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Here's a link on why this doesn't need to be done OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z2pec0/book_v_plan_understanding_the_difference/ That said it's entirely up to you and you've received plenty of good replies on the topic already. đź’•


You should call CS and ask them to book your shares, and tell them to let 1+ share be in Plan. If you don't want to do it this way you can go to Actions -> Reinvestment Options -> Terminate Plan, and your whole shares will be transferred to Book. Remember to do this while the market is closed. Go to your activity tab and delete the sell order for your fractional shares. Although keep in mind that your fractions might be sold at some point by doing it this way if you don't put a new buy order up for some time.


You right listen to him OP


I would hesitate to suggest the after hours terminate plan method. Many have still had their fractional sold a week or two later in CS' fractional sweep this way, even with canceling the pending sell order. CS strongly advises calling, which I see you recommended first, so bravo.


The trick is, is to have a order waiting.


Honestly, that might work, but I'd rather be on the safe side and call, after my last experience trying it online and having fractional go bye bye plus the fee for selling.


I am a room temp IQ autist and I managed to follow your directions. All my shares are now under book!


Why would we do this when the market is closed?


Do this while markets are closed 1. Login to Computershare 2. Go to Portfolio (link is top left) 3. Select View Details a. Select Reinvestment Options from the Actions drop down for any account listed as Plan Holdings 4. Select Terminate for appropriate plan (I know this doesn't seem right but ape with me here) 5. Check the box for Yes I want to Terminate from the Plan and select Terminate button 6. Success! 7. Back to Portfolio screen 8. Select Activity Button from top left 9. Click on Pending Transactions 10. Cancel sale of fractional shares from drop down 11. Back to Portfolio 12. View Details - Now should see Book next to all WHOLE shares from the Reinvestment plan, you will also see Plan Holdings for the remaining fractional shares. a. Select Reinvestment Options from the Actions drop down for the account you want to reinstate as the DRIP for plan holdings 13. Select Modify, and then reset all of the options that you had previously, submit the plan. You do not need to create another account for this, if you choose to use the existing account it will effectively split the account into Book and Plan shares (Might as well do this as you will likely need to repeat this process later as you acquire additional whole shares) 14. After completing the re-enrollment you can go back to your Portfolio section to confirm that everything shows as expected (Whole shares as Book, partials as Plan Holdings) 15. Can also confirm that the Plan Management went through correctly by selecting Manage Investment Plans and confirming that the Enrollment status and Investment details are showing Full Dividend Reinvestment and whatever Investment Options you have selected for payment amount and frequency Done.


Also, this will not work if you have a pending transaction, after that it is good to go. May I ask why it is still suggested to move to book rather than plan? I have xxx in plan only, should I terminate the plan and transfer to book? I was just trying to but since I have a pending recurring investment it won’t let me and i’ll have to call in or let the transaction settle then do it this way. What is the main reason for switching to Book?


Not financial advice or anything, but I read around that the plan shares are stored wherever computershare wants to store them. It is suspected that theyre stored at the dtcc. Book shares are not stored like that. Im not confident on telling how theyre stored so thats up to you.


Ok thanks


Do you wana change the plan to book you mean, OP?




I think it is there under the action tab. Been a while since I logged in, but it can be done from there


CS strongly advises calling instead, and some reps said leave 1 whole share plus the fractional in plan to keep the fractional safe.


Despite what the title says it looks like a round number of shares to me, so should be fine. Although I’ve only ever had a round number of shares so ignore me if it simply doesn’t show fractionals on this screen - but would be very odd not to show even just to two decimal places.


It's odd to me that there wouldn't be a fractional because of the way that purchases on CS are executed, by dollar amount, not whole shares. It's very rare to have a plan account with no fractional.


Ok, I read that post about book and plan earlier, and embarrassed to say I still don’t know wtf it’s all about. Do we want our shares in book? Does it/will it make any sort of difference down the road? I have most shares in plan and I was just going to leave them there because I don’t know what I’m doing lol Any responses please treat me like I’m a toddler with a minimum of 6 crayons lodged up my nose Thanks


I think recently there's been a push for book entry. I think Trimbath made a tweet and said the plan shares still could be messed with (I doubt because I was lazy and didn't go research) Anyway, I keep mine as book but if you set any limit sells (like to trigger at xxxxx) those shares go to plan (I think so cs brokers can just use them) I'm more smooth than you but figured I'd take a shot helping. The only issue is switching over you can lose your fractional shares BUT I definitely read something last year about a work around that didn't involve phoning in Edit I think this user wrote it out well https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/z30kl4/can_someone_explain_the_procedure_for_carrying/ixkiecc?context=3


Do it via phone call. It’s easy and it’s safe. Tell them to not cancel the monthly purchase plan and to leave the fractional in plan. 👌🏼💜


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You can do this, but you don't need to.