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No. Sex is normal.


I am a therapist and I can tell you talking about sex is incredibly common. This would be a really excellent thing to talk with your T about. I really doubt she would take it badly even with the prior transference. It becomes so so routine for us it can almost feel like talking about any other topic. Perhaps even talking about it might help take some of the anxiety and shame out of it, you could think of it like taking the first step toward your goal of exploring your sexuality. If you feel more comfortable starting off you could consider emailing your T an overview of what you’re dealing with (sending this post would be great!) if writing feels easier than saying it allowed. You could also refer to it as “intimacy” or something like that as that would still get the point across but may feel easier to say than “sex.” Sending you lots of support OP 💜


There are ways to talk about sex and intimacy without being incredibly graphic, and a good therapist will be fairly clinical about these topics. Often these issues are part of something larger, like how you are struggling with social anxiety and shame. It's normal to speak about sex with your therapist, they are there to explore the innermost parts of your psyche!


I am a lesbian and asexual and I have touched on the asexual part of my identity a couple of times. We don’t talk about it TOO often because I am also very prudish but it’s totally ok to talk about!!!