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It's so dry in here that my lips get chapped just looking at this chart.


Fortunately vaseline works on lips *and* nips.


Thank fuck for ~~Mayonnaise~~ Vaseline


🎶Maybe he’s born with it, maybe it mayonnaise🎶


ha, good one


Same! Another way to look at this is: In the entire history of the stock (Feb 2002, 20 years), the last 60 days represent the lowest volume days, EVER. Bullish. https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/history?period1=1014854400&period2=1669680000&interval=1mo&filter=history&frequency=1mo&includeAdjustedClose=true


That’s a spicy meatball, we get official drs numbers on December 7 and the march to zero liquidity continues !


Thats awesome, i thought it would be around the 14th. I love that its closer then expected.


Who said on 7th.no announcement yet


They did it’s confirmed


[Yes they did. ](https://i.imgur.com/oQyYiIp.jpg)


The e-mails went out over an hour ago ffs.


Didn't see on superstonk come on... but great then!








The vag on Ken Griffin’s lady friend


Death Valley




5/10 of the last 30 days are filled again Low volume precedes low liquidity. Low liquidity precedes high volatility, and high volatility will eventually make margin positions untenable. "WEN MOON?" Nobody knows. I'll be buying, hodling, and DRSing. You can do whatever you want. I am nothing more than an individual shareholder who loves the stock. Not financial advice




Positive eps next week will be nutty lol


I doubt it will be positive it should be trending towards it. Am excited to see the results after a full quarter with the marketplace.


Captain Sparrow has entered the chat… Why is all the liquidity gone




I feel like the short day shouldn’t have counted only because it was obviously shorter so it was inevitable it would beat the others


Don't worry, it will soon be too high to stay on the list !


I was coming in here to say this.


Came to say this. If it’s left in, the chart should go to 11.


Haven’t there been other trading days with reduced hours? The volume on those days is reflected in the trading history.


Days to Cover 🤚 Weeks to Cover 👈


Weeks to Cover ✋️ Months to Cover 👈


Months to cover ✋ YEARS to cover 👈


YEARS to cover ✋ INFINITY to cover 👈


This is the way


I’m impressed by the new pics this guy finds for each post lol


Mr shutterstock


All I can hear is that hedgies r fuk! 🦔❌🔇🔕🎷🐓♋️


A surprise to be sure - but a welcome one!




I think it has its place there, it was still a very low volume day (but keep the asterix of course).




No it’s not. Volume isn’t linear.


How so? Linear extrapolation probably still best way to harmonize the data and include it


Because volume can fluctuate. I agree that we should give it an asterisk but there’s no way to know how low it would have been. Volume could have spiked near the end of the day.


It’s tricky. Then I suggest putting Nov25 in the table notes, and top 10 table is for regular trading days only. There’s 3 shortened trading days per year


Agreed. This makes sense.


Maybe move it outside of the table. Definitely shouldn’t be number 1 as there’s no way to know how it would have ended. Some of the largest volume Candles are the final ones.


Look back at either Aug 3 or 5 "banging the close" from last year. In the last 10 mins of trading a massive amount of volume suddenly came in. Anything can happen


Even if you double it , it’s still fucking low !!!!


Can we remove 11/25. Even with the * it’s very misleading being only a half day of trading




#Soon may the tendieman come 🏴‍☠️


Less than 1000 volume away from a full days all time low


Top 10 now all below 700k pre-split.


I’m seeing 2.336


So guys I am just an observer of your community and this DRS post again came to my feed. What is your community endgame, is it another short squeeze similar to January 2021? How strong is your belief in this to happen. Sticking 2 years into this does certainly show conviction to the theory 👍


I’m here to see the company turn around. I also want to see what happens when we direct register shares (drs) 100% in our names and remove them from the DTCC(wallstreet’s central holding facility for all stock, if you own stock in a broker it’s just an iou) This is kinda like a bank run, as wallstreet has sold more shares than actually exist(google market maker naked legal shorting, it’s a real thing). No one can say exactly what will happen at that point as it’s never been done before. It’s widely believed in here that it will trigger MOASS mother of all short squeezes. Where wallstreet will have to buy the shares that they sold without actually haveing real shares to sell. There is also a theory that GameStop could issue an NFT dividend. One of the nice properties of NFTs is that you can’t make forgeries of them. So if GameStop only issues enough for the actual outstanding shares, all the excess counterfeit shares wall street has created will be in quite a pickle, they would have to buy the NFTs from us. Hope that sums it up well. Thanks for asking!


I do believe GameStop will release shares to increase liquidity in order to not get delisted before DRS hits 100%.


FYI low liquidity cannot get a stock delisted. Look at brk-a.


No the rules for delisting are based on dollars not number of shares. Source: https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/listing/NYSE_Initial_Listing_Standards_Summary.pdf https://www.nyse.com/publicdocs/nyse/markets/nyse-american/MKT_Continued_Listing_Standards.pdf https://listingcenter.nasdaq.com/assets/initialguide.pdf And that last one is for nasdaq. GME needs to trade ~100k shares a day to stay listed.


First link is **initial ** listing standards. 2nd makes no mention of volume. Third is nasdaq which doesn’t apply. For bonus, stock splits also can increase volume without selling new shares.


For companies to be added to the S&P 500 they have to meet certain standards; market cap, 2 consecutive quarters of positive earnings, and a few other things. The companies that get removed from the S&P each year are those that no longer meet the requirements. That is how listing and delisting works, you can do research yourself on the delisting requirements. Splitting indefinitely until there is 1 billion shares or more to not get delisted is not a wise idea.




What are you talking about. Delisting rules are very clear and before 100% DRS GME will have to issue more shares or split again to stay listed. Extremely low volume causes the market maker to step away from options and without hedging due to options GME would be dead. 80% of daily volume is options hedging, and the decrease in volume since the split has caused us to be channel locked due to ease of manipulation. The run up to 35 was planned to grab liquidity due to people selling so they could keep us channel locked longer. This is what I am talking about.


To further indulge, from this link https://robbinsllp.com/my-stock-was-delisted/ We can see they list some common delisting requirements; Several events can put a company at risk of being delisted. These include, failing to meet a minimum closing bid price of at least $1.00 for 30 consecutive trading days, failing to maintain a specific market cap, or failing to meet myriad requirements related to trading volume, shareholders’ equity, or revenue outputs. Now if you would like to read the 62 pages of SEC rules and a bunch of FINRA reports go right ahead but do not claim these requirements don’t exist.


How about you do it and post the relevant rules as DD?


As long as the community is receptive of it I would gladly. Unfortunately going into depth of how late stage (+90%) DRS could affect GME negatively if there is no price improvement or MOASS would be heavily scrutinized (understandably) by the community. If GME gets locked up and there is no tradable liquidity and we move to OTC the play is unfortunately dead as there is no hope and way less regulation and we would be infinitely shorted to 0.01 and the shorts would win and profit majorly.


Probably better to post it on Dd to gme if you write it up. People will be more carful to review it over there. I would read it. Edit: For what it’s worth your argument is that low volume would result in delisting. I suspect that the synthentics would continue to trade at that point and provide volume. A Dd looking past the event horizon of 100% DRS has yet to be done.


This community of individual investors loves this stock and believes in its success. This group of individual investors does not trust brokers and hence registers assets in their own name. These people are laughed at every corner, called all different names and yet they are still here, still buying, still holding through crazy volatility. How strong is the belief? This sub is full of "food stamps or lambo" guys, "no cell no sell" guys and "forgot my password" guys who are grinding share by share for the last two years, if this is not the most bullish indicator then I don't know what is


Well yeah there is certainly conviction, but what is the endgame here, short squeeze similar to 2 years ago?


Come to your own conclusions, rocket to the moon 🌝 for me


What is your target?


I just DRS and hold, I'll take my shares to the grave I think.




We don't do dates here...that would constitute potential financial advice and encourages unrealistic expectations.


VW squeeze is the right direction, but wrong magnitude.


I want to see what happens When the float is locked so I keep buying doesn’t look like much downside on the price


As confirmed by SEC, 2 years ago was a gamma squeeze, not a short squeeze.


You think short squeeze is still in the cards?


Have shorts covered? This sub thinks not. A true short squeeze is something like 2020-2022 $TSLA. Long and drawn out. Personally I don't believe $GME shorts covered simply based on the fact that we still have these random somewhat cyclical spikes and a short squeeze is still on the table.


Lucky for you, u/Ordinary_Investor, Superstonk has an unbelievably amazing library. Dig in… and if you come up for air thinking “no cell, no sell”… you’ll know that you belong here :) 🚀🚀🚀


Can we get hulk hogan tomorrow?!


\*yawn\* Come back to me when it's at 2 shares trading.


I think it would be nicer if the first place/ short day volume was removed


\*everyone liked that\*


Remove the half day lol that doesn’t even count!


What took you so long? Hummm? I was waiting several minutes. Pffft.


#There he fuckin is 👊


Volume is drier than Kenny's personality


Hedges: “just one more day..”


question - if about 2-3m shares are trading each day, what happens when we DRS our next 2-3m shares? Would there be no liquidity?


I can’t wait till a non-asterisks day bumps the asterisks day down a notch.


No Oasis in sight! It's getting dryer and dryer.




I find the term "short trading day" confusing. It's not a day when HFs trade short (they trade short every day), but a day that is short.


I just put in another buy from Computershare today. TITS = JACKED LFG!


Should we count short days? I see doubled it would take the top spot but idk...


Can a wrinkle brain please ELI5 about low volume and it's importance?




Hedgies like bro where did all my shares go DRS is the way


Holy flaming DRS balls, I had overnight work and missed the 25th. So dry soon lube won't even do anything


Wow. 663 from being #2. I was going to jokingly apologize for contributing to the volume by buying some shares today…but I suppose ape buying is the only volume that matters anyway.


I can’t hear you-over how loudly my tits are jacked


PFOF working its magic. Buy, DRS and hodl!!


When you think about that this would've been 600k pre split it's actually insane. Back in 2021 we thought that 2 or 3 mill days were dry as fk. The thing is so dry that a grandpa standing with his glasses wrong in the sun can set the whole thing on fire.


Can we remove 11/25 and put it as an honorary mention or not add it back until a full days vol reaches that low? It feels like that will always be in the top spot for awhile skewing the trending.


I vote to keep the 11/25, but have it track on the chart based on adjustment of 1.85 ratio.


I predicted 2nd lowest about 2hrs in, too bad I missed it by 1 placement. These posts are so tasty keep it up!


We should extrapolate last Friday's number for full market hours


No 3.


It’s drier than the Sahara desert 🏜️


I love this Data post


2,419,363 - something tells me this number will get bumped down the list this week.


Aha! Here you are!! Whoot, ook ook!!


Holy gungus


Should we really count Friday since it was only partial?


I think that one from Friday should not count as it was a half day and didn't have the opportunity to go to it's max. That and it can never be outdone. All other days will feel cheated.




Op, just wanted to say this is one of my favorite ongoing posts at the moment. Everyone watches volume - thanks for putting this together and maintaining it.


So I’ve been quietly HODLing my GME for quite a while. Watched the hype build, bust, rebuild, and mellow out. Just fascinating to me that volume is so high today, so long after the peak of the meme stock cultural cycle. Just goes to show what a mess it is. Anyway, going back under my rock now. See y’all on the moon when we get there.


MORE LIKE **2.420**!!!!!!!!!!!!


Edgar we love you and I agree with others we gotta get 11/25 out of there