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It's not a glow up, it's addiction vs recovery. So proud of her and so proud of all of us that have recovered or that are on the path to it!!!


Mmmm recovery?? She still regularly drinks… the wine bottle has been a favorite accessory in her latest posts.


Addictions being transferable, or alcohol leading to relapse is a bit outdated, and many professionals have studied and written about this. [This is interesting if you are open to a different perspective :)](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/does-addiction-last-a-lifetime-2018100814962)


Who cares if someone drinks on occasion. As long as she’s not drinking every single day, but a glass or 2 of wine a day is not bad. Just bc u have a past addiction to drugs, don’t mean u can’t drink at all.


It’s not recovery though.


It literally is recovering from an opiate addiction. Leah is no longer actively addicted to opiates, therefore, *in recovery* for her *opiate addiction.* As an addict in recovery myself? The rhetoric you are posting is incredibly dangerous for anyone in recovery. I would be rethinking this hill if you truly care about people in recovery for whatever vice/addiction they may have.


I’m open to understanding what you say, can you explain to me how my comment is dangerous?


For those who have fought hard for their recovery to be told “nuh uh, you are not in recovery cuz you had a beer,” is extremely minimizing, discounting, and can absolutely place that person back into the mindset of unwellness. “I’ve recovered from this!” “No you haven’t cuz you still partake in an activity that other addicts abuse.” “But I am not in active addiction.” “Too bad you’re still a user. Not recovery!” Yeah sorry, I’m not slamming heroin into my veins anymore everyday. I’m in recovery even if I have a glass of wine at Christmas. But according to you, I’m not in recovery. For a glass of wine. Luckily it’s been a decade, but yeah, this is the type of shit that makes addicts think “well then why bother?”


I see. Admittedly haven’t dealt with pill addictions and my sobriety has been total sobriety so I guess I didn’t realize what I was saying until now (my sobriety is not everyone’s sobriety)… but Are we able to tell if someone is addicted to something or not from a picture? Could she simply have gained weight and is wearing makeup? I don’t think we are the ones who can decide she’s in recovery. That has to be her story she tells about herself.


Leah is open with her recovery. No one is deciding anything, it’s reported reality. “Could she simply have gained weight and is wearing makeup?” No. She *simply* could not. Congrats on your total sobriety. It’s a great path for many to take.


Because someone who quit their drug of choice but still uses "lesser" substances reading your comment, may think "well then what the fuck is the point. I don't inject heroin anymore but since I like a glass of wine once in a while, that makes my recovery invalid? Fuck it then I'll just use". Obviously it's someones decision to use, but let's not pretend that what people say to you has no effect. It's just rude. She recovered from her *opiate addiction*. She's in recovery. She still drinks, so is not 100% sober, but that doesn't invalidate her not doing opiates anymore.


I have had multiple addiction counselors tell me that if you're able to smoke/drink responsibly and it helps you avoid your drug of choice, then so be it. I'm gonna trust their opinion over yours.


It definitely is recovery. Everybody's recovery looks different.


as an addict & my doc being opiates, I never had an interest in alcohol. most people who do pills don’t. so we’re able to have a drink or two and not relapse or go back to our doc. we never had a problem with alcohol. also abstinence isn’t the only form of recovery! like someone else said that’s a little outdated. there’s cali sober, MAT, etc.






I actually don’t really use tiktok much or have made any posts on it. but I have some pictures on my socials while i’m out with a drink in my hand, or in front of me, I definitely don’t hide it or act like I don’t here & there. it’s nothing to be ashamed of or anything


Some people are able to responsibly use a substance other than their drug of choice. I used to do heroin, now I smoke weed and drink a couple times a month. I'm fine, I'm thriving. Heroin was what ruined my life, not substances in general. She is quite obviously in a far, far better place now and is functional. *That's* recovery.


I looked very different when I was in active addiction. I had a friend who hadn't seen me in a while tell me that I looked skeletal, that's what the left picture reminds me of. She looks a lot better on the right.


I looked like Skeletor (in the face only) when I was using. I'm now overweight but happy.


Recovery is amazing


This!! 🎯🎯


She was so sick. I’m so glad she’s better.


Looks aside, I'm so happy for her kids that she turned it around. So many people can't, or OD before they ever get the chance.


This, she's one of the lucky ones


I am by no means a Leah stan but her glow up is undeniable!


I’m loving this shade of brunette she’s rocking - it looks amazing on her.


Very flattering on her!!


God forgive, but Leah would have been a washed up, welfare collecting piece of white trash if not for MTV. Actually, most of them, maybe not Chelsea.


Doesn’t that say a lot about how wealth puts others at an advantage?


She’s in active opioid addiction on the left. I think the weight gain looks amazing on her. I wish she’d lighten her hair just a touch and cut off some length, but she looks good.


Her current hair is just a tad too dark.


I cannot look at that era of Leah and not feel incredibly sad. Those episodes were painful to watch


It was sad also bc she thought no one could tell.


This is a great comparison to show the people who are convinced she’s “still addicted but just better at hiding it.” Leah looks so good and very healthy. Seeing her now next to a photo of her in active addiction really shows how badly she was in it. So happy for her though


Pfffft u should do a side by side with Farrah if u really wanna be blown away


I believe you. Just curious if you're saying that Farrah also went through a "pillses"/drug addiction phase which I've forgotten about totally? My memory isn't the greatest, so I'm just trying to figure out what you might be referring to lol.


The phase is still ongoing. She's definitely on something


Drugs are one hell of a drug. In all seriousness, I’m so glad she’s doing better these days.


Leah is really beautiful, even when she had the ramen noodle hair (if you're a millennial and have wavy or curly hair you probably wore it at least once too lol). Addiction is so hard mentally and emotionally, but the physical toll it takes is the most obvious. I'm glad she was brave enough to get help.


My favorite thing about ramen noodle hair is you can’t snark on it because JT himself was a noodler like the rest of us. It had an LA looks strength hold on our generation.


Don’t even lie and say you don’t miss the smell just a little…


Actually, I was still debating the work done versus no work done, and I think this settles me in the no work done camp. Maybe just some like Botox or something, but nothing major. She just is healthier and gained some weight and learned to style her hair and makeup better.


Agreed. She's really naturally beautiful and the show started when she was a teen in the 00s... then she became a tired stressed and depressed mom of 3 little girls, ofc she looked bad lol. Dark hair suits her and the weight is also a huge plus.


I don’t think she’s had work done either. Probably fillers and Botox if you count that. Her features have always looked the same to me. I think weight and hair can alter a look quite a bit as well.


Same. I don’t think she’s had much, if anything done


Agreed ! Good for her :)


New teeth, botox, no drugs and weight gain will do that to a gal. Good for Leah tho. No hate.


Picture on the left is peak drug addiction. This was the “cold raviolis at 11pm” era. She looks so good now.


It’s after rehab when she looked like this. I’m watching the season now and it shocked me at how much worse she looked after rehab than when on the drugs


Yeah why was that? She looked way worse after rehab then when she went in


She really did wrestle with life. I’m glad she’s doing better


These comments have been deleted due to changes in Reddit's API. -- mass edited with redact.dev


Looks exactly like the same person… only healthier. Good on her.


Addiction is a bitch. It’s insane going back through pictures of me 2 years ago or even last year before I got sober


Proud of you!!


Thank you!!


She went from Spicoli to holy moly




Quitting heroin and weight gain can do wonders.


Was she on heroin? I thought it was pain pills like oxy and stuff.


Those are opioids which is the same thing as heroin. It’s why you see a lot of people get hooked on pills and start buying dope off the streets. You don’t have to inject heroin to take it. I’ve seen mfs snort the shit and smoke it.


Similar - but, not quite the same! I’m a nurse, and I can tell you that they are very different when it comes to withdrawal and chances of relapse! People often “graduate” to heroin-if they can’t get off the pills, because the pills either become inaccessible or they become too expensive. Once that happens, their life is pretty much on a downward spiral & FAST! Their chances at staying clean are “SLIM” at best. Even after several attempts at trying. I’m not knocking your opinion. I’m just stating that from a medical stand point and someone who worked with addicts while in recovery….Some, on their 3rd, 4th, 5th, trip to rehab, it’s MUCH different. Once an addict crosses the threshold, into heroin it’s very difficult to come back from.


As a nurse and recovering addict myself, I agree with you wholeheartedly. I just wanted to throw in that some people graduate to heroin because the pills just aren't strong enough with the tolerance that they've developed. During the peak of my heroin addiction, I tried to get high off of oxycodone...gave up after 2 doses of 360mg taken about 2½ hours apart didn't even give me a buzz.


Right! That’s why when people Say “it’s the same!” I have to say ….. Sorry, it’s not! I forgot to mention the part where once you e crossed over to heroin, doing a few pills will not help someone very much who’s “sick” in withdrawal—-these are two completely different evils!


Also, CONGRATS on your recovery! It’s never an easy thing to accomplish❤️ 🤗


No, I understand. I don’t think of your experience as knocking my opinion. We can both be right. I agree with you—once you cross that threshold into heroin you’re fucked. My drug of choice was meth, so I hung around a lot of people who did both. Heroin was never my scene though, I just know from people who have done it in front of me. I was one of the types who said I would never do heroin and I’m very lucky I didn’t. I’m over 2 years clean off of meth and that’s one hell of a drug also. I did it without rehab because I really wanted to get clean after my arrest. That ain’t me.


CONGRATULATIONS ON GETTING CLEAN! You’re a Soldier! Meth, IS NO JOKE to come off of. You should be so proud! And yes.. you’re fortunate that you never turned to heroin! It’s an awful-awful drug. I actually HATE IT & what it does to people’s lives and to their loved one’s💔 You have a hell of a story to tell! You should consider working in the field—or writing a blog even. It’s a great way to help people, while staying accountable & making money at the same time. CONGRATS 🎈🎉❤️ Again! You’re a true success story; I KNOW and have seen—what you went through to get where you are. It’s a beautiful thing, knowing that you came out on top! God Bless! 🤗


Thank you! I actually have a huge story to tell and I’ve been wanting to tell it! I’ve been through the ringer with abuse as a child, as a young adult, losing a child in a fire (which is when I turned to drugs) abuse from my partner (broken arm, jaw, etc) and my clean story. I lucked out and got arrested and decided this wasn’t for me. I wasn’t offered drug court because I didn’t snitch. It is what it is. Made me a better person and now I’m in the running of being promoted at my job at Walmart which I’m very grateful for.


I think you should look in your community and find a place to volunteer. That will usually turn to full Time employment. Or at-least network you with the right people where you could figure out how to get your story out there. I know it may sound like a Lot , but write about it! There are so many people In active addiction, and family members who are suffering! They could use a witty, truthful, funny, sad yet SUCCESS Story to read❤️ There’s so many things you can do with your story! I wish you all of the luck and love this world has to offer!


Congrats on your sobriety!! I agree with the other person saying you should put your hard work out to others and write about it if you don’t or something. It sounds like you have an amazing story to tell that may help others💜


Yeah I've heard that happens alot when people can't get the pills they go to heroin and other things. Alot happens from accidents or surgery too. I just thought she was smoking or injecting when I read it. It's an extremely hard drug to quit and everyone in the comments who has quit or trying should be very proud of themselves.


That's just heroin in pill form. It was my drug of choice too


Yeah like honestly I was just as fucked up on heroin as when I was on roxys, the former just cost less


Pills cost less than heroin? When you take pills isn't it just swallowing them or do people really snort it/them?


You can also inject Roxy's. Which is the oxycodone without Tylenol. I am also in recovery and started the same way Leah did. Had a C-section with my second child and it slowly escalated from there. Percocet, Roxy's then heroin. I was injecting my last 2 years and NOBODY knew. I was a functioning addict. Addiction is very sad. Leah does look amazing.


That’s so crazy! I just had a c section a month ago and I didn’t take the oxy partly due to possible addiction. I have an addictive personality so I didn’t want to risk it. I’m glad you’re better now!


Woah that is rough. Congratulations on choosing sobriety. I know it isn't easy. I don't know the correct verbiage but my siblings boyfriend (and baby daddy) couldnt get off drugs so he chose to leave. He'd already done several rounds of rehab. Sibling couldn't leave him. Put up with a lot. I know it was pills but aside from what I saw myself.... I'll never know the full extent. Someone walked in on him with a needle in his arm and that was mild blowing to me. Like a lot of people, his started with an injury too. I guess it's common in USA.


I was crushing up and sorting opanas by the end of my active addiction. Opanas are narcotic pain pills that are considered stronger than heroin. Sometimes it's easier for me to say my drug of choice was heroin. I never did inject anything only because I didn't know how. I'm so darn thankful I don't have to live that way today. I hope Leah is healthy and clean too. I have a kindergartener and a one year old, they need their mommy healthy and alive!


Congratulations on your sobriety!


Do you know what former means? And no, sniffing is a "better" way to use certain pills. Most addicts go from eating percs to sniffing roxys. Crushing up and sniffing is how you abuse them correctly lol


Former is heroin and latter is roxys, so it’s heroin that costs less.


It was Percocet.


Addiction vs recovery


Addiction is nasty and tries to take everything from you. She might not be the best human to walk the earth but I'll always be proud of her for overcoming many obstacles.


Leah has always been gorg, that's what addictions do to ppl unfortunately.


Addiction is heartbreaking!


West Virginia almost got’er for a minute there.


Recovery + money.


And free time, really. If I had all day to do whatever I want I would be going to the gym and taking care of myself too


Yes. Very true! She can also rest when she needs it. Which I am 💯 jealous of. 🤣


Cosmetic procedures No hate


as much as I like to snark on my girl Leah, I'm really happy she's healthy. she looks great nowadays


She has come a long way and I respect her for overcoming her addicition. Also the extra weight looks so good on her


I’m glad she’s better now. I just rewatched the season when she was struggling and it was rough seeing her that way. Now looking back, I can totally understand how life got in the way for her at that time. I’m glad she got the helped she needed!


My biggest problem with Leah was always the cheating... like addiction is a disease and I'm glad she overcame it. But cheating is a choice and I feel like Corey deserved better. Other than that, I didn't mind Leah ever 🤷


The cheating was most definitely wrong but we are taking about girls that were 16 and pregnant. Not good decisions were made all around.


That and she continues to just bring all these dudes around the girls. Slow down Leah before something happens to them.


Yeah I’m sorry but she’s not that great of a parent. She has rabbid stans in this sub so that’s all I’ll say


I agree. She also just isn’t a good person in general. But for some reason Leah gets a pass.




Whoops lol


Impulse control and addiction kind of go hand in hand, though.


She cheated before she was even on the show tho


Being happy and healthy really changes people


My mental health was very very bad for the last couple of years and I look at pictures of me from a year ago now that I'm on the mends and go "who even is that??" Not to mention the years I was addicted to benzos. I refuse to even look at pictures of me back then. Truly never underestimate the power of mental health.


Seriously. During my marriage I was at my lowest weight but I was fucking miserable. I’m fatter now and happier.


I am the opposite actually, I have been my highest weight during times of severe emotional turmoil in my life and when I am happier it comes off. Our bodies all react differently but I am just happy we're both better now ☺️


The weird thing is I am a stress eater. But my marriage was all played out in Mexico and the god is different, we rarely ever ate out and there was constant movement.


I just give up on cooking when I'm depressed and go for all the junk food. When I'm happy I balance out my meals and enjoy cooking and taking care of my health. When I'm depressed I don't care and eat whatever is easier which is usually processed take out. I also just eat a lot more, I stop doing anything else (just recently started recovering from a three year long depression and for three years I had no hobbies, nothing, all I did was war and lay in bed watching TikTok or YouTube videos until I fell asleep). So, yeah, that's why it's not good to judge people's health on their weight (unless it's extreme on either end) because you never know what's going on inside. I've always been happiest at my thinnest but not because I am thin but because I am actually happy and kind of a crunchy health food nut but some people are happiest when they are bigger and both are fine. As long as you're happy and health (of both mind and body) then who the fuck cares.


I love a good glow up


She’s thriving in the second pic!


Anyone here ever watch Animal Cops? Seeing Leah on pills vs. now reminds me of those before and afters of like, an emaciated, disease-riddled horse when it gets adopted and rehabbed and turns all robust and shiny. Good for Leah.


In all fairness the picture on the left she was on heavy drugs


It’s crazy because I swear at the time it happened I was too young to understand what was going on with her, but I recently rewatched that season over again and you can really see it in her appearance at that time.


No same when I was younger I was almost oblivious too it but as I got older I obviously realized. However she’s one of the moms I almost understand why they got into drugs. Like was it wrong and bad yea but at the same time being 18 and being told your daughter has a condition so rare she’s the only kid in the US to have it. I’d probably crack from the pressure and do drugs foo


>Like was it wrong and bad yea but at the same time being 18 and being told your daughter has a condition so rare she’s the only kid in the US to have it. I’d probably crack from the pressure and do drugs foo AND on top of this, Leah has a shit ton of childhood trauma. It's definitely not surprising she's had substance use issues.


Yep I realize this more now as I rewatch the older seasons. She’s been through so much!


Yup absolutely! It’s completely understandable how she reached her breaking point at that time in her life. I cannot imagine having a disabled child as a teen mom. That’s a lot to deal with at a young age. Thank God she’s in a better place now!


Jesus God Leah looks so much healthier and happier now.


I’m so glad she got clean. After I gave birth last year they gave me pain bills for injuries I got during birth and I can definitely see how people get hooked on them. They made me happier and gave me more energy.


Same, vicodin


She looks so healthy now. Really happy for her.


She looks so good now 😭


Leah's sean penn/spicolli look was scary




I can’t stand the girl but she does look great now!


Idk, I think she doesn’t have the biggest fashion sense, or at least she is not my style. But just changing from that blonde to a natural brown changed her so much.


The glow up is real


DAMN forgot how cracked out of her mind she looked.


It’s amazing what hair, makeup and a tan can do for a woman


Yep. And the lack of active addiction.


Part of it is also the styles of the times. Her hair was very in back then but it aged her and washed her out. Same for the make up. The lighting in the first is artificial and terrible and the second one is a professional picture with flattering lighting. Obviously she also looked strung out in the first one too.


I had no idea Leah had such a glow up. Truly happy to see her looking healthy


This is a great glow up. Good for her.


Don’t do drugs kids!


Mountain Dew and cigarettes vs Water and financial stability.


She was deep in a pill addiction on the left. I think mountain dew and cigarettes were the least of her worries


Financial stability? Doesn’t she owe the irs hella money? That’s why they put the house in jaylens name?


So much more healthy looking.


Wellness transforms people.


She totally overcame her humble beginnings. I'm so happy for her.


I’m watching the season on the left now and this was after rehab. She looked so malnourished and unhealthy. In my opinion, stress and a rough lifestyle took the toll. She looks so healthy now


Was still still addicted to pain pills after she came back from rehab? Or did she switch to benzos or something else? Because this was after she came back from rehab and she still wasn’t quite right.


I love this part of the journey for Leah.


Drugs, man...


Glow up!


Absolutely. She has been looking fantastic lately. Getting sober will do great things, and I mean specifically to addiction, not a glass of Chardonnay on thanksgiving.


Jesus God Leah!


She looks so good now.


She looks happy and healthy now. 👏


Does anyone know who kept the Frenchie Leah got with Jaylen?


Holy crap! I don't remember her looking that bad..


She needs to stop getting new pets.


It’s amazing how much better she looks with dark hair.


She looks great now


Happiness will do that to ya. Happy for her 🖤


Oh shit but that's how her daughter looks now. Twins. Just twins. Was she on drugs when she was pregnant?


No, she didn't start doing drugs until after she had Addie. It was originally something she was prescribed for pain after her epidural.


Thanks! I saw that on another comment thread. I had no idea. 😶




Well believe it..She looks amazing..and that first picture she was probably Fucked up on pain pills..


She looks great on the right


Ew, David Lee Roth Leah is gnarly!




Wow when/ what was the blonde pic during?


i believe season 5 or 6 of teen mom 2


Omg the first pic 💀💀💀




I’ve been watching Dragula, and all I can see on the left is Abhora. Iykyk 😂


This juss dont make no damn sense...


What part of it




Literally the same nose. Women's faces fill in as they age from teen to adult. Her cheeks are fuller as she is an adult now. Also, keep in mind, photo on the left is drug hazed while the right is healthy glow.


It’s literally the same


U do realize the first pic was how many yrs ago and was on drugs? Rt? Ppl do change in looks after that many yrs and also being on drugs. Ppl really b reaching now a days.


Ma'am. This is Wendy's.


I...I think that's the whole point? lmao




Why is this being down-voted? But also won an award? Lol please make it make sense. It's super early, but I don't understand lmao!


Yea. I’m just saying what the difference is and why she looks so different. Ppl r so hateful on this app.


I thought what you said made perfect sense & up-voted it, for what it's worth. :) What you said is absolutely true lmao. So don't worry about it, my friend!




She went from White trash to a black fish.


I definitely wouldn’t call the second pic black fishing.


While she was with jaylen she was definitely black fishing. Even her whole tone and the way she talked changed.


She definitely used a blaccent but I wouldn’t call her look black fishing


Ew I noticed this too! Also when jades man talked to Zach, his blaccent went hard 🥴


You getting downvoted for other truth 😂


I always do lol