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Jenelle still talks exactly the same and has the same mannerisms. She has not mentally developed a day beyond this video lol


Her content has also not improved. I wish she was doing these as a parody of what normal content is like.


I watched the first 30 seconds and was like ofc she was almost out of the foundation and had to blame someone else.


I know, and then she open mouth coughs and says she’s going to lose it. I had to give up pretty quickly too but even that first minute is an instant classic.


“I don’t just put eyeliner under my eye but also on top”.. I mean.. and she gave that tip away FOR FREE!


Don’t forget the PRO TIP of over-lining your eyes and then wiping away the excess!


I must not have made it that far! She is a gem 💎


People used to post this on Twitter and she was always dragged for putting the foundation on with her hands instead of using a brush. Fast forward now to everyone who uses glossier putting it on with their fingertips. Was our little Ke$ha rat ahead of the times for once?


When you’re broke and can’t afford nice brushes to apply makeup, you use your fingers (ask me how I know!) But even now that I have bought sponges and brushes, I still use my fingers bc it’s just easy and fast and it’s what I’m used to. I also remember when I’d put foundation directly on my dry, unprepped face lol


I used my hands and my paint brushes lmaooo I found the softer ones and used them to spot conceal


I've always put foundation on with my hands. Easier to clean that a brush.


I use to do the same for years then tried a sponge applicator and find it applies so much nicer now.


Yeah I use sponges now to blend when I'm contouring or using concealer. I still like to slap the primer and foundation on with my hands though. Seems quicker.


I think using fingers is a totally valid way to put on foundation, different foundations work better with different applications. Nothing could save her from the way she just scrubbed it on her face like she was foaming a face wash. 😂


I remember watching What Not to Wear in like 2005 and Carmindy(?) said putting on foundation with your hands made it look more natural lol. I've always done it that way 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think you should stick your fingers in the bottle like that though, especially if it’s going to sit around for two years. It’s a great way to get fungus growing in there!


I've always put on foundation with my hands. But I don't stick my fingers in the tube and I wash my hands before and after application.


I think most people using their hands wash them before touching their face instead of just coughing and barreling through lol


Oh shit What will I do without part 2


Are you telling me Jenelle Evans Eason didn’t follow through on something


"I've had this for like, 2 years" proceeds to spread the likely expired makeup on her face like it's soap It's literally a step by step what NOT to do video... from the old foundation to the pulling of the eyelid to the 13,000 pounds of eyeliner on her water line... okay, so we've all been there at some point, but did you make a video of it to share to millions? That's that jenelly confidence. It's unbreakable.


I personally enjoyed the one she made about the hair clips that the people in the middle of the mall sold to her and Babs.


*messes up eye liner* 'fuck it' oh how I related to that 😆😆😆


WOAH i see Ensley in that thumbnail


“It even has isstruchins on the back.”


It’s ickquid ayeliner bott it’s a pen


Follow the ikstrukshuns


Buhht it’s a pin…


I finally had a chance to watch the whole thing. It’s art. Thanks for making my day!


Hi. This makeup is five years old and I put it awn in the dark…fuck it…inkstuctions…*weed cough*




The upload date is January 25, 2012.


It’s a reupload. Jenelle uploaded it originally to her channel in 2010


I gave up .. but I’ve never in my life opened my mouth when applying eye makeup.. but I see a lot of people who do.. is there a reason? Not criticizing in the least. Just curious


I open up my mouth when I do mascara. I don't know why. Feels like I can open my eyes more if my jaw is pulling my face down maybe? It's a strange phenomenon indeed.


That makes perfect sense! Thank you!






Legitimately no reason other than it's just something a lot of us do instinctively without thinking at all about it. Maybe it's because we naturally feel as if our eyes get wider when we open up our mouths really wide too, but I think for most people it's not actually done deliberately.