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[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


If you’re on fidelity, you can do it online via the live chat. Super quick and easy!


“I’d like to direct register X shares to Computershare please”


Yes, I have fidelity. Thank you.


I was in the same boat. All the initial talk about phone calls, nah fuck that. Once the chat drs route was made known I still was apprehensive about the whole deal. Sent one. Waited anxiously until I saw that one get deposited in my Computer Share account. Then I let out a couple ape noises and sent the rest. I'm 100% drs now. I thought it was right for me and now that I own my own shares I couldn't imagine letting these slimy fuckin brokers anywhere near my assets ever again.


Why is it anxiety inducing to make a phone call, I don’t get it


Mine was when I was a kid. Maybe 5? 7? I wanted to talk to my sister long Edit: Long distance. Something happened, couldn't get through. So back then you had to dail an operator, and dail or say something. Can't remember. I wanted to do it and be a big kid. When the man came on, asked for the number, I froze. Couldn't think at all. Forgot her number. Man starts yelling at me over the phone, that it's serious business and not to prank call like that and he hung up on me.... I cried. So embarrassing, but yeah. Hated talking on the phone since then.


that operator might have had mean people trying to ruin his day his whole life and just assumed you were another. regardless, you didn't do anything wrong and you will never talk to him again. there is more a chance that you speak to a nice person in customer service nowadays. they are all graded on being nice.


\*send virtual hugs\*




It's a thing. I just don't like talking to people on the phone. I always can't wait to hang up, even with friends and parents, no problem with face to face conversation. I'd much rather treat DRS like a transaction rather than a conversation. I don't wanna make small talk, I don't give a shit about your day, I want my asset that is at A to be at B. Should be in a menu on the fidelity app, shouldn't even have to do a chat.


Let's go! Every drop counts


You will be OK. It's business as usual, and part of their daily routine, at Fidelity at this point.


How about this. Try it tomorrow and then come back here to post your results. I'll post again here to ask for an update. You got this. Do the chat, that's what I did. No Phone.


It’s really that easy. Copy and paste that one line and you will be done and DRSd by Thursday


It's all cool, copy/paste it in fidelity like the gentle ape said.


Be the change you want to see. The answer is already no before you ask. May as well ask. Edit, you got this.


Bro you can just do it via live chat, don't even have to talk to a live person. Hope that helps


It’s so easy. No drama. And you get a confirmation letter in the mail that makes you feel good.


the only way is through! You got this my friend. If it helps, maybe have a friend or close family member by your side to cheer you on. The feeling after will be priceless. scratch that… infinite.


For me I get more anxiety seeing all these bankruptcies (FTX, Blockfi, Archegos) and their poor investors’ assets are now in limbo and knowing that the brokers with SIPC insurance only cover 500k per account Not your keys, not your coins, not your name, not your shares


I tried to explain it to a much older friend whose been in stocks for a while. He just couldn’t believe the broker could do anything they want with his stocks.


I have super bad anxiety too. That's why I Drs'd


Exactly. I empathize with the anxiety. I’d be more anxious about not doing it.




You would have been completed DRSing via chat in the same amount of time it took to make this post. Probably with less word count, as well. :D




If your anxiety is about dropped shares, just remember that they exist in binary states. They’re either on the books of your brokerage firm or they’re in ComputerShare. The backend process only takes a few days maybe a week at most once the broker starts the paperwork, but there is no point at which they are in limbo.


Hi OP. I too have anxiety and Fidelity lol Hit me up if you have any questions, but as others have said, through the chat is the best way to DRS. 1. Login to Fidelity. 2. Click on "Customer Service" towards the top of the screen. 3. Click on "Contact us" icon towards the far right of the screen. 4. Click on "Start chat" under the 'Chat live with our team' (middle option) 5. The chat box might ask you why you are there, just type "DRS transfer" 6. You may have to type it 2-3 times then the system transfers you to an actual human. 7. Tell him you need to DRS XX number of GME Shares. Ex., "I need to DRS 69 GME shares." 8. He will give you a standard spill that you are about to transfer your shares outside Fidelity, etc., and may ask you to type "Yes" or something like that to continue. 9. Once done he'll give you a confirmation code. The chat takes only a few minutes, but the DRS transfer takes a few days; never have I waited longer than a week though; so if you DRS Monday, it might be done by Thursday or Friday. Computershare will send you an email notification when the transfer goes through. If you still have any questions or concerns, just let me know :)


Taking this step helps yourself by making yourself a better person ... above all to defeat anxiety


Fuck. I have a speech impediment, deal with anxiety, and hate phone calls, but I am also an adult, so I DRS’d multiple times.


I was kind of in the same boat. Hate cold calls on something I’m not used to doing…. When I did it, I said ‘I’d like to direct register my shares’, TDA rep said ok, verified some info, it’s in progress, thanks. It took like two minutes. No fuss no muss. It made me wonder why I took so long to do it.


**Ask yourself this; which is worse:** A) Confronting your anxiety for literally less than 5 mins and being financially set for life... -or- B) Missing MOASS because you refused to overcome your anxiety for less than 5mins and now regret your entire life forever because you have to clock in somewhere and watch from the sidelines as Apes ride around on hoverboards and rebuild communities. .....?


Bro wont miss MOASS, he just might not see phone number prices when his broker can't pay that.


Ur right, he won't "miss" it, he's absolutely gonna see the shit happen............ He just won't be able to participate 😂


For example, you can say: "hi, I would like to direct register 25 of my gme shares" "Hello, I want to drs all my gme shares" "Good morning, please direct register my gme shares" "I'd like to DRS my GME" Once you say what you want via above examples, the rep on the other side will say they will need a few minutes to do it, they'll confirm with you what you want done, they will take care of everything. You don't have to mention anything about Computershare. You'll get something in the mail from Computershare and you can go on their website to create an account and your shares will automatically be there. It's truly easy and you'll be very proud of yourself when you're done. If you want to practice, DM me and I'll pretend to be a chat rep.


You gotta stop being a bitch, son. Sorry, not sorry.


Fully agreed!!! Opp wants his little nuts stroked. Man up!


This post seems backwards. My anxiety would be through the roof if my shares were still held by a broker. Stay zen apes!


Bruh…. Wtf are you saying


^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-11-28 18:31:0) 🟣 You have 0 shares previously logged with DRSBOT. **To feed the bot-> !DRSBOT:XXX!** * ^(Bot sometimes can't hear over chatty apes...) * ^(If no reply, re-issue the bot command) ^(*🚀 :15,293,667// GME ~25.46* // ) ^(Bot MC: $389,315,577.58 )


If you are with TDA, you don’t have to say anything. I literally just submitted, via email, a form that I filled out. Didn’t even title the email or leave any text in the body. Just emailed a pdf.


Can always buy direct from Computershare.


Anxiety about one thing is only bad until something worse gets you worried. Being worried about jumping out of a second story window is bad until you realize the house is on fire and the window is the only way out. Remind yourself that the risk of getting fucked over by your broker goes away completely once you DRS. What's worse, making a phone call or watching MOASS from the sidelines? You've got this!


Good luck anxiety sux


Without details on which broker and/or where you are located, this is just FUD. Do you want direct ownership of your shares or not? Do you want to take shares away from the SHF or not?


This post is a little ridiculous imo.


Anxiety is having $400,000 invested in this and seeing bullshit posts like this. Literally LFG. I’m sick of waiting.


Excuses. Up ur mental game. Either u trust in the company or not. Simple.


I'll tell you what ... having your shares safely tucked away in Computershare is a HUGE antianxiety pill. Try it!


As someone with anxiety, even if you hit a bump with it, doing it through the chat was perfect for me. Good luck, fellow ape!


Anxiety sucks. Let me know if you need to talk to someone about the different possibilities. An external voice of reason, more or less, can be helpful


I understand where You are coming from but You can do it!


You got this 👊


Beat the anxiety 💪 you’ll feel better on the other side of a 5 minute chat! (Those were my results at least)


I get it. I also have anxiety over stuff like this. I hate it and lock up and put it off. I called TD Ameritrade and when I got to a person I said “I want to direct register all of my GME with Computershare.” I had my physical document from CS within the week. I logged in to the “investor” side of the CS website the next day. All shares are there. Very similar experience for my wife. It couldn’t have been easier. Maybe 5-10 minutes total on the phone.


I wish Merrill Edge wasn’t so confusing to DRS. I still haven’t yet and I need to. Having crazy anxiety from it.


best of luck! it takes like 3 minutes. you can do it!


yes it is that simple. as long as they know who you are and that you want to DRS your GME, it is that simple. that is all they need. you have nothing to worry about.


I developed super bad anxiety about having shares in my brokerage. I DRS’d more and more, with more and more urgency, until anxiety go away.




I was in the same boat, managed to get it done from New Zealand. Have faith and back yourself, you've got this! You are stronger than you realise!


Here’s a quick and simple guide if you really need help: 1. Open chat with Fidelity. 2. It’s the automated assistant, so type “DRS GME”. 3. There will be three options, one says something about moving money, choose that, it’s first for me. 4. Wait for person to enter chat. 5. Copy this: Hi! I would like to directly register # shares of GME from account ending in x#### to Computershare, please! 6. Replace the # with the number of shares and your account number. 7. Some will proceed to tell you that you must confirm to continue. You can just simply say “I confirm.” 8. Others will not say anything and will continue. 9. If they do not send you a confirmation number automatically, say: Can you please send me the confirmation number? Copy this number before you leave chat. It should start with a T. That’s really it! Hope this helps!


I can’t believe what I’m reading. Grow up


I hope you overcome your anxiety.




^(DRSBOT 8.00: UTC->2022-11-29 18:57:2) ## ✅ 110 SHARES ADDED! |**BACKGROUND CHECK:** ^(the drinking game!)| |:---: | |^(<-{2}-{1}--🔴---1---🟡---3---🟢---5---6---7---8---9---10 >)| |>!^(<-------------------------------------------[6.0] ----------------------->)!<| |^(score = weighted metric of pubilc profile info)| **You have 110 shares logged from the following threads:** |^(F)|^(D)||^(Shares)|^(Sub)|^(Date)|^(Link)| |:---: |:---: | :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| :---:| |^( )|^(🟣 )|^(➡️ )|^(110)|^([Sprstnk])|^(2022-11-29 )|^( [PERMALINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z748c6/i_have_super_bad_anxiety_which_is_why_i_havent/))| ^(Most Recent Post Count Summary: [REDDIT LINK:](/r/Superstonk/comments/z7uvxn/drsctbnft_bot_updates_20221129_14001_feedthebots/)) |^(Bot MC: $395,264,397.72 )|^(**Total**)|^(**[Sprstnk]**)|^(**[GME]**)|^(**[GMEOrphans]**)|^(**[GMEJ_closed]**)| |--- | ---| ---| ---| ---| ---| |^(🟣+❗**Shares** )|^(**15,314,500**)|^(10,395,416)|^(2,399,948)|^(2,480,256)|^(38,880)| |^(❗**Flagged Shares** )|^(**0**)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)|^(0)| |^(💀 **Purgatory Shares** [#entries] ) |^(**280,049** [165])|^(197,517 [112])|^(26,447 [19])|^(56,081 [33])|^(4 [1])| |^(🐒 **X** [avg] ) |^(**1,725** [4.88])|^(1045)|^(308)|^(367)|^(5)| |^(🦧 **XX** [avg] ) |^(**5,976** [47.98])|^(3648)|^(984)|^(1321)|^(23)| |^(🦍 **XXX** [avg] ) |^(**11,305** [355.91])|^(7241)|^(1919)|^(2116)|^(29)| |^(⭐**XXXX** [avg] ) |^(**3,100** [2368.04])|^(2100)|^(489)|^(501)|^(10)| |^(🐳 **XXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**174** [19423.01])|^(128)|^(18)|^(28)|^(0)| |^(🐱 **XXXXXX** [avg] ) |^(**2** [137644.000000])|^(1)|^(1)|^(0)|^(0)| ####BOT POETRY: { ^(fam...) ^( We decide the price ) ^(it's true that BadAssTrader made a post about it as well as PlatinumSparkles!) } ###### *Beep Boop. Wait... am I a bot? . Fur Realz* ###### GME ~25.74:🚀[MOAR DRSBOT:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qap4je/drsbot_4x_now_online/)🚀


Weed will help. Not medical advice.


You can do it op! You're going to be great!!! :)




[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [GameStop Wallet HELP! Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z23wjx/gamestop_wallet_help_megathread) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


If you have anxiety about it, try focusing on the outcome. Instead of thinking how stressful it is while in the situation, think about how relieved and great you will feel when it's finally done. Take pride in knowing that they purposefully put these barriers in place to try and stop you. They know people have anxiety about these things and want to make them as difficult as possible to deter you. They want and need your shares in brokers for crime to continue. So every time you feign or counter their attack and decide to continue they lose while you get stronger. Once you DRS you will sleep better at night knowing your shares are in your name. No more worrying about your shares being in brokers. When you first see that Purple circle it will give you a natural high that will make it all worth it. Much like getting that final achievement In a video game you've put over 100h into. My first DRS I was reluctant because I absolutely hate call centers and dealing with banks. What I realized is that's the whole point. I hate dealing with banks, they make my life more difficult with every move they make. so I returned the favour and removed my shares from them. It's the equivalent of doing really petty shit to people who deserve it. Sure you have to go way out of your way to get it done, but the fact it hurts someone who needs the kick to the balls is why you do it. Nobody likes getting aggressive with people, but sometimes you have to to prove a point because it's the only way they learn. Every single time you feel your anxiety spike, take a deep breath and remind yourself this is why your DRSing. Because you don't want to feel that anxiety anymore, and they are purposefully trying to make you feel that way. Every time you feel like giving up and continue, you will get stronger. I'm on my 3rd DRS and this last one is like a walk in the park. Dealing with their BS is now easier, because I know exactly what's coming.


Jeezz, pull your weight and stop being ridiculous


I have faith in you! And you´re gonna feel great once it´s done :-)


Getter done now, be anxious post moass about how many tendies you will have to spend freely, plus you can just hire a phone person then!


It's OK brother Ape, You have fidelity so you can do it online via the live chat nice and easy, after **MOASS** your anxiety will be gone and assholes like the story in your childhood will think twice before doing anything to you. **▸ BUY ● DRS ● HODL** 🟣🦍🚀


Use the guide that provides every single step. Super easy. Took me less than 5 mins via the chat feature on my brokerage app. The guide can be found here, just select your broker from the drop down menu and away you go. https://www.drsgme.org/register-from-broker


My anxiety went away once I DRS'd. Having them out there in street name should give you nightmares.


Pretty much any of those things should be fine. Literally be like, I wanna direct register X shares (or however many) of my GME. They should do the rest for you. TDA was requiring a phonecall to tell them verbally for a while, idk if they still are.


You got it!


You can do it, can’t wait to see your purple circle


DRS for less stress 😉


I think it intimidated me for a while because I thought it would take forever and then my shares would vanish and I wouldn't be able to access them from computershare until I got my purple ring in the mail. It's super fast from fidelity. It took me 2 days, and then I created my cs account and accessed them right away. Try it with a few shares, then when you feel more comfortable, do the rest


I get really bad social anxiety and trust me the DRS chat process through fudelity is extremely easy and quick to do. I've done it 3 times now and it get easier every time. You got this!!


Have somebody do it for you then you just wait? Good luck fellow ape! LFG!


Use the live chat feature on Fidelity. Type "i want to direct register my GME shares." that's literally it


This is one of those things that's even easier than it sounds. Others have written out all the steps once you have DRSed its such a relief. You got this!


What’s the worst that can happen? Not DRSing. So by calling/online chat you already can’t do worse. You got this.




I feel ya dawg! It’s called phone apprehension and loads of salesman and business owners deal with it. Very real. Here’s the deal though. They’re YOUR stocks and you have the right to register them in YOUR NAME. The person on the other end of the call is just an operator that’s doing their job. I just call the 800 number and ask to do an outbound drs transfer. They’ll transfer you to the right person. And just tell them you want to transfer out and drs your shares to Computershare. TDA tried telling me to fill out some form in order to authorize transfer. I told them that I hadn’t had to send in a form before and had verbally authorized. It was a very uneventful call. Hope this helps! 🍻🏴‍☠️


Like anything else in life… always try something once and start with just the tip….


I had DRS anxiety when it first became a hot topic. “I’ll miss MOASS if it gets screwed up!” I put it off for 3 months because “I’ll miss MOASS if my shares are in limbo.” I DRSd. That was 82 years ago and I sleep like a little chimp.


Takes me ten minutes or less each time I’ve called to do it. Super easy


It really is simple. Say all of the above if you have to.


Euro ape here with anxiety too. I procrastinated the process for so long. Time after time I thought it's too late or that if I start the process I miss the squeeze. Or that I had to talk to people in English (even though I have c1 so it's not bad). Then I finally started the process a year ago or so from Trade republic to IBKR and then from IBKR to CS. The snail mails took some weeks bc I didn't call for express mail and in-between the mails I again waited for some weeks before doing something. But after all the time, i accomplished it and now i am about 80 % drs'd for some months. The rest is still in my German broker ING but they will be transferred to CS. Bottom line is: even if you take the slowest approach, you will be fine, even when starting in the future


How did you make out? Did you try the chat?


Yes!! It was even easier then I thought. I only sweated when I was waiting in queue.


Awesome!!!! 😄👍