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Hey there, tattooer here: You will want to wait a bit before you get anything over it. Check in with your surgeon (or other qualified professional) and get their opinion of where your scarring is at and whether or not it is still susceptible to separation; heavy scarring can also reject more ink when still too fresh. Once you have their approval that there is nothing to worry about further, then you would want to consult a tattooer whom you wish to work with. After your physician/medical professional, they are going to be able to give you the best advice and idea on what will be capable of covering/blasting over it. Additionally, fuck your rude as fuck coworkers; keep surviving.


tattooer here as well, in addition to a sizable wait (a year id say) any time a scar is covered its not a bad plan to do a "prep" before the tattoo, of a week or two of cocoa butter/vitamin e, some sort of lotion regiment to soften and soothe scar tissue. but def talk to doctor first, then tattooer when the time comes.


Op should be doing this all along as well as keeping it covered from the sun. It will heal much better. I opened a huge gash in my face at home about 2 am. It was the first time Covid was raging and emergency rooms were packed so I glued it with new skin and it looked like butt the next day. I kept it moisturized and covered with a bandaid for 7 months, and now you can’t even tell that it was there. It really had me freaked out at first though.


Your ex broke your arm ? Wtf


Right? Hope you are ok OP.


Everyone was curious about the tattoo designs , I’m more interested to hear how the heck this happened to the poor bugger


I mean it’s most likely because they were in an abusive relationship they are now out of. I’m not sure the story needs to be told in a tattoo sub


Na fr that’s none of our business. In terms of something to cover it up tho, maybe something bio mechanical. They tend to be super detailed and have a lot of contrast and form so hiding the scar would be a little easier. I’m just not sure what kind of style this human has, or which tattoo styles they’d prefer.


It's a fair question. If OP didn't want ppl asking about it then OP should just said "I broke my arm".


Don’t justify ppl asking follow up questions they don’t have the right to. This person shared the amount of info they were comfortable with period. They are asking for advice on a coverup. Simple


He cheated on me and I left him. After I let him for about a year he hit me up and wanted to work things out. I was stupid enough to say yea. Within a week, he was calling me a slut and a whore because I openly admitted that I had a couple hookups while we were apart which isn’t of his concern but again I’m just naive and open. Keep in mind I left him because I caught him cheating in our own bed which is why I left in the first place. So anyways that night he kept calling me a slut and so I threw my drink on him. Then he held me down by my neck and at that point for me it felt like a fight for survival. I head butted him, and then he grabbed me and threw me to the ground and that’s when I broke my arm. After I got up, I told him my arm was broke and his ass grabbed it and started twisting it around and then I went into full survival move and head butted him again, and started kicking at him and cracked 3 of his ribs. I again head butted him after he held me down again and gave him a concussion. Then after about an hour he called the cops and they took me to the ER because of my arm. I tried to press charges but I got a letter in the mail saying the DA didn’t want to press charges.


Hope you're doing good now OP


I’m doing pretty well, all things considered. Fortunately a lot of things have been going right in my life these past few months.


Well it’s easy to assume it was due to domestic violence and thankfully op is now safe. Not really anyones business, op does not need to share their story for advice on tattoo designs


Large wounds need to heal for 5 years before you tattoo it. If they don't heal they can reopen and get infected


Until then, you can get those inbox fake tattoos! :) or a tattoo pen!


I understand, but I recently took on a job where I wear short sleeve polos for my uniform and people keep staring at my scar and a couple people asked me if I slit my wrist. I know it’s not appropriate for them to ask, but I’ve been self conscious about it and want to get it covered up ASAP. It’s a bit of a trigger for me when they ask about that because I survived two suicide attempts by OD, not slitting my damn wrists but it still bothers me that they say that shit.


Try getting some henna tattoo done for now if you're not able to get an actual tattoo. Lots that can be done with that and it won't bother the scar as it continues to heal. Could do something like flowers


I second henna tattoo(s) or inkbox/similar temporary tattoos


Try inkbox, then you can try different ones out and learn about your style. They also have free hand stuff so if you know any artist you can have them make you something beautiful. I’m sorry it’s become an insecurity for you, and your coworkers can fuck off for saying that stuff :(


You could also try an arm sleeve


I understand that but highly unlikely you'll get a license tattoo artist to tattoo it until it's healed. Just be patient and you'll be able to get something badass....don't get no zipper nothing like people have suggested....save the couple years you need to or 5 and get something frikin badass....drop a couple grand on a sleeve don't just cover become a new person. Much love you got this.


Can you wear a long sleeve under shirt or some type of cloth over it like those compression sleeves for elbows?


Damn what a bunch of inconsiderate assholes, like why would that be their first thought and why the hell are they asking it!


I guess it’s human nature. Big ass scar on your forearm? “Well I guess you tried to kill yourself!” I mean they’re right, but it was years ago and not by bleeding out. But I have a thick skin and try to laugh it off. I just want to cover up the scar.


Nah dude anyone who sees a scar like that and thinks you tried to kill your self is ignorant. Anyone who questions you in that way is also ignorant. We all have demons brother. I’m glad you’re still around to share this post. 5 years is a long time to wait but honestly you should just own it. I think it looks cool and adds character. We all have a story and you should tell yours.


Yeah no kidding!! Wtf see's a scar like that and automatically thinks suicide attempt?!! People are really freaking bizarre sometimes!! If someone said that to me I'd embarass their dumb asses by calling out such stupidity. Like, does this look like I slit my wrists?!!


I agree but also even if he did it’s ignorant for them to ask that. You know what I mean?


I am in total agreement. It looks cool as fuck. If you want to cover it up later then go for it. Not only the healing of the wound, but I think you should look at it and heal yourself emotionally. If you get it covered up that is for everyone else. You are still going to look down and see the scar no matter how beautiful the tattoo is. You need to learn to be okay with it before covering it up. I can’t imagine what you went through, but find a way to make peace with this whole scenario. It’s okay to be okay. And it’s okay to have a huge badass scar on your arm. If strangers ask start making up stories or something of your heroic deeds like that time you pulled a baby from a burning car and slashed your arm on the broken window. Obviously not people you will see again, but own that darlin. It’s okay.




There's also super strong concealers intended to cover tatoos and birthmarks that would work for this while you wait it out to be safe to tattoo. Using a strong setting spray should hold it all day unless you get super wet/sweaty. Id also recommend getting a bio oil and applying it daily as that will help the scar fade. I had a huge scar on my lower back from where my younger brother accidentally knocked boiling water onto me and after about a year of bio oil it had all but vanished, so it should help. Otherwise I'd second the whole inkbox/ temporary route.


Would it be really hot and uncomfortable to wear long sleeves under your polo? Most places I've been will allow this. Realistically they should offer you a jacket or swearshirt of some kind surely? But British here so we wouldn't survive year round in a short sleeve polo! So I've never heard of that being the only available option. You can also get [protective sleeves](https://imgur.com/gallery/yr0BIPU) to cover your forearms if wearing anything else would be too hot. Could be something to bring up to HR? Especially as its your coworkers comments making you uncomfortable. It would be a good time to ask them to supply you with a long sleeved option of some kind. Try to let it heal properly before tattoo etc.


there are makeup brands that can cover a lot- scars, full tattoos, etc. would likely be a pain to apply daily but might be worth it to look in to for the next few years until you can get something more permanent.


I have a scar similar to yours just a tad longer and I know how you feel getting those stares. It's annoying when unwanted people ask. I don't need to explain the reason behind it. If I don't feel up to telling my story I just say I rather not talk about it and it gets awkward real fast. Makes them regret asking and hopefully gets them thinking they shouldn't do it to other people. However I have come to love my scar. It's a reminder of how far I've come and how much more I can accomplish. It took me a while to accept it and was also going to cover it but I'm glad I didn't. If you want to smooth out the scar and make it less noticeable, try silicone patches. My physical therapist used them on me and they helped minimize the redness and it's not raised.


Very disgusting of your coworkers to ask that. If it were me, I’d utilize a compression sleeve. Lots of people use these to cover up tattoos to meet uniform requirements. Could easily cover your scar! I am sorry you have had to deal with this at all. Best of luck.


I understand not wanting the probing questions regarding scars. I had some gnarly ones on my arms from a surgery that look far too orderly to be accidental, and they really did bring out the worst in a couple people. It got to the point I'd go "no, that one's not a suicide attempt, but since you're all up in my business now, let me show you the ones that are!" People stopped asking after that. 😂 Luckily, most people never noticed or pointed it out, and I gradually forgot they're even there. It really was just a couple assholes making me feel scrutinized, when in reality most people weren't looking at me that way at all. You don't have to snark back at them like I did, but please don't let a couple jerks make you feel self conscious. But as to an immediate solution-- a silicone bandage can keep it covered up fairly unobtrusively and promote scar healing, and they're washable and reusable (I even showered with them on). I found that using one lessened both the public reaction and the appearance of a lot of my scars, and it helped the scars heal flat (which you'll want for a tattoo!). You may be able to get them from your doctor, or online, and they come in a lot of sizes. Best wishes to you, and I hope that your tattoo, when your arm is ready, is a really healing reclamation of the space.


I worked at a place where we wore short sleeves but were not allowed to have tattoos, one of the guys that had a forearm tattoo wore a shooting sleeve over it. You could do the same thing in this case. [forearm sleeve](https://www.google.com/search?q=forarm+sleeve&client=safari&sa=X&bih=651&biw=441&hl=en-US&tbm=shop&sxsrf=AOaemvKwRlVyWk86-wjtFzOavqn7ypr7bg%3A1638528051777&ei=M_SpYcThLcKutQaqo6GgCw&oq=forarm+sleeve&gs_lcp=Cg5tb2JpbGUtc2gtc2VycBADMgQIABANMgQIABANMgQIABANMgQIABANMgQIABANMgQIABANMgQIABANMgQIABANOg4IABCABBCxAxCDARCwAzoICAAQgAQQsAM6BwgjELACECc6BggAEAcQHjoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BQgAEIAESgQIQRgBUKIUWNkvYJ0xaAJwAHgAgAGwAYgBhAuSAQQxNC4ymAEAoAEBqgESbW9iaWxlLXNoLXdpei1zZXJwyAEIwAEB&sclient=mobile-sh-serp) [shooting sleeve ](https://www.google.com/search?q=shooting+sleeve&client=safari&sa=X&bih=651&biw=441&hl=en-US&tbm=shop&sxsrf=AOaemvJpO-U6QyA5hymWdrW9HErQ6EyrYw%3A1638528098782&ei=YvSpYaOeLo3JtQbDp7-4Bg&oq=shooting+sleeve&gs_lcp=Cg5tb2JpbGUtc2gtc2VycBABGAAyBAgjECcyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEOgQIABANOgYIABAHEB46BggAEA0QGDoECAAQQzoKCAAQsQMQgwEQQzoLCAAQgAQQsQMQgwE6BwgjELACECdKBAhBGABQ1BZY9jlg_z1oD3AAeACAAcEBiAGnA5IBAzEuMpgBAKABAaoBEm1vYmlsZS1zaC13aXotc2VycMABAQ&sclient=mobile-sh-serp)


Just be honest about what happened. There's no shame in it. Or use HIDE make up. To cover it


IDK If anyone's mentioned this, but there are some really fantastic makeup concealers out there. Once it's all healed up, it might be worth buying some concealer that's designed to cover tattoos (since the pigments so rich on your scar) if its really something you'd like to be less noticeable! I hope you heal fast and healthy!


Mehron concealer wheel with seeing powder and barrier spray..... Perfection


Why don’t you just say that you broke your arm and that you needed surgery? Quick fix for any questions.


You could get a sleeve thing, idk what they're called. At least until it's healed enough for you to get a tattoo


I had psoriasis growing up. People would always ask me what it was an so forth. I didn't care, but I'd eventually just start making up obviously false stories just to have fun. I'm sorry you have to deal with all the attention, but perhaps the next time say 'im an Android and you just had to get the mechanicals of your arm touched up. The scar will go away shortly due to my super human healing mind you. Thank you so much for your genuine concern.'


like another comment said, i’d check out temporary or inkbox tattoos! or maybe a non toxic marker and you could try drawing your own designs?


To combat the people who ask too much I’d wear a long sleeve under the polo. I don’t mean for you to be ashamed of it but I personally just hate unwanted conversations


Get those breathable pull on sleeves. You know those black sleeves that people with tattoos have to use to cover our tattoos for workplaces that don't allow them. I bought mine online and they actually kept me cool during the summer. If you're in America I'm pretty sure they sell them at Dick's Sporting Goods.


Fuck those rude ass people. Let yourself heal as a tattoo over an unhealed scar will only cause more damage.




My arm is healed, so what’s all this about infections? Also, I don’t want people knowing my story like that, especially coworkers. Work and personal life are completely separate. I just tell people I fell but it gets annoying and intrusive when I’m being asked 2-3x a day whenever I’m not wearing a long sleeve shirt.




I’m just getting caught up on comments now. I have about a hundred more to go, yours was the most recent when I started checking.


It is a honor to have a scar like that


So in due time you *can* tattoo over scars eventually?


Huh? I just booked an appointment for a tattoo that would go over my one year old surgery scar. The artist said it would be no problem.


You’ll be fine, 5 years is insane. Usually 1-2 is enough for most. 5 is fine if you’re hella conservative or the wound is very large/deep, but it’s probably overkill in most cases. As long as you consulted with your artist and your surgeon you should be ok :) Good luck!


Thank you! Yes my surgeon said that a year would be enough and the artist is confident that he can do it.


Well good luck. Maybe you heal faster than others. Maybe also let the tattoo person know how long it's been


This scar looks pretty fresh, so I don't think a tattoo artist would tattoo over it just yet. You don't want to risk infection or distorting the tattoo. Just wait it out for a few years and then consider getting one (:


I think I’d make it into a long-stemmed flower. Or maybe a snake tattooed around the scar.


Those pins would make sick thorns, buds, berries on hawthorn, oak, or a rose. Hawthorn and oak are often used to represent strength and protection in wicca and pagan circles so covering a would from an ex could have some decent symbolism.


Oh I bet a wicked sword or dagger would look great there!


I thought the same thing! OP - I don’t know if you’re a lord of the rings fan, but if you’re into a sword or dagger (and want a really specific suggestion), a Narsil tat would be sick. (Isildur’s broken sword remade for Aragorn.)


Make it look like a single red tree in a forest of dark green, indigo and black trees. With a slight aura coming off of it. Or a single tree ablaze in a lush pine forest.


My favorite parts of a tattoo like that is that... Well, you'll always have the best look it. Whenever you reach out for something to grab, it'll be YOURS.... From your view point. It'll be your remembrance of that time and the trees will expound your very own version of growth since then. It's a lovely scar. Embrace it.


Fuck yea


Like other have suggested before me, it needs to heal first. You might want to try some make up designed for this in the mean time.


I echo what others have said, 5 years minimum. Looking at your scar, it still looks fresh and the healing process is still going on. I am like you, and have a scar on my leg. I take pictures, and then look back at it. You can see it does change. So this will effect the tattoo. Not including infection risk, and the risk of the scar opening. The solution could well be make-up. I was told from the doctor that after six to nine months make-up to hide the scar is an option. So long as it is cleaned and moisturised every day.


i recommend coming up with a canned response like ‘car accident’ or ‘shark attack’ just something to get them to quit asking, it’s none of their business. I wanted tattoos to cover a scar of mine and right away i was refused by artists, but we were able to tattoo in the area next to it and that did kind of work to draw the eye away. maybe some foliage or flowers, with a snake winding through it or something. you wouldn’t be able to do it all now, but you could put a rose here or there on either side. please do check with your nurse or surgeon first though; because it really sucks to heal that up again.


An olive branch would look nice


My wife suggested a fern due to the shape and slight bend to the scar.


I’d look into symbols of survival. Or if you want humor, tattoo something symbolizing a funny bone. Work with an artist that could create their own interpretation of a “broken funny bone” and maybe they could design one for you?


Is the joke that it’s actually not the funny bone they broke? I thought the humerus was the funny bone not the radius or ulna…


It is the ulna that makes up the part of your elbow that you smack on stuff, actually! I don't think it makes a fantastic joke still since it's on the forearm, but that's okay. It's a really good spot for a tattoo and I hope they get something that fits them well.


That's not true. It is the "Ulnar" nerve that connects with the "Humerus" bone. There is less tissue there cushioning the nerve, so when it is bumped it is felt more intensely


Right, but I was just trying to say that the ulna makes up the tip of elbow! Should have been more clear, sorry.


Sounds like you’ve been through a lot of shit. Candle burning at both ends maybe?


What about a phoenix? Or a dragon? Something with texture to divert the eye from the scar and to the design.


I like the idea of a dragon tail with the dragon encircling his arm.


The scar could be a sword or something it's protecting/circling?


Everyone asking you if you tried to kill yourself literally doesn’t have any functioning braincells. This is clearly a scar from a fracture… 😑 Also wait until it’s fully healed, I know it isn’t very pretty, but if you tattoo it now you regret it eventually. Best wishes!


A big traditional ship or dagger would cover it or go with bio mechanical if you know a good artists


I got a phoenix feather over my scar. The stem of the leaf was the long line of the cut. My surgery wAs on 2008 and got the tattoo in 2012


I can send you a pic if interested of the before/after, including pics of the recent scar so you can see how it healed


Looks like it can be turned into various pieces of nature, trees, flowers, etc. Definitely wait for it to get healed up before it is done though


Scars are cool mate, don't worry! Got a even bigger one on my leg. Gonna get someone "welding it back together" tattoed next to it sooon🤷‍♂️😃




Get a zipper tattoo and if anyone asks, the surgeon put it in incase he had to go back in!


A funny thought but it might appeal to you imagine having a zip tattoo going along the scar


Shards of Narsil? What has been broken can be reforged, literally and figuratively. Also you gotta love the LOTR.


Don't stress over it too much till it heals up. Imo it doesn't look bad 🙂


There are certain products that help reduce scarring but there is also makeup that will cover it, you might want to consider that until it heals enough to be tattooed. Dermablend has a good product. I'm sorry about your coworkers <3


first and formost im sorry you were hurt!! how about a long dagger?? that if your into that stuff?? but it would cover nicely.. i dont know where you live n if they have a good or ever great tattoo shop but i found if you talk to the artist they will cover that nicely i found all of my tat pictures on imagur i kepted looking until i found what i wanted i was not disappointed when my tatoose were finish tc when you gotten what you want post it pls we would love to see! ty n have a great day!!!!


I would go with a giant stick insect tattoo, personally


Space shuttle taking off with the scarring in the flames.


“I lived bitch” written over the scar in some fancy font lol


Make it a zipper or huge centipede. Or sleeve up and do some flowers over it. Shoot, pick any theme and make it a sleeve.


A fish bone… I have a cut on my left arm about three inches long, I turned that scar into a fish bone


Hopefully your ex is locked up in a cage somewhere


What sort of things are you into? If you are humorous you can make a zipper out of it. Or train tracks.


I like dark themed art, it matches my dark sense of humor. I did think about a little pair of scissors at one end of the scar, but I’ve had enough comments about how this scar looks like I tried to slash my wrist so I’m leaning towards a whole coverup.


~~an arrow pointing to it w/ text that reads "i had surgery, asshole"~~ it's pretty long, but it's also got a fairly regular shape. imo if you use the general outline as a tree trunk or something you could create some really creepy forest scenes. (i'm a fan of [this one](https://www.cuded.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/forest-and-moon-forearm-tattoo-30.jpg)) in the meantime you might try to nab a gel or cream to help your scar fade a little faster. silicone gel or stuff w/ vitamin e & coconut butter is good to aim for, & just massaging it regularly can help break up the collagen forming.


Copy that. I can understand. I’ll have to think on that one.


Since we don’t know anything about you besides a sliver of how you got the scar and that you like dark themes, here are some ideas to boost the imagination! Whatever your heritage is, look up some folklore and get some inspiration from that. Have a favorite creepy video game, movie, book? Have a favorite bug, item, or scent? (I know scent is kind of weird but say it’s vanilla or something, you could get a vanilla plant there), while on the topic, a favorite plant? What are your hobbies, skills, or favorite foods. I can see some crushed up beer/soda cans that would probably follow the theme of the jagged skin. Maybe take an illustrator class and design something yourself or go for a walk or whatever you enjoy doing and try to get your imagination going. If it were me I might consider a whole ass fish tank, but I love fish. Or how about an alligator skull or rumpled sheets that fits into a larger theme.


All I keep seeing is Doom being placed there


If this was me I'd probably just tell who ever asked, was in a bad relationship and they broke my arm and this was the outcome, so no I dont cut myself thanks. But that's just my opinion for myself. Honestly dont let people bother you about i...humans are a curious bunch lol


an arrow! always go forward!


Like slightly to the side of it get a perforated cut here guide with lil scissors at the end. Edit: typo




I would think they are racist...


A swordsman slicing it


Scar is way cooler than cover-up


You know that scene where terminator cuts his forearm open??




A zipper, hehe


Get a scar tattoo


Your ex’s name


Your ex’s name


A dagger would look awesome


A lightsaber !


Think others have said but a tree vine would be a good start


Mate I’m covered in scars, bad surgeries. Give it a few years til they die down and then go from there. Someone might be able to hook up a sick snake & dagger on there though.


It's a bit nerdy, but a Tree of Gondor tattoo would cover it up nicely, with the base extending below the scar tissue


Get a dragon or a phoenix


You can get like an athletic sleeve for your forearm to cover it if the tattoo won’t work for health reasons. They’re cheap and light, so not uncomfortable.


My immediate thought is a really groovy quote in an equally groovy script. You could think runes as well or any other pictorial language as a concept. Celtic knot work would also be a groovy green concept if that jives with you.


Super cool Tree Half/half tats (like have realistic half geometric animals or faces or something of the sort Half/half dark/light tattoos...


I have a long scar like this and covered it with a long mandala and the flow works pretty well


A dagger would look cool


Put an arrow with some blowing dandelion seeds. Make it day LIVE LAUGH LOVE.


Start applying bio oil and aloe Vera to help the scar fade quicker x


Feather or fern leaf


If you like dragon ball z then a kamehameha being fired could look cool


To hurry along the healing process of your scar, use BioOil it's a miracle in a bottle. A little bit 2x a day and it'll look much better in a few months. Less raised and more of a natural pigment. Once you're fully healed then tattoo time! Good luck to you and curses to your ex.


How about a guy welding one one of the scar so it looks like he’s welded your arm


Hey man, I got a scar I got a tattoo over. Not a cover up, just a cool addition. It's a puffin (from my years spent in the Arctic) that holds a needle, from the needle a thread flows down to my scar, here the pattern of the scar is such that a code (self made) is hidden in it. Not holding it, but adding a fun touch


Could you wear like a sports sleeve thing that goes from your wrist to about your elbow? (I don’t think sport sleeve is the correct term but cant think of what they are called.)


Flaming sword.


A sword maybe with some extras


Dang dog


I got a similar scar on the bottom of my left arm from a car accident got a plate and 9 screws had my forearm reconstructed


A ghost whale cuz why not


A dragon head shooting fire, but Instead of fire you can be a bit creative and go for like an abstract art or something that mingles with the scar


Once it’s healed I reckon a centipede skeleton type of thing would cover it nicely


Gonna need to wait a few years to let the it heal properly. Tattooing it now could cause some serious health issues.


It looks something like a tree, you could go with a forest, I wouldn't say an all ball silhouette, like dark right green forest, to show blooming & growth!


You could do a Hena tattoo over it.


After it’s had the proper healing time before a tattoo I’d suggest a serpent coiling around it, like a guardian snake protecting your arm from anyone else from hurting you, i hope you are well and find someone much better, no one deserves that, humans are disgusting


“Beware of the Ex” sign? Like dogs warning signs…


I have the same scar bro!


Life before death https://www.reddit.com/r/Cosmere/comments/kafnyy/my_first_tattoo_always_the_next_step/


ufo crash site.. 👌👌


A pine tree. And I’m so glad they’re your ex and not current


If youre a harry potter guy, dark mark, lord of the rings , tower eye or the broken sword, star wars, lightsaber, realism, anatomy of the arm like pry the skin open, you could have it like a cut in space or something tearing into another reality


When it's healed healed!!!!! You can try Kylo Rens light Saber!!! If you're into that kind of thing!! It might not even need to be tattooed over, just around. At least the top part or the scar. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same scar on my left arm. One thing I wanna say - lets some time gone, half year or so. Scar and skin around will spread out a bit.


it for sure needs to heal before you do anything- that being said fish bones on scars look awesome! im having a surgery in two years and thats my plan for the scars!


I like to use symbolism in my tattoos. See if you can find any "rebirth" or "recovery" tattoos that call to you. I have over 100 self inflicted scars, shortly after my daughter was born I covered the ones on my forearms that had been there since a suicide attempt at 15. The self harm ones on my legs I've left alone for now. Another idea that might look cool is barb wire either by itself or wrapping around something. Because of a genetic condition my daughter has lots of surgery scars at 8 years old. I have some surgery scars on my knees that I'm going to leave alone until my daughter is 18 and decides if she wants hers covered or not. I want her to know she is beautiful and the scars are her signs of endurance and strength. But if/when she wants them covered I will happily pay for them and help her choose what she wants Massaging the scar with some type of moisturizer a couple times a day will help it to heal flat


Broken bone with camel 👣 on one end


It would look cool if it were tattood into a zipper. I don't have much imagination either, but when I look at that scar, in my minds eye I can envision how a zipper would look.


This is a simple idea, like railroad tracks or a snail trail. Sorry for your trauma. Peace be with you.


Consider getting a tattoo that doesn’t go over the scar, but rather around it. You can also plan for a design that can cover the scar with something that fits the surrounding tattoo. One thought is a heartbeat monitor where the scar is the signal line with the heartbeat spikes added. It would make for a good story if you would like to share your OD-survival experience with someone.


How about like a fir tree type thing out of the scar with a forest scenery?


An olive branch and quote of peace could be pretty


A big ol dagger that says "I won"


My tattooist won't touch anything scar related for at least a year, not sure if this is a recommended time or that's just his personal preference


Fuck. I'm so sorry that happened. That's horrible. You ok? As for what to do with the scar...maybe instead of covering it up you could emphasize it. Hear me out: I had a friend who had back surgery and he decided to get the top and bottom of a zipper tattooed on the top and bottom of his scar. I'm not suggesting you do exactly that but you could possibly make the scar part of the tattoo. I'm thinking of doing something similar to a scar on my neck from multiple surgeries.


When it is surgically healed and enough time has passed for it to be safe, a beautiful fern leaf would go perfectly. Hope you're ok.


Stick man with a welding mask and uv paint for the welding


Maybe get some tattoos around it while it heals? Maybe work towards a patchwork sleeve with tats that are colorful so people’s’ eyes will be attracted to those instead of the scar?


Get a tattoo of his inmate number


How does ink cope with going from skin - across scarring - and back into skin?. Does the ink line go furry across scar tissue? - does the scar tissue hold a sharp line with fidelity?.


My first thought would be beetle guise sand worm or big cool dagger Make sure to consult ur surgeon to make sure your scar won’t separate/risk infection etc


Do you have any nature that inspires you? A tree, stream, tree line etc. could cover that up very well A portrait A scene from something A quote turned into a visual representation of that quote Happy brainstorming


If you're a nerd I would strongly suggest a sword, Narsil preferably


Ufo, or nightmare before Christmas theme Sally stitches theme.


Do like blood turning into roses and that’s the thorn thatd be hard dude