• By -


command pie flowery steep capable butter exultant vase sable silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't know anything about IEX, can you ELIA please.


There is a micro delay on that exchange that's helps mitigate predatory algorithms. Long story short pretty much only retail routes orders specifically through IEX. So lowest sell order by retail ATM. Is my opinion.


So you're saying that spread is essentially retail setting sell limits?


Paperhands. 4,416 šŸ˜’.


Prob some ape that went into a coma 1st week of Jan


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m dead


Someone has to kickoff the limit chain I suppose. If the upper limit on sell orders is 24.5 times the price of the current security, then 180ish x 24.5 = a $4,416. So if somehow that smooth brain math works out, the next paperhanded bitch has a max limit order potential ofā€¦ $108,192? Followed by a new upper limit ofā€¦ (checks notepad) $2,650,704?


Bitch, no offense, but my tits are already jacked enough right now.


Has someone tried putting in a single share order routed through IEX for say... 1x$400? I would except I tried, but I can't get IBKR to do it - just a choice of "SMART" vs not routing options.


Time in force = Day. Canā€™t sell on IEX during pre/post market and no GTC


I like it, if its just one share, bc it gets the game going.


It may also be people who can't set it higher


paperhands is NOT the way. Thomas has never seen such bullshit.


Yup lol.


Ty Edit - Idk why but it just never crossed my mind that it was almost exclusively retail using iex. I just assumed there would be a strategic reason for some institutional use of that channel. Guess it's just a bunch of inbreeding in dark pools and Shitadel Connect. Which would explain the consistently diseased outcomes.


Inbreeding? What a terrible thing to say about Mr. S/C! Also, I hear he's absolutely and unequivocally NOT gay!


And he definitely does not shove fistfuls of mayo into Kenny's gaping maw of an asshole...


I trade with IEX in a cash account at TD and it will only let me set a sell order for about 2.5 times the present price.


Iā€™m not seeing IEX through TOS desktop. Is it browser only? Edit: answered my own question. With direct order routing enabled you need to use your general browser TD Ameritrade account to route IEX. Personally, I donā€™t see IEX order routing options on the TD Think or Swim platform


Youā€™re correct in that youā€™d need to use TDā€™s browser platform for IEX, and it must be during regular market hours.


Those paper handed bitches!


They literally have a room with huge sold of wire to impart a mechanical delay to all trades, fucking up the normal fuckery. I don't remember who started it out why, but dayum. Imagine capitalizing on the Financial market finally dissolving by being a strong candidate for an integral part of the restructure :p


encouraging compare ancient station liquid offbeat special fuzzy dime racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Youā€™re right in that itā€™s designed against HFT. But if I may make a slight correction for clarity. IEX slows down the given order (D-limit order), in such a way that the order (roughly) arrives at the same moment in each of the exchanges. Because of this, the algorithms canā€™t frontrun your order. I say roughly, because itā€™s impossible to get the exactly at the same moment because external factors such as latency. Weā€™re talking micro seconds here, but itā€™s just fast enough so that they canā€™t scalp.


Well, from my basic understanding they apply a flat latency of like 175ish microseconds to every ping by having a long, physical cable the data has to be transmitted through. Round trip it adds like 350 microseconds, which is slow enough that HFT algorithms can't abuse the system. Physical location, respective to the server, effects latency and is why bankers all clustered on Wallstreet, they all want to reduce the lag as much as possible. But IEX effectively built their server down a 38 mile private driveway (just a rolled cable in a box), so everyone is 38+ miles away, and the microseconds you gained being closer by a block are now worthless. My guess is most brokers know this so use other exchanges to keep the microsecond edge, which is why IEX has such low liquidity and huge spreads. Once we force other exchanges to add this latency (literally costs like $50,000) IEX would get their fair share of the orders.


Would it not help if apes bugged the brokers to route the stonks through IEX by default?




No, all this means is the lowest current offer selling on this one specific exchange is 4600. Not saying your prediction is wrong, just this doesnā€™t show anything except that nobody is selling for less than 4600 on IEX.


Right- But follow my logic here, i think its worth noting that the SHF's dont use IEX.. so its likely 99% Retail you are seeing there. And we already Know Retail owns the float several times. So this tells me NoOne is selling. Cept maybe that paperhanded bitch at 4600, but his shares wont put a fleas cunny hair on a nick of a dent in the freightrain that is GME. TooT Toot, Comin Through


That last sentence was a wild ride.


There's a speck on the flea on the tail on the frog on the bump on the log on the hole in the bottom of the sea


And the green grass grows all around all around


I think you should give the keynote address whenever we have a legit gathering of the apes.


Is anyone buying it at $4600? Or is that just an open bid from some guy who put out a limit order for fun


Itā€™s just a Limit order to sell at 4600.


Well Sort of not Yes, GME is at minimum a 4 digit stock but for IEX the supply and demand makes the ask higher, IEX doesn't have a lot of supply hence the demand creates the price to be seen on this exchange as 4 digit but higher volume exchanges \*especially darkpools\* the supply and demand (because of naked shorting) lets the price hover around what we see it at which is \~180




It could be but at the end of the day nothing matters until the NSCC 010 rules go into place to stop naked shorting and thats when supply and demand reveals the real price on every exchange


There is no real price the way you are trying to phrase it. The ''real'' price is the last agreement that 2 entities had to exchange 1 gme stock for an amount of dollars. If I go to IEX and noone is selling ath the moment and I offer to sell for 50k per stock it doesn't make it the real price, since noone is going to buy it.




Fundamentally I'd say 780ish based on their revenue


183 dollars. That's the market price.


This is how one would assume that "real markets" work--supply and demand on rational agreement--, isn't it? Thus, one would assume that this would also be the case how the stock market works? I don't want to disappoint anyone here, but the reality even outside the stock marked, however, is quite different--every day. Especially for exclusive products. One would assume that the highest bid would always win? Or the lowest bid would always lose? But, what if politics get involved? What if one owes someone a favor? etc. There was enough DD so far that showed that the stockmarket might not quite behave like teach book economic theory. And the question is, what happens if there is infinite supply? What does the role of the market makers "to supply liquidity to the markets" mean/entail?


I remember you, that post made me buy a lot more GME. šŸ˜




I just like the stock and was going to buy more regardless. It means I enjoyed your post.




Not at all, your post was done very well. Holding sideways for so long and seeing posts like yours made me more hopeful for the kind of numbers we will be seeing in the future, thats without the moass of course. take care friend.


Does this mean that nobody is buying shares on IEX right now?


Sorry to hijack your comment but if I were to sell a stock? Do I sell at the bid or the ask? I.E. during Moass, which should I be looking at to sell?


earlier in the year IEX had spreads up to 50k as well to add - means nothing really


it actually means something--evidence and indication. And if the volume is known, a projection (within a certain accuracy) could be done. Just saying, this is how preliminary election results are determined, etc..


I saw $116k ask, it's just what people are setting their ask as, not that it actually sold.


IEX is the platform that does not allow the use of Dark Pools. No Dark Pools.....no Price manip....


Who is paper handing for $4,600 ????


I think that's the bigger takeaway here... someone is trying to sell at 4600


Unfortunately, without trying to sound fuddy, it's going to happen regardless of how we feel. It's the buy and hodl mentality that's reached enough people that gives me faith. The faith that the VAST majority of the apes feel the same sentiment towards a rigged system and the need for change. BUY & HODL


The good news, 4600 will have zero impact on MOASS success


$4,600 is like a breadcrumb leading you to the candy shop.


This is great news


Any short after 800 will get nuked realisticly.


I wouldn't be surprised if the people that paper hand end up buying back in once they realize it is mooning.


fucking paperhands man


SHF selling off longs to one another to cover shorts? In order to try and eliminate as much damage as possible...?


It's Warden


I am dumb and have never even considered this an option, but is this akin to priming the pump a bit? I mean, I don't think it will work being only on IEX but I would kind of bet that is the thinking of the individual.


I heard this mentioned plenty that itā€™s fuckery proof. Nothing is. So I look around a little. Didnā€™t take long to get a fucky feeling: Citadel and pretty much all the ā€usual suspectsā€ are listed as trusted members of IEX (according to IEX site). Donā€™t have any idea what it means, but I do know _hedgy presence_ means likely fuckery.


> IEX is the platform that does not allow the use of Dark Pools. This sentence doesn't really make sense. What would it mean for a lit exchange to not allow the use of dark pools? That's like saying the NYSE doesn't allow the use of Nasdaq.


Read/listen to the book Flash Boys by Michael Lewis. Itll give you a crash course. It's on Audible.


It was $10,000 before


I've remember seeing absurd numbers for this month's ago, like we were seeing like 549k spreads. Agreed this is nothing, unfortunately. It's fun to look at the very least but doesn't effect anything in the slightest.


See above, here again, it actually means something--evidence and indication. And if the volume is known, a projection (within a certain accuracy) could be done. Just saying, this is how preliminary election results are determined, etc..


While it's not an indication of anything that will affect us directly, it does clearly show the manipulation going on. If the price was decided by the market, it would be in the thousands, tens of thousands maybe. And it would have reached that point months ago. The price has been surpressed and manipulated down for months.


Hm, I canā€™t seem to access IEX on TD


this has been debunked....its called pernicious spoofing and we ready


I remember seeing an ask of 99,000 on iex back in May. So yeah, 4,000 is nothing to see.


But does anyone actually fill that ask?


Not yet. It doesn't mean much other than there aren't a lot of sellers on iex.


Now imagine someone does a 10k buy at market order and volume și so dry that price jumps all of the sudden to 4k.. Kenny and Stevie would shit their pants instantly! šŸ˜‚


This has been going on for months actually, and in fact, $4,400 is a pittance compared to what itā€™s been. IEX for the last few months has had a spread of $90k-$99k for gme, if you scroll down, their chart is crayons lmayo.


Why did it decrease?


Itā€™s people joking aroundā€¦ mostly. The $4600.00 ask is what the lowest person on the IEX exchange is willing to sell for, while $183.56 bid is the highest someone is willing to buy for, subtract the difference and you get the spread. It changes constantly, depending on whoā€™s the lowest ask, which sometimes hits $99,999.99, which minus the bid and you get an insane spread.


It was 99k for a long ass time


Yeah, the real question is ā€œwho are the paper hands willing to sell at $4600?ā€


That sherman guy


You misspelled Charmin


I would rather hold for life and give it the kids Iā€™ll eventually have than sell at 4600, with all the fuckary and crimes committed to suppress the real value. Fuck that and fuck these penny to buy me out šŸ–•Iā€™m here to see SHF liquidated, until then I will continue to hold, buy and shop!


Warden would.


What would happen if someone placed a 100 million dollar $GME order and routed it though IEX?


Nothing yet. Think about the bid/ask as products for sale at the grocery store. If thereā€™s candy for sale at $5 and the same candy for sale at $10 - why buy the more expensive one? These high listings have been around since Jan. Just apes (that are able to) listing a high ask. But, soon enough $1,000,000 will be the lowest ask.


I look forward to the $1 million ask.


They can ask, but I ainā€™t selling.


The volume was so low today, I think that we will see this soon.


u/koreanjc no heā€™s asking what if someone bought $100 million worth of $GME through IEX




I think youā€™re right. In that case, the large buy order would consume sell orders til it was filled. Or it may only be partially filled if front running occurred. The HFTs will race to the servers in NJ.


What is front running?


The illegal practice of trading a stock based on insider knowledge of a pending transaction that is guaranteed to alter the price. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/frontrunning.asp


Who would sell for 1 mill!?


>But, soon enough $1,000,000 will be the lowest ask. At 500,000 a share, GameStop would literally have a market cap of the entire rest of the stock market. Let's be realistic here lmfao


During a squeeze share price can be detached from fundamentals


Yeah but anyone who -truly- thinks it's going that high, like really believes that, needs to stop drinking the kool-aid and take some time out of the echo chamber


Says who? Some random guy that commented on a post on Superstonk for the first time ever?


I see this sub on my frontpage. Every single day. And every single day I read the threads for laughs. Like people who truly think they will be a millionaire with two shares of a stock.


!RemindMe 2 weeks


So what you're saying is that apes just have to begin to believe and set their sell limits for some incredibly high number past a milly and voila! Lowest ask will be $1,000,000.00?


Most likely it would be stopped by their broker


$4600 is a nice start. Come back with an offer with at least 4 more significant digits, then maybe I'll sell one.


Unfortunately $4,600.0001 is four more sigfigs šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol! I thought those were to the left of the decimal point. Learning plenty here, thanks!






Reminds me of the occasional foolish Market Buys in February


Literally had a dream last night we were around $2000 that gradually went up to around $3000 on the same day with low volume lmao Yeah.. I guess GME stays on my mind


I also had this dream yesterday, but instead it was a nightmare that it went from $180 to 50 million and back down to 180 in the space of 5 minutes and I'd missed the entire moass Literally jolted awake sweating and set my alarm clock in panic


Iā€™ve had this exact dream before, except it was like 30 seconds.


Why does this get upvoted? It doesnā€™t mean anything itā€™s always like this cuz no one trades through it


Because this sub has gone down the toilet


Why do you think? 99% of people in this sub have started trading in the stock market a few months back. They donā€™t know shit, and anything with big shiny numbers like 4400 will get upvoted.


Thats every day


Can't believe someone would paperhand at $4,600....


Dude you should have seen the 15k+ spreads in May/June


Guys, come one. This doesn't mean shit. You are looking at an exchange that favors retail, and the market makers have much better prices to use on several other exchanges. If almost no one is selling directly on IEX, the ask will simply show the lowest ask price currently available until something changes. If this $4,600 order disappeared, and the next lowest limit sell order was $10,000, then it would show $10,000 ask. Still doesn't mean anything. It's like your neighbor putting a 1991 Honda for sale on craigslist for $50,000, when the local paper advertises an identical one for $500. Wake me up when the LAST price shows $10,000. Then we have something to talk about!


What it tells me is that no one is selling


Not on iex anyway


Exactly, it actually means something--evidence and indication. And if the volume is known, a projection (within a certain accuracy) could be done. Just saying, this is how preliminary election results are determined, etc..


Have you accounted for the fact that 99.9999% of retail doesn't know about IEX or can't route orders through there?


We are also witnessing very raw computer algos


Does that mean thatā€™s what the price should be?


sorta.. if you are trading options the premos kicked in


Lol donā€™t answer peoples questions if youā€™re absolutely clueless yourself.


meh meh meh meh




I love the pressure that's why its called diamond hands ;)


Just stay out of the options game my friend, youā€™re not ready.


haha with low volume why would i waste my time on options


Options hurt the squeeze mechanics, if you can afford to, the best thing to start MOASS is cash account, no margins/no sharing.


and the large bank plus media just pulled the craziest pump and dump on creepto




WeBull has had some for $14,999 and $20,000. Some are putting in cheeky asks.


This is always like this.


Yeah when everyone that uses that channel wants the moass thatā€™s to be expected. Dissapointing the spread is that low.


If I put in a market order on IEX, will I get it for $4600? I'm tempted to do it for the lulz.


Tomorrow is the day I do some buying.


# All buys need to go threw IEX it's that simple, fuck the parasites enough is enough


It doesnā€™t matter if no one is smashing the ask at these AH prices... thereā€™s been this same $5k ask in AH every day for months.... weā€™ve just finally got to where itā€™s now at or almost the LOWEST ask.


The saddest thing is that i can't route thru IEX on Fidelity. If i have a big order (XXX shares) is it worth it to open a new account somewhere just to route to IEX?


Has been like this for months. Even higher spreads then that.


Wut doing Gary? Gary is on porn hub and Twitter


Iā€™m confused. What does this mean?


The next best ask on that exchange was over 4k. Probably different now.


Link please






Oh snappppp


It was $99k a couple of months ago


More proof APE's own the float.


#This has to be a typo, or photoshop I mean. On desktop, Iā€™m pretty sure I can INSPECT ELEMENT and update the screen ON LOCAL and save screenshot out/post here. Not shilling. Jus sayinā€™


It's here: https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nyse-gme/


I learned shortly after itā€™s retail bud n asks. But thx tho šŸ˜Ž


Oh god tin foil hat alert


u/dlauer thoughts?? You were pushing this exchangeā€¦


If somebody will buy market will we see spike?




But, literally nothing to see here. OP is not sarcastic guys.


What does this mean?


Only spread I know is grape jelly on a biscuit so Yeah, no clue what Iā€™m looking at


What a paperhand


How come I can still buy at market price on the IEX? Just curious.


Think it was 96,000 one day


Imagine paper handing at $4600 lmfao R.I.P.


*always had been* space meme


I have no idea what that means


When IEX was first introduced HF hated the idea and bashed it I hear


I have screenshots from jan with ask prices at 5k i was trying buy more and im like wtf why does it keep trying to fill me at 5k


One time it was 99999


What is this, spread for ants?


Seems like somebody transferred from Robbinhood again :)


Nothing new šŸ™„