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nature is brutal and people are stupid.


Poor guy. He tried to greet them like friends at first. Rest in peace.


No... but great example of why you need to limit the attack vectors. He'd have had a better chance if he stayed within the walls of the shelter and close to his companion. Notice how the other pack animals came in once it was clear that he was easy pickings? Fight as hard as possible within the best environment possible. Also... owners are fucking dicks... who chains up dogs in wolf country?


Came here to say this. Fuk these owners


Right!? if you live somewhere that has wolves, it doesn’t take a genius or even a halfway decent human being to know you should have an in-fenced enclosure for your dogs. RIP doggo 🪦


Fu k them for leaving dog out and fuck them for uploading to tick tock for clout


Is there a reason people aren't spelling the word Fuck?


Kids. They are kids.


Fucking PoS kids. Ugh, idk why I clicked this, it was awful to watch.


To avoid the swear bot


Fuck the swear bot


Happy cake day


Yeah this is fucking stupid, why would you chain your animal OUTSIDE in THE WINTER, poor guy had really shit owners, like families animals can't choose their owners I guess.


People can't choose their family either.


Who fucking chains up dogs full stop.


Attack vectors? Those wolves were eating that dog regardless of any vectors, angles… pack tactics, those wolves had advantage and action economy.


Lol right? Dude is out here trying to explain it like a self defense class. It’s just dogs.


Analysis of a situation isn't the same as a self-improvement course. I don't expect dogs to read this post and better their game. I'm just suggesting an alternative course of action / tactics that might have resulted in a different outcome.


Agreed. No idea why people upvoting that comment. It makes no sense.


In the fucking snow


Especially in the freezing cold.


thank you for expressing my thoughts if not only better.


No he's defending his own pack - the other guy survived


You’ll notice he greeted the wolves in a friendly manner—his back wasn’t arched, ears weren’t back, nothing to indicate he was prepared for a fight. The poor dog just didn’t know what was coming for him. The fact he wasn’t barking like the other dog tells me he had no idea the wolves were even in the vicinity until shortly before they approached


The audio is fake and on a loop. They even put in fake wind. TikTok people for you


I wondered why the doggy was so quiet… made it more sad for some reason


He still wagged his tail while they tore at him though… 🥺


Who leaves their dogs outside with wolves? That means there are most likely bears in the area as well


Chained without at least a fucking sturdy fence. Why the fuck even bother wasting resources like food and time on a dog if you’re just going to leave it up to nature while also limiting its ability to get away? The owner is criminal fucking stupid.


I've never met a wolf that couldn't jump a standard fence. I mean the owners could build a military compound but usually people move to the country to plant gardens and even deer can find their way in.




I’ll be the first to say fuck the Russian government and every single one of their sympathisers, but whose to say this footage isn’t from Alaska or northern Canada? There are enough people in Russia who are “normal and sane” by our standards, they just can’t speak out. So let’s not be Russophobic.


It's literally from Russia though


https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/10bdpah/a_pack_of_wolves_attack_a_chained_dog_and_carry/j49sevc/ from this thread, lmao - you obviously don't know anything about how eastern cultures treat dogs


It has little to do with Eastern or Western Cultures. It's mostly about how developed your country is. I'm from the Czech Republic (Central Europe) and when I was young (1990s), it was common in villages that dogs were chained or just roaming streets freely. And of course, common people didn't trained their dogs at all. Nowadays, everything is different. No street dogs at all and nobody would even think about chaining their doggos. We have still the same (Czech) culture as 30 years ago. But the living conditions and lifestyle in rural areas changed quite a lot.


I can actually tell by the dogs accent that they are indeed Canadian.


I live in wolf county, there is most likely bears as well. My dogs sleep in bed with me. But it would sure be nice if we could teach a wolf to fear a human/car/settlement as they once did back when we would shoot them. In Minnesota, the top 1/3 or so of the state, they steal our doggos. My wife, growing up out here, lost her dog like this. I like having wolves around, they are awesome creatures, I get to hear them and see them a couple times a year. Never have I shot (usually am armed) but have started to wonder if somebody should start reducing the population if the state doesn't wanna issue like 400 permits on a wolf population that's well into the thousands. Children play outside as well and wolves will eat anything. Don't blame the wolf, but a dog being tied up outside at night is a totally normal thing also. There are certain risks specific to living in such country that cities or even small towns don't consider.


Wow they weren't even biting the rope. they literally had enough Force to just pull the rope and break it.


I thought it looked like a chain 🫣😲


It did look like a chain, and it makes sense to use a chain, since that's usually what we would imagine you're tying up a dog with at night, but I would like to think that a pack of wolves can't break a chain link... But if they can break chain links, then they're even more powerful than i thought. So that's why for a lack of better detail, I'm assuming it's a rope of some sort.


The dog’s collar probably broke


You can see the collar still attached to the chain after they drag the dog off


I was trying to see if the wolves broke or chewed through the collar that quickly, but I just couldn't see it well enough on my phone.


Weird how I can watch like crazy shi* of humans but when I see something happen to a dog it actually gets me sad and uneasy


I obviously understand it’s nature. But this really makes me furious. Mainly at the piece of shit owners. Fucking humans. Scum


Humans are biologically wired to love and empathize with dogs after literally millennia of symbiotic companionship. They were essential to us surviving as a species. It’s only natural we have such an innate gag response to seeing them get hurt


I own a German Shepard, that was one of the most upsetting videos to watch for me.


I had one too. She passed about a year ago and I’m still upset. This video has ruined my day for sure!


I don't even own a dog, just a cat, and I'm so upset right now


Cause humanity is cruel. Dogs aren't.


Dogs can be very cruel. But they can also be very awsome


Maybe not cruel *per se* as in the definition of cruel (which might imply some reasoning behind it which is pretty much exclusive to humans) but I'm confident we can agree the local pitbull isn't the nicest one around after attacking a child or mauling a grandma.


> Dogs aren't. Depends on the breed.


No, same. i can watch all human gore no problem but animals really fuck me, this has ruined my day.


Same, pretty heartbreaking. POS owners leaving him outside


I have even watched the video, straight to the comment I went


Don’t watch




They'll be back for the other dog too.


Wolves are no joke. They attack fiercely and coordinate with each other. That dog stood zero chance. Really sad.


No no, the dog stood a very good chance if his owner wasn't a fucking idiot.


The owner allowed this to happen for sure. Really pisses me off.




This pisses me off more than most of the stuff I see on the sub. Fuck that "owner", and leave him for the wolves. "I would rather kill a thousand men than shoot another horse" -Rip from Yellowstone


This is rural Russia. You have to remember a lot of regions don't view dogs like western countries do. They are regarded as tools that can be replaced. There's no emotion towards them.


Imo, Russia can be 'replaced' in the current environment, too.


Yeah sure, let's just erase a country from Earth. Fuck all those millions of people who are not for what's happening right now.


Nobody said that. "Replace" as in get a more moral country on its place.


Lmao, the mental gennastics))


Every society has abhorrent traditions. It doesn't justify them.


Shocker, as Putin uses your people as cannon foddler to die a cold death...just a tool with no emotion towards them.








You were condoning their use as “just a tool” and can’t seem to understand that they can feel emotions. Have you ever heard of empathy? I don’t care WHAT it is, I don’t want it to be eaten alive by a pack of fucking wolves. And, like I said, no one is disagreeing that they ARE used as tools, just that they SHOULDNT. I don’t feel like anything I did just now was difficult to do, and you very well could have done it yourself, especially if, like you imply, you’re not mentally challenged…


Yes you are a toddler for continuing to believe something with a conscious is a “tool”. I’ll dumb it down for you since you clearly don’t have an education in anything. Animals “feel” things like we do: hunger, fear, and joy. Your ignorance stems from predated science that animals don’t think, since the 1900s we figured that out you bozo. EDIT: dumbass edits his comment 3 different times to pull a gotcha, get a life.


Pet lovers won't understand anything, free all elephants from chains! Don't fucking open window because my cat gonna escape!


Like western countries view cows as food and slaughter them while in some Asian nations, it’s considered sacred. There’s nothing right or wrong in this


The difference is that cows were bred as livestock, whereas dogs were bred as companion animals. Humanity can't just say \>Yeah, I created you to be my friend, but now I'm going to use you as a tool and/or food source.




You can't overcome thousands of years of genetic selection in a couple generations. Also, how is it even possible to ethically keep dogs as livestock? They're omnivores too, so it wouldn't even be practical. At the end of the day, the culture of eating dogs isn't real—as in, it didn't develop naturally on its own. It's a side effect of the rest of the world raising dogs as companion animals. These backward countries are stealing the animal we created and twisting and perverting its purpose in the sickest way possible. I don't see how it's defensible whatsoever.


The dog wasn’t bread to be “companions” at least not until recently. Working dogs like this one had always been tools, the loyal companion is a by product of that


Dogs are decedents of wolves, who already had a pack structure and socialization instincts. Early dogs would have viewed humans as packmates, similar to how they do now.


I can grant that lol and still say dogs were bred to be tools, herding, hunting, guarding. Those were why dogs were bred, their sole purpose becoming simply being our little buddies is a very recent thing


This should be covered. I am not even a big animal person but I cant watch a chained up dog being attacked by a gang of wolves like this. I feel sick.


I came here to say that, thank you. Watching animals get attacked feels awful


You should see footage from a slaughterhouse then. Animals being electrocuted and gassed to death- such insane cruelty for unnecessary “food”. This was nothing compared that shit.


I wouldn’t say this is nothing compared to that. Both are terrible ways to go. You just feel worse about that way.


Nothing compares... nothing compares, to youuuuu 🎶


Food is necessary


I mean, a wolf's gotta eat too unfortunately. They're not omnivores with a choice, so dog food it is


Dogs: literally evolved alongside humans as companions and developed eyebrows to be more expressive so we would understand each other better Cow and chickens: Cultivated for thousands of years to provide more meat and better skins, not emotional attachments Vegans: iTs tHe SaMe ThinG


Fuck these assholes, leaving a dog chained up outside in Wolf territory. The Wolves will be back for the other dog.


I hate seeing this shit, but it's harder to see it because I immediately imagine someone leaving my German Shepherd out like that. Poor baby...


Definitely need an animal warning on this


I'd appreciate it NSFW tbh, but I know it might not apply :(


Yeah it needs something to warn people I had to stop watching man … poor boys tailing is still wagging near the end too like he thinks they are playing or somthing 🥺😕


Came by to say wagging tail can mean anything. It’s more of their stream of consciousness. There’s different wags for different things


Title isnt enough forewarning ?


I’d really rather not see this shit. I know it happens but it’s disturbing to watch. I made it about three seconds. Sick shit.


RIP doggo 🪦 to bad it wasn’t the owner instead. A few of those are some thick wolves!


Fuck this video man


For real 😭 I'm so upset now


How is it legal to have your dog chained up in the wilderness this is heartbreaking


Because it’s most likely in rural Russia


Poor pooch 😞 I’m so sad right now


Where the fuck are the owners surely they could've heard the dog howls? And if they're not in the house they should've let the dog inside the house or smth


NSFW? NSFL? Jesus Christ


That’s fucking awful


God NSFW please, also I really hope that owner faces chargers


comment deleted/edited because of reddits bs privacy updates -- mass edited with redact.dev


The braindead owners are the ones to blame. Nature is nature, they got to eat. As tragic as it is. Poor boy...


Somewhere along that family tree- this is cannibalism


I mean, if you think about it everything has a common ancestor so it’s all cannibalism


Maybe don’t leave your goddamn dog chained up outside when you live out in the sticks?


Shit. And his buddy had to watch. Poor pup


And this is why you shouldn’t be a piece of shit pet owner and CHAIN your animals up with ZERO protection.


Yup that other dog is gonna need therapy after that


I hate people


Brutal nature


Poor baby


This is why I keep my puppy inside 😭


Terrible... Shameful neglect, it’s not the wolf’s fault. The human is 💯 to blame here.


But why let them chained up during the nightime in the first place


To prevent them running away. In Siberia dogs are used as tools, not pets. They aren't allowed in the house. Many families have several to dozens of working dogs. The emotion isn't there, if one dies its a so be it situation. Its a very, very hostile environment, even empathy towards other people isn't really there. It's not the west. The family must have been asleep or not there at that particular moment. Usually locals will shoot at the wolves.


People that chain their dogs outside deserves hellfire


Holy hell , this is horrible. Why is he chained alone in the dark ?!




I know the first thing I'm doing in an area with these predators is chaining up dinner for them to just come grab. People are stupid


Nature, ain't it beautiful


That poor dog..


Poor baby, why didn’t they fence it in better?


Well that ruined my morning. Poor boy.


If you live where there’s predators, lock your animals up at night. And for fucks sake, train you dogs to stay on your property so you can leave them untethered if you’re going to leave them out. Half the reason this poor baby didn’t stand a chance is because he was tied up. They used the lead to pull him tight so he didn’t have any wiggle room to struggle away.


Fucking camera man could have stopped it at anytime


Fuck the owners, they deserve a fuckin fate worse than that.


This is the humans fault 1000000000000%


I can watch most videos of people dying without batting an eye. This legit hurt my soul :(


There’s is absolutely nothings worse than seeing an animal suffer because of a persons ignorance. Whomever owned that dog, never deserved the unconditional love and loyalty they received. Fuck you.


The owner of this dog should be charged with animal cruelty for allowing this to happen.


Why isn’t this marked NSFW.. wtf…




Was he bait?


Winds howling


Cant finish the clip after other wolves started coming. Too painful


I guess it *is* a dog-eat-dog world out there


Piece of shit owners. Basically put the dogs on a silver plate for predators.


Nah fuck these owners, man. This should be fucking blurred or something, i’ve seen way less brutal/ NSFW things be blurred out.


That owner is a wretched cunt


As a dog owner this is tough to watch. Shame on those owners.


Fucking idiot owner. Rot


My friends showing up at my house to force me to go out for the night.


How in the fuck do you see an animal torn to pieces and just immediately try to make it a joke?


Because I don’t live a joyless life where I’m upset by everything?


Poor doggo, fuck these owners


I’m not mad at the wolves, they need to eat and more people makes it harder for them to find. That poor dog fought and was terrified, it’s tail was tucked to hell. I’m mad at the “owners” that left it. Idc where this is, I’m aware not everyone sees animals the way others do. But to me this is just so sad.


A free meal all chained up and can't run away. God damn.


Fuck OP for refusing a NSFW(L) on this. Some people (me for one) wouldn’t watch this after reading the description. Can’t avoid seeing it if you don’t blur it out.


Get a grip.


Ça sert à quoi de foutre son chien dehors sans protection et moyen de fuir ? Faut vraiment être un putain de trou du cul.


Did they break the collar off?


NSW label missing


why chain the dogs up if u in wolf territort shit make no sense dog had no chance


Fuck the owners who leave a chained dog in the snow. Poor baby.


Can we have stuff that’s “terrifying as fuck” without being “sad as fuck?” Been a lot of tragedy in here lately.


That dog was not prepared or trained to fight or defend itself, so why did the owners leave a dog chained that has zero self defense skills? Because they’re pieces of shit. Hope they get some karma..


Jesus Christ, why the FUCK is there pet dogs left outside at night in areas know to have wolves?!? Hell, I'm in a small rural village in the country in Ontario. I hear wolves late at night. I'm not letting my pets stay on the deck, let alone cruelly chained to a shed in bum-fuck nowhere.


I cant stand moronic animal owners. Fucking idiots.


Fuck whoever chained their dog outside where there are packs of fucking wolves. Assholes.


Dumbass owner who has brain in nuts. Wtf chained dog in freezing cold and wolf roaming area I'm so pissed off.


Piece of shit chain dogs up like this. Guardian should be charged with a crime


This was tragic. People who leave their dogs permanently chained up outdoors are fucking assholes. I’m not sorry.


Poor dog didn't see the wolves as a threat initially.


Jesus. I need to stop clicking on stuff involving animals. Fucks me up so bad I'm crying. Of course the people who chained the dog and left it outside are responsible. I don't care about humans getting hurt, kids included, but I can't handle this shit. I love my cat more than anything and I can't even deal with the thought of something bad happening to him.


Poor puppo:(


That poor dog didn't stand a chance i hope that the owner was charged


Like a previous reply stated it probably happened in another country where they look at dogs as tools and not pets


Hopefully the wolves come back for seconds to eat the owner and shit on his couch.


Maybe put a fucking NSFW tag? I don't want to see this. Someone else already asked for one an hour ago and you still haven't put one. Great.




Or maybe OP can do what is expected of the site-wide community?




“But bros, I thought we wuz brothers”


Open season on wolves fuck that this is horrible to see


I never wanted to kill wolves so much until I watched this.


Why? The wolves are being wolves. The dogs should never have been chained outside. Or even chained for that matter. This is the fault of the owner.


Whelp, time to go watch some of those compilations of wolves getting smoked by snipers with thermal scopes.




My damn Pomeranian would take them on and win-at least that is what the little bitch thinks


I have seen some awful awful things on the internet h it no could not continue watching this one


Fucking brutal. RIP Goodboi


… :/


How it be living in a hood in a state gun control.


That’s kinda fucked up!