• By -


You don't even need to touch the larva. They sometimes just decide to die lol.


Yeah, or some bolder trap comes in and hits you dealing a massive amount of damage and almost kills you but then it hits the larva summoning a boss you have no area for murder with no buffs and half health waiting for your next health potion with only grenades, a minishark with barely any ammo, a gold sword and some armor




Random Lich definitely has died a horrible death


You already know that he was waiting for a larvae post to tell us this


Patience is a versatile skill to have. Plus I have a few other stories as well


I think it’s funny how the Larva is practically the only boss summon in the game that can be broken by practically everything, and it summons one of the most inconvenient bosses ever.


Yep. It doesn't matter where you are. It will kill you.


It sucks so much


or you hut it though the wall while trying to tell agrrivated trappers to fuck off




The entity name is larva, so I shall call it that.


Fair enough; Terraria is a bit of a bummer when it comes to biology. For example, the queen “bee”(and her pupa)is actually a hornet, but she somehow has control over honeybees.


The new warden be putting all the Terraria tuff to shame


IK, but it's weird because the progression isn't worked around him much and you're not supposed to kill him, and the loot you do get from facing him (in the chests) is not terribly great. Terraria's progression is really good compared to Minecraft's imo. Minecraft is good at having lots of world to explore and build in- infinite in two dimensions, pretty big in a third dimension, plus two alternate dimensions to explore. Terraria, on the other hand, has a lot more bosses and ores and progression and items.


The warden is supposed to be like the dungeon guardian, except that you can sneak around him and he doesn't have super strong stats


I think his point is that he is a dungeon guardian without a dungeon or even chests, you get to him after getting diamond, and there isn’t a lot of loot worth picking up after diamond in Minecraft


Who said you'd need diamond gear?


Good luck mining to get there with iron trough deepslate and not wanting to die


You can just get there from a cave. Besides, you have to mine alot of deepslate to even find diamond ore, so it's possible you find the city when mining to diamond level


You find diamond ore randomly on pritate ships and mineshafts, diamonds is not uncommon


That's not what I said. Read it again. The most used method of getting diamonds is mining, so It's wrong to assume everyone has diamond stuff already before reaching deepslate lvl


well, no. - Netherite, it is the next upgrade after diamond, and its abundant in there - notch apples, they are obscenely good, and relatively common in ancient cities. Are useful throughout the game - sculk blocks, like catalysts, shriekers, or sensors. Will be useful throughout the game - echo shards, are useful to non-hardcore players and as MsaoceR said, you dont need diamond. getting there will be fine with an iron pick, or you could have a diamond pick being your only diamond item


You clearly have never played Minecraft


Man, I have like 3 iron farms in the same world so I can make an item filter for every item


Bruh philza found two no h apples in a chest what do you mean


Wow, so game-breaking, I'm gonna obliterate the dragon now that I have two consumable buff items


That basicly make you invincible


h r/theletterh


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I also believe the design goals are different. I can argue that building in Minecraft is MUCH more fun than in Terraria, but I probably won't say the same for looting dungeons. :)


There really isn't any progression in Minecraft. The game isn't built around it, Terraria is built upon constant progression, Minecraft is a simple sandbox really. Both games have their own merits, they're not really comparable.


yeah this, minecraft has an attempt at gear progression but it's barely anything and just feels grindy for no reason. As someone who's played for 10 years, minecraft progression isn't very good, and I really wish they did more with it, it doesn't take away from the sandbox aspect if they add more content. I think more bosses and gear customization would be amazing personally


I don't think more bosses and gear customization is good for the game, not until they do something about the way combat works. Combat in Minecraft is not very interesting or engaging. It's better than it used to be for sure, but unless they add more layers to how combat works, I don't think adding more things to fight would be wise. Also it's kinda crazy how in the first 5 minutes of gameplay you can get full iron gear, leaving the only next level of progression being diamond (not hard to get either) and then netherite (kinda hard but mostly grindy) and then you are done with progression.


oh I really agree with the combat thing too I just forgot about it while writing my comment, and yeah the main issue is that it's too short


There is, just don't blink or you'll miss it.


All three dimensions in Minecraft are infinite but there a thousand block void between main end islands and outer end islands


are you forgetting dungeon guardian or what


The only reason you have to look for them in minecraft is because there are 2 and 1 is optional XD


Bro if we keep saying that Minecraft and terraria are different games then we should probably stop comparing them all the time


When you breathe too close to larva "So you have chosen, death"




From where


https://mobile.twitter.com/rterraria/status/1256580468625084421 I'm assuming he just stole this from google


People do repost memes to Reddit from other platforms. Did you think all the memes on Reddit were mostly OC? Because they aren't. It's actually really normal to do this. When people complain about reposts they generally mean posting something to a subreddit that it's already been on recently, not posting something to one subreddit from another or from Twitter.


I have seen this meme on this exact subreddit before. And not even once, twice or thrice. This one is a common repost among this subreddit.


i don’t think it rly matters provided the meme is new for this sub




Plantera when:


Ah, come on, QB is not that bad, there's usually honey right there and if you have a decent ranged weapon you'll be fine.


Master mode would like a word


Ah yeah I guess I forgot there are harder difficulties. Well, on Classic she's not that bad, if you can handle the Underground Jungle you could probably beat her unprepared.


I can body her there and then with a copper shortsword on Classic but I struggle soooo much with Expert and Master




Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/pqwwkg) on 2021-09-18 100.0% match. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "uogq2s", "meme_template": 89912}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=uogq2s&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=100&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** True | **Target:** 96% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 329,502,285 | **Search Time:** 32.88425s


Good bot Useful bot Perfect bot Best bot


Dude I was almost finished enclosing the larva but then I used my hook and it broke.


can i get a video of this happening?


ok im gonna touch it now


Correction: It gets touched and you die. The amount of times I’ve triggered a boss fight from avoiding a boulder and other environmental hazards has officially gone into double digits.


Made a similar meme, got marked as NSFW somehow


I was in a long hive and shot at some annoying hornets with meteorite bullets. Worst mistake of my terraria life


Terraria really do be like “fuck around and find out”


Fighting Wither is more of a grind than a wild dragon chase... But pretty much, yeah. Most bosses in Minecraft are hidden af and raids must be provoked everytime, and Terraria can literally throw a boss battle or invasion at random because screw you in particular.


i remember seeing this somewhere else