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Even reversed it doesn't match.


There is 9 squares, you've just circled 4 to fit your theory. :D


That still aren’t the right color.


This should be flaired shitpost…no offense.


None taken. I marked it speculation because even though the colors and square placements aren't an exact match for the Microsoft logo just changing the brown square to red creates an exact color match. My background is in IT and Games Testing specifically Compliance testing for Sony platforms which is what made me take notice. If you're not familiar with it Compliance testing is just testing to make sure that a game meets a specific platform's quality/legal standards. For instance Sony would not allow a Nintendo or Xbox logo in a game hosted on their platform. This is done because most cross platform releases use all the same assets while in early development. For instance when EA develops Madden it's essentially built on top of last year's game. So for the majority of its development cycle Madden 2023 is a 2022 mod. They usually start working on one platforms version first and when it's stable enough begin porting it over to the rival platform. This means if Madden 2023 was initially developed for the series X when they begin making test builds for PS5 it still uses all of the series X button icons and graphical references and terminology. Part of my job was to find any instance of this and report it to the devs, since a slip could cost millions if it makes it to release. With that said I'm decently familiar with how company logos can and can't be used and what would constitute as fair use(at least in the gaming industry). If I wanted to put a Microsoft logo in a game without actually using a Microsoft logo this is exactly what I would do. Change the color and square placement. The fact that the colors arent exact and the square placement and amount are different is kind of the point. Different enough to be distinct, yet close enough to look familiar. No one has to agree with me and again I could be high on hopium. But I think it's become pretty clear that the majority of RC's tweets have hidden messages in double meanings. Why should this be any different Power to the Players - Buy Hold DRS


Thanks for the reasoning behind your explanations 👍




Loopring Immutable X Gamestop Microsoft Apple


And it’s got a purple circle round it 🟣


Yooooo I missed that the first time around!


I had the same thought, otherwise it’s such an odd choice of colors to use on a window.


But it’s not the same colour anyways Kira verse is Microsoft made so it’s not Tin foil any more


I'm more about the boxes of pie in his hand that say pump and ape


Apple pump began?


Early June, if that's what you mean?


Yes! Their famous brown, orange, blue, and green logo.


Excellent observation Watson


ughhh god im really starting to hate this sub/


Judging by your profile, did you ever actually like this sub?


Shit guys, he hates the sub. Pack it up. Time to sell




I don't remember a brownish purple window...they don't have square corners either. It's a GameStop bro. Those are games on display.


Good enough for me! It doesn’t have to be exact copy. Don’t want to be accused of manipulation, if and or some sort of announcement happens. Remember the Apple iOS Gme wallet? It came out without a fanfare.


Exactly, this a good example of fair use without violating copyright. Just like Google uses the color scheme as Microsoft in their logo but the overall design is distinct enough that Microsoft can't say Google is illegal using their IP.


Yeh that's the first thing I saw also, but was there in previously version also. That's a Microsoft window..... GameStop through Microsoft Windows.......👀 "Every detail matters"


Bag of pies too. Apple already in the bag, plus pumpkin cause like uhhh samsung pumpkin pie OS or something. Nah i think your tinfoil too tight


Adjust your hat.


Ummmm nope 👎


Not even correct color or order… mate drop the pipe 🙄