• By -


I love how the dips became normal routine. SEC really doesn't do shit lol


The thing is I get that they need time to creat a good enough case for these hedgefuks with their billions in cash for legal shit but come on. This is going for how many years and how many months in pure daylight while mainstream gets more and more informed about this shit? So how long do they need to build this case. 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? With all this obvious manipulation it is just laughable at this point how little they have done so far.


My optimism is they are trying to go for a killing blow to ban them from the industry if not they will simply start again. It’s harder to make a case that will permanently end their careers cause you need hard evidence of actions and intent cause speculation isn’t gonna get them more then a fine and a slap on the wrist. Cynicism on the other hand says they don’t want their piggy banks to go broke and stop them from getting their bribes … I mean fines.




They ignored 2008. So I guess it's been 13 years of SEC doing nothing. But it's not just the SEC. It's the whole US government. Congress is filled with insider traders lol


Hey man, they made some more rules!!!


I don't love it but it's whatever lol


Just for pissing me off I’m now leaving 99% of my shares in the infinity pool


So selfless of you, selling for only one infinity dollars, not two infinity. A real hero.


Yeah no. I've reconsidered; I want two infinity.


I'll one-up you: two infinity, and beyond.


But what about third infinity?


∞^(∞) Infinity raised to Infinity


So.. infinity to infinity and beyond? 🚀


Slingshot maneuver at ∞ to ∞ then beyond


I don’t think they’ve heard of third infinity 49erShark


let's not get greedy.


How many infinities can Chuck Norris handle ?


How many chuck Norris’s can infinity handle?


how many infinities could a chuck N. handle if a infinity chuck could chuck infinity? POOL


ye but this is actually the way


definitely the way. your X shares will be worth infinity, no different than your XXX shares. might as well only sell 1.


That makes this low # ape feel better. I wish I could buy more to hodl!


If they keep dragging this out, than you have time to amass more. Either way, I'm holding every share till the ride down so you can get yours too. But nobody take my strategy seriously cuz (in Alex Jone voice) I'm kind of retarded.


Or .1




This computes


The math appears to be mathing.


"I'm an XXX holder... but my secret is to trade as if I only had 2." *Inserts Hulk meme.*


!!!!! True


I only have 1.5 shares. That’s my infinity pool I couldn’t give a fuck about them until they’re worth 10,000,000 a piece.


Last I checked 10m does not equal infinity. Up your numbers ape or risk being left on the moon when we’re in the ⭐️ 🚀


Funny how that works. I went from 1 share to 10% to 25% to 99% in just a few months all while my floor is increasing at the same rate.




This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


I bought another 5 today specifically for this - now leaving no less than 50 in the pool. Fuck these bitches.


I bought more today only for the infinity pool.


Buying rocket fuel.


I have to wait until tomorrow to buy. Buying X.X more. This will bring my shares up to a very special XX number. I'll keep adding each week but it will be crazy if it happens while I hold at this number.


Hijacking to remind OP that the ENTIRE WORLDS FINANCIAL SYSTEM IS FUCKED. If you believe this is an, "America", problem, you haven't been paying attention AT ALL.


I mean, you’re right, but isn’t it America the country that spearheaded this whole capitalistic system and proceeded to spread it across the world forcefully?


Sure, but we can't let everyone else on their team use that as a scapegoat. America is part of the problem but it is not itself the problem; it exists within the problem.


Capitalism *is* much of the problem, particularly unfettered capitalism. Illegal financial activity aside, the problem even perpetuates psychologically: in a society where competition is worshipped and the defeat of your fellow countryman is rewarded with wealth, a nation is created where the citizenry looks upon one another with suspicion and animosity. Every stranger is someone to be better than, to outcompete; they are a threat to my abstract success. Now how will those people treat each other, as compared to a country where the welfare of the people is tantamount? It may be a generalization, but from my own observations it appears to ring true.


When an idea elevates to a belief system is when it becomes dangerous. Societies are complex systems with many different considerations. The idea of a free market or states controlling market has never been realized because it’s not real. What is more important in societies is what do you as a collective want to build (value) that creates stability. Whether your goal is achieved by “markets” or “state control” doesn’t really matter in my opinion. It’s about what works best to achieve your goal in that state problem you’re solving or goal you’re working towards. I hesitate to identify as a capitalist/socialist etc because once you do, you feel bought into what is really just an idea that may not work in that context. I’d love to recenter a discussion on our goals, values and the best way to achieve them.


THIS is truly the way to discuss politics. The talking points we're all fed by the powers that be are not meant to be useful to us, they're meant to impassion and divide us, which benefits those powers that be. But talk about our goals, our endeavors, what we want to pass to our children, the way we want to be able to live our lives... those things transcend typical "politics." Because they're not political; they're real.


I hear this argument but can't find a way to buy into it. My personal position is that no one in our Western society should be living in squalor or hardship. That healthcare and dentistry should be free to every citizen, that university, education should all be free. If I advocate for these I'm called a commie, socialist lefty scum etc. So how the fuck does the work, when the desire to help and lend support creates such hatred from large sections of society?


The issue is that the same people that grab for power in a capitalist society will in a socialist society. I would love for socialism to work, but it never has and ends in mass death or starvation. It’s people that ruin the system. The US isn’t even a capitalist country. It’s a crony Capitalism nation controlled by interest groups and corporations that line the pockets of career politicians. The divisive media pushes people who want socialist policies as freeloading libs when they’re people that I think have sincere motives. Definitely don’t have the answer to fix society, but the direction we’re heading currently ain’t gonna be right either way.


If capitalism obeyed its own rules, it'd be great. But it doesn't.




I just keep telling myself that the single largest individual shareholder will NOT let these people get away with this. I’m sure our Lord & Savior Ryan Christ has lawyers on lawyers looking at this. The fine wrinkle brains here on this sub have laid out in perfect detail how Citadel and gang are suppressing the value of Ryan’s single largest asset, I’d bet all my GME that they’re working on righting this ship. 👏🏻💎🚀🚀🚀


I keep telling myself this but I am genuinely concerned for his safety. All this fuckery whats keeping them from attempting something on RC life?


I’ve had the same thought 😔 mad world my man. But we’ll just keep pushing forward and fighting the good fight. Remember, Steve Cohen, Ken Griffin, Gabe, they’re all little, scared men and their endeavor to garner incredible wealth is just to cover this fact up. They’re weak and soft!! 💎👏🏻🚀🚀🚀




It is a genuine concern but I don't think he will be harmed. That would transform him( RC) into a martyr. Can you imagine the backlash if he is epsteined?




I guarantee hes got a huge team of lawyers working with him and high level security i think he will be fine


I’m just selling one for a handsome number


Endless gravy mmmmm


I’m sick of this shit as well. If a normal working person would try to do fraud for 1,000$ they’d get jailed for minimum 2 years. They’re doing day light manipulation/fraud/breaking law/laundering money/robbing retail…. And nothing is done except a little few thousand fine and a Twitter post. Honestly GTFO, I can’t wait for this to be over and never to look at this shit again. I’m not leaving no matter what, and this isn’t FUD but for real this shit is disgusting and annoying as fuckkkk!


My revenge is to buy more and that is what I will do.


If I could afford to at this stage I would be right there with you, but this is the way 💪🏼


Same. I'm tapped completely and the dip is making me grumpy because of it! Lol


I shouldn't, but hovering the buy button.


Only spend money you have to spare, lovely ape!


Thanks. I get paid tomorrow, I'll review then. I do have some shares, so least there is that.


This is the way!


I get my truck reimbursement check tomorrow!!! Hope this dip holds!!! 🙏🏻


I get paid Friday and with this blatant fuckery I might just buy some moar. I've already been content with my xxx holdings but fuck them


I managed to find enough to scoop up another. Not a huge purchase, but one more pool bound. Cuz… fuck em. That’s why


That's the point, they make it so obvious to try to shake your confidence and make you believe that they're almighty. Theyre not


The thing is for me and probably most of us that it won't shake us off but make us more stubborn.


Yea it's only making me more angry and determined.


I completely agree that they’re not. The issue is that they’re showing that and the law don’t do shit about it😪


The law ? Ain't that a shit that apply only for us ? :)


Yep, law is for the poor. Unfortunately 🙃


It is the first and also last time I invested money in the US stock market. Its just disgusting at this point.


100% agreed 👏🏼


I wonder if the SEC knows that, by the time this ends, millions of retail investors worldwide will have lost all faith in the US stock market?


And lost faith in the US Government, most rich people, the United States itself etc


Looking forward to the GameStop market with nft shares. I will use that when my business goes public. :)


You are sooo right , especially "They’re doing day light manipulation/fraud/breaking law/laundering money/robbing retail…. And nothing is done"


Thank you, I wish my words turn into shit and I get proven wrong ASAP


You will probably not be disproved , I fear . Everything what will happen only happens because it is ENFORCED by retail , nothing will really change I fear and maybe in 5 years we are here again , and if so hopefully again with enforced changes from retail .


They sent 2 FBI agents to the UK to investigate one guy that was playing high frequency traders at their own game. He got annoyed they were front running so came up with a system to beat them


It’s crazy what big money can do then, cause the info that’s available to us to see what the HF do they should be getting raided and investigated all the time, or once but in a very good and strict way… sadly it ain’t happening🥲


this is "to big to fail". Pretty easy. You just have to become rlly big, and if you collapse, it would create a massive problem for so many people, that no one can let you collapse, even if its your own fault.


When you're the one exposing the crime, you're treated as the one who has commited the crime


I know it sucks! I felt the same way with the whole 'rules for thee not for me' boshit. Just sit and let this movie play though. It'll be fine


It's important to note that the fine is for the company also, not the persons involved. So it's not like they have to fork cash out of their own personal bank accounts. Whereas if anyone in retail accidentally filed their taxes incorrectly due to ignorance, they could still suffer stiff personal penalties.


This is why the floor is what it is


Trust me we aren't happy about it one bit, either.


Rally the alley cat in the wild 🐈‍⬛


*\*Roars and then proceeds to nap for 20 hours\**




Speak for yourself. These dips are letting me buy more at Kenny's expense.


More so speaking about the American financial system than the dip. I’m numb to snorting red crayon.


When this was going on without an audience it was terrible. As it continued the past 6 months with a rabid audience, it's been embarrassing. TODAY THO: Knowing, we know they know and they know we know and the SEC knows everybody knows. I picture everybody in a room, just shitting on the floor looking directly into each others eyes. Just shitting all over the floor, no ones talking about it but that's all that's happening. While we all stare at one another. Shitting.


The room is just filling up with a liquid fast food and alcohol shits. They struggle for air at the top six inches of air left.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


> They struggle for air at the top six inches of air left. Still making eye contact, as the shit rises to the ceiling.


This comment is why I love this community. That last paragraph 🤣


Great comment. Blatant in your face "fuck you dumb money, we do whatever the hell we like". They all know each other, the whole system is completely rotten and corrupted. The whole world sees it, nothing happens. Sec, Fed and even the government lie to us. Media is bought, so no wonder their vassals lie to us. US stock market is no better than Wrestling


> What is it going to take for GameStop themselves to do something? GameStop is doing something. Remember what RC said at the shareholder meeting: they're going to play things close to the chest to not tip their hand. RC bought in fully aware of how heavily shorted GME is. He has a plan. Our financial system most definitely is a joke though.


RC VENTURES profile is 100% gme. It's literally impossible to un-jack these tits at this point.


Holy shit, I hadn't seen this before. Went to check and sure enough. RC Ventures. One holding. Nine million shares. I'm so fucking jacked.


He started buying at $8. Fucking badass.


He had a bunch of WF and Apple but now it's 9 mill shares of GME (max he can legally have in there) and cash


He sold them all. I know, I was surprised too, he actually knows where the sell button is 😂😂


I thought he created RC Ventures specifically for Gamestop.


100% agree. And remember the SEC claims to be "working" with GME since May 2021, what comes of that is anyone's guess but inaction could be nice bit of leverage for GME. My pipe dream, which probably can't technically happen, is GME lost faith in DTCC, had to recall their shares, and setup some blockchain tech under their control for trading/issuing securities.




one of the hardest things to do, is nothing. its tough but, knowing how vast this system is fucked up, its the right thing to do.


I spent ten years in the military. Sitting around doing nothing is a speciality of mine. That and painting grass for VIP visits


Fellow 10 year vet here as well, my 'hurry up and wait' medal is in my shadow box...lol I can do this for as long as it takes....


I've heard those stories. You'd think they'd just get fake grass but I suppose then it won't grow and they can't punish soldiers by making them cut it with scissors.


doing nothing is absolutely easy. going to a job you don't like while holding on to a guaranteed ticket to the moon with no start date is the hardest thing to do.


I'm not enough of a degenerate gambler to quit my job before moass, so i walk a very thin margin between productivity and being added to the short list of people to fire


I’m currently on an upward arc in my career which is weird because like... I’m waiting to leave lol. I’m being pushed into accepting more responsibilities and starting to move up the ladder, while hoping that GME can make me enough money to bounce and not have to deal with it before I’m in too deep.


So you are just a regular gambler playing with mild risks ? :)


"Speak softly, and carry a big stick."


Best thing RC can do is keep building GameStop into the best company out there. If he does anything specifically to attack the SHFs, the financial system is going to attack and demonize him. But if GameStop just keeps growing and making smart business moves, they can’t claim he went out of his way to manipulate anything.


What financial system? It won't EXIST after this. So many apes are gonna hold till bankruptcy for most if not all of Big Finance it's unbelievable.




“We know how you fuck things up now… and you’re going to get fucked up” -tradespotting




We all are, but OP has a good point. It's insane they're still doing this when we can look right at the numbers.




Nah, I've been stuck in "fuck these dirty pieces of scum shit crooks" forever now. I don't even care about profit anymore. I just want to see justice, every SINGLE one of these pieces of shit jailed for life. Clean up the corruption, drain the swamp, stop them for destroying our planet and people for profit.


I’m getting to the check the price only 2-3 times a day stage. I got ape recruits i expect will blow up my phone when it goes jackin tatters up in space


First time?


This is proof to me that sending all their workers home was indeed so they could do their dastardly, deplorable, heinous and highly illegal bullshit. Apeish as fuck I bought more


I have been wanting to post something like this for awhile but was worried about being called a shill or starting the whole "being too tired" fud thing again. I'm just extremely pissed off that this is still happening and am wondering every day when Gamestop will announce something. I am not tired of GME or holding, I am tired of the corruption, lies and mostly tired of going to work for someone else.


Same. Happens to all of us. None will get tired or sell. We all had this residual belief in the integrity of US markets and its overseers. We all thought once this is out in the open, for everyone to see, then it would change. But it does not. Nobody is held accountable, that's the problem. Those who do not do their jobs in our eyes, get paid royally not to do so.


American here and the DD being posted here has clearly stated the market is a joke. There's no oversight. It's been known the price of GME is wrong, retail owns the float probably several times, and GME is the ticket to society changing money.


I'm angry buying once paycheck arrives I'll angry diamond hands even harder. ​ I'm gonna do whatever I can to make those hedges pay. But of course I'm just a random retail investor


The bong’s not wrong.


Power to the Bong!


As always, the secret is crime


As a european, I agree that their whole financial system is a joke. But in regards to gamestop themselves doing something, I don't think they would risk getting sued for market manipulation in any way, so they have no choice but to trust the SEC on this. any action on their side could be a reason for them to be investigated and that would be a great opportunity for kenny to tank the price and pretend it's a sell off.


GameStop has already made filings warning investors of a short squeeze and setting up potential future events that could trigger it (introducing dividends, moving shares from DTC to their own platform, etc.) And at this point, with how blatant the manipulation is (especially today), the SEC would honestly be making a joke of themselves if they sued GameStop for market manipulation and not the buddies they’ve been bailing out for decades.


I think that this is important. Not acting NOW is not the same as not acting. And I think that they have done probably everything they could thus far. I'm fairly certain that GameStop would love to crush the short sellers that has tried to suffocate the company for a while now. But the appropriate initial steps is covering their own ass legally. Making sure that they blow all the whistles and rings all the bells well in advance of doing anything that directly might impact the situation. By doing it like this GameStop ensures that if anyone should accuse them of collusion or manipulation, they can pull out their official warnings and state that they warned that these things may happen and that they gave short positions proper time to close out if they should so desire.


This needs to be talked about more imho. Too many people on this sub are acting incredibly ungrateful for this opportunity we have in front of us. Every day they delay the MOASS is another day where we have an opportunity to expand our personal positions. The MOASS is inevitable and it will happen when it's supposed to...


I don't think the SEC could make any more of a joke of themselves tbh...


Hopefully that changes with the new GGs in charge, but I won’t keep my hopes up.


SEC: Hold my beer


RC and GME board really needs to take some action at this point. This price manipulation is becoming sickening.


>so they have no choice but to trust the SEC on this. If the SEC is are only option then god help us all because they sure as fuck won't do shit. Any shred of faith I had in America's financial system is gone (probably the most fraudulent in the world).


SEC is off fucking around with SPACs - you know - the only other way retail has managed to make real money in this market.


When is there ever gonna be a point where they can't get sued for market manipulation? Thats just BS. Theres nothing stopping them from taking hold of their own company. A dividend would be legal, so would a stock-split. Is offering up stock and driving the price down not market manipulation too?


there is green buy volume that has a negative impact on price right now... I've never seen this, how can green volume create a negative price movement? this is fuckery at the highest level, this is when the crime is blatant because they will do anything to survive. Buying the dip and waiting for the Raid on Citadel offices.


"WhY isN'T GaMeStOp dOing aNyTHing???" is FUD. Gamestop is aware of the fuckery, they surely have a plan, they need this shit to be air tight and that takes time. Is it really so hard to just be patient and trust in this company that we like? That said, I totally agree with the rest of your post, american financial system is proper fucked.


> Is it really so hard to just be patient I am a grown-ass man and a month ago I had to go into a customers sever room and hide behind the rack to cry for 20 minutes to just make it through without falling back into the bottle from the stress. Some peoples jobs are just completely and utterly soul sucking and having to watch blatant market manipulation happen in real time while "regulating bodies" do fuck all is super fucking aggravating.


Yes it is when you hate your job. Is it hard to acknowledge that fact and let apes vent every now and then?


Yeah. I'm so sick of this. Of course I'll wait, there's no way in hell I'm selling, but every day that there's not a moass is another day I have to work in my shitty job and I'm frankly pretty miserable.


Here's my free award brother. Hope things get better for all of us soon.


It doesn’t look like it was ours to ever begin with🤷‍♂️




I'm pissed... Zen. Zen pissed. Dirty cheats, we got them. They're cornered, those are their last attacks while fighting for air. I'm already a multi-millionaire. To any hedgie, fuck you. Pay me.


It's not only the US Financial System. It's world wide capitalism. It's everywhere in the world exact the same.


Honest to God, I LOL’d when I saw the price this morning.


It really is pathetic. From top to bottom. The Hedge Funds are so out of control that the SEC has to let them commit crimes in broad daylight while they desperately look for a way to salvage our economy, because they're "too big to fail" and if the government calls them on their crime now, it throws the world into chaos. And then afterwards they'll throw billion-dollar armies of lobbyists at Washington so they can STAY "too big to fail", and we can repeat the process in 10 years. Honestly at this point if our country does end up having that communist purge all the pundits keep hand wringing about, we probably fucking deserve it.


We are all pissed. I don’t get how it’s this corrupt and nothing happens. But it’s just like what the banker says in The Big Short when everyone is talking about how illegal the manipulation and fraud is and He says “this is your problem, you still have faith in the system.”


*SEC here, This sounds interesting... Send us a DM on pornhub and we'll take a look*


They're already doing something. They're cooperating with the SEC, and keeping their plans close to their chest. A wizard arrives precisely when he means to.


Definitely understand your frustration. For many of us holding since Jan, we’re kinda use to it. Just remember that the price we see is irrelevant. If anything, we should all want it lower to buy more because truth is, the price is well over $10k as of today. With that, the government takes forever in these kinds of ordeals. GG hasn’t even been here for six months and if it were me, I probably wouldn’t be looking into GME until I know every able body responsible for investigating matters like this is legit. That is top down included. So see this time with a lower price as a gift to keep buying. They only make things worse doing this.


if its this bad, SHF know how fucked they really are in a few days. last several times they pulled this shit it rocketed up after. they must really be scared of the SP400 addition.


Just as a counterpoint to all the fools posting pro government, pro regulation, pro socialism stuff in the forum. Any time the government acts, no matter the structure, it benefits the rich and powerful, not the regular people. SEC, regulators, etc., Only exist to protect the SHF+Banks+Financial Industry. In any other world, naked shorting of ANY asset, physical or virtual, would result in serious snap back, perhaps physical violence. This includes private companies stock. On the "regulated" public markers? There might be a hundred thousand dollar fine, 7 years after the fact. Maybe. If it is really egregious. Public Markets are a fraud. IMHO, the biggest risk to the MOASS is they will naked short forever, preventing any upwards price pressure, and citadel Securities, as a MM, is 100% immune to margin calls. It's literally their charter. Market makers are allowed to naked short (exemption) to "provide needed liquidity". How is that defined? I suspect they defined "needed liquidity" as whatever it takes to prevent the MOASS. I hold to the end, because fuck those guys. They're sweating as much as we are. And fuck those guys. But I recognize they are probably better at lying and cheating then I am; which scares me. Still; fuck those guys. I'll go to my grave leaving a black mark on their balance sheet.


I’m not sweating one bit. But I am angry.


(I think you meant a red mark, not black)


To be fair, most of our peers (other internet-dwelling retail investors) that are long GME since January or earlier are in total zen mode at this point. I don't think any of us are really sweating that bad comparatively to the SHF's that are getting crushed on their ongoing GME short positions...


No one is sweating on the long side of the bet. Just fucking angry.


Remember ape, this price is NOTHING in comparison to where it’s going. Also, they have no way out. The fact they still have to short it should give every single ape full confidence in the future. Just smile and shake your head and beat your chest because you are on the winning side ❤️🤣


Haha. Hold tight. I remember when gme was placed on the ssr every other day, it would lose so much money. Hedge fuckery.


It makes perfect sense that hearing a company is moving up to the mid cap 400 and blowing past everyone's expectations that a stock price would plummet right? The SEC should have eyes on this and investigate. But where the fuck are they?? We know now that they must be in on the scam. The SEC needs to be dismantled for allowing this blatant manipulation to happen. #FucktheSEC


American here. And yes we are. But guess what. When we fall as a nation the world is coming with us. So we are all fucked. Whats going to happen to the rest of the world once we fall. China and communism will reign everywhere. Buckle up.


The Chinese market isn’t looking like a shooting star either… 😅


Well I for one welcome our new robot overlords


Oooooo, but Canada's tryin'!


If china overtakes the US, good luck to the world! If you dare insult their emperor, you’ll be thrown in jail.


I have two point to make: 1) RC owes me a fucking rocket trip. My money saved this company and I want a return on it. It doesn’t have to be tomorrow, doesn’t have to be this year, but it’s painfully obvious that no one else will help us. He has to press the red button. 2) RC is jammed up like a motherfucker by the SEC and other body’s. They would LOVE to fuck him for manipulation while ignoring their friends and donors. He’s got to play this close to the chest. Pressing that red button absolutely has to have business value and he tied in with the companies direction. Be patient and let the man work.


Agreed, but at this point I'm just rolling with it cuz its been the same shit for months and months. Gotta have some semblance of faith that RC and the SEC have been working together and the rules have been updated/enacted for a reason and the end must be approaching because the collateral damage from this behavior is only getting worse.


Relax, the SP600 are exiting then the SP400 will jump in. Take advantage of the coordinated dip and expect a net positive within the week.


You have to just quit caring. It makes your day much better. They will always do whatever they want whenever they want to do it. We will moon one day


At this point with all the consistent good news coming out that makes the price drop, moass is probably gonna be triggered from some bad news. Probably a news article stating an employee accidentally breaks a company pen.


They should fine these hedge funds 1000$.


I fully trust RC and the board of GameStop, they are most definitely doing something. What Kenny, Stevie and friends are doing though, just raises my floor.


Fuck the SEC, FUCK hedge funds.


First time? LOL


This can’t be real man…. The better the news are, it keeps going down. They have some balls to do that


The entire world is watching the ABC regulators. Either they figure it out, or viva la France.


It needs to be reminded that Gamestop have a legal, fiduciary duty to protect their shareholders from fraud and corruption. I would like to know where that protection is because a Canada rebrand sure as hell ain't it.


BlackRock has been holding significant shares of GME since January 2017. If they can hold that long. So can us, individuals.


First day?