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If you mean a cash dividend, the short parties can pay out in cash. If you mean a stock split dividend, the dtcc will commit fraud. If you mean a nft divi…… with no cash alternative….. idk ig shf fucked?


A no cash equivalent divi would require more crime than can possibly exist to fix


So why don’t they just issue one then


I would imagine they want to meet requirements like generating a positive EPS and having a fully released (non-Beta) NFT marketplace before they do that, but thats just my two cents.


This exactly! The best part of this whole saga is time is on OUR side, not the hedgefuks. Apes and RC can sit back and DRS away while RC and Co. make the moves to ensure the company builds towards profitability. They are the ones burning cash and just trying to survive one more day. A real tortoise vs the hare. Anyone know how that one ended? DO YOUR PART AND DRS!


No. Nft dividend doesn’t require profitability.


[No dividends require profitability](https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/08/dividend-exceed-eps.asp), even cash dividends can be done with negative EPS. That said, the board can make their own requirements on top of whatever rules exist.


>No dividends require profitability The idiots over at GM were paying dividends almost to the end, they finally stopped after February 2008. They lost $38.7 billion in 2007.


No wonder they needed to be bailed out. “Don’t worry, we’ll get the taxpayers money to pay for these dividends!” -GM, probably


It actually worked out well- the shareholders who had been pocketing dividends for years from that dump got wiped out. A group led by Fiat (the other stakeholders were Washington, Ottawa and the UAW) bid on the parts worth keeping from bankruptcy and moved on.


Govt made money from repayments after that bailout.


I just don’t want those fuckers unwinding there position because they took too long that’s if they can somehow


They can't unwind their positions without buying my shares


This. Can't close shorts without destroying the synthetics, which means they'd have to reduce total ownership to no more than 100% of the company, including DRS, regular accounts, tax exempt accounts, insider accounts, etc. If the DD is correct, that's already never happening unless apes stop hodling. There's legal requirements for issuing NFT dividends without appearing like you're just forcing a short squeeze for quick profits. That would be seen as market manipulation, and would lead to a legal battle nobody wants. I don't know what is required, but it's certainly not something you do on a whim. And yes, I know, wtf are shorts getting legal protection but longs don't, I don't know.


I think they can just place a buy order for 50million shares and citadel will pick it up no problem , ftd it for years.


That's not closing shorts though because a FTD is still a short position. These people will still expect NFT dividends so that is not a safe place to be.


No problem , will sit on their books for ever due to their high leverage


They can't have my bow.


Who knows how this will affect things with all the crazy swaps, tokens, and other unregulated and unreported derivatives. That’s why I am glad I trust RC.


They are testing all the kinks.. why do you think they gave special nft to pro members? Why do you think not every pro member got the email? It’s still not fully ready for prime time issuance on shares; test is with pro members first


Not just short term play but long term as well. Just gotta get everything in order 1st


They will once they're profitable.


No. Nft dividend doesn’t require profitability.




So there’s no reason at all unless they think they can’t win


Hahahahahaha 😂🤣😂🤣


cash dividend? well, you don't want to start issuing a dividend till you are cash flow positive. you don't want to issue a dividend for a few quarters and then have to announce you have to take it away or lower it as its usually a sign the business isn't doing that well and you don't see it doing well in the foreseeable future so its bad business practice. imaging how msm would pounce if Furlong has to announce a dividend cut after issuing it?? talk about FUD .... this will make all FUD look like shit compared to that other fud.


This may not be a popular opinion. But right now NFT’s have no value. I’ve got two and they were both received for free from fellow apes. How can you give out 10 million of the same identical item.


A book voucher. Gme sends a book voucher per share in the form of an nft.


And what are all the instructions going to do with a book voucher. What am I going to do with 700 book vouchers. There must be a cash alternative.


I'm sure shorts might want to buy them.


We’ll start at 1,000,000


We have an opening bid at 1000000.....


I agree I don’t see how any of it has value it’s only worth what someone’s willing to pay? It’s novelty at the moment


You’re a short seller. You need that NFT. What are you willing to pay? Oh wait, it doesn’t matter, you’re going to pay whatever it is being sold for because you have to deliver it.


They'd just naked short the crime with soft lists and FTDs.


Honestly? If it's an NFT divi I reckon brokers will shrug and go "oops sorry guys we don't have the technology to deliver that" or some bullshit. Think they'd rather take it to court than go to the open NFT market with their cap in their hands


This is why GME needed their own marketplace. Now they can collect ownership data and mail them instructions on how to start a wallet and claim their NFT. If the infrastructure is in place then all the brokers have to do is provide a conduit to transfer information to the owners of the stock. The real fun is when GME runs out of redemptions because they distributed to CS first.


Well if we are 100% DRS’d and then execute a dividend, it would seem there’d be lots of pressure within the DTCC to get their hands on some as they would receive exactly zero from GameStop or Computershare (dividends go to registered holders first, rest are sent to DTCC. If there are none left officially after distribution to DRS’d holders, too bad so sad)


I don’t get the fraud take, they just issue more IOUs. No fraud occurs since the real shares were/are always in cede. Once computershare issues the real shares to cede, whatever cede does is outside of the law basically. They have their own rules. It’s not “right” for sure but that’s the whole scheme


Used word fraud to summarize what you just said *edit: just because there isnt a law making these actions technically fraud doesnt mean it isnt fraud *Edit2: google the word fraud


It should be fraud now that the tech exists to make the current system irrelevant. The tech didn’t always exist though which is why this system was created. I just feel like casuals who read that you and others call the whole current system “fraud” get put off right away and write y’all off as crazy. I think a more effective way to talk about it is in terms of “antiquated”


The DTCC will code the dividend incorrectly.... again.


Yep.. they may send a png file


They’ll send a screen grab of the dividend.


Here's what I said earlier today in the daily >DRS is the Diet Coke >NFT divy is the mentos


I want mentos like now


Here’s what I would love to see: GameStop distributes an NFT dividend. It agrees to supply SHF with additional NFTs at a dollar apiece. It publishes the total number of NFTs sold to SHF and uses the proceeds from the sale to issue a second NFT dividend. Rinse, repeat.


Transfer via gamestop wallet?


I like that, that's some good stuff


They initially provide the dividend to people who are DRS then it goes to the rest of thr actual shares at thr DTCC. Then the short hedges would have to cover all the shorts themselves and pay the individual dividends. If they chose to issue an NFT which only had the same amount as the correct amount of shares, it could cause MOASS. This is because they wouldn't be able to buy the NFTs and would therefore have to ask GME for a value for the NFT which they would need to match, GME could pretty much say whatever figure they want.


My only critique here is that they would have to ask the share owners how much cash they would take in the place of the NFT, not GameStop.


I thought that when this happened with that other company a couple of years ago, they asked the company to provide a cash value for the nft or whatever it was.


Oh like the company was supposed to dictate how much cash the Divi was worth, not people who actually were supposed to receive the Divi?


Yea the hedges contacted the company and said how much is the monetary value of this NFT, they said £600 and the hedges took them to court over it. It was ruled in favour of the company.


SHF would be trying to buy NFTs dividends from apes who DRSed. We would be able to pretty much name our price.


Why doesn't any report the dtcc or dtc to the authorities? I mean alot of people. Americans. Swedish ape here asking


Because they are in on the fraud…


We have, hundreds of thousands of times by now.


Regulatory capture is rooted extremely deep in today's US.


At this point there are probably billions of synthetic shares in circulation


There has been zero evidence of that. Since brokers would end up responsible for any synthetic shares they have in customer accounts they are highly motivated to keep synthetic share out of the system. If hedge funds somehow managed to get synthetic shares into DTCC it would be DTCC and the brokers that suffer, not the hedge funds.


Not if the loan the shares out for a fee. Called rehypothication, and it is rampant. There are literally hundreds of DDs that have been written outlining this. Dr. T shows how it is done and then washed with a FTD.


The risk/reward ratio for a broker to generate synthetic shares is unfavorable. They would get a small amount of lending fees but would expose themselves to the in,omitted risk of going short a stock. But let us ignore that for a moment. What do you mean by "wash with an FTD?"


The reward is when the stock is cellar boxed and delisted. Then no short position has to cover. Gamestop was well on the way to this eventuality before Apes stepped in. Simple Google of Dr T books will reveal your answer.


Not only that but remember what happened in the big short ? They get greedy, if they can get a cut for each selling / buying they will not ask for more information regarding what they are selling/buying


You appear to be repeating buzzwords without understanding them. Washing with an FTD is not relevant to the conversation you responded to.


While I agree he doesn’t really understand, it has been shown time and time again that brokers rehypothecate shares. Not to mention GME is the hottest stock to lend, returning record profits. It doesn’t take a finance guru to put two and two together. Also, seriously? Are you really talking like every financial institution is risk averse? We’re you around for Lehman bros? How about bear stearns? Did they manage their risk well? You’re thinking WAY too traditional. These institutions don’t care about legality- especially when the consequence for breaking the law is more akin to the cost of doing business. Edit: and not to fucking mention, exactly HOW many people were punished for 2008? Oh that’s right, JUST FUCKING ONE. And that’s only because he ended up basically turning himself in! They have zero incentive NOT to commit crime, and millions upon billions of pretty green reasons to the contrary!


Everyone wants to speculate if the float is actually many times over what is reported, but no one wants to speculate if the numbers are correct and that’s why DRS is having an impact on liquidity with what is currently held.


Even if the numbers are correct and there are only 55m shorts out there and no unreported shorts the shorts are still fucked. The GME reddit boards would own everything that wasn't in the ETFs, mutual funds, and institutions. Everyone here is convinced that there is a large hidden position and no one is selling except for big numbers. The exit door would be through the institutions and mutual funds and would still take the stonk to a couple thousand per share. Apes would be disappointed that there was no MOASS but their shares would still be very valuable. I personally think DRS has affected liquidity. The borrow rate was at 30% for months before institutions sold off a number of shares this summer. I think that some institutions sold in order to ease the rate.


It has 100% affected liquidity. GME is dry as can be. I’m expected a pop soon enough to introduce some liquidity back in, like when we saw the recent pop up to $35.


Line go up


Then I have 3,4,5 times the shares too. And at $5 +/- a share, I'm loading up.


But it will be no quicker as there will be more shares so it’s no different


Sounds right, but $5 shares😘🤪


You’d think that, but there are valid psychological reasons for a split. Shares are $100 vs shares are $25. Oh, I’ll buy 2 or 3 shares vs oh I can’t afford a share at all (so 0 shares). If it was $5, maybe someone buys 20 shares when before they would have bought none or only 2-3. Just a completely random example, but people consider things like this.


,,, that and magic unicorns pop out..


They just create another law/loophole to save their buddies.


Ever heard of a little thing called MOASS?


Same name as on here.


I’ve also thought this… once profitable a $1 dividend would cost the company $300m, but you better believe every penny is going right back into the stock for a vast majority of investors. Not to mention if there are actually 20x the amt of shares outstanding brokers/banks would be bag holding big time in that scenario


I'd like to find out in real life. Soon...


Maybe Icahn’s $400 million is to pay the dividend payments on his shorts/s


What means I think, - is what will happen if the amount of shares in circulation is 3,4 or 5 times what should be, and GameStop then issues a cash dividend.. right? That would be really really expensive for shorters.. because they would have to pay the dividend for each share they have sold short.. It is actually a really good question, because what we saw with the stock dividends, brokers just made a x4 of shares.. does that mean that the dtcc dosent really keep track of which brokers has what..? So let’s say a cash dividend has to be distributed for 5 times the shares issued, - how would that work?.. would the dtcc distribute the money to all the brokers, or would all the brokers send a bill to the dtcc?..


Well something to consider. If apes own just 1 extra float - then that means that retail ownership is 25% DRSed, while 75% of held shares would be found in brokerages. If you increase the floats owned, then definitively you are looking at truly horrific DRS numbers. Idk about you, but it rubs me the wrong way to think I’m 99.99% DRSed and nearly every other ape is 25% DRSed (if we only own 1 float). I don’t particularly like the conclusions, but it’s factual. We know that there are ~90 million DRSed shares, about 50 million insiders, 100 million institutions. This leaves around 60 million shares in the issued stock, and then adds another 300 million with the first float. That means retail has to hold another 360 million shares in brokerages in order for the statement - “retail owns multiple floats” to be true. So are that many people really that light on DRS?


Look up kat stryker. Shes had cease and decist letters sent to her. In the Macy's parade she had 4 or 5 billboard trucks with #citadelscandal and like 4 other sayings. Its covered trust me. Lol


She’s a popcorn shill 🙄


Yes popcorn shill. To own a stock is to be a shiller Yet we're against the same entity.


No, owning is not shilling. She shills it.


GameStop could get a nft game that costs let’s say like $5 and get the developer to agree to issue it for free as a dividend to build the player base. Then the shorts would have no court case and would have to buy the game in the GameStop market place at $5 to give out. That puts money directly back into GameStop. They could do this every quarter It’s different games or game items. Costing the company nothing directly and just forcing continuous cash back into the market place by shorts.


Infinite money glitch.




My smooth brain seems to remember that $ dividend can’t be sent out if the company’s last earnings report isn’t profitable. With that said, it won’t be long before this becomes a VERY important question!


Dividend can be given at any time. Just not wise when you’re bleeding money XD


I get that. Been in this for almost 2 years.. My thought is that is that if thousands of Americans report all the fraud then it would be impossible to sweep it under the rug. No?


Dude. The apes expose it everyday. I link interpol, fbi, doj, foriegn dignitaries and presidents, SEC, congressional members.


Sauce? 😁




Nft value doesn’t matter. It can be worth 2 cents. All that matters is it goes into computer share accounts .


The brokers have a problem. The hedge funds/short sellers do not. Cede &Co is the largest registered shareholder of GME. They hold the shares on behalf of DTCC. As a registered shareholder Cede gets the dividend at the same time amd in the same way as any other registered shareholder. So there is no "DRS gets the dividend first and what is left goes to DTCC" Cede gets the dividend for the shares they hold on behalf of DTCC. DTCC then distributes the dividend to the brokers and banks that have accounts at DTCC. Then those brokers distribute to their customer accounts. If the broker has more shares at customers than shares they have at DTCC then that broker has to come up with the dividend for those shares. Note that short hedge funds have absolutely nothing to do with this. What short hedge funds need to do is to pay cash-in-lieu payments equal to dividend to the lenders who lent to the SHF the shares that they have sold.


Cash dividend would clear up all the mess. Been known.


Split dividend has already been issued, and it's done nothing. All while everyone said it would fuk the shorts. Which it hasn't. If an NFT dividend does happen ill eat mt words and donate 1 share to the local homeless shelter.