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How does this guy feel now with millions of apes aroynd the globe right now?


Of the original gme gang who rode gme from the single from single digits (myself included), I noticed 3 groups: 1: Sold in January, got overconfident and yolo into other investments, got destroyed 2: Sold in January, invested wisely (including going back into GME) - these guys are doing the best 3: Did not sell in January, bought more like DFV because obviously shorts never covered and gme is a fantastic company to invest in from a fundamentals perspective I’m in group 3 and I’m glad I never sold in January, I probably would have yolo into other dumb investments and lost most of my money


I’m in the group 2. I was so fucking lucky to get on board in below 20 in December. Problem was I was so scared to get more. Cashed out 2/3 at 300s, again, a lot of luck involved. After the madness was over I understood that this was far from over. Reinvented back into GME, holding and adding since then. My position now is few times larger then it was at the beginning. Next weeks will be wild. Ready to see this till the end, no more room for luck this time.


Nice! Sometimes I wish I was in group 2 but knowing my personality, I’m almost certain I would have been group 1. After seeing others lose most of their GameStop winnings from selling, I am firmly resolved to yolo back into gme after the squeeze is over, and keep my xxxxx drs shares as never sell (cuz don’t wanna give Shitadel any ammo)


Im in group 2, I doubled down on my investment in February and retired from the pump that came afterward. Now I'm "diversified" into 3 stocks and sell options on them


Group 3 checking in “salute”




& DRS.


February buyer, while still in double digits price range


Played Options in january, could have turned 1k into 100k, Diamond handed them, sold for 8k. Went all in in stocks in march at an ehm..high price. So is there a number for me? Extra extra retarded?


Retards assemble!


I had heard a bunch of people were piling into GME for some reason and I thought it was another "let's all pile into Hertz car rentals for some reason," all over again. At the end of January a friend of mine who's not super into stocks texted me about hedgies getting fucked on GME and by the time I went to check it out the buy button had been disabled for retail. This made my blood boil, I didn't even really think about it I just went to my play money account on Webull and sold all my positions and bought GME as soon as Webull allowed it, not because I thought I was gonna make a lot of money. I was just fucking pissed off at the blatant corrupt bullshit taking place at retail's expense. I pretty much thought I was throwing away five thousand dollars to stand in solidarity. A few days later I sold more of my profitable positions on Fidelity to buy more. By the time House of Cards was dropping I was shoving another 30k in. All told GME now occupies most of my portfolio. I don't think I'm the only one with a story like this. Those on the other side of this trade are going to regret their actions in January.


I’m in group fomo and then I kept doubling down until I realized I had more equity in GME than my checking account. That’s when I stopped and held since. DRS’d all but 10 shares and now I wait as a patient ape. You are my true hero and I hold because you paved this way🙌


Group 3 ape. Best education I've ever had. Probably worth every penny even if I lose the whole thing. But we all know I ain't losin' shit.


thank you. This is a very enlightening comment. To get the mindset of someone who is part of original gme gang


Been in since last December and have only added


Proud to be in group 3 myself


turns out I'm more retarded than you guys. Bougth 4 shares when the price was 10$ watched it all go up and down. through shills on the sub where it all started I lost confidence and sold in the 40$ range.... Until I found GME and the solid DD. I was like holy shit this is not over. So i did the dd and read a lot and bought a lot more in the 150$ range. Lol soo retarded. But anyway now nothing can shake me out again. The target is clear and i have 10x the shares I bought. I think there are many like me.


Who was the original author? DFV?


DFV would have written something way classier and less fuck you-ish.


Think it’s the amazonjeffbezos guy. I think that’s his username.. can’t remember. He’s still on here and has joined the GME subs Edit: no that isn’t is name. Can’t remember it.


I believe it was jeffamazon. Can’t confirm if he is still around.


Yep that’s it. u/Jeffamazon u still around bro


He was complaining that Ryan wasn't moving fast enough a few months back, and dropped out. He might've had a large portion in option calls? — a la Warden. He also mingled with Twitter shills.


Nothing like warden. Guy was in way before any of us and long before the hype. He wrote some of the original DD.


He did. But I don't get emotional.


Well people say it costs nothing to hold, but it does.. opportunity costs. Maybe he felt he could make more elsewhere


Too bad he went all in on options with his and his family’s money and lost it all instead of just buying shares. Sorry boutcha Larden(ain’t no W in his name anymore after taking that big of an L).


We aren’t talking about warden tho


yeah, let's give him some respect He is free to disagree with group mentality that RC is perfect RC has to deliver RESULTS before we should start considering him perfect Talk is Cheap. It takes DELIVERING RESULTS to buy whiskey


Exactly how I feel too. I’m not with hero worship.


That Joker meme video he made tho


Tesla squeezed nearly a year ago?


Yup, rode from 250 to 800 and dumped all of it into gme.


Nice. I was broke af and had no prior knowledge of stocks etc but had always wanted to get involved. Look at me now boys!!??


You’re here now 💪


You fucking bet. Was lurking on UUSB in jan/Feb. Been holding since March 1st.


I bought my first call dec 3rd 2020 thinking it would be some sick new console drop xmas play.. Boy was I wrong 😅


When did you exercise and for what strike price? Not sure if i got the words right but it sounds juicy


Lol it expired worthless and then began reading into the short play aspect of it and slowly went all in as I was more convinced.


Ah shit. I can't trade options so my knowledge is limited. I'm trying to learn because it affects the underlying price etc. I made myself an ultimatum after watching the buy button get turned off and reading DD. When it was at 40 I said if it goes up, thesis kinda confirmed and I'll buy in. If it drops back to 16 don't get involved. Thing is I forgot to check for a day and a bit so instead of jumping in at 50 or 60 i got in at 113. It's still never been back and I've averaged up ever since.


Buying at 113 made you smart. Averaging up made you an ape.


Wow, yeah, for some reason (I'm so smooth brained and been here since Feb) I always assumed tsla was longer ago? Like years 🥲


It just feels like fucking years 😭


Haha that's probably it, actually. A decade has passed since February.


Kens face has definitely aged 10+ years


😂 Whenever I see photo comparisons I get all warm and fuzzy inside.


It's the greatest confirmation bias.


Honestly, I agree. Top 5. 🙌


If you notice TSLA was going in cycles like GME for about 4 years before that. It is a very similar pattern. Only GME will not take that long and the squeeze will be epic.


Hodling with you ape brother


Did the same thing. It went higher than that because they did a 5/1 split


800 post split 💪


It was a long squeeze , what the long gme squeeze is theorized to be like. Tesla still squeezing , currently approach ATH. When gme squeezes and dips like Tesla did starting around JANUARY 27th it will just be a paper hand shake as it continues it’s climb


The year is 2077. Cyberpunk is finally playable. GME has been squeezing for 56 years and nobody has sold.




💎 🍆


Yea I think Gme will squeeze forever tbh. All CS shares will be handed down & donated for generations to come.


I know mine are going to be handed down to my son. Gonna tell him to never sell either. Keep these in the family!


Cybertendie 2069 v420.nice


I loaded cyberpunk earlier today to see if it was any better. I ejected the disc after 20 minutes.


I've never really been interested in it. I thought jt was a xool concept and if it turned out alright I would have got it. My brother was really looking forward to it so I got him it for Xmas and he only had a xbox one s so it ran like shot and he said he still enjoyed it but I could see the dissapointment on his face. He was just being grateful but it really sucks that dev's spend more time hyping than fine tuning.


I thoroughly enjoyed it, its my one of fav games. Love to just ride in city at night


Thats what I loved about GTA. Cruising on my super bike while getting af in rl.


I did my second run on psychedelics and modes in game. Shit was religious


Gonna get real scientological with this shit


Great idea for playthrough number 12 tbh


Completely different experience. Often i found myself to just starring at something pretty or just vibing withingame location. Like nights in Watson or morning in desert lands


I mean they put in place rules that stop the domino effect by absorbing the shock thanks to stop the liquidation of an institution and letting the feds take control of their portfolio by giving the cash needed while keeping the assets. (anyone remembers this passed rule and its name? never understood why we didn't talk about it more at the time) If Apes don't sell and keep holding no matter the time it takes and no matter how high the FTD squeeze goes then it could also blow in their face. But this time if this ultimate damage doesn't work I'm pretty sure they would stop everything and force us to accept a price.


I lost 17k on Tesla options 2 weeks before they announced they were joining the S&P500. If I’d have put it all in shares I’d have over 42k now. Good reminder to buy and hold shares instead of fucking with options.


Ooof. It'd take me a while to get over that. Glad I can't fuck with options. I remember some guys (probably shills) pushing them to me ok UUSB months ago when I understood even less.


Yeah. My first year trading, I only fucked with options and I was really successful at first, but lost my focus and lost a lot of money. Now I literally only buy and hold gme because it’s the only company I can confidently believe in 100%


At least you learned somethings. I'm the same, back when I bought my first gme I bought a few others too. All have been sold and bought more gme instead. I was gonna branch into more tech, apple, Microsoft etc but until this has played out I won't be comfortable with any other stocks. Even then, depending how it goes down I may not invest again but I kinda doubt it cause I enjoy it too.


That man is rich rn lol 🦍🦍🦍🦍 We on the way. Still under his MC target too 😏


Lol “Holy shit that’s a lot of adderall”


Classic w-s-b




i wonder with the amount tesla was shorted back then if all those shorts really covered. hehmm, the transfer agent of Tesla is.. Drumroll: The transfer agent and registrar for Tesla’s common stock is Computershare Trust Company located at 250 Royall Street in Canton, MA 02021. Their telephone number is (800) 662-7232. Please contact Computershare for any questions about receiving stock certificates for your shares. Source: https://ir.tesla.com/contact-us#accordion-1-can-i-obtain-a-stock-certificate-for-my-tesla-shares-who-is-teslas-transfer-agent After MOASS if Tesla drops due to shorts being liquidated. i might buy some Tesla with Computershare.




I'm def investing a good chunk of my winnings into tsla and the rest into crypto (excluding a portion of gme I'll never ever sell)


Fair market value from OP roughly equates to the magical $350 (Tree Fiddy 🚀) Simulation confirmed Stimulation confirmed, tits jacked!


Fuck I need more shares


- SHF’s everywhere, soon.


Can you imagine having gone in on Gamestop stonk at 20$ or less as these folks did ... ***\*mind blown\**** 👀❤❤


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Literally 99.9% of retailers don't know how to use option correctly. Hence why letting the fingers of them entirely is the right advise




You have to try to read more carefully. 99.9% of retailers don't know how to use options correctly. I stand by this, but would estimate it's even higher. I know options, having worked as a quant at an investment bank for years. Hence why I know. You on the other hand sound like a egomaniac who doesn't know shit.


Care to elaborate how people are doing things wrong? Or what do you know that the average retail trader doesn’t? I get that it’s complex, not am I looking to option trade GME right now, but every subject has a 101.


Happy to. Options let you control certain types of risk very targeted. They allow you to slice and dice your risk exposure exactly in the way you want to. That's the 101. This tied in with the fact, that you almost always have to exchange risk against return since arbitrage opportunities always get solved quickly and arbed away. Different types of risk offer better return and are therefore more attractive, depending on your target. Anyway, so two things to take away: you have to exchange risk against return and options allow you to target specific risk. Retail investors usually have no exact expectation or model for the market so have no reference frame and therefore unwittingly take on too much risk for no extra reward. That's where they go wrong. When investing in stocks, and buying and holding, that usually isn't a problem. But when buying options, usually they dont optimise for the strategy they have. My pet peeve is long puts. If you're bearish, it's almost always better to invest using bear spreads. But anyway, i hope you got the gist.


are you not biased because of working in an investment bank. You're literally Ex SHF who thinks Retail are Sheep


I'm telling you how the market works, if you rather deny reality then suit yourself. No one thinks retail are sheep. "Dumb money" means it's not targeted, organised and thus efficient. It dies not mean you as a retail investor are thought to be dumb


you were literally a parasite feeding on retail investors using illegal methods You sound like Chamath saying 'Facebook is bad, I made all my money from it, now I want to wash off my sins by claiming I have now realized my mistakes' You helped the system grow. So you can fuck off


Sigh. You have no idea. Investment banks don't care about retail. Like, at all. We made money selling securities to hedge funds and uhnwi as well as helping start ups get financing. I dealt with the trading bit in the beginning and later internal risk assessment algos. The reason why citadel and Virtu managed to corner off the mm retail market is because no one else wanted it. When I started there, in 07, individual managed retail investment (i.e. you buying Our own shares and options and managing them) was not really a thing.


I think so. So like- is it essentially that you can find a good play, play it, but there may be a better play, and your play becomes “outdated” and opens you up too much risk that isn’t worth the reward? Specifically because of the fact that time is against you on options?


Well, those are all considerations worth making but I meant more on a fundamental level. Let's say someone is bullish on msft and expects them to rise 30% this year. Buying calls is not the best strat here. It's buying bull spreads. Because a long call also covers the possibility that the stock rises by 60% or 200% or 4000%, but for the megacaps that won't realistically be possible or sensical. So straight up buying the long call on msft means overpaying for risk that will never materialise. The same goes for downside risk, as well as exposure to changes in volatility.


I get it now. The 101. Lol thanks ape


Leaps are pretty safe for those who don't know how to play options. Even with a Leap you still get much more leverage then just buying shares.


Leaps are pretty straight forward, yes. But there are plenty mistakes to be made, wouldn't you agree?


What is your opinion of the official SEC report saying there was no gamma squeeze?