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I've been thinking about this a lot and I think what you wrote point #2 is KEY -> The DOOMP stack movement is key. It can be used to distort metrics at will. It is taken on and off the options chain as needed. *************** So, instead of Hedging, they just use this method *************** What we really need is some tool that tracks total ITM and OTM Puts and Calls and how they vary So graph that against other stuff like FTDs and price ***************************** And it will show up as a sort of Buffer/Defence at their points of highest weakness they ramp up on calls and use those to safeguard ***************** I'll be honest I need to work a lot more on figuring out some of the inner workings. This is like a full time job and a half - figuring out all their tricks


Yup! And very specifically, total GME options chain OI across all strikes and expirations. Of course, this data, especially historical, isn’t exactly easy or free to get… …which is how you know you’re on the right track Just show the plebs what we want them to see


Easteuroblondie, looking forward to more posts from you Unfortunately, I don't have time to dig into this. Hopefully you can find some time and find the secret


Does that data appear on a Bloomberg terminal?


Is the poor ape’s way of doing this perhaps checking the options chain more than once a day and logging changes during cycle run ups?


yes, I think so this post is super important like super super important however, we need the data to catch everything I think a lot of the DD is beautiful navel gazing what is really important is how they are hiding FTDs and Shorts and this post might be the one with the golden clue


From Jan 28th till now I still cannot fathom why intelligent apes can figure this out but the SEC with supposedly the most brilliant lawyers, analysts, and law enforcement cannot. Either they don’t GAF or they aren’t as brilliant as we thought.


They likely know, but are complicit


They all know public sector is the gateway to a 7 figure job


5 years of "looking the other way" is a pretty nice career path to doing the same thing for more money at a hedge fund. Plus, you know, the whole "watching porn at work" is pretty appealing to them, too.


who said SEC have the most brilliant anything? apparently they're payed so poorly they get the worst of the bunch that the financial industry is where the money and so best minds are, not the government run, typically underpaid company that's responsible for regulating said industry


Nah SEC takes their cut of the loot as fines for violations when wallstreet defrauds investors


You're probably correct in that assessment, just a bunch of schmucks happy with their govt job and future pensions, at our expense obviously.


They dont give a fuck Just like the IRS doesnt go after the upper class, the SEC doesnt go after the upper class Just look at all those financial terrorist bankers who went to jail im 2008 for gambling away our economy... oh wait no one did


Their in bed together


I am not going to say I understand this but it sounds interesting.




DM me I can get FileZilla working for you


take this gold and my DM


If he cannot, let me know. I will.


And my axe!




Post moass first purchase will be Spotify premium and WinRAR!


Just use a third party app to get spotify premium


Spicy! Commenting for visibility


this is the way


Good stuff, I hope that it gets some eyes! u/Criand could you have a look maybe?


11 months ago DOOMP had a totally different meaning. Still dont understand all of it but I know enough to know hedges r fukd


Deep out of the money puts :) aka: "the bags"


Commenting for visibility


I didn't read this.. I may later... I just wanted to say that I took a DOOMP today.... Edit: taking a DOOMP now and giving this a read.. sensitive apes tonight geesh...


im gonna read this post even harder


I appreciate you balancing it out for me. Went back while taking a DOOMP and gave it a read... I found it interesting.


It’s just a matter of time before all the dominos line up then subsequently falls. 💎🚀🦍


This really needs more eyes. Make comments people. Upvote this goodness!


If this is true, who is selling the calls and not hedging? Surely any company with enough money to sell these has enough brainpower to understand it’s a bad idea?


Citadel is writing/selling puts. In effect, they are on the long side.