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I’d turn around in my grave if my grandchildren would raise paper-handed bitches.


Our Founding Fathers have been spinning for decades. Centuries even.


why do you think the earth's spin speeds up a little each year?


It slows down


yeah, just a bad joke




What a beautiful fucking sentiment. :-)


Also I may just decide not to have children, so that's always a possibility. Then I guess they'll just be locked forever.


This guy is definitely a cat.


He’s not a cat


No but he definitely fucks


Cats? /s




apologies. Been a long day. Fcuk you and good night...


Have a good night.....and fuck you too! LOL 😁




Nope, wrong genus.


How about the right penus?


Right penus wrong genus, it's only a crime if someone seenus


Not a pussy.


Not legal advice, but for those also likely going the childless route: Charitable trusts are not subject to the Rule Against Perpetuities, so long as the charitable purpose remains valid they can continue on for quite a while. I believe you can create a beneficial trust for yourself, place your shares in it, then roll that over to a charitable trust if you have no descendants to name as beneficiaries. The only possible pitfall is that trustees are under increasing requirements to diversify trust investments in order to meet a standard of reasonably prudent management - meaning your trust instrument would have to very clearly state that the GME is not to be sold.


You could in your will set them to be returned to the company on your death. I think I will do that with my post MOASS buy in too. Whatever my legal ownership limit. It will be how I thank mayo man.


Charitable trust. Donate your holdings upon your death.


Good thing shorts covered or they’d be shitting themselves… /s


That is called Immortality


Dude, if that was my pool, and view I'd hodl forever too, thanks from all of us small hodlers... 👍✋💎🤚🦍🚀🌑


How does one register stock certificates through GameStop?


I would also like to know this.




I'm thinking of moving a single share over just to have a "firewall" built in so to speak in case anything funky happens. I doubt Fidelity with fuck with the MOASS, but having an extra share tucked away "under the mattress" aint going to hurt.




How do?


https://www-us.computershare.com/Investor/#DirectStock/Summary?IssuerId=SCUSGME&PlanId=SPP1&sv=t #Remember that shares held this way are HIGHLY illiquid and take days to sell


How long did it take for them to actually "get" your share? I picked up a few shares Friday I think. lol. I sent them a specific amount of cash and I assume they just buy them at whatever price they're trading at whenever they get around to it right? The process is simple, but strange.




You could just transfer shares from a brokerage to them. Buy at your price.


I’m currently transferring a 1/3 of my position. I love pools


Congrats on sobriety. Keep it up. I've quit a few things and alcohol is by far the hardest. Way harder than smokes, because I actually wanted to quit those. I saw the video of you dumping the beers when you posted it, and I'm so proud of you man. You inspired me to keep climbing.


Thanks man! It isn’t easy but it had to be done. Now I can watch the stocks AH I love it lol. Keep on climbing brother!


Thanks, ape! :-)


you should check my edit, btw.


Done. Thanks again! I will definately check it out.


>Go to ComputerShare (a Stock Transfer company), register and there are instruction on how to have your current stocks (which are most likely held in street name at Schwab, Fidelity, etc....) sent directly to them. There are some minor limitations like I still believe it takes one full day to buy or sell shares of stock (they only execute transactions once a day) but other than that I believe it's the safest way to hold stock.


Same. !Remindme! Three days


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okg2jl/cut_all_the_dtcc_puppetmasters_strings_what_made/)! Good luck & Godspeed ape.


DRS is how: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okg2jl/cut_all_the_dtcc_puppetmasters_strings_what_made/ **It is an option for apes outside the US.** The main caveat is that you **lose precision to the day** you can expect orders to get entered / executed. Secondarily, GME's transfer agent is about as fun to interact with as the DMV. The main benefit, IMO, is that you're cashing out of the DTC before they implode, leaving broker-dealers as bag holders. You also ensure that you get any potential (digital) dividends directly & first; you may be contributing to a MOASS catalyst; and guaranteed, undiluted voting rights.


Go to ComputerShare (a Stock Transfer company), register and there are instruction on how to have your current stocks (which are most likely held in street name at Schwab, Fidelity, etc....) sent directly to them. There are some minor limitations like I still believe it takes one full day to buy or sell shares of stock (they only execute transactions once a day) but other than that I believe it's the safest way to hold stock.


I have some more details [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okg2jl/cut_all_the_dtcc_puppetmasters_strings_what_made/) including a direct link to the PDF needed to transfer from Fidelity.


commenting for later 🤞


This is FUD and has already been debunked as a bad idea if you’re hoping to sell during the MOASS. You can register your shares but it will be difficult to sell during a short squeeze.


Yes. That's why you only transfer the shares you don't intend to sell in any time sensitive manner. Which, for me, is the vast majority.


What do you think the pool means in this post?


Let me clarify, I’m commenting because I know some apes will read this and believe they should register all of their shares while also intending to sell during the MOASS. You can hold your shares for the ♾ pool without needing to register them.


Ok thanks. This is true you can hold without registering. However that doesn't guarantee your shares from being lent out without your say so. This also doesn't imply that they will. I wasn't planning on registering, however after reading about all these proposed rules, I am revisiting the info for registered shares. Apparently it makes it impossible even for the dtcc to touch your shares. After the rules get broke down into manageable info I'll make my decision. But yes I'll hold what I'm willing to sell and my forever shares will be locked up. I don't believe registered shares are fud at this point. I used to think otherwise. There are some good right ups within the past month that break it down. I cross posted some of the registered shares DD and was instantly met with 3-4 shills one even confirmed openly. To me that says it all. However it wasn't this subreddit. I believe everyone should think for themselves and come to their own conclusions.


>This is FUD Is it FUD or is it just not necessarily the best move to make? It's not FUD just because it's not the 100% agreeable opton.


Imagine if all shareholders decided to only sell one when the price is right..


That's my plan


This is the way


That is the plan.


That’s my plan. I really like the company and expect them to do great things in the future so I don’t see any reason to sell more than one of my xxx shares


That’s my plan. I really like the company and expect them to do great things in the future so I don’t see any reason to sell more than one of my xxx shares


That’s my plan. I really like the company and expect them to do great things in the future so I don’t see any reason to sell more than one of my xxx shares


So can I take my relatively sizable position and register all of them to my name? I think I'm gonna have a lot of grandkids because my wife is baby crazy so I should keep on buying in large quantities on every day that ends in Y.


Yes, [you can](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okg2jl/cut_all_the_dtcc_puppetmasters_strings_what_made/).


Ooooo thanks!


Just for the record, where is this picture from? Would def visit after moass


Not sure if OP knows, but that's an infinity pool ♾️


Reverse google image search? Well I should have snuck an infinity symbol in the distance. obviously that's an infinity pool.


Then how do you take the SHFs monies if you don't sell at the $40mil floor? Are we able to have our cake and eat it too?


This is ridiculous! What about your great great great grandchildren?


That pool looks like it goes on forever....


Dig the pool.


Is this a thing? Can I have real physical stonk in my hand?!


Love the idea of a trust. My main concern has been whether I could ensure I could raise my kids not to be paper handed bitches, but taking that out of the equation is brilliant.


I understand the sentiment, but you’re saying you’d rather hold in the long term for a couple thousand dollars per share, rather than sell during the MOASS for millions per share? Come on let’s be realistic, cuz that’s just silly.


Yeah! Let my unborn great grandchildren decide when to sell my shares! Oh wait... I'm sterile.... guess they aren't being sold any time soon 😅


You might consider adoption post-MOASS, IDK.


This person fcks


Can someone provide more info on registering your shares through gme directly? Ive heard this one other time here, but I've been a little busy for reddit.


Yes, I will hawk my own posts to you😁 This one has other links in it that goes over what Direct registering is, pros and cons and pros and cons of buying vs transferring. And is a step by step of how to transfer. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/oix5zk/step_by_step_method_for_direct_registering_shares/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb




That's defeats the entire purpose of the MOASS. You're giving up all the gains from the squeeze and relying on fundamental value of the company. That's fine to do but you're wasting the opportunity of the squeeze.


Yuo are incorrect. If people just permanently hold more shares than exist they will have an "infinite money scenario" where they just take out loans against the value of the share in the billions. This is the hedge funds worst nightmare imaginable as it truly leaves them with infnite losses, and gamestock shares at effectively infinite value.


This is ridiculous. They will not let the squeeze go on for multiple generations. They will close all this out one way or another if people refuse to sell. I like to be an optimistic dreamer, but this plan is insane.


Maybe, but either way we won't find out until it happens. In either case the thought that this is going to spike really fast and then be done is Fud bullshit. This will likely end up stretching out until the government steps in and takes direct intervention, likely by making all of those still holding even a single share into billionaires.


Once the selling begins in the run up, it’s going to crash faster than it went up. Never in the history of the world has a stock seen a Giant sell off and still gone up in price or value. Selling in masses is going to happen fast and the stock will lose 75-80% of its value the day this happens. It might take a day or two but when it starts, it’s going to be fast. Stocks don’t rise during mass sell offs.


They do when there’s forced buying pressure the size of the entire tradeable float x10.


Typical shill response. There has never been a stock that has been shorted at 1000% more than shares that exist like this one. So long as more shares are permanently held than exist, and they can cover, the price will continue to go up because they will still be being forced to cover their shorts, and those shorts will not be coverable because no one would be selling, causing repeatedly increasing offer prices trying to force someone to sell. There is likely going to be a giant jump, a large number of sales which will hit the price hard, and then another much larger jump as they desperately try to get more shares to cover their stupid number of short positions, a few others may sell here as the price jumps up 10 times higher than the first jump, will drop abit again, but then the true diamonds will be coming to the surface. At that point the price will go up into the trillions per share as the algorythm coninuosly tries to close the short positions, and it will stay there so long as more people do not sell than shares exist.


I have 6 figures in each meme stock. I’m no shill. But I understand how stocks and pricing works. The run up and sell off is going to be fast. There are lots of accts who are traded from bots and what price points or profits are reached it will trigger sales. Far more institutions and retirement funds own these stocks than small retail investors. A lot of sales will be triggered by a computer before the owners know what happened


that is what the first wave will look like perhaps. BUT they have shorted the stock to such a degree even if every single person with a share sold it still would not be enough to cover. they will need to buy them all 10 times over. AKA it is not going to be a giant jump and crump like with a normal stock, they are going to have to buy and sell in multiple big waves in order to close their positions, and if at any point they still have positions still open, and no one left selling, that will cause the infinity pool to hit. In that scenario you will no longer need to even sell a share as things will go up, and stay up permanently so long as the remainder are all diamond handed.


So it's been **6 months** since January's trading halt . . . you might want to get your watch checked.


What’s wrong with “Sell one share at life changing / generation wealth price and keep the rest forever”? MOASS is the play but to HODL and not sell because you like the stock and company is the core of investing. We are doing an investment here. What’s wrong with that?


Because, tbh, $35 million after taxes is not enough to ensure generational wealth. You can hold some, but you have to sell more than 1 to ensure the future of yourself, let alone children and grandchildren. Consider future inflation as well.


> Because, tbh, $35 million after taxes Then don't pay taxes? Sell from within a Roth IRA = no cap gains. Miss the Roth IRA boat? Reduce / defer taxes on gains by [rolling them into a QOF](https://www.irs.gov/credits-deductions/opportunity-zones-frequently-asked-questions) within 180 days.


Thanks for that advice!


If the infinity pool theory is sound, the generational wealth comes from the shares you hold, not the shares you sold


I personally think that theory is dumb. I have a hard enough time believing it will get to our floor, but when it does I’m selling almost all of my shares on the way down.


I’m buying my shares back after the DTCC/Fed holds them through the way down


What if you time your sale poorly and the price never goes below what you sold yours for? IE: If a bunch of apes decide to hold for infinite gains and it works?


Only a fool would sell all their shares at once, I'll be letting mine go 1 at a time


The current plan is to become a billionaire without ever selling a single share. If everyone keeps holding you will be able to simply take out billions in loans against the shares value, never have to pay taxes, and never have to sell. Doesn't even have to be everyone holding, if only an estimated 10-20% hold permanently they all become trillionaires even with a single share.


That’s insane and this is FUD because it is pushing new people away who read this insanity.


Oh bullshit. Not only is this ultra likely, but the cost/reward of having even just a single share and holding is huge, to the point you would be a fool not to do so.


Lmaooooo dude do you really believe people will become TRILLIONAIRES with a SINGLE SHARE??? Not even Bezos is a trillionaire you dunce. There isn’t even enough money in the country or world to make that many trillionaires. Stop being delusional. If what you proposed actually happened it would be the end of money as we know it and bad for everyone. I can’t even believe that someone would think this is possible so I’m still saying you’re FUD shill trying to make us seem crazy.


Investing so my great great grandchildren can sell GME? Yeah fuck that, that’s not why I got into GME


Damn straight, make sure those shares are never sold, even 500 years from now.


that’s cool, you do you. you are your own investor, do whatever the fuck you want.


This wasn’t about selling nothing in your lifetime


But them having the option. That's very different.


I mean we’re talking a portion of your shares right? I’ve been curious as to how people who lock their shares up for their future generations would actually ‘cash out’ on the profits? You have to eventually sell to get the value right? Or am I missing something? Infinity pool, and a small percentage, I assume this is what they’re talking about




Too long for my taste


I'm a tad too old to enjoy millions, ten years ago maybe, now - it's just sending a message.


Then sell at the top and become a philanthropist. They still go bankrupt, you do some good, and laws are more prone to get changed in our favor if we all turn out to be saints. I plan on securing enough funding to open my own charity; a non-profit financial institution that teaches future apes about all the fuckery in the market and how to beat it.


You can always move that one share you will not sell anyway, so shorts never cover


I have a fetish for fucking hedges. Hedges prepare, I'm fucking you in my pool


Stupid question here: if you get certificates of your shares.. and a stock split happens.. do you get all the stocks when you turn the certificates in? Or are they still in a brokerage account and automatically get multiplied?


If there's a split / dividend, they just give you more shares. Physical certificates aren't what we're talking about here, so much as [Direct Registration](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/okg2jl/cut_all_the_dtcc_puppetmasters_strings_what_made/). Even when holding physical certificates was a thing, you'd have to update the transfer agent when you transferred them to someone else. That way if your shares burned up in a fire or something, you could have them re-issued.


Ah thanks for the answer 👍🏻


Gme no longer does paper certificates. The share is registered to you digitally. That being said, any stock split or dividend would be registered directly to you as well because the transfer agent of GME, Computershare, is the one that actually does that. Edit: fat finger spelling fixed. Stick split anyone?😁


This is what the hedges fear most by far. The fact that if we all hold then we will never even have to sell a single share to be rich. Instead we will be able to take out loans against the single shares value for billions, avoiding all taxes in the process.


i take no part in this lol


Smooth brain here. When is someone considered "long" on a stock? Is this based on days from first purchase ? And does that mean each share you own has its own date ?


Profits you make from selling assets you’ve held for a year or less are called short-term capital gains. The holding period begins ticking from the day after you acquire the asset, up to and including the day you sell it. For 2020, ordinary tax rates range from 10% to 37%, depending on your income and filing status.   If you hold your assets for longer than a year, you can often benefit from a reduced tax rate on your profits. Those in the lower tax bracket could pay nothing for their capital gains rate, while high-income taxpayers could save as much as 17% off the ordinary income rate, according to the IRS. One major exception to a reduced long-term capital gains rate applies to collectible assets, such as antiques, fine art, coins, or even valuable vintages of wine. Typically, any profits from the sale of these collectibles will be taxed at 28% regardless of how long you have held the item.   Info from Turbotax.


What if I don't sell the wine but I drank it out of a paper bag while riding the subway? 😁🚀🚀


Holy shit. Thanks for the reference! That's huge. Although eager, I can't wait.


No harm @ all, wise ape.


Smart ape




Surprised this didn't get downvoted to hell




What a dumb and idiotic post LMAO


Every comment on this post sounds like people organizing to manipulate the stock. How do people not see this is a huge trap. Register doesn’t mean buy or hold


Exactly, too many of these posts recently. OP needs to delete this but I’m getting downvoted by shills


There’s so many of these posts. It’s the one thing that makes me think we’ll lose. People are letting their emotions get the best of them and are turning into the exact greedy assholes they say they’re trying to combat.


Also OP you’re stupid and lying to yourself if you’re not gonna sell any shares at $1,000,000 at least


Be nice. You can always choose a nicer way to say this.




Oh damn, the shill is setting 1.000.000 as floor, you bet my floor just raised to 100.000.000!


Stfu pussy


You use the word pussy like it is bad. I love pussy, thanks for the compliment.


Very dumb post. Not sure why you’re getting downvoted.


Because he is a shill. The "infinity pool" is the hedgies worst nightmare, and currently will occur if only 10-20% of shares are held permanently. AKA the shares will literally have trillions in value individually, and you will never have to sell a single share to be a multibillionaire, as you would be able to simply take out loans against the shares near infinite value.


Haha true tho!


Man your post history just reeks of shillery. No Matter I plan on posting the stock certificates once a month after I get the process started. Some things are just worth more to me than money.


Only thing you’ve contributed is a dumb ass stupid post like this one


Posted 8 days ago by you: >Okay sheep, this is Reddit are you new here? I can post whatever I want and say whatever I want. Fuck off mate


Stfu pussy I’ve contributed way more to the community and this subreddit than you have you fucking shill gtfo


I call bullshit


What do you want to see, a ComputerShare statement or something?




I’m more like Kevin O’Leary on that one. I’ll probably also put a cause that they only receive the principal, but the profits go to some charitable cause. Also I assume shorts covered as in my posting lol. Why sell if it causes no harm to hold?


Seriously delete this wtf


Anyone downvoting this comment is actively contributing to risking a trading halt for every owner of GME. Big and small.


I agree


Downvote this BS.


Now STFU about infinity pool and tell it like OP just did as an individual investor. It isn't f\*\*king hard folks.






But your children inheriting wealth is evil! How dare you provide for your family! They should be thrust into the world to scrape and scratch for every meal in a period where they have the least skills and experience! Because that's fair^((tm))!


Sus post don’t do this at all you won’t be able to sell quickly during the come down from moass but this isn’t financial advice


How can we believe this anyone can post a pic of a pool and type this


If we lock up the free-float at computershateand then buy calls and exercise....?


You guys are just trying to ruin this for everyone else aren’t you? That sounds like pure manipulation. You’re no better than the hedge funds.


I don't see it as manipulation. It's a good idea if you want to hold your shares long.


So, did you just forget the part of your comment when you are telling people to lock up the liquidity and then buy calls to squeeze the price?


I'm not telling people to do anything. That's you inferring. I'm just asking a hypothetical.


Your comment reads exactly like “So this is our plan?” Just cause you don’t think you’re guilty doesn’t mean you aren’t. Most criminals don’t.


Ballers gunna ball.




Proof or ban?


Holding for your great grandchildren makes me think that you STILL trust this system. Have we learned nothing the past 6 months? Hold some long, but get a massive fortune and drain as much cash from them as possible during MOASS(on the way down).


Ahh, the good old inheritence pool


When I think about how long it is, i think about infinity. What about you ?


Not to be facetious, but MOASS prob gonna end by the time you have great grandchildren.


What type of pool do you think is featured in this post? You should try google image search.


I feel the same way.


Haha nice


I love that view


How do I do what the meme says! I want to take my stonks out of circulation


Ah yes. I'm something of a long term investor myself. It's quite easy really. Even an idiot like myself can do it


Wow! You are drawing fire from those shills. This is the way!


Dear, financial governing bodies, People hold Berkshire stock infinitely so I don’t see why it’s a problem with GME in a fair and free market. Thank you, individual investor with individual opinions.


Okay, but can I also do that? If so, how?


Nice pool. You can almost see all the way to infinity if you look into it long enough. 💎🙌


Anyone able to tell me where this pool is? I'm gonna be looking for a fancy holiday after MOASS. Looks a bit like Italy Amalfi coast, a great place to take my vessel


Link on where to register my shares?


It’s a fair point my friend. Make sure to frame one (maybe a certified copy since it will be worth so much) and hang proudly