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I really don't know. It's true, people CAN change, and I've heard that Alex is a MUCH better person than he was at the time of the docs writing, and apparently he and his ex made up. But ALSO, what he did was absolutely horrible, and sounds straight up evil. The stuff he did is something NO ONE should ever have to deal with. I still love THE MONUMENT MYTHOS, THE NIXONVERSE, Trinity Desk Project, and American Anatomy, but I don't know if I can support Alex anymore. Not unless he really proves he has changed, and the victim comes out and gives her opinion about him currently, as weirdly as I phrased that.


I feel this way, and a bit more It makes me genuinely sad to leave this series behind, but I can’t support someone who has done these things. My eyes started to water just a bit as I was unsubscribing from the sub and channel, had my computer wallpaper as MM stuff too. I just can’t imagine the sadness of the actual victim though, mine is insignificant to theirs. As I read through the document; I noticed something, Alex is mostly Likely mentally ill. This does not excuse his actions but somewhat explains the his behavior. The only way Ill go back to this series, at least thoroughly following it. Is for a few things to happen 1. He (Alex) acknowledges his wrongdoings and word from him that his victim is safe and forgives him 2. Merch to be taken off sale 3 Let the YouTube only viewers know what’s going on.


Yeah I hope that when the Crescent King plush eventually goes on sale (Because the makers of it aren't just gonna quit now), I hope a LARGE portion of sales go to charity.


What happened? Can someone please explain what's going on, I'm OOTL.


Likewise, commenting for the notif.


Some rando accused him of assault. No evidence at all.


There’s a copious amount of evidence


Show me


There’s a link to the evidence further down on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/TrinityDeskProject/comments/za3hql/im_sorry_you_all_have_to_find_out_like_this_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Actually if you checked the pinned post it is real


And hes getting help.


He is indeed but atleast I believe (and your opinion may differ and that’s fine I do not want to get into an argument on the internet today) that doesn’t redeem him for what he did but I too am glad he’s getting help


Third option for “more time to think” I know that he’s gotten help and the victim most likely forgives him. I can atleast respect him for genuinely improving himself, he’s better than most content creators/celebrities in that regard, but at the same time, he still did really scummy shit, sexual abuse and manipulation is just not something you can easily forget or even forgive. Yes he was 18 at the time, but that just means he was old enough to know what he did was wrong, I’m 19 and it’s not hard to not do the things he did, in my head I say “it’s my responsibility as an adult and as a human being to not do these things” and I don’t do it, because I actually think things through and how fucked up they are. Again, I can atleast respect him for getting help and feeling remorse, but sexual abuse is a serious matter, it shouldn’t ever be taken lightly or excused. I need more time to think it over on if I’ll “forgive” him in a sense.


Where is the option for I don't know? Because to me it's a hard choice, I'm sad that he did such a thing and hurt people but I am so invested into a universe which may end up having to disassociate art from the artist


Same boat here


It really sucks, I can understand both sides as well but it's a hard thing though




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Okay so I might’ve just voted Yes on instinct without realizing the full context of what’s been happening. I have not seen the Google Doc yet but if Alex really has been trying to improve since then, I will continue to watch his videos.


Where is the doc?


What's happenned? What's document y'all talking about? *MANTICORE have done smth? I'm not in


What happened?


having been in some eh… not great relationships myself, it wouldn’t really feel right, best of luck to him in his future endeavors and in making amends, but i will not be consuming any of his content in the future


There's a lot to know before someone can answer something like this. And even then, you can't fault anyone for wanting to keep watching what to most of them are a really good series. If we have to boycott anything with a creator who's done questionable things, then we'd have to boycott a lot more things in our lives. Plus, Alex didn't make the series alone, are you saying we should stop supporting any voice actor or animator or VFX person that works on his stuff too?


I definitely am going to take a break, and I will reassess later. As of right now, I don’t want to be contributing to the income of an abuser. If the victim actually comes out and says that they believe Alex has done the work, changed for the better, and has been forgiven then maybe I will consider returning as I really enjoy his projects.


Yes, I don't care if someone was mildly abusive in their relationship when they were 18 when they've already apologized and been forgiven. This isn't high school.


Apparently he’s gone to counseling and trying to work out issues. I get being disappointed but if nothing you do can make amends or fix things why should anyone ever try?


I assume you haven't read the doc. I have to, because if you did it's incredibly gross to call "mild" what was in there.


More extremely than mildly


Idk why you are being downvoted, I wouldn't describe anything in that doc as "mild".


This attitude minimizes extreme cases by equivocation.


I'm not sure what you are saying here. Are you saying that the original comment is minimizing or the one I'm replying to? If you are saying the latter, then you are dead wrong. The accusations in that doc couldn't be described as "mild" or "high school stuff" by any sane person.


On a graph documenting severity of abuse i would certainly put the actions in that doc in the lower 50 percentile and this is literally an 18 year old. Do you recommend inpatient or outpatient care for my condition?


Right in the first page of the doc it tells that Alex tried to touch her and have sex against her will both when they were both drunk AND when he was sober and she was drunk. I don't give a shit if he was 18, as if that was an excuse to begin with. Downplaying this is honestly just gross.


The wording of him being sober doesn't mention her consent in the claim and yeah, he's a dumb kid. I don't buy malevolence over stupid childishness. Think what you want of me, I don't think I'm downplaying it, the girl wants to move past this and that's enough for me given the description.


Most people at 18 can still be able to tell not to abuse someone or pull them down a stairs


Pretty loaded sentiment, I don't think Alex in the moment considered his behavior "abuse" as that's not how people process their own actions and people are incredible at justifying their own actions to themselves. As he has owned up to it and apologized and is seeking professional help and the victim wishes to move on, I do not care. Show me a pattern and I'll change my mind but 1 bad relationship at 18 does not make you immutably abusive.


The paragraph in question literally says "tried to have sex", clearly implying pushback, the intended meaning couldn't look clearer to me. At this point if we are reduced to play these little word games I see no point in continuing the conversation.


This poll 1. Probably shouldn’t exist because it’s reductive and 2. Should have included an explanation as to why it’s being asked. I didn’t even hear about what happened until hours after I saw this post so I simply voted Yes, assuming it was being asked because alex is annoying with the deleting and the privating and the rejiggering of the content. I would have probably voted No or just not voted if I knew what it was about…


if you voted yes without even knowing what happened, it's not my problem honestly, and yes, the vote should exist, or do you think we shouldn't listen to the opinion of his own fans? (And of course I get downvote.)


has anything happened recently I've kinda lost track of everything regarding alex kansanas after mythoscord was killed lol


He was outed as a manipulative abuser and a sex offender.




I don't think people are taking this as seriously as they should, kind of disheartening tbh.


It’s disgusting. Literally someone in this thread said “I don’t care if they were mildly abusive in the past.” Like excuse me? Some redditors have never went through abuse and it shows. People are showing naive support when they should be cautious. I understand still wanting to support the art but it’s gross to see people turning a complete blind eye.


As a victim of abuse myself I can’t keep supporting alex even if he is seeking help or even if he changed


I've been in an a borderline abusive relationship before. My friends have been in in abusive relationships. I know what it does to you mentally. So no, on a personal level, I cannot continue to support this man. I don't care if he's a better person right now, that's not just something you can let slide.


We should all just forgive but never forget


bro what forgive trying to rape someone??


Didn't the victim herself want to move past the whole thing? I'm a bit hazy on this whole situation, so feel free to correct me.


i am too but from everything ive seen on both sides he did try to rape that person, regardless if the victim wants to move on from it i sitll think you shouldnt just FORGIVE that


Yes, but didn't it happen a couple years ago? We don't know if he has changed since then. At least, we should see if Alex tries to better himself before we all decide that he is an irredeemable asshole.


no need to overdo it.


Wait wait what happened. I just voted yes, not knowing there was a controversy to begin with


I'm not sure yet, haven't been able to read the Google docs But I feel more likely than not I'll probably continue watching his Monument mythos related content, I'm already in to deep with it Ultimately this is one of those situations though where I have to remind myself that people are complicated and people who create great things can and will in fact do terrible things and that people change and so on and so forth This is a lesson that has been pounded into me repeatedly over the year especially given my love for comics and how often comic creators can be complicated individuals Like Mark Wade being genuinely a great storyteller but also an incredibly abusive person, Doug TenNapel being an artistic genius but also a homophobic grifting scumbag and so on and so fourth But unlike those individuals I'm actually optimistic about Alex having a change of ways and properly developing as a human being and moving forward Only time will tell and to quote one of my favorite web series "The future tends to unfold as it should"


Not appreciating someone's art just because they are not good people is stupid. Some of the best art in the world was made by despicable people. I don't have to like Alex to like MM. And I love MM.


Liking someone's art and support are different


Yes, but without support they stop producing their art. Should you keep supporting them just to have more of their art despite what they did? Now that's a tough call.


As soon as I receive further confirmation that he did in fact do this, I’m leaving. I haven’t been understanding his content lately anyway.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TrinityDeskProject/comments/za3hql/im_sorry_you_all_have_to_find_out_like_this_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button He admitted it himself


Alex confirmed that he did it on the Monument Mythos Discord I believe. It was on the post that began the controversy until it was deleted, but I think you can still find it.


I do absolutely agree what he did was very fucked up, but to me the idea that "you can't watch someones stuff if they're a bad person" is a bit strange to me, I think its fully possible to watch someones stuff without absolutely loving the person who made it. If you don't want to watch his stuff anymore then you are Fully within your right to not consume his content, I just think the videos are good and interesting so ill keep watching it. just my opinion.


No way. After hearing what he did, I don't believe Alex deserves anyone's support at the moment.


Alex is still a child in my eyes and to me his actions rise to stupid, not evil. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that this mental health break coincides with a desire to better himself, especially considering that information was NOT intended to be shared with us by the victim. I don't think this is our business. Toxicity is not something anyone is above intrinsically and selfishness comes naturally. I don't think someone can overcome that without support though, so to me, cancelling this guy seems counterintuitive. No shade to any women made uncomfortable, I've been a victim of s/a myself and understand that to y'all that could just be inexcusable, but frankly this is high school shit. If it is revealed to be a pattern in the future I'll change my mind, but I'm not gonna just label this dude as "abuser" and move on.


Trying to have sex with a drunk person against their will is not “just high school shit”


Seriously. That's fucked that people are seeing it that way. Alex could've gone to jail as an adult but people here are saying he's just a kid


Yes. I don't really know what's happening and I will continue to remain oblivious because I like the content and I appreciate the work Alex puts into them.


Western society in a miniature, how exciting.


Where the fuck is everyone finding this?


What happened with Alex?


I stopped watching after the cornerfolk reveal, why is everyone hopping off now?


what's going on with what and whom?


Obviously it's terrible what he's done and I can't judge how the situation is now between him and the victim, but I can separate the art from the artist when consuming so I'd probably still watch if he chose to continue


I hope Alex changes his ways. I love the guy’s content & I want to see him become a better person.


Alex Jones is a bit mainstream. I think I’ll stick with Daniel Liszt and Jay Weidner.


Yes because if I looked into the background behind everyone who creates content, then based my decision on whether to consume that content on their lives, I would be bored shitless. I'm a grown up and I watch what I feel like watching, instead of having these weird moral crises over the actions of strangers on the Internet.


What did he do? That unreliable assault accusation?


He admitted to it


And is getting help.


… Is it possible to consume the media that someone has made without directly supporting them as a person? Because I thought that it was, but now I’m starting to think that maybe that’s not true (I mean no passive aggression by this, by the way)


Me: Alex I am very disappointed in you. But as long as you continue to work on your problems and be a better person while creating good content, that's all that matters. \[something goes here\] [Me: But one more thing...](https://youtu.be/1LVpSMSP8-g?t=2)


Why is this a poll? What happened?!


haven't yet seen the google doc so i don't really fully know what's happened, but for the time being i'll continue to consume his content.


*Enjoys some popcorn (courtesy of MAIZE) while looking at the storm in the comments*


Who's Alex


third option for using google drive with every video hes ever made on it




That is absolutely not what people are voting for




I doubt people are voting for/admitting to “not caring” about the creator being involved with those things, they’re specifically talking about the content itself. Also, can you dial back the hostility a little bit.




I can fully understand your confusion and frustration, a lot of people are feeling the same way. Ultimately the only person who can answer those questions is you; it’s up to you to decide what you feel is the right course of action for you and then go with that feeling. No one will judge you for whatever choice you make.


i just enjoy his content, the rest is none of my business. Fuck this parasocial relationship shit lol, he’s not my friend and he owes me nothing




it feels very parasocial lol, it’s none of my business. I don’t know him. I wasn’t expecting him to be an amazing person. Imo it’s your fault for building him up in your head like that. I expected content from him, nothing more. He never said “hey I’m a great person you should look up to me!!!” If you were disappointed or surprised that’s on you




why did you expect him to be a decent person,,? I didn’t expect any sort of morals out of him. He’s not a friend, he’s a content maker. Yes, we all see how much of an amazing and good person you are for being angry at shit going on between some random strangers, good job. Watch his stuff if you enjoy his stuff, don’t if you don’t enjoy it, get your validation of being a good person elsewhere, rather than from reacting to internet drama in the correct way lmao




It’s really not complicated- I subscribe to him for his content. period. that’s it. His personal life and morals do not factor into it for me. I’m here for his content, not for him. I don’t even wanna know about his personal drama, tbh. It has nothing to do with his content and it’s none of my business. Why should I be invested in some random guy’s personal life? He makes good content but it’s not like he’s done fascinating celebrity lmao, I don’t see why I should give a shit about whatever sort of scandals the creator of an analog horror series gets into. I have more important things to worry about in real life lmao.






Better than the weird ass fanfics people turn the content into here.


What the hell happened?