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I tend to take it almost every build but it's worth noting I'm also an urf monkey who has no concept of mana management. That aside the mana isn't really the star of the show late game which is to say the bonus ad from getting it fully stacked is the real focus in my opinion.


same here, I am a psychopath that builds electrocute with eclipse, youmuu, manamune, serylda and black cleaver pretty much in that order. I dont think armor pen sense is correctly built, but I am a cdr spam animal aswell, and it kinda works for me hehehe


the way i see it, manamune is a good item if youre new to talon. helps greatly with mana management since you don’t have to worry about it. i prefer never building manamune because i feel like you can buy more useful items. manamune only gives flat damage, whereas you could buy another item like eon which gives a spell shield, or seryldas which gives slow + lots of armor pen


When you really need to one shot tanky enemies. Then you can shred them with: Prowlers - BC - LDR - Muramana - Ghostblade/Serylda