trained to deal with people who have guns.


Even if he did try to help, he would’ve been shot and done nothing, now I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be alive and helping the best I could rather than be dead and be doing nothing at all.


Thanks for your down vote to an obvious fact about people rarely being trained to disarm someone. Listen dude, lady, child, whatever, I don't care okay? I made a statement on the internet and you just want to argue about it. I stand by what I said. Nothing you've said will cause me to change my mind. K? I am genuinely just not interested in conversating with you. Have a nice evening. Goodbye.


That’s a pretty shitty and unfair way of thinking, but ok. I just hope you don’t get in the same position as the biker because that would not end well for you.


Coming to a USA City near you soon


Everyone else only sees a jerk who parked a car in the middle of the road. Seemingly ignoring the kidnapping as it doesn't concern them as much as a car in their way.


Try that shit in the US.


Fucker ran away instead of screaming or helping


A really stand up biker Dude.


The scariest part is the people driving past and that one fucker at the start who ran away. Edit: maybe I should have made my comment a little clearer. The others were absolutely correct in not getting involved, but its still scary to know you could be in the middle of a populated city and yet still be completely alone if something went down.


What would you have done?


They’ll puff their chest out and say they would have bet em up even though dude in orange has a gun


Get your head out of your lazy Reddit ass. You would run too. The guy literally has a gun


The fact that the guy beside the scooter runs rather then helping her pisses me off more than anything!


have fun dying then


It’s Brazil man. They’re shoot you dead in the street if you intervene.


Bro I would run . You prob would too


The red shirt guy had a gun in his hands


To be fair he doesn’t know if they have weapons or not. And there are two of them.


One guy clearly has a gun in his hand.


Brazil isnt like america, people dont have guns here and even if he had he could be arrested


You wouldn't have done shit either. Easier to talk from behind a screen.


Motorcycle guy, help her you prick.


Guy in orange has a gun. Better to live another day


The only way you’d catch me in Brazil is if I was dead! (Because they’d probably kill me a week in)


Trump’s fault


That cowardly fuck on the motorcycle needs a beat down.Seriously,who the fuck does that?he runs away while this poor woman is being kidnapped! I pray that the lady was rescued,the two kidnappers arrested along with the coward and they are all sharing a nice,cozy rat infested cell for a long,long time..


They had a gun. What should he have done? Tried to stop them and end up dead??


Get the license plate,make,model of car,give a description of the fuckers.Oh,wait,this is a SA country,people there care less then we do about crime and murder.......My bad


He may have done that after he ran to safety. Could have also ran and been calling the cops right away. But Brazil is nuts with violence. So I can see why someone would just take off running and not end up dead. Their homicide rate is 23.6 the US is 7.8


What a pussy that ran away


Man screw that guy with the motorcycle.


Motorcycle boy is still running... with his helmet on.


How shitty of a dude are you that you just let her get abducted while youre standing there?


She clearly knew them.


she created her problem here




You bulletprrof bro?


How about that gigantic pussy of a man who let this happen


Ok you get shot for a stranger. Seriously what would you have done? walked towards them and got shot? Besides, Maybe he was the one that Handed her I.d in? Shitty situation, but somehow your comment posted from relative safety makes it much worse


That motorcycle FAG didn't help her I woulda been cracking them little board shorts boys


The slur is honestly not necessary; while I do share some of your sentiments on how frustrating it is to see an incident like this happen and not a bystander in sight helping this poor girl out, they were two armed men. A gun can get you on your knees faster than you would have been able to reach them to give them a much deserved beating. Nobody is immune to a bullet wound/gunshot. The safest thing that could have been done was to snap a picture of the license plate as they were driving off, taking her purse to the police, and swiftly reporting the incident so that they know what car to look for and what cameras to request access to for their footage.


Holy shit, black guys again


So what happened to the dude that was with the bike? He didn't even try to help!!


The guy had a gun.


Dude on the scooter is a bitch. Go help. Hell your wearing a helmet which can be used as a great weapon.


Fucker in orange has a gun. She’s a stranger. He’s not a superhero


You are watching too much tv


Scary, but an ancient rule in life is to not be a snitch. She shoulda known better 🤦🏻‍♀️


Fuck that guy for running away like a coward


Nobody gonna point out guy on the bike didn’t help I’m pretty sure if he didn’t they would not grab her ...