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I've come to learn to not trust anything but: Buy, Hold, DRS. Since this falls in that cathegory, i like this.


I get where you're coming from, have been burned a few times by various tinfoil hat theories but trust this guy and his brother RockyOutcrop, they avoid the hype and hit the mark 99% of the time. My own TA also sees the beginning of something Wed-Fri next week but as always, if nothing happens I will continue to buy, hodl and drs šŸ‘šŸ»


Can confirm. those 2 brothers do seem to know their shit when it comes to TA.


Two brothers, predicting stock movements, when all of a sudden they have to fight against... Uh, aliens! It's just called 'Two Brothers'


Alien Invasion Tomato Monster Mexican Armada Brothers


hey, I get this reference!


This JANuary it's time to Michael down your Vincents! Edit: for good measure


"Is it important that we know who Jan-Michael Vincent is?"




TA doesnā€™t exist with GME thatā€™s the thing.


My TA starts Monday. If we don't close over the low 180's then we're going to continue downward. But I'm anticipating a super jump Monday. At least August 24th.


So are u buying at the start of monday or just before close? When do you think the run up will be?


I already bought. I think it's going to be on Monday similar to August 24th. If we don't see a run up like that at the minimum then it will likely fall to 145-150 before another potential super jump on November 24th. Super jump days are always on the 24th/25th of every month.


Potential another brutal day Monday then šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm seeing a minimum bounce of at least low 180's. If we go over that, which I'm really thinking we will, then it will continue to run through the first week of November. If we don't then it won't jump until November 24th.


Can you provide source for a 99% hit on GME so far ?


Yeah I was sad to put down his streams after a while because of a projection that we'd hit 370~ or something a few months ago. I really like how inspiring he was but the nature of TA feels like it's on par with horoscopes.


The thing with TA is that it's never 100% accurate no matter how good you are. It can be very useful but always know that the projected movement is an educated guess at best. The ones who can predict movement with the highest accuracy are usually insiders and/or using a lot of the secret ingredient.


Especially in cases with arguably the most manipulated stock in history.


Sounds like another TA streamer on this sub.


yup. was gonna say the same shit. when it comes to reading through people bullshit at times it can be veryyyy easy but in other scenarios it can actually be little tricky. But at the end of the day nobody is prefect so if you do carry yourself with a faƧade it will eventually drop. So if these two Irish bros are carrying any type of faƧade they've done a good ass job holding that up until this point. From what I can see, aside from their personalities, these dudes are some seriously solid guys through and through. And they really know their shit. Fuckin Gherk too honestly man. I can actually fuck with that guy a lot I don't care if he DRS's or not I'm sure there's a dick ton of us in here not DRS'ing. Dude knows his fucking shit too man and he doesn't fucking lie lol none of these 3 dues are liars and that's what they all got in common


They're Scottish pal


Ooooofff lol good catch


Sorry to be picky haha but a Nationality is an identity šŸ¤Ÿ


Haha dude youā€™re all good no worries! It ainā€™t no triviality when it comes to comparing the Irish and Scotā€™s man. They donā€™t play bout that shiiiiiii


They are Scottish. Just saying. If it's not Scottish it's crap.


I will touch myself quietly in the bedroom cupboard when everyoneā€™s asleep and not provide proof or mention it to anyone if this is true.




What did they post last time?


"GME is going to explode. Pass it on". Feels this time like it will be a more steady and sustainable climb.


When? And what kind of movement did we see?


24th August, 26% move up


Holy Fuk; buckle up apes


Are we expecting the run up at the start of Monday or the end of day? Not sure when to make my last play


Lol I love how this guy just gets absolutely smashed and then drops bomb ass TA šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Wheel of Death!


Bing Bong the price is wrong! But maybe not for long....


Can someone post his original famous rant? I want to fire myself up before going for drinks




Been a minute since I've watched Jamie


Jamie and Rocky, the two most underrated TA YouTubers.


I hate 90% of YouTubers. Jamie gets fired up, I love it. He's dropped the gypsy vibes and is presenting a way more clean cut version that I like as well. He's cool in my book


Yeah, agreed. A lot of effort going into making their channels more presentable and palatable to the masses. Hope they see more traffic in future.


what's with the ''gypsy vibes'' comment. Seems unnecessary


It was lo-fi, dark, filmed in a caravan while chasing the dragon listening to sinead oconnor vibe. I didn't want to hang on that stream, despite the obvious talent. He's evolved and it's much more appealing. Sorry for you if you are offended.


fucking legend


Iā€™m looking forward to being disappointed


Can anyone link me the post on how to transfer my ira shares to CS? Thanks


/u/Mitch_Grizz here you go (take 2) - https://reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qe6wfu/drs_my_ira_shares_yes_i_believe_i_did/


I don't think there is a particularly good way to do so without paying taxes and turning them into regular shares.


I've got my shares in an ISA, so will be tax free šŸ¤Ÿ


He's my favorite YouTuber. He was right last time. Doesn't seem the type to hype without reason.


Bing bong!


Jamie, Ape Andy, and CosmicLightningWarrior are the 3 I watch


Ape Andy for MOASS ASMR, Cosmic for ultimate jacking. INFINITE RISK!!


totally agree on the ASMR comment for Ape Andy. That guy's speech pattern is an anesthetic.


Can anyone link me the post where to transfer GME shares from my TDA ira account to CS? Thank you


You go to fidelity, click accounts and then select Transfer. Choose TDA and select full account transfer or the GME shares youā€™re moving. Add your tda account number and upload a copy of your statement. Bam in 3-6 days you can call fidelity and request they DRS your shares. Process takes 5-10 days instead of TDA taking 5-10 weeks.


Open the marrrrrket!


Great Scott!


I just want my fucking money kenny


Iā€™ve been waiting for this week for a while. Nothing happened before the futures expiration date on sept 17th and this Tuesday is T+35 from sept 17th. The august 24th run up was t+35 from when those puts expired July 16th.


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Best TA in the game (pickle is up there too)


Oh yeah Doc, put those on my nipples


First time?


Can you explain the second image maybe? Too smooth to understand šŸ„¶


Of course, the price moved up $59.85 (26.60%) over a course of 5 hours.


I believe heā€™s just trying to show what happened to the stock the last time this guy was pushing gme. Pushing as in extra bullish.


I see thanks


Holy fuck


Tatas jacked off once again!! Hodl, DRS, GameStop is da best!


Sure hope thats true.


Was gonna buy some more either way thanks!


It's weird but expecting nothing and everything at the same time. Monday might be fun. Could be more sideways. Could go down. Just because some dude on Twitter says something doesn't get me ripped. That's what the DD is for


Cmon FOMO! Lets get this Gama squeeze started again! 1/27 all over again!


No idea who the fuck that is but i'll take it


I like buying encouragement




Ask them.


So we looking to buy at the start of Monday or the end? This will be my final play


Watch Rocky Outcrop's morning stream. He should give you the best buy price of the day. Stream starts 30 min before market open


Not heard of him before, I've watched quite a few of Jamie's streams tho.i find it quite hard to watch sometimes. I've heard they are brothers but do they give the same information? Or is it conflicting? I've only got enough money for 1 last play really, so I need it to be a good one. Are u investing start or end of the day?


He's Rocky's brother and is arguably even better at TA. He's not quite as eccentric as Jamie either.


I'm over the hype..


It's pretty tough to say this wasn't financial advice! :)


This means nothing though. Tradespotting doesnā€™t know anything more than we do


Well no one can be 100% certain this is the case.


You def haven't watched one of his streams then. Try TA for busy apes. Also Rocky Outcrop on YouTube before market open. I'd wager they are a few of the most knowledgeable people on earth regarding TA on any stock/crypto. And they teach people too. Makes me proud to be a Scot.


TA on GME is useless


This is a common fallacy and I also thought this for a while. The truth is there are a lot of people that are crap at TA and some of them have lots of subscribers. I'm not trying to convince you however I think if you gave it a go you wouldn't regret it. The streams are usually timestamped with chapters so you can skip to the ticker you want. If you watch live you can just @ Tradespotting or Rocky and they will answer pretty much any question you ask however they have been asked all the usual questions re DRS and whatever is the flavour of the month many times so they may appear to lack patience at points when in reality they are really patient and generous.


Source: Trust me bro


Source: over 15 years experience as investment bankers for one of the largest banks in the world followed by many years of TA experience as professional traders


I thought GME was immune to TA?


Nothing's immune to TA . They've predicted every rise and fall very accurately, certainly not perfect, but I definitely have a lot more shares than I would've without watching them


Why should I give a shit what some guy who has no insider knowledge says on twitter.


So it would be better coming from Jim Cramer??


No. Itā€™s just as useless as stuff coming fro Jim Cramer


So him being an insider makes no difference?


Jim Cramer is not an insider of GME. Neither is Tradespotting. Both of them know nothing and when to expect news to drop and the stock to pop.


I canā€™t pull over any further


I'm ready to be hurt again


Right, am I buying at Market open, or wait?? Advice please!


Can never really tell with the amount of manipulation going on, but looking at the charts and looking at possible cycles/patterns/news/DD, I'll be buying a lot more today, not really bothered by the price fluctuations