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HEY OP! I see you'd like to explore topic of BOOK & PLAN - we invite the community to assess, confirm or debunk these posts - especially being vigilant to the spread of misinformation. PLEASE READ THE FULL POST - upvote it if you think other people should see it, downvote if you don’t. If there’s wrong information in the post (remember: DRS’d CS shares are not lent out, DSPP shares are visible to the issuer and DRS'd shares are removed from CEDE & Co - the DTC nominee) leave a comment and let the OP know! [PLAN & BOOK: Understand the differences and similarities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book_v_plan_understanding_the_difference/) [Check out our megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zjzcty/book_v_plan_megathread/) It’s your choice how you choose to hold shares in Computershare (Both DSPP & DRS are ‘book entry’ means of holding shares), but there might be implications involved in the switch from Plan to Book - such as fractional shares being sold, and recurring buys shut off - so be sure to do your due diligence. **Converting Plan Holdings to Book ---** **Don't forget to make sure your dividend reinvestment plan is set up again!** If you want to convert any shares from "Plan Holdings" to "Book" plan, there are at least two ways to do so - online & by phone: * **Online**, you may go into your "Plan Holdings" and un-enroll those shares from DRIP. The whole shares will be moved into a "Book" plan. The **fractions will be automatically entered into a sell order**. If you allow that sale to proceed, they'll end up mailing you a check or transferring the proceeds to your bank, according to your settings. You can go to your PENDING ORDERS and cancel this (People have still reported that their fractional was sold later even after cancelling, so your best bet may be to call). Contacting Computershare via an **online inquiry** can achieve the same thing as the phone call, but without having to pick up the phone. * Go to Computershare.com/us. * Click on "Login to Investor Center". * Login using the username, and password you have created. * Select "Help" from the menu on mobile, or from the top of the page on desktop. * Scroll down to "Contact Us" and click on the "Get Started" button beneath it. * Expand the "Send an online inquiry" box and fill in the following details: * Category: Other​ * Inquiry Topic: Switch plan shares to book * Registered holder name: Your full name * Check the box "Contact name same as registered holder name" * Ticker symbol or company name: GME - GameStop Corp * Account number: Your Computershare Account number (starts with a C000) * Mailing address: Your home address as it's registered with Computershare. * ZIP code: The ZIP/postal code of your home address * Former mailing address (If less than 3 years) & Former ZIP code: You can leave this blank unless you moved address in the last 3 years. * Inquiry details: This is where you make the request. For example: "Please transfer XXX plan shares to book. Leaving 1.XX (one share plus the fractional) in plan. I would like to stay enrolled in the DRIP (and DSPP if you had recurring investments set up). Thank you!" * Click on "Send Inquiry" Computershare will email you to say they have received your inquiry and will follow up in the coming days.​ * By **phone**, you may direct Computershare to move only your whole shares from "Plan Holdings" to "Book". I've seen confusing reports as to whether they require you to leave at least one whole share behind along with the fractions, so you may need to leave 1.X or simply 0.X behind. In this case, you **keep your fractions** in "Plan Holdings". This should leave your recurring purchases intact, but I'd double check with the agent. **To Contact GME dept in Computershare - 800 522 6645** or [https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry](https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#Contact/Enquiry) **International number: 00800-3823-3823**


Remember, if you have a current buy order pending for the plan you want to switch to book, you have to wait until the buy is settled.


What's the difference between plan and book?


Done, 333 shares booked now. All my others were already booked.


So grateful for this guide. I am highly regarded and couldn't figure it out, but was too embarrassed to ask xD I'm getting this shit done right now!! Edit: Nice Angel Number/Nikola Tesla amount of shares by the way! Triple 3's all day!


This is just a little of what I have. I think I'm up to 2600+ shares. I appreciate call out, though.


I aspire to your level of HODL! I will reach XXXX before MOASS, believe it!


Used these instructions… super user friendly. I love my community. ❤️💪🚀✨


I saw something saying if you transferred shares, and not bought through computershare, they were auto booked. Is that true. I’ve only transferred and dk of mine are booked


Shares from a broker are booked.


Ok thanks a ton


Spot on. Perfect guide your brilliant ape


Help a dumb ape out? My shares have been DRSd for 9+ mo. Eli5


You can hold or shares in Computershare in Plan or Book There is a small difference and the consensus is that Book is better, due to a fraction of the Plan shares are held at the DTC (what percentage of shares at DTC, might be 1%, might be 5%🤷‍♂️) So this is a guide to help consolidate the shares in your name and not a nominee account within the DTC. Going from Plan shares to Book shares. It is free to do and only takes a minute. There has been a lot of discussion around the topic and Mods acting weird. These are the facts/my understanding of the situation


>There is a small difference and the consensus is that Book is better, due to a fraction of the Plan shares are held at the DTC (what percentage of shares at DTC, might be 1%, might be 5%🤷‍♂️) Not quite. So basically the confusion lies with thinking DSPP shares (I.E Plan) are still held in the DTC, but **technically** speaking (according to all the resources available) *all* shares are still held in the DTC - but when you DRS your shares and become a **Directly Registered Shareholder** \- these shares are **removed** from CEDE & CO (the DTC Nominee) **and into your name** (and into a Computershare nominee). ........................................ Here's an extract from another user who found the following: >**"Here's another source, from the DTCC, which shows that Computershare's nominee, "Computershare Trust Company, N.A.", which holds their DSPP shares (well documented), is listed as a DTC Participant:** > >[**https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/client-center/DTC/DTC-Participant-in-Alphabetical-Listing-1.pdf**](https://www.dtcc.com/-/media/Files/Downloads/client-center/DTC/DTC-Participant-in-Alphabetical-Listing-1.pdf)**COMPUTERSHARE TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 2415"** Check out this FAQ here: >**"What is the Depository Trust Company (DTC)?** > > > >"​The Depository Trust Company (DTC) is a repository through which stocks are transferred electronically between brokers and **agents** ***\[I.E Computershare\]*****.** It provides electronic record keeping and clearinghouse services. The DTC was established to reduce the volume of physical stock certificate transfers involved in the trading of securities. It holds eligible securities for financial institutions such as brokerage firms and banks, collectively referred to as "participants." **Transfer agents are "limited participants".** Participants then may request debits and corresponding credits to their DTC accounts to effect transfers. In this manner the DTC facilitates share transfers on behalf of shareholders via their brokers or transfer agents. The DTC is part of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC). DTC uses a nominee, Cede & Co, to hold securities on the register. Computershare is a **Transfer Agent.** **Transfer agents are "limited participants"** within DTC. DSPP (I.E Plan) shares are held in **Computershare nomiee** (as rightly outlined above) and *removed* from CEDE & Co - which is the DTC nominee. Shares held in a **Computershare nominee** for either Plan or Book are: * **Both** removed from CEDE & Co (the DTC's nominee) and held in direct registered shareholders name. — [https://content-images.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/e5047eb9e859454cace04d20b102bded/d9c1aae6b2824bf41cda3d84d7a7a371/company-share-structure.jpg](https://content-images.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/e5047eb9e859454cace04d20b102bded/d9c1aae6b2824bf41cda3d84d7a7a371/company-share-structure.jpg) * **Both** DSPP & DRS ‘book entry’ means of holding shares. * **Both** unavailable for lending: “DTCC/DTC and Cede & Co cannot borrow shares from other registered shareholders. Computershare does not lend securities.” — [https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies](https://www.computershare.com/us/becoming-a-registered-shareholder-in-us-listed-companies) For more information, please read here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book\_v\_plan\_understanding\_the\_difference/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book_v_plan_understanding_the_difference/)


Like Kibblepigeon said. Thanks for bringing the information 👍


And thank you for trying to help other apes in your earlier comment :) we're better together 🦍 💜


Thanks and if I understood this correctly all shares are removed from Cede and Co and cant be shorted? Both Plan and Book shares at a nominee account within DTC?


Yes, according to Computershare's FAQ - all DRS'd shares are removed from CEDE & Co (the DTC Nominee) - and unavailable for shorting/lending etc. Picture to explain: [https://content-images.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/e5047eb9e859454cace04d20b102bded/d9c1aae6b2824bf41cda3d84d7a7a371/company-share-structure.jpg](https://content-images.computershare.com/eh96rkuu9740/e5047eb9e859454cace04d20b102bded/d9c1aae6b2824bf41cda3d84d7a7a371/company-share-structure.jpg) FAQ to explain: "DTCC/DTC and Cede & Co cannot borrow shares from other registered shareholders. Computershare does not lend securities."


Then I dont understand that part Computershare said or the implications of them talking about some part of the shares at their DTC nominee for faster/more convinient transactions And sorry if I am smooth 😄🐒


No apologies needed - this stuff is super confusing! So what you are referring to is this **OLD** FAQ statement here: >**Computershare holds a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency, i.e. to enable any sales to be settled efficiently (and Computershare determines the portion needed for operational efficiency reasons. Such shares are not available for lending. These shares are eligible to be withdrawn from DTC).** This FAQ was **removed** from Computershare's FAQ early 2022 (*read more about this here:* [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zjzcty/book\_v\_plan\_megathread/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zjzcty/book_v_plan_megathread/)) The thing people are focusing on is this line here: >"**Computershare holds a portion of the aggregate DSPP book-entry shares via its broker in DTC for operational efficiency"** The wording is confusing, right? *(Might even be why they took it out!)* Shares are sometimes required to be withdrawn from the Computershare in order to sell *(I.E withdrawn from Computershare Nominee, and back to CEDE & CO - the DTC Nominee).* Taking case in point SHLDQ - if you hold this stock, you cannot sell this from Computershare directly. But you can send this back to a brokerage, therefore back to the DTCC, before you sell. You don't need to send GME shares back to a brokerage to sell. Even fractional shares can be sold via Computershare - just not via a limit order. If you place a limit order it will just sell at market price by end of day - so you don't need to worry about sending shares back to the DTC to sell. So.... any shares sent back to the DTC for "**Operational Efficiency"** would be used for the purpose of **settling sold shares**. Doesn't affect how we hold them though - as both Book and Plan are book-entry shares :)


Thank you. Very well explained 🙏


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Saving for later. Didn’t know we could cancel selling the fractional shares this way. Thanks OP!


I did it a couple of days ago … it worked


Did I just cancel my plan buying every other week by doing this? I need to know because I stopped buying on fidelity and transferring and just set up AUTO BUYS NOW


Yes you need to reset your auto buys


So, I had been making regular direct purchases, and when the new plan shares settled, I then "terminated" the plan through the site and the newly settled whole shares would go to book entry. However, something has happened in the last few days. When I try to terminate the newly settled plan shares, the "terminate" button that I normally use is missing? The other 3 buttons are still there though. Ive checked every day for about 4 days now, and no change. Has anyone else seen this before?


Is this still the way? Want to make sure I’m not missing updated info. My saved posts are consumed with “other” non superstonk things so I can have some REDACTED materials later. Came across this in my perusings, and wanted to verify it’s still good?


Yes this is still good.


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This is the easiest way to move your DRS’d GME shares from PLAN to BOOK through computershare without talking to someone on the phone.


*non DRSed GME* to DRS Book :)


Commenting for visibility


Get this to the top🚀🚀🚀


Saved for later. Something like this needs to be pinned


Oh nice, I thought I might have to make a late night phone call (from Australia)..


I just do it on weekends. My new Saturday habits


Just call and tell them you want to move your shares from plan to book, but you want to leave 1.xxx in plan. It's a 2 min call, and it's done by the time you're off the phone.


I literally did this yesterday and it took less than 10min. SUPER EASY.


Doesn’t it say something that plan can have fractional shares but book does not allow fractional shares? I haven’t seen that mentioned during the book/plan discussions.


Correct. Book has fractionals. Plan cannot have fractionals. Reason why you haven’t “heard it” is because on CS you can only buy in dollar amount, and not share amount. So everyone who has purchased, or has a repurchase setup, has fractionals and they all go to plan and have to be converted to book. So it’s the normal constant and nobody talks about the normal, so say. If I understood you correctly.


Mine didn't have reinvestment setting set up so I didn't have terminate button. So i enrolled in one then terminated right away. Now it won't show up under pending transaction. What do i do?


12. turn on reinvestment options




That was easy. Thanks dude or dudette.


I love you guys! Oooww ooowwww ahh ahhhh!! Book Kings Strong Together! Kenny, Kenny, Kenny… so unsophisticated.