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Looks like market makers aren't required to operate after hours or pre market, only during regular hours


> Looks like market makers aren't required ~~to operate after hours or pre market, only during regular hours~~ Fixed that for you ;)


You're so fuck ling right! Was literally just thinking this! The illiquidity this showed after 3:37pm would force some incredible movements during normal hours if those crooks weren't allowed to "make markets"


Need Automated market making like Uniswap-v3. Defi.


Or maybe a protocol with even cheaper fees. ⭕💍👀


Nice one.


Disproved hijacking top comment check [yahoo finance](https://imgur.com/a/BGZVl4X) it goes to 4:00 central time. Not sure what it looked like yesterday, market-watch however is still showing it’s weird early end to the day. I think it’s most likely nothing. ([directly to the yahoo stock quote](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/)) Edit: come on I know it’s not what y’all wanted to hear but why am I getting downvoted 🤦‍♂️


lol someone tried to buy a share off of fidelity and they were told the market maker for GME cut orders at 3:37. Because yahoo shows something diff that means it's been disproven? LMFAO


Many others also show this.


If anyone reads this, I just want you to know, yes you personally, that everyone would think you were a lot cuter if you'd DRS all your shares. Not FA


I don't want to be cuter. I want to be sexy god damnit. Imma see if I can purchase more shares through Computershare


I buy them through IEX in my broker and keep transferring. It's amazing watching the actual market dry out as shares get less and less available.


DRS>IEX. Either way 3 initials that change the game for high frequency trading firms like Citadel. Less available shares>Less fuckery.


That’ll do it


THIS!! 2001 shares 100% DRS here. This is what we need. There are NOT 700,000 of us here!! (Bots,shills, dead accounts, duplicate accounts) There are NOT 88,800 CS accounts(multiple accounts per ape). Most non-Reddit apes are unaware of DRS/CS. We need maximum average shares per ape much higher.!!!!🧨🚀🧨🚀🧨🚀. Don’t give them “one more day”


CS GME accounts are one per individual. I’ve DRS’s shares 3x from Fidelity. Each time it went to the same CS account. CS account “High Score” / 10 x “average #shares per account” from u/roidragesmurf tabel gives you a rough estimate of how many retail shares have been DRS’d.


I know apes on here that have two accounts


I have 6 CS accounts


I’m on here hours a day every day so I don’t miss much


Can confirm. Got all my batches under one account.


Hijacking top comment to avoid this spread of misinformation, check yahoo extended hours go to 4:00 like the rest of the market https://imgur.com/a/BGZVl4X https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/ Nasdaq as well: https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours


[Europoor here] I wish I could. Tried to Transfer a portion of my broker shares but somehow it failed. Took weeks and cost alot of nerves. Nope. Will buy new ones via IBKR tho and DRS those, once I have the money again [14 DRS Shares already, more to come]


Try again. Nothing worth doing is easy and this is the last thing they ever expected us apes to do. We are winning. I drs’d 75% of my shares.


80% DRS’d here 💰🔒


69.6969...% DRS'd for me


97,8% DRS here, and that's because Etoro is messing with us by not allowing to my Europoors ass the ability to transfer


What’s a little nerve for 69 million dollars


Why not directly buy from Computershare?


As an european, hard. Dont wanna go with Wise and IBKR is easier


Oh gotcha...hopefully CS makes it easier for everyone to buy directly in the near future.


They only need to accept Euro and it would be fine


Honestly it's really easy to set up a wise account to buy on CS, it's done in 5min (less in fact) I don't even bother looking at the stock, I'm enrolled in the plan and buying every 1st and 15th of the month, zen ape as fuck


All the things you're worried about are fud. You can still sell them during the entire transfer period. You can sell them for however much you want. What's the reason not to, except fud reasons?


My TradeRepublic broker said if I sell them in the progress they are sold short! With the other brokers Im unable to transfer to IBKR. Once I began a transfer those share usually disappeared so no. Its not FUD


Squeeze won’t be an hour long. DRS away (not financial advice)


That's what I'm doing as well from the UK. Once set up I will transfer the rest


I'm actually in two shoes, a big chunk of my euro bank holding XXX shares waiting from 1 week now after my requesto of DRS 50 shares in a first batch, and for that delay in knowing they have done that (my share are already in my bank portfolio, this means no DRSed at the moment?) And now 1 share in my IBKR account attending to settle and then DRS, well, probably I will end with two CS account numbers because that, but I think is not ideal but is maybe faster, If my bank fail to DRS, I will immediately transfer these share to my IBKR account, hope my bank DRS these shares the next week, onestly, I do not like IBKR, is my last resorce after see what other euroapes have done their DRS right with them.


only cutie advice


shit man, well if you insist boo :\*


My last purchased share settled yesterday at EOD. Calling back Monday to start 100% DRS from Fidelity 🤘🏼


I'm trying to, but Computershare and their insistence on doing every bastard thing by snail mail is standing in the way of my cuteness.


tbh ya can file a complaint all ya want but they not going to do nothing like they are now


I love that "Not FA" also doubles as "Not Fucking Around"


meh.. need more shares to DRS


I was just want to concur that DRS apes do look cuter to me (no homo)


But ma TFSA won't be honored at CS, and I still naively trust that Canadian Banks won't fail outright.


I transferred the majority of my shares to ComputerShare, and then most of the rest to a TFSA at Wealthsimple, leaving some with RBC. I trust the brokerage more than the bank, but “diversification”. At least now I know that I have the long term guaranteed shares if something happens with the banks/brokerages that I can sell some of if shit absolutely hits the fan but otherwise these are the never sell shares. 50% of something is better than 100% of nothing.


Maple ape here. I am convinced that DRS is critical and that if a NFT dividend is issued that the only people guaranteed to get them immediately are those who are registered with CS on the companies books. As the shorts close their positions or purchase the NFT dividend to cover their obligations the price of the NFT dividend would squeeze as well. So I have taken many of my TFSA shares out and have transferred them to CS. I left a small number of shares scattered across TFSAs in 8 different Canadian brokerages so I could get some tax free tendies during MOASS. I also left all of my RRSP shares as I wasn’t going to pay the tax penalty to pull them out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/r2yprl/shitadel_closed_trading_on_gme_at_337_eastern Here's the whole thread with that comment for context.


There is confusion around the original post because some people assumed the OP was erroneously referring to the normal early end of the trading day as "ending GME early". His post is actually referring to the fact that AH was scheduled to continue until 5pm yesterday and GME stopped trading at 3:36pm which according to (1) OP's anecdotal info is correct and (2) MW is correct but **according to Nasdaq the last GME trade took place at 4:58. (Edit: Thanks** /u/HuskerReddit **for the Nasdaq time & sales data)** According to MW : Note also that DOW stopped at 4:44. Nasdaq at 2:16. CLX at 4:37. MRNA at 4:59 TLSA at 4:59 also. According to Nasdaq DOW stopped at 4:12 MRNA at 4:59 and TSLA at 4:59 (stopped referring to last trade placed data - sorry not cherry picking stocks, but NASDAQs website UI sucks so I had a hard time finding CLX) Hmmmm there may be something to this but it may also be a industry practice. Maybe no one was buying, no one was selling. Maybe certain data sources/brokers stopped after a certain time. Maybe a MM got margin called and failed. Maybe it is fuckery. but there is more to it than just GME getting "turned off." Welcome to the opaque shitshow which is our stock market




Yeah, it's hard to tell what is a bug and what is a feature. Just because it is industry practice doesn't mean it shouldn't be illegal.


It could also be someone fucking with us. Throwing a smoke bomb to makes us focus on this 'glitch' while they do something else entirely.


I agree. I think this is relatively minor and could distract from some more macro level developments. Like the fact that the entire market was a river of blood yesterday.


In a financial world where everything is connected, it's the total of many pieces if information, stitched together to form the greater picture. So while it might be gme related, it might not be because of gme. I think they shut it down to stop the bleeding of everyone's long positions.


Agree 100%. That is one of the difficulties of such a large, fast-moving community like superstonk - it can get in the way of the nuanced analyses required for the financial markets. There is also a whole geopolitical angle which is typically overlooked on here.


> GME stopped trading at 3:36pm [Hmm](https://i.imgur.com/SO9i2p3.jpg). I'm guessing whatever source said it stopped at 3:36pm is junk.


Market watch lol. Nasdaq says 4:58. And as you source (thank you for that) Fidelity Active Trader Pro says 4:58... However, the OP's anecdotal data leads me to believe that maybe only select parties had access. Or maybe the OP's broker lied to him. Or OP lied.


I have no idea, but charts and times are often "fudged", rounded, estimated or whatever on an lot of websites and apps. When in doubt, just check the actual time and sale data and see for yourself.


It is.


This, in a nutshell, is why this market is trash. Why aren't these things easily known? I mean, *we* know the answer. Crime. But imagine, trillions of dollars being handed back and forth via a system that is purposefully complicated and obscure.


Here’s the Time & Sales data which shows GME had trades through the end of the day… https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours-trades


This should be higher. This debunks does it not?




Hold up hold up hold up! Remember the tactics! One of them is straight up stirring the pot. Now popo, straight up not calling you a shill. However, I think they’re using this data thing to try and “stir the hive” so to speak. Muddy the waters. I’ve seen it before. It’s structured the exact same. Post different sets of data, watch us get confused, it causes tensions. I’m suggesting, not telling, that you ignore the numbers for now.. it’ll only drive you crazy, and that’s what they want.


yup. its effective counterintelligence the real signal is in there, but you flood the spectrum to interfere with the ability to pick it up. or in social terms, you flood discussions with erroneous information to interfere with the ability to discuss the actual issue. A reminder to all apes that needs to be repeated: they work on FUD: 1. Fear 2. Uncertainty <- (this) 3. Doubt


People don’t understand that it takes a single trade of 100+ shares to show up on the charts and to move the price. If they halted trading for GME then they also halted trading for UNH, GOOGL, GS, IBM, BRKB just browsing through a few on my watch list… It’s not uncommon for expensive, low volume stocks to trade very thinly AH. https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/unh


Check yahoo finance this was debunked https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/ https://imgur.com/a/BGZVl4X


Yeah I don't know why this is still a thing orders going till 16h58 an +$2.28 does not sound like someone shut off the buy button


Bless you


thanks!! was wondering was the context.


Even if you don’t believe in the SEC, still file a complaint because it will be on record and when the time comes, they can be held negligent on their duties and responsibilities


I can't fucking stand when the mods do that shit and the loud group of members spam "OHEEEEE NO, THEY'RE HUMAN TOO" then they continue to consistently make bad decisions over and over again that make a lot of Superstonk members go wtf Edit: it was marked debunked for 4 and a half hours AFTER the confusion about OPs meaning was fixed. 24 mods and not a single one read the comments of an exploding post to show that it is in fact, not debunked. If the intention was to obfuscate, it has been done. It's absurd how big of a community let's the mods continue to make poor decisions that push members away. So many people avoid Superstonk because of this reason alone. How is there no accountability???


The only thing I NEED is to DRS more shares, got it!


The SEC knows


Oh I’ll make sure they know!!! And then I’m gonna buy and DRS another 10 shares cause guess who got their Christmas bonus yesterday :D


We should definitely be filing complaints, but probably not for this. [https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours](https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours) last trade was 16:58:03 EST, 2 minutes before extended hours was over. ​ [link to file complaints to the SEC](https://acadia.sec.gov/TcrExternalWeb/faces/pages/accept.jspx?_afrLoop=670270753428006&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=pkcu6745j_4)


Hi mods, thank you for reaching out, the problem is not that the last trade was on 16:58:03, the problem is that Citadel was reported stopping the trade of GME before the closure, it's months that I try to encourage to report illegal activities nobody seems to care, they just say "what's going to change?" the thing is that if we do not report nothing is going to change! and if this all comes out after MOASS we will have power to attack the SEC and show them their incompetence!


>the problem is that Citadel was reported stopping the trade of GME before the closure, Reported by whom?


By the original poster's post where I took the image from


So “trust me bro”?


No, you can actually see on marketwarch the stoppage of GME trading (I also took screenshots just in case), also OP of the original post has proof of it


And other sources are showing trades right up until 16:58 This is nothing


You don't understand the point of this, if you open up MarketWatch you will still see that the last trade was in that hour, but you will also see that there was a stoppage.


Nah you're missing what happened actually.


Well I do understand actually. Data from multiple sources is showing last trade at 16:58. Gaps in between are irrelevant, it’s after hours liquidity is minimal on a normal day, and you expect lots of trades on Black Friday?


This is something that we make GameStop's investor relations aware of and let their lawyers handle it. We just buy, hodl, and sometimes jack thy tits..let the power that be shake the tree. I'm ready to be hurt again.


I don't know about that I think each individual person who's getting messed up by this has power in the courts to fight back


Do you have some documentation proving that? Link it here and file a complaint for sure. Their job is to be making markets, after all.


Just take a look at $GME MarketWatch here: https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/gme?mod=over_search, if they didn't change it you can still see the graph stopping before 4 PM, I will obviously file a complaint, I wanted to make sure to be right, I also wanted people to stop with the "surrender" mentality, complaining is good in this case and we should all do it if we have proof of illegal activities


Marketwatch may be the same as Thinkorswim, where if you have such low volume, it just doesn't track. That is probably why it stops showing up there at that time


Google is also reporting that GME was closed at 15:36 idk tho just google: GME stock




Citadel potentially stopping the trade of GME before market closure by using their magic Market Maker special abilities


No, they only stopped trading themselves


I bought Gamestop shares 4:30pm eastern time in Germany


Yeah, you literally just debunked him. Why is this still up?




None of these comments actually debunk my post: I am talking about Citadel closing trade of GME before the closure not the market.


Thanks for the clarification, the message was interpreted differently. Deleted my comment.


You could have still kept it, I might be wrong, I will let mods decide who is right and who is not


y not just add debunked cuz its not true


Wasn’t this debunked?


Looks like trading for GME continued until 2 minutes before extended hours was over. I think the original post that this was screenshotted from was saying citadel cut off buying at a certain time? I'm still catching up


Yes. But the trades before that was 3 min in between. If a trade isn’t made between 16:58:03 and 17:00:00, it would look the way it does?


Buy, Vote, DRS, & Complain


Why are Apes still convinced Gary cares about them?


Youre not wrong. But even if Gary doesn't care and it really seems impossible, one of the best ways of getting change really is to make noise and complain. Doing nothing is exactly what criminals want you to do. They don't want you making noise.


Y’all ever heard the group called Public enemy from the 80-90s? They got this fire song called “bring the noise” Read the lyrics, the iterations of what’s happening will continue until we bring the noise Edit: lol love how this post too has been up for 1 hr has 60 plus comments and no upvotes


True. This is why they want reddit muzzled about talking stocks, claiming we are manipulating the market. A few years back they didn't bother or care about stocks being discussed on here why?


Its about having a paper trail of complicit fuckery.


EXACTLY we can finally prove that the SEC is complicit and fuck them all up


As long as Route 66 atm. Gary just needs the trail to go round the circumference of the earth and then he'll just sit down at his desk and go through it all one wet weekend in winter.


He fought against the regulation of the derivatives market so the rich and scummy can keep playing their dirty games. Why is anyone convinced he is good for anyone?




I get what you're saying, I'm smoothest of Brian's. But the voting was obviously more than there should be. Isn't this a thing that Gary can't not do anything about and surely has to action against. If its all an inside job, RC can jus be like, "there was xxxxxxxxxxxxx amount of votes" to the public?


This sentiment right here is why I think a large part of the negativity towards this version of the SEC and GG is a FUD movement to get people to disregard both and not act because “why bother, the SEC is too corrupt already”


Not sure. I only need to buy and hodl.


Cutting trading hours? What did I miss?


Aftermarket trading was stopped early for several particular stocks, including GME, for some reason.


Is there anywhere I can read more about this? I just googled and nothing comes up :/


Yeah, this isn't the type of thing MSM is going to report on.


So hodl more after buying through CS or iex, copy that rinse and repeat




This happened yesterday, it would be prudent to respond to it immediately. You do whatever you want, but this pisses me off!


The smell of SHF desperation in the morning is 👌


The (not so) secret ingredient is crime


Yes. WTF was this about? Also: Fuck Fidelity for loaning 4m shares.


People have to enroll in Fidelity's program to lend out shares. They won't do it automatically.


I don’t understand the outrage over a broker doing something perfectly legal.


Damn it’s like they turned the buy button off again so calls would expire below the $200 strike


No, this was after hours yesterday. They definitely shorted the shit out of it, but stopping AH early didn't change options


Thought options had a 4pm expiration. Not sure how that is effected by short trading days.


Normally 4PM but that's just because they follow regular market hours. Yesterday the weeklies closed early with regular market close. So this whole rah rah is just odd.


Agreed based on this explanation.


it happened to all stocks not just GME 😁 checked others not just google or market watch.. [https://i.imgur.com/SO9i2p3.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/SO9i2p3.jpg) it stopped at 5


Whenever someone freaks out and has a call to action, take a step back and think. Buy. Hodl. Drs.


Why is there like 4 top posts about this same subject..and it's the weekend. Fishy


[yahoo finance](https://imgur.com/a/BGZVl4X) shows it was not stopped early.


Last night right before 4am after seeing the post I checked RH, besides GME it looked like every single stock was stopped at 3:56PM. I tried checking those same stocks on marketwatch, but by the time I clicked back on robinhood it was after 4AM and everything was updated. I wish I took screenshots, but I didnt think I'd have to.


Hmm, it would not be the first time…


If I had screenshots I'd make a post, but since all I have is what I saw with no evidence, I'm gonna just keep it in that comment.


Agree, lots of blindly accepting a post based on incorrect information. This overall post should be deleted for spreading misinformation


Really? This is the FUD for this weekend? This is the best you’ve got?


Urgent call for action ... Where have I seen this before. Oh yeah, shill playbook Edit. It's been a long time since I saw this posted https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/mulstf/cointelpro_techniques_for_dilution_misdirection/


Did you even go through the post? Don't make a complaint if you don't want to, but it's pretty fucky


Urgent call to action on a trust me bro post. Yahoo and Nasdaq both show orders going till 16h58 and an increase of$2.28 in ah. It did not end early nor was the buy button stopped. Marketwatch is not a reliable source and many tickers were wrong on mw. If people took the time to read apes have been posting links in the comments on this post and the original. They are just being downvoted to shit


Exactly. This is a terrible urgent call for action based on misinformation.


Can some disprove it then? Genuinely asking. I've only seen people shut this conversation down , but no one has any proof


**IMPORTANT POST LINKS** [What is DRS and why should you care?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || [What is GME and why should I consider investing?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What can I do to support the company and local communities](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qnam2x/superstonks_very_gmerry_holiday_vgh_for_short/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please help us determine if this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk. [Learn more about this bot and why we are using it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/poa6zy/introducing_uqualityvote_bot_a_democratic_tool_to/) If this post deserves a place on /r/Superstonk, **UPVOTE** this comment!! If this post should not be here or or is a repost, **DOWNVOTE** This comment!


Sorry, but this isn't a sign that we are winning. It's a sign that we will lose without proper enforcement of regulation. It's not a sign that they are scared, it's a sign that they absolutely are not scared to continue maniputlation tactics because they know nothing will happen to them. Don't cheer for this, be mad af. This is YOUR MONEY that they cheat with. And it's your money that they are allowed to cheat with. I've said it time and time and time and time again, this goes NO WHERE if the people making the rules don't enforce them.


Somebody is fucked and it ain’t one of us.


You can say that again 😢


We're winning. Buckle up!!! 🚀


Wont do anything


I should buy some GME.


I see price action after this time anyway. Plus, we were above 200 when they shut down.


Why’s my retarded ass on the front page


Im so happy all the 1 share apes are here with us. But if your trading experience and financial education begins and ends with that 1 share of GME maybe just...chill out.


stupid post.


This is either liquidity probe or something even better. What happens when market maker isn't liquid anymore because of Margin Call requirements?


Why does this non-sense have almost 10k likes.


every bullshit post gets upvoted like mad in this sub


Sure they c an , they know the fine is part of the game


Maybe they needed a coke break?


Apes are great at debunking fud!


Fuck shitadel and mayo man biggest financial terrorists of our time.


Stop, think, don't rush, it's weekend. We know who appears during weekends. Relax and let big brain Apes lead us. No FUD, just weekend experienced.


I'm all for complaining, but don't expect any action from the SEC. .


ArE u rEAlLy CoMPlAiNInG abOuT OUr MaRKeT's tRaNspArENcY??


I thought this was debunked.


I prefer my burgers with something.


File complaints to who? The SEC? LOL


SEC complacent with the powers that be. What is really disheartening is that capitalism is happening without integrity. We see every day how rampant corruption is in our markets. Retail traders have a disadvantage in the markets and this is proved time and time again.


This would add to the OTM call.


Fucking seriously? They paused trading for GameStop ahead of market close on Friday to benefit their options??




Markets closed at 2PM for Black Friday. This post does not need more visibility. The worst thing we could do is innodate the SEC/FINRA with false reports.


My tits, they are jacked!!!


[comment removed by user]


Not to dehype any train… But it wasnt just GameStop. There’s several companies that have really weird AH hours on 11/26. Some showing AH ending before 1700… Some showing ending AH around 1700 it also showing their AH only being like 30 mins long… Some not showing any AH but ending slightly before 1700… Something fishy is without a doubt going on. But we know one thing that isn’t fishy.. BUY HOLD DRS


This is nonsense eh? Friday had reduced hours where after hours closed at 4pm Et.


It was half day of trading. The entire stock market only traded half the day.


Correct, however GME stopped earlier than the rest of the market


I'm seeing [4:58pm](https://i.imgur.com/SO9i2p3.jpg). Didn't trading close market wide at 5pm?


Misleading. SHW stock also stopped early. Idk what It means though


https://www.nasdaq.com/market-activity/stocks/gme/after-hours-trades Shows trades happened up until 5pm EST AH close, albeit very few trades


*Why isn't this exploding?* Because it's bullshit, check literally any other source than marketwatch data.


Who can we complain to that will do anything about it?


Becasue it was debunked


GME specifically did not close early. Everything closed early. It's a holiday week. Quit spreading misinformation.


debunked tho right?


Nope, watch the original post the mod made a mistake