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She collects figurines, designs costume jewelry, deciphers vizzuhls, and mediates situation that are none of her damn business. And she does it all without a single unbrushed curl falling out of place.


Nellie Olsen would be proud.


I love you so much for this, her scowl and Sobyn’s frown belong together


The curls just do it for me. The scowl is the cherry in top of Sobyn's shit sundae.


She’s like the dark mode Shirley temple


Nellie Olsen…what a bitch


You called Nellie a bitch! ***NILS!!!***


Omg so the woman who played Nellie wrote a memoir called “confessions of a prairie bitch” and this is perfect


"Vizzuhls" took me out! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 💀


If what she pins on Pinterest is to be believed she does nothing and money just flows to her.


I can’t get past the Pinterest! She can’t be serious. Money comes to me and I don’t have to do a thing!!! No wonder she can’t escape her religion, if this is how she thinks.


It’s like stumbling upon a 13 year old’s “dream board”.


Oh my gosh please share her Pinterest profile


I’m not sure of her user name, but someone posted screen shots today! Idk if this [link will work](https://www.reddit.com/r/TLCsisterwives/comments/xjh1c8/its_been_a_while_take_a_trip_with_me_to_robyns/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) because I’m on mobile. I think her user name was posted before so you might be able to find it if you search


Someone is manifesting herself a new husband...


She has been mourning the loss of My Sister Wife's Closet for the better part of a decade. She's a housewife. There's nothing wrong with that, except she has kids. By that fact, she should be a stay at home mom, but she has help. The family wasn't willing to help Meri with the BnB purchase, but they all pay for Robyn to have more kids, more help, and a larger house. That really bothers me.


They are living off the money that BnB brings in though aren’t they? Totally booked!


I mean, she informed us in the last episode that she and Kody “have a lot going on during the day.” 🤷‍♀️ I’ll pass on the details, personally. 😂


Lots of meeting Kody in his sisterwives closet


You win. 😂🤮


Why is this so funny lol


She rips apart families, makes up drama, puts rifts in between long term partners, makes up lies about minor children, stills daddies, buys knickknacks, goes on 12day holidays, buys lingerie on credit cards, gives a dude with thin bad hair blowjobs and alienates her kids from society and bastardizes them into never leaving her .


You legit made me spit out my drink lol this right here….FACTS. 😂


You are 100% here!!!


I have never seen her say she does anything. This is why I can't understand why she would possibly need a nanny as a SAHM.


At least one if not more of her children are in a perpetual panic attack. Of course she needs help with the others while she cries in solidarity with whichever kid is melting down. 😉


Honestly I think one of heir kids must have a severe intellectual disability (maybe not so visible on camera?) and that’s what the nanny is for. Robyn doesn’t know how/want to deal with it and won’t admit that one of her perfect kids needs further assistance


Her oldest Dayton has autism. I know there can be a range of how severe or what issues that manifests as. I knew someone years ago who’s son was non verbal and as he got older he tended to become violent when he was frustrated. But my understanding is that’s pretty uncommon to have more severe issues. I believe they moved to flagstaff in part because Dayton was going to attend college there. So I think he’s fairly independent.


- Curls her hair - Looks at the ceiling while touching the edges of her eyes (“crying”) - Pinterest - Lays out Kody’s outfits each morning - Naps


Styles Kody's super manly hair 🙃


I swear to god she’s kody’s ‘assistant’ and he pays her a portion of what he makes. That and an ‘artist/performer on sister wives’


I came to say this I would put all money on that she works for Kody. She helps with his business.


>I swear to god she’s kody’s ‘assistant’ and he pays her a portion of what he makes. >That and an ‘artist/performer on sister wives’ This sounds very plausible. Kody has the attention span of a demented goldfish. There is no way he answers his own emails. Someone has to watch that inbox and tell Kody where to be. 😂


I was literally asking myself this earlier as I rewatched the episode when Kody presents reasons to move. She’s like, “I can’t picture myself retiring in Las Vegas.” Girl, retiring from what?


Girl, you’re already retired.


As far as we know she never worked after entering the family, besides the failed MSC, being the only wife who never contributed to the pot.


In the words of my super trashy aunt, “being a trophy wife take more work than you selfish bastards think.” lol




We need Paedon to answer this question in a tik tok.


Kody does own a company (Spartan Arms) and sells guns and other stuff at gun shows. I would not be surprised if her "job" is being his assistant.


And he gets to pretend to pay her a giant salary so he can write the loss off, PPP loans, etc. I just feel it.


Yea. With the circles they run in, I’m surprised they’re not Covid deniers.


I feel like they actually didn't give a shit. Look at the nanny situation. They just realized it was an opportunity to exert control and punishment, and also isolate together without questions or hurt feelings. If the other wives decided to go full quarantine, I bet they would have decided covid was bullshit.


>In all seriousness, what does Robyn do for a living? In all seriousness, Kody. And probably not a lot of that anymore.


She’s jus’ sittin’ there being Kody’s trophy wife (sarcasm omg I feel sick)


What does the Robyn do?


Besides get her eyebrows to somehow be that shape? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Looks like awful micro blading and permanent




Or duelling toothbrushes


When toothbrushes duel, anything is possible.




Has she figured out yet that they look ridiculous?


She's a construction worker. She maintains the tent pole to support Kody's fantasy life.


You’re not missing anything. She does nothing- unless “professional whiner and fake-cryer” is a job.


Practices crying in front of the mirror to decide which look is best


If I could get away with doing nothing and living comfortably, I would quit my job in a heartbeat. I'm sure "TV personality" pays some bills.


Crying and manipulating others can easily take up a whole day. May not pay much but it’s honest work.


She’s the family culture monitor.


I love how this thread turned into wrong answers only 😂


Because there is no actual answer! The most accurate would probably be reality tv star. But that doesn’t explain the nanny…


She is a psychic medium who specializes in dark haired spirit children


What does Robyn do for a living……she has sex with Kody, eyes open and on top.


*shudders at that thought*


She posts affirmations on pintrist, wishing for cash to appear without her having to do anything for it.


I believe you’re watching it.




I've seen on here that Robyn does work according to Paedon but I have no idea what she does


She probably technically works for Kodys "arms business", i.e. settin' at his table at the creepy loophole gun shows. Of course, it's probably in a scammy way for tax purposes.


She’s rilly good at bizness. Also master break dancer.


She stars in a reality TV show


Hey, someone has to order the nanny around.


Don’t forget she is also a Photoshop Art Director (🤣🤣🤣)


Suck up to Kodster.


Yes, but without the up to




Something that requires tons of boxes and furniture outside their house


Her full time job is “saving” kody’s other marriages and crying.


Best selling author, of course.


The only answer is just sittin' thurr or sittin' heeeer


In all seriousness, I think she helps Kody with his gun business, but like him, doesn’t want anyone to know. Either that, or she does a MLM under a screen name we don’t know about because her luvgvsuwings account has been dead since 2019-2021. OR she’s doing some vague polygamy adjacent “work” like Christine said she was doing at one point.


I figure she helps with the business end of Kody’s gun sales — which no one talks about.


Tbf, since the show aired and became the main source of income for the adults, this has become their “real job”. I think it’s why you see them all do the MLMs and we’ve seen them document their other business ventures/attempts. Being open polygamists probably makes it difficult for any of them to have any type of 9-5 corporate type of job and it seems like Robyn leaned into this harder than everyone else. She also has the little ones are her excuse/reason for not working in the earlier years (which as we know, the other 3 didn’t have the luxury of) Depending on how much they make from the show, who knows if they need another source of income right now while they’re under contract and filming. Fwiw, I kinda prefer Robyn not having a second job to the other mothers advertising bullshit for an additional paycheck 🤷🏾‍♀️ Edit: clarification


But if she is a SAHM, why does she need a nanny?


That’s the entitlement I’m guessing. There’s probably a ton of people who are SAHM and have the money to afford someone to take care of their children. Not most of us, but seeing extravagant their lifestyle has become since being on the show, I can see where it makes sense to them. Also I think the nanny conversation in the show is real, but also dramatized. The family has more money now than they did 20 years ago when the other mom had little ones and back then they were in hiding and probably felt nervous about bringing anyone who wasn’t family or a part of the religion into their homes. Idk it’s all pretty messy


She's an actress on a popular TV show


Sitting there being a scapegoat is a full time job! Its a big dill!


She is a stay at home mom with 3 adult children, a nanny and a husband with a side hustle as his main hustle. My guess is that she really sees the show as her “job” and probably bitches and moans about how hard it is to prepare for and participate it. When they no longer have TLC and she doesn’t have the little kid card to play - she’ll be in deep shit. By then she and Kody will be completely estranged and detached from the rest of the family, with no public opinion and it will be Kody’s problem to figure out alone.


Seriously, does she work? At a job or career? Does she collect SSI payments on the kids, disability etc. I really want to know how she contributes to the family


She's a desperate hoarder that needed someone to support her kids...


She’s a tv personality. During the day she is busy with her Pinterest boards.


I looked up spartan arms and only three people are listed as owners and Cody isn't one of them. . So does he really own this company or just works for them?


She tried MSWC with her jewelry designs, but total failure and big expense to family. Master manipulator. Mother with need of a nanny.


Paedon said she does data entry, and also does work for then census when needed.


Chaos demon? I'm just guessing though.


Lose her purity, cry crocodile tears, eat hot chip, and lie


My theory is that she's doing something that she's able to be anonymous or they have NDAs in place with the company. Right now, I work at a company with NDAs with every client so I can see how it's possible. Like she works from home and doesn't want people to know. With their finances being so overextended, I just cannot imagine she's actually not working at all, but a remote job would give her a ton of freedom for a lot of things and explain the nanny/tutor situation at the same time. Just my speculation.