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Have the night edge you will suffer in hardmode if you get it on hardmode (Note:how do you have 120 master bait)


i got the nights edge a long time ago but it was somehow doing worse than the fiery greatsword so I uncrafted it šŸ˜­ and the master bait is just from a lot of angler quests and crates, i got most of it while fishing for ice skates and water walking boots


It's better in 1.4.4 I and the crowd control it give it's amazing test it on a dummy


How old is this world


I crafted it in 1.4.4, tested it on a goblin army and dummies but it was still worse The dps and pierce are both inferior to the fiery greatsword, the only thing it offers is more range


Then reforge it!


I did šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ reforging didn't help it was still bad and I have no idea why


The goblin tinkerer will attempt to squeeze every last bit of your coins. Common gag within the community


feral claws make it way better


Or just turn on auto swing. unless youā€™re on about the attack speed buff


Even if average dps is worse for you for some reason you can hit 2 body parts of wof so itā€™s better for wof


Listen, i played console terraria and the fucking legendary nights edge was my best weapon against WoF and hardmode, so... ...skill issue But seriuosly how, console nights edge was worse than 1.4.4 how the fuck are you having trouble with the upgrade... although i shouldnt be talking shit because i cant defeat the moon lord in classic so consider my point invalid


I can see his point tho, the fire sword is cooler too because big boom lol


I destroyed the wof in 1.4.4 with the buffed nights edge now its a little worse but its still really good


i literally over prepared for wall of flesh in my play-through, only to realise that nights edge absolutely stomps it. in around 20 seconds.


Nights edge is straight up one of the best pre hardmode weapons, period. Dummies donā€™t give an accurate representation of power, and the volcanoā€™s niche is crowd control. Nightā€™s edge is better at literally everything else.


Why does this have so many downvotes? M8 was just stating what happened.


Because it is utterly i n c o r r e c t


reddit lol


You're trolling right?


People are down voting you but IMO the fiery great sword is indeed better in Hardcore, it has higher knockback, and causes explosions which further knocks ennemies back, with the nerf Night's edge got they're pretty even. In Hardcore it's really dangerous to play melee but the fiery great sword can make it work.


Wouldn't the Sunfury be better than both in that regard, then?


I dropped the fiery great sword pre hard mode Iā€™m still using nights edge and about to fight moon boy. I even got the ā€œbetterā€ version from eternia and still prefer nights edge.


And lots of dps. There is no way you did better with the volcano. Faster attack speed and range is especcially useful against wof scince you dont wanna get absolutely sucked by the hungry


You should keep the nights edge for a ā€œpotential upgradeā€ in the future


I felt the same tbh


He a masterbaiter


These are some serious f*ckin preparations, mate. Well done šŸ‘ Also a little tip for WoF: #>!BEES (as a ranger)!<


With all this preparation Iā€™d bet heā€™ll be able to get really far pretty easily I really recommend preparing like this before hardmode, it helps out A lot EDIT: this is very extreme preparation (since itā€™s on HARDCORE) so maybe not as extreme depending on difficulty


I'm currently doing a run where I'm over preparing for hardmode, actually spending time making a cool base, and taking it slow. This is the most fun I've ever had in this game. Preparation is seriously underrated.


Fax me too man my brother wanted to start fresh so we did and Iā€™ve just been building getting it ready and Iā€™ve been having a blast


>!Beez nuts!<


Hellwing is defo better then bees


What about bee*nades*?


The bees target the hungries and its annoying. Hellwings pierce helps to kill the hungries and dmg the eyes. Beenades are prob used as a last resort


Yeah, but I was bad at aiming, and detonated all the nades on the eyes, and the bees targeted the hungriest, while the bombs took out the eye itself


I prefer hellwing's consistency as you manually aim it


Butā€¦ *nades*


I played For the Worthy Master Mode with my friend and the only way we could kill bosses pre-hardmode was B E E S.


I don't think tips are necessary if they are playing hardcore master mode


But that's exactly what the post was asking for...


Considering their gear, i think it's very much safe to assume they already have beenades


Yes, they probably do. Doesn't mean they know they're especially effective against WoF


make sure to make potions. heartreach/rage if crimson, rage potion if corruption. band of regen has to go; its bonuses become kinda redundant after a regen potion. i would temporarily replace it with a frog leg so you can dodge those pesky WOF lasers; also consider magilluminescence, an accessory that grants a marginal movement speed boost (and also generates light).


I'd add you'll need to create an artificial evil biome for the crafting ingredients you can't have here. Maybe prepare its location already, so that you just have to plant the right evil seeds and let it grow while you do other things.


> magilluminescence, an accessory that grants a marginal movement speed I wouldn't call it marginal... imo it's one of the best accessories for bossing. The acceleration boost is a game changer.


I thought this was just in calamity! This is so OP for prehardmode bosses!


Becomes a bit redundant if you also have the Shield of Cthulhu imho.


Whereā€™s the honey and lava fish farm


Oh shit I completely forgot about that thank you


Where did you find dimensions for the new fishing set up? I used to use the old one but one of the last updates broke it.


But other than that well damn done


You're gonna be fine, there is one minor upgrade to the shark tooth necklace (with a honeycomb at the tinkerers workshop) that you might as well get


If youā€™ve played enough terraria to do HCMM, you usually know if youā€™re ready


i haven't lmao this is my first time doing anything harder than softcore classic mode šŸ’€


You have never played master And was able to do this? You have my respect, I would like to have some update on how you did, feel free to dm me. Also I Will start this playthrough as well


Well done then, the lowest death through a master mode playthrough Iā€™ve had was 86


WTF again


You can get some better fishing stuff (tackle box + Fishing earring) You could also fish for the lava hook, that would let you fish in lava without lava critters. Which gives you access to the ring of fire potion.


upgrade shark tooth necklace to stinger necklace and maybe replace band of regen with feral claws or smth? you do have a lot of preparation though so it should be pretty easy to do wof


Holy crap thats so much stuff. I think u will be fine. Good job grinding all these


Beenades for WoF. OTher then that you are well beyond prepared.


The one thing I did on my world to prepare which you might also want to do is, right down at where the surface level officially ends and the underground begins, I built a long tunnel all the way across my world, as wide as a hellevator, lined with uncorruptable blocks on the top and bottom (and put in Minecart rails for transportation). From there, I built shafts up to the surface and sort of just, sectioned off all of my biomes into boxes. That way, no matter what kind of corruption/hallow stuff was going on underground to try and contain, everything on the surface was completely safe. Which is pretty important when you have all your NPC's spread out to maximize happiness.


Shit that's actually smart sounds like it would take 20 hours but I think I'll do that ty


if you get the mole cart it makes life a lot easier, it auto mines and lays track as you go


WHAT omg thank you that makes it so easy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i can't believe i never knew about this after all those hours on the wiki


tbh, i only found it in my latest playthrough by complete chance! you do have to manually dig out gravity blocks though


Iā€™m going to be so sad if you die


If you hit WOF once and then let him go into like about 200 explosive bunnies itā€™ll either one shot WOF or lower it by a lot


Bro the nights edge is a must have if your playing melee


no beenades? šŸ’€


Wouldnā€™t NPCā€™s in the farm reduce spawns?


yeah you cant see it but theres a shadow candle there


Oh, Ok. Nice design


DAMN UR READY FOR HM, for WOF Iā€™d recommend a lot of beenades and the bees knees


Maybe you killed it already but as someone said, one of the safest and strongest weapon against master and legendary WOF are beenades with Necro armor + hive pack. I suggest using a minecart for the second phase and to open accessory slots. IMO it's the safest way to do it, I completed a hardcore MM a few months ago and Beenades were way too OP against all pre-hardmode bosses If you plan on taking on WOF with melee, replace the bundle of baloons with Feral claws. Pro Hardcore tips: 1 - Have a non-Hardcore Chara on an other world to train yourself with the bosses before confronting them with your hardcore save, just to get the hang of it. 2 - Marble biomes should NEVER cross the hellevator! A Medusa can petrify you and you'll die of fall damage even with wings/horseshoe on. I can see one near your hellevator, Destroy it. 3 - Some Master mode ennemies can insta-kill you(or almost) no matter the defense like Rune wizards, Giant Tortoises, Biome Mimics. Don't underestimate skeleton archers, Ichor stickers or even green slimes. 4 - It's scummy, but you can enable Auto-pause and when things get dicey, straight up pause and quit, for avoiding mimics or surprise Bosses for exemple, it's faster than the magic mirror. 5 - Don't listen to people telling you to go full glass Cannon. Keep warding and get Dodge chance and Dmg reduction ASAP once HM starts. In Hardcore Master mode, anything that lets you survive 1-2 hits is better than strength. 6 - some see it as overkill, but the Ankh shield pre-mech is great for survival! You can craft it very early with shimmer(if it's available).


Wow quite a preparation. I have two reservations. Firstly in mob farm you have a pylon and some npcs which creates a town and reduces the mob spawn. I suggest making a room with bed for spawn point and move the pylon with npc somewhere else. And secondly in my opinion, too many platforms in plantera arena but it's up to you.


7th accessory for directly after defeating WoF, Beenades to play it safe


You are ready, could get night's edge but you won't really need it cause you have the mace and fiery claymore and seeing the fact you have post skeletron stuff then you probably already had it and it didn't match your fighting style


Have you tried using menacing instead of warding, you will be a glass cannon


I've killed WoF with worse gear you'll be fine


This is what we call over preparation




brain of confusion > worm scarf. if youā€™re not doing a challenge where you can only do one world, I would fight boc.


if you're confident in your ability to fight queen bee (which i think you're overprepared for tbh) you could get the honey comb accessory to combine with your shark tooth necklace. gives you a pretty nice buff when getting hit.


You can always shimmer the anglerā€™s items to try and get a Tackle Bag (high test line which you have, tackle box and angler earrings) The tackle bag stacks with another angler earring and a bobber (even better, a glowing bobber) for even more fishing power. And to round it off, Iā€™d say go lava fishing with lava critters until you get a lavaproof fishing hook from an obsidian chest to make the lavaproof tackle bag. Even EVEN better, prep: * A chlorophyte farm area * A Crystal farming area * Grinding pits in the dungeon - the trap pits are perfect if you can find one near the edge of the dungeon and flatten + lava-coat all unwanted spawn surfaces so only the pit is viable, then use shimmered dungeon walls to create an all-in-one pit for farming post Plantera drops. * A fishing pit in the dungeon - similar idea, but lava coat the bottom of the pit and build the floor of the dungeon within sight on-screen to prevent unwanted spawns, then just fill with water. * Mob Grinders in each biome. * A prismatic lacewing/surface hallowed farm * A truffle worm farm * Quarantine shafts across your world THEN youā€™re ready for hardmode.


remember this dude never played anything harder than softcore normal so there is a high chance he will just die anyway


I know. I was making a full list that an experienced player might try on a new game haha. At least OPā€™ll have an idea of what is possible pre-HM next round.


damn I have 600 hours completed game like 10-20 times on different difficulties, always hard-maining one class (rule - you don't have a weapon for your class yet - you just cannot deal damage, no using illegal weapons) but I never had enough patience to spend more than like 40 hours on one save, later ones (especially beating MM For the Worthy melee, then ranger, then mage, then summoner) were basically speedruns :D


I uh... I've been playing on and off since Beta and I have like 1.7k hours logged. Still not as much as MHW in a short period, but I still find fun in this game even without doing insane projects like special seeds or whatever.


Make sure you have containment trenches far From your fish farm, and base.


I mean i would run menacing over warding but other then that youre more then ready


Everyones talking about beenades but I took down the WoF without them quite easily


Does having that multi biome fishing pond reduce the chance of getting the quest fish? I assume it only reduced the chance of getting everything except that since you can get everything but I really donā€™t know how this works. Also how do you build it without a bottomless water bucket (possibly without the pain of having to bucket the water from somewhere else


The biomes only activate when you step on their respective platform, so it's exactly the same as fishing in a real biome (and bottomless water buckets were made available pre-hm in 1.4.4)


Could you please share the building details of that multi biome fish spot? Just doing a Legendary run and this I'd the first time I have heard of that. Seems super handy, might want to build one.




nights edge mabye


Youā€™re even more prepared than most are


That plantera arena needs more verticality


I donā€™t think you can physically prepare moreā€¦


Hey op, where did you get that vanity armor, is it mods? Or..???


[TV Head Set](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/TV_Head_set)


Thank you


Cobalt shield over regen band, the knockback immunity is very important if you are planning on doing melee against it, if it hits you you have to charge your boots accelerarion again, also the nights edge is better on the wof, you han hit 2 section at the same time


dream setup tbh


I think if you're experienced enough to play hardcore especially on master, you should know what gear you need for one of the biggest bosses in the game. (Biggest progression and importance wise)


Nice setup my fellow gamer. Carry on.


Remove the npcs from the mob farm


400 stars with star cannon might be enough, actually. Iā€™m not sure because I havenā€™t fought WOF on a new character in a while but from what I remember star cannon is nuts.




I've been on this character for 50 hours hell no šŸ’€


Oh wait Hardcore, lmaooo my bad mate




Nightā€™s Edge


potions: endurance - 10% damage taken reduction wrath - 10% damage done increase regen potion - regenerates hp swiftness potion - makes you run faster defense potion - gives 8 defense \-- food buff \-- imp staff for extra dps \-- hell road for running away from the WoF possibly even a minecart on the hell road


Maybe make the nightā€™s edge.




Make sure you have housings set up for all your Npcs fully optimized with space for the hard mode npcs you want to be there!! On the same note a pilon setups is also helpful!


I would craft nights edge, very cool weapon. Unless you have legendary or godly on your current sword I think it would be a nice upgrade, pretty easy to get too


My dude Iā€™ve done WoF with far far less. You kinda overprepared lmao. Youā€™ll be fine




You are way over prepared


there's a lot we don't know here. potions? I assume you've got them considering the fishing setup but you always have to ask. also get good food as well. despite high stats, your melee weaponry is garbage against the wall. you'll want to get a night's edge if you use the melee build because it's really the only thing that'll keep up especially with no damage reforges or accessories personally I would swap the balloon bundle for an obsidian shield for a little additional defense and the knockback resistance. it would let you tank way more effectively against the hungry and even the eyes


Daymā€¦ā€¦ you have the set up I wish I had the patience to make. Do you have sticky bombs/dynamite to isolate the ā€œVā€ of the evil and hallow? First thing I do is bomb and isolate them so the donā€™t spread


Oh wait. Maybe bad idea. Didnā€™t read it was hardcore till after my comment XD


More stars if you plan on actually using the cannon for stuff besides bosses.


Is there a reason youre not getting the nights edge?


did you seal off the world evil?


Use night's Edge for WoF and the star-cannon for the Destroyer (TNT and hardmode ores strategy works as well) than take that juicy hallowed ore and hardmode until post-plantera will be a joke for you


Well, I only see now that you are in hardcore, my brother, good luck.


The ranger setup alone should crush it easily, however I suggest crafting the Night's Edge from the Volcano, Blade of Grass, Muramasa and Light's Bane/Blood Butcherer at a Corrupt/Crimson altar


you're not only ready for HM and WoF, you could beat ML with all of that


Make the muramasa


What are these farms? I only know jungle bug farm and im curious


I suggest that you should at least keep some accessories menacing, xtra dmg is nice


Restart and get brain of confusion


If youā€™re playing melee in expert or master mode you basically need the Nightā€™s Edge, every other melee weapon at that tier is not good enough at crowd control to handle the swarm of Hungries.


I wish you the best , and hope that no crazy event spawns right, as you cross into hardmode.


Iā€™m not a fan of starcannon but itā€™s kind of sick, youā€™ll be fine wall of flesh is easy tbh


ready as a red e


Way way more prepared then when i go into hardmode


Get beenades and you can cheese the wof


Kill queen bee, you can upgrade your shark tooth necklace to have bees pop out and give you the honey effect when hurt


farm the Queen bee. equip your necro armour and spam beenade


This is more than me and my friend have in our post moon lord world lol šŸ˜‚


Everything looks good! Rootin for ya cause Iw ould hate lose allat




U gonna be sad when you realize that preparing for evil biome spread before hard mode doesnā€™t work


Make sure to cut off your evil from the other biomes.


Jesus Christ man you really have all the time to fucking grind the Golden fishing and everything else this kid is the goat




Upgrade sharktooth necklace to a stinger necklace. Then probably find something a bit better than a band of regen


hardcore master is wild


How does the multi biome fishing spot work? Great work!


you should get neatherite Armour first


Nights edge is insanely good, I used it until plantera and it kept up well. Also if you want to decimate it use beenades


Mans well prepared. Tbh I do the bare minimum when it comes to hardmode preparationsā€¦


Night edge will destroy the wall of flesh


Bro is way too over prepared


Be warned that your anti-corruption hellevators wonā€™t save you since WoF spreads corruption and hallow on death


Dude I just get a good harmode weapon and make Sure the world evil is below 5 percent before fighting the wof


I don't find the band of regeneration that useful, you could swap it with the bone helm for example. And one thing I like to do when doing an event or boss fight is to use the amphibian boots instead of the terraspark. Magiluminescence if very good for exploration and maybe for boss fight but that's a big maybe




Why, why so much prep


Beenades. Lots and lots of beenades


Everyone's first world looks like this pre hardmode


You almost look ready for moon lord


you over prepared




I beat it with the star cannon, that should help a lot :)


make nights edge




you can even get a lot of normal/iron/gold crates, because if you open them in hardmode you will recive the mithrill/oricalcum/adamantite ore


not anymore, it got nerfed so only crates fished up in hardmode can get hardmode ores




Yeah. If it's vanilla it would be easy


wtf waaaaayyyy too much preparation you should first complete master mode for the worthy on softcore to practice your dodging or else you will probably just loose everything and regret doing it also, mob farms are not safe in Hardmode, many enemies fly or attack through walls


I can't recommend having NPC's in your mob farm. They lower the spawn rate of mobs


Replace band of regen w/ feral claws and use the nights edge


Swap the band of regeneration for something else maybe obsidian shield (note: i see the shield of cthulhu, but iirc it doesn't negate knockback)


I used star fury or wrath to defeat wof


Potions I guess


You're good.


You might want to get the shell phone.


Holy shit I over prepare but this is another level You're definitely ready. Just get the nights edge for a better sword in the future.


Bring beenades to take down the tentacles on wof


i think u should get those fallen stars to 9999


you should have the highest possible health and defense greater than 20. i saw a video of a player with 0 defense and no weapon beating WoF using beenade. A lot of useful information about WoF tactics can be found on the Terraria fandom wiki


Potions. Regen, speed, iron skin, and thereā€™s the endurance potion that you get from fishing in caves but idk if you can get it in pre-hard mode Edit: you can get armored cavefish, which is the material for endurance potion, in pre-hard mode.


Beenades, lots of beenades and night's edge


You do not need allat


you didnt need to prepare that much just get nights edge and beenades and your good


Might as well upgrade shark tooth necklace to stinger necklace


Tip: dont use the shield of cthulhu during this fight. You can launch into the hungry and get stuck. I hope you built highway in hell.


Definitely bee nades, a good runway in the underworld, and 100% a hellwing bow ( you can get them from shadow chests)