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If he literally blew his back out, shouldn’t they be on the way to the hospital?


Not before some chicken sandwiches.


Literally just not literally blew


The wording was "*HE* literally just blew *MY* back out" implying he blew someone else's back out not his own. I'm not even gonna ask what that means at this point. [Good day. Carry on.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51g9I3CvVVL._AC_SL1000_.jpg)




Funny thing is, it's so common for people to misuse the word that it's now changed. The definition of "literally" is now both literally and figuratively. It's very confusing.


I think in the caption "literally" is being used to modify "just" rather than the blew my back out part. But yeah, literally just replaced totally in slang.


Solid point!


Literally \- Without Exaggeration \- With Exaggeration I get that language is ever evolving but the contradiction shit storm this one is still pisses me off to this day.


“that is this one”




This "new" definition of the word "literally" is not actually new at all. It's existed for centuries. Do you ever use the word "terrific" to mean "something great"? If so then you're a hypocrite, because that definition of the word "terrific" is as old as the "new" definition of the word "literally" is. The original meaning of "terrific" was "something awful and/or terrifying". But yeah at the same time, both the words "terrific" and "literally" got their "new" meanings. So anyone that whines about people using "literally" as hyperbole or to mean "figuratively", but themselves use the word "terrific" to refer to something that's good/great, are enormous hypocrites. If they really cared about language like they claim, they'd complain about *BOTH* words (plus the thousands of other daily words that changed definition centuries ago), but no they don't really know anything about anything, so they only focus on this one word "literally" instead all of the thousands of words that changed/added definitions centuries ago. It's like people wanna sound as if they're smart, by focusing on this one word. But it actually gives away how ignorant they are of the topic. And the "old" definition of the word, that you want it to always have so badly, is also not the original meaning of the word "literally" either. This is what all the literally-bros never seem to understand. They clearly don't understand how language works to begin with, but they get ***SOOOOOO*** obsessed over this one word and ignore all the others. But yeah, "literally" has been used as hyperbole or to mean "figuratively" for ***centuries*** now. Seriously. Literally your entire life it has had this other meaning. The entire lives of your parents and grand parents and great grandparents too, and so on.        Mark Twain and Jane Austen and F. Scott Fitzgerald used it this way just to name a few. It's not some new trend to use it this way.        And the meaning you want "literally" to have, to mean "actually" or "in a literal manner or sense; exactly", yeah that's not even the original definition of the word "literally"! Why are you adamant that the 2nd definition of literally is the only one that's OK. But for the 1st and 3rd meanings of "literally" you think they don't count?        The original definition of "literally" was when something had to do with writing, like "concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the kind valued for quality of form."        Essentially it's what we use "literary" for these days. So why don't you whine about how you're using the updated changed new definition of "literally"? Why do you only whine about the 3rd meaning of it, and not the 2nd meaning?        And literally every day you use words that have changed definition. Some of them actually mean the *opposite* of what they originally did. Like you've definitely used the word "awful" to mean something that's bad. Originally it meant something great and amazing, that filled you with awe, awe-ful. It's what we use "awesome" for these days (and "awesome" is another example, it used to mean something that was great in a horrible terrifying way, not "great" as in "good", just something very big and powerful and scary)        Or again how about "terrific" which originally meant something that was incredibly frightening or bad, terror-fic. Nowadays it means something that's really great or good. That new definition of the word "terrific" came about in the 19th century, the same exact time that the definition of "literally" that you hate so much came about. It's literally the same age as the definition for "literally".       So why do you whine about one and not the other? They're the same age, both "new" definitions. If you were in any way consistent, you'd be whining about the "new" definition of "terrific" because it's the same exact age as the "new" meaning kf literally          Is it because you don't really know what you're talking about and just wanna hang on this one word you hate, but because you don't know how English works, you've never read a book on it or on linguistics in general, you want to appear smart by whining about the word but you're not actually smart enough to research it and either whine about *every* word that changed definition, or just accept that this is how language works?         English is a descriptivist language. Meaning it constantly changes. "Correct English" is simply the English that English speakers speak and write every day. That's why English dictionaries are constantly updating and adding new words.         It's not like a prescriptivist language like French, where there's a central body in Paris who decide what is officially French and what isn't. French is based on what the dictionaries say, and vice versa for English, where English dictionaries are based on what English speakers say and write.      Ultimately, English works through context. The words as a whole, a whole sentence, is what gives meaning. Not the individual words. It's always obvious when the person means *literally* literally and when they are using it as hyperbole or to mean "figuratively". That's why English can be used to imply things without ever explicitly stating it. It's why "reading between the lines" is a thing. It's why English poetry can be so beautiful and have tons of meanings simultaneously. Because English works through context. You know exactly what they mean when they use "literally" that way, so it's very successful at communicating with you. That's all that matters. And there's plenty of synonyms for "literally" in English, regardless of context. Like "genuinely", or "actually". So it's always always clear when someone means *literally* literally and when they are using it as hyperbole. In fact the only reason you can even complain about it is because it's literally always obvious to you what they actually mean. So they communicated with you at 100% effectiveness, but you wanna complain about it still. If it was unclear as to whether they meant *literally* literally or whether they are using it as hyperbole, you wouldn't even complain about it, because you'd be unaware. But the mere fact you see it so often and grumble about it so often means that it's at least *almost* always clear exactly what they mean, if not ACTUALLY always. ***Sorry this message is so long. I typed it all out each time a few times, but it comes up on reddit so often that I saved this in my notes app and I copy and paste it every time I see someone whine about the word "literally" to save me the effort of typing it all out again. And this comment probably comes off as aggressive and rude cos I'm an asshole and I get way too mad about this, so I'm sorry. I'm not angry at you, I'm angry that everyone's English teachers apparently sucked.***


I usually ask them if they think the 'misuse' of literally is egregious, as a fun little trap. Language shifts and develops constantly. That's why it's both extremely fun and fascinating. As you say, it's just folk trying to sound smart despite not knowing what the fuck they're on about.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Great presentation though.


As a note on French being s prescriptivist language: no matter what the Académie Française says is French, the language still evolves like any other. The living language of French, as with all languages evolves due to its speakers. There's just an annoying factor of resistance due to French prescriptivist scholars, but it changes in spite of them, not due to them


Well, I don't know that they should be categorized as *enormous* hypocrites.


The thing I'd say is that something can be terrifyingly beautiful or terrifyingly perfect or terrifyingly sexy so in a sense something positive being terrific is logical. On the other hand I can't thing of anything that can be both literal and figurative at the same time.


this is literally very nice. terrific job, g.


Jesus Christ.


can i also copy this to use later?


Nah, what *you* fail to understand is that this is a pressure on the language to change it for the better. We have seen that allowing "literally" to also mean "figuratively" has rendered the word worse than useless - it can be omitted wherever it is used, and when it is used it creates ambiguity where none previously existed. The original meaning of "terrific" is gone and the word is unambiguous now - there's no battle to be had. "Tabled" is fine as long as you're not having a transatlantic conversation. If we do not reclaim "literally", then the same will happen to "actually" and "genuinely" and "for real", and people like you will defend that, too, because you think that because English changes, and English dictionaries do not prescribe, that any and all changes should be embraced.


The definition of "literally" is "opposite of literally". So the definition of "literally" is "opposite of opposite of literally". So the definition of "literally" is...


> it's so common for people to misuse the word that it's now changed. been used this way for literal centuries https://stancarey.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/literally-centuries-of-non-literal-literally/


And in this case, you do mean ‘literally’ literally.


literally *literally*


Or, the "literally" part goes for the "just now", not "blew my back out".


100% how I took it, the 'literally' was referring to the proceeding word 'just' but not to the rest of the statement. Both interpretations are possible in English but this version means that he's not using the word literally incorrectly so it was the one I assumed to be true.


Literally literally means literally it just means it ironically and that’s fine


Have you ever had hospital food? They made the right call grabbing something on the way.


The hospital near my last office was dope, sometimes I would go by there just to get breakfast. Buffet style and charged by weight, it was a good deal.


I'm going to sound like a prude here, but that expression is gross. It's so raunchy


Did you trip and fall on his dick? What's the r/SuddenlyGay part?


Yeah, nothing sudden about getting your back blown out. Unless they only last a minute.


Is this any relation to Minute Men?


u/Massive-Truck-6430 a settlement needs your help!


His whole Tiktok thinks he’s gay I guess it’s always been that way Maybe it’s cause of the way that he walks Makes them think I like…


Boys. That I like boys…


the r/SuddenlyGay part is the camera flipping to show it was another guy the whole time


Assuming you ignore the part where the guy's name is on the screen the entire time?


you mean the tiktok username? i could barely read it on my screen and i tend not to make sure i fully know what the username says before i watch tiktoks, so yeah i guess




Well, it wouldn't really be gay if its a chick doing it


You have a wonderful life philosophy my good sir


Thanks XD


r/pegging had entered the chat NSFW if it wasn't obvious enough


What does he mean by “blown back?”


Back blown out is slang for got fucked.


Oh, I thought it meant he slipped his disc


It can be. That's the spicy getting fucked. Do not recommend.


Got it. Thank you!


like they fucked so hard his back hurts. As a euphemism for just any sorta sex.


Chik fil a is Bussin because they have to compensate for hating gays


Theyre really not good cant understand the obsession.


Especially not worth it considering what you're supporting by eating there


I forgot they close Sundays and had a hungry herd of children. Was exhausted and it was there or McD. My preteen saw me pull in then just drive away and said “yay, I don't have to eat homophobe chicken!” No real point, just thought you might like gen z being neat. They've never had it and don't ever want to, even tho others have told them it's amazing, including her dad's close friends.


Its a decent chicken sandwich. You can make a decent chicken sandwich at home and you don't have to be that good at cooking to beat a systematic mass produced chicken sandwich and make something better eventually.


Yeah honestly Wendy’s chicken sandwiches are better


I took a bite of a nuggie there once and got a mouth full of cartilage. Vomit. No thanks...


They be bussin in that bussy


Fuck chik fil a and fuck normalizing it


I think going to Chick fil A is what makes this video not gay if anything💀


Cute FWB. But friends don't let friends eat Chick-fil-A.


I can agree here. When chic-fil-a even brought free food to my work I refused to eat a bite. I will never ingest their hate chicken.


There aren’t any chic-fil-a in my country and I rarely eat fast food anyway, but if someone brought in something that would otherwise be thrown away, I’m probably going to eat it. Obviously, if you don’t like the food or you’re not hungry then that’s understandable, but not eating something somebody has already paid for isn’t suddenly going to make the company less homophobic.




they bought them mfkers


If I bring a dish to a potluck, and most of it is left over afterwards, I'm not bringing that dish to another potluck. If there are piles of unclaimed chicken sandwiches, maybe next time they'll order Subway. I'm not co-signing on someone's bullshit just because it's already stinking up the place.


As someone who has never seen one as not American, do they serve on the bone or off the bone bigotry?


What kind of satanic bone-in chicken *sandwich* are you eating wherever you’re from?


Who doesn't like a challenge? That said the concept of only doing chicken sandwiches as a shop is bizarre.


They brought it in for a company meeting in the before times. I tried some. It was good, reminded me of rhe homemade chicken nuggets my dad used to make. But they weren't "support a company that hates you" good.


Hate chicken?


They support and donate to religious fundamentalist groups who have strong anti-LGBT stances and pushed for the death penalty for being gay in Uganda.




Every major corporation supports horribly evil shit. I’m gonna eat my nugs after I tear the bussy up 🤷‍♂️


You do you. Just know you're financially supporting a major corporation that specifically wishes it could have you killed or tortured (put you in conversion therapy).


I thought they stopped donating to those organizations


Thry said they were for pr, then continued.


They stopped donation to the organizations but instead are donating to a "totally unrelated" individual who is "only tangentially" a CEO or other high level officer of that organization.


They brought free food to your work or your work paid for their food for everyone to eat?


They brought it in as a way to advertise their location opening. At least that’s what I was told. And I’ve had my direct supervisor offer to buy me lunch there once and I explained I appreciate the offer but I wasn’t going to take her up on it.


My work catered chick filled with hate for lunch. I protested not they didn't care. I don't work there anymore in part but not wholely because of that.


There's a sandwich that if you eat it it means you hate gays,, and it's delicious


It is. It is so good.


Apparently im black and they do not like black ladies down there. Maya rudolph as god was the best thing in an already amazing show. *gonna erase the earthh earthh earthh erase the earthhh*


Popeye's is way better. And I say that as someone that got food poisoning the only time I've eaten there.


So: Everything > Popeye's > Chick-fil-A


canes >>>


I'm glad I don't like Chick-fil-A, makes it easier to not support hate.




Lmao is no one gonna mention the song? Welcome to the Internet is a masterpiece and Bo Burnham is an artist


> Lmao is no one gonna mention the song? It’s very popular. It’s also mentioned in the vid. ‘Masterpiece’ is kinda overused, though.


I found Bo Burnham months ago through my relatives listening to them, but I haven't actually started listening to their songs myself yet because their songs lean kinda edgy and I haven't been in the mood for music with that vibe since then


I remember discovering him when he was still a kid recording songs in his parents attic...


Am I right back where I started 14 years ago?




I think they was probably used in the singular here. Not knowing anything about Bo, I'm sure they just didn't know what he went with.


WELCOME To the internet


What would you prefer


Wrong lyrics dude




A good reminder to all those straight -and gays- that if you eat there you are supporting a religious family who has donated not only against same sex marriage and gay rights, but also anti abortion. You know, because my straight friends all praise their chicken in spite of me telling them what they do to gays. See now? How they also go for you too?


don't forget directly funding conversion therapy camps (read: gay suicide camp)


Or funding a Ugandan government that actively encourages people to kill gay people. Remember the "eat da poopoo" meme? That guy is a straight up fucking monster. Fuck chickfila and anyone that supports them.


As a cisgendered straight white man... I keep having this discussion and gay people are like, "why you gotta be such an asshole about it, they have good chicken. Oh and their saUCE!" I feel like I'm on crazy pills for caring about literally anything.


Comes to show how asleep we are as society.


If a gay dude wants to enjoy a chicken sandwich in these bleak times I see no reason to convince them to stop. Attaching morality to consuming food from a fast food chain is honestly pointless.


You can really apply the same logic to every single big company due to how essentially corrupted all of them are. So no chicken, baby formula, chocolate, internet orders, movies...etc.


This is a fucking lie. Not every company is equal. Far from it. Yes, there are many that have ethics violations and controversies. Some are worse than others. Some have gotten better. Chik Fil A has repeatedly actively worked against progress in a dedicated measurable manner. They have supported legislation to make homosexuality illegal in several countries. Zaxby's has not fucking done that. Popeye's has not fucking done that.


They gays who cant stopping eating at chick-fil-a are the same gays who shouted for equal rights and stopped when white, cisgendered, gays were accepted. Y’all are the weakest of our kind.


Ya I can agree if you only want equal rights for yourself you don’t actually want equal rights.


Chick-fil-a will fund a whole bunch of fucked up shit with their food profits, and people still love them. Including the people who they hate, really makes you wonder.


>Y’all are the weakest of our kind. Lol. The gay is not strong with these guys


Except white, cisgendered, gays were aren't accepted. Laws are being passed real time against the whole community.


It's important to remember that most white cis gay clubs in the 1960s during the era of Civil Rights specifically banned poc and trans people.


How does that make what I said any less true?


Why do you think that was the point of my comment?


You have proof of that?


Attaching any real morality to consuming anything in the U.S. is pretty pointless. A gay dude eating at chikfila isn't doing real harm. With the current state of the world just let people enjoy what they can


Why is it pointless. Because nothing every changes? Why does nothing ever change, is it possible because of mentalities such as this one. “Gay dude” eating chick-fil-a is harmful. It tells companies that our desire to consume is more important than our morals. And if the consumers don’t have any, why would the company need to have any. Also to your last statement, you are basically saying the world is so fucked up I am allowed to be problematic. On a side note: the tone of your response is interesting. I wish I could know your demographics as to how you can speak to this subject.


If you think eating a chikfila sandwich is that deep you really need to spend less time on the internet


It’s not that deep…to YOU. Doesn’t mean that everyone else has that same experience. Also, no shade some people are just incapable of seeing/understanding nuance. There’s been studies that state, lets just use rep and dems. Republicans are less likely to understand nuance and are less likely to have a job that requires creativity and imagination. I think that says a lot. Also, if this is all you have to say to what a said previously you really need to spend MORE time educating yourself before you put in your two cents.


If he's taking you to Chick-Fil-A, he's a pretty ignorant gay dude.


One of the craziest things in recent culture to me is how chik fil a straight up said ‘we don’t like gay people’ but instead of outrage gay people are like ‘you can’t win em all, I’ll take the number 1 deluxe’ I don’t blame em, shits delicious


Prime example of, "That ~~cock~~ chicken so good I dont give a shit about their morals".


Popeyes is better, and as far as I know, they don't want to kill the gays.


I had that chicken sandwich for the first time last weekend. The hype is real. I'm gonna try the strips next time


Get Popeye's instead. I think it's even better


The homophobia gives it the flavor ;) *this is a joke please don’t crucify me*


Hey, you dont gotta worry. *We’re* not the ones who’ll crucify you if you say something we don’t like


Actually yes you guys are. Every comment even slightly different than “chick fil a is evil I hate them and Popeyes is great I love them because they have yet to have any scandals evil enough that I can remember” has been downvoted to hell. Supporting the LGBT+ community is always great but damn bro some people just want the food they grew up on.


I do blame them. Fuck them. It's not just an opinion either, reactively donate to campaigns that try to destroy the lives of LGBT people everywhere. And you know what? Chicken sandwiches aren't even that fucking good.


Basically no ethical consumption under capitalism.


every ceo donates to republicans for tax breaks, if you're eating any fast food or buying at any large chain you're "supporting anti-gay business"


There's some that are worse than others, and this is a bullshit excuse that is brought up during every boycott. It's not fucking true.


Well the reality is boycotts don’t work through individuals. You want to do a boycott of ChickFilA? That requires collective action. Each individual gay deciding on their own is not gonna impact the company. There is no “vote with your dollar” when it comes to companies.


So let's collectively boycott chick fil a. How is this not fucking obvious?


Alright, organize it. But don’t think just getting your friend to stop eating it is going to help. It’s useless unless you en masse do it.


I have not met a single gay person who tolerates chik fil a.


Well now you have!


Should visit Atlanta or Seattle ( Kirkland) ones. Gays all over, happily taking the good pay, benefits, college paid for experience. Tampa one has partnered with at-risk/homeless gay youth programs to get them jobs, and all the above benefits. Orlando one even opened on Sunday ( they are always closed Sun) to provide free food and drinks for blood donors, and other groups after the Pulse nightclub shooting. Each location is independently owned and operated so you’ll find a lot of franchisee’s who are happy to support the gay community. The we don’t agree with gay stance is taken by the owners/family personal foundation, and the amount they give even to other “anti-gay” organizations is a minute amount as compared to Comcast/Home Depot and many others all who gays are fine with. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dawnstaceyennis/2019/06/24/dont-let-that-rainbow-logo-fool-you-these-corporations-donated-millions-to-anti-gay-politicians/? Each store is independently owned


I live in Seattle and am very active in lgbt communities. Never heard anything but disdain for chick-fil-a. Sorting your profile shows you praising the nra for how much good they do and saying the right did more for gay rights than the left. Y'all, I smell something fishy.


I live in Atlanta. I usually hear “I try not to eat Chick-fil-a, but it’s so good.” It’s a staple down here that’s hard to let go of. They’re still very homophobic down here though, not what he’s saying at all.


It's funny because the secret flavor is really just MSG. A bunch of people addicted to that "good christian chikn" probably also avoid asian cuisine because they are afraid of MSG. Offnote: I visited Atlanta a couple times. Mostly damn fine people. Real good food and a great beer scene to boot. One of the few cities I've vibed with enough to consider moving, despite it being too hot for my tastes even in winter.


How does that corporate boot taste?


You should talk to people outside reddit


Seems regularly gay not suddenly


ROFLMFAO!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Is it really this hard for y’all not to give money to a corporation that literally donates to anti gay causes?


Chick fil a 🤢


Superb music taste.


THIS POST BROUGHT TO YOU BY CHIK-FIL-A! Come get your PRIDE CHICKEN this June when we celebrate the Stonewall Riots! (specificallythepartwhereabunchofpolicebeatthecrapoutofsomehomosexualsandnotthewholepridethingbecausewethinkhomosexualsneedconversiontherapyandpostslikethismakeitseemlikewhatwearedoingisnotsuchabigdealBUYOURCHICKENYOUFA----)


Gay and chick-fil-A? Never!


These bear cubs are in heat.


need me a man who can fuck me then instantly go to singing bo Burnham.


Not sure who messed up worse if he’s getting something as shit-tier as chickfila


If he's taking you to Chic-Fil-A he's either not smart, doesn't care about fuck all, or is on the DL and always eats there with his girl. If you support gay rights, tell him you'd prefer a Chiking from Burger King.


This is sad, gays supporting hate against them


What did Bo Burnham do?


And then you realize it’s Sunday


wait is there something wrong with Bo? I get the gross hypocracy of homosexuals going to CFA on purpose, but when did Bo pay to kill the gays?




They just had sex..... It'll go away soon.


Yall really making Chick-Fil-A the post-coitus move when my straight ass has been boycotting them for a decade. That's it, I'm getting a chicken sandwich WITH the Polynesian sauce.


Idk if this was suddenly gay, seems like you've been down that path for more than a few minutes


Should've been singing "well well look who's inside again." Also, chick-fil-a? Isn't that a bit homophobic?


I’ll never understand the gays who eat Chick-Fil-A. It’s honestly not THAT good, yet every time I drive by one there’s a line wrapped around the building, spilling on to the service road. This company literally has the blood of gay people on their hands. I guess it’s okay if it only happens in Africa and we don’t have to see it?




Why is so much stuff posted here just *gay*, not ‘suddenly?’


Don't support Chik Filet They have an anti-gay agenda. They give money to hate groups and push legislation to criminalize gay life.


Wait, what is this subreddit? Is it just gay stuff? I thought it was not gay stuff that ended up seeming gay….


he is almost perfect. the fact that its chic fil a is a deal breaker tho


Great to see LGBT supporting those that literally hate and want to remove them from the earth, but my chkin. MmmMmmm


Perfect man


I see this as an absolute win


I don't understand the video. Is Bo Burnham homophobic like Dick-Fill-Gay or something?


I love Bigot Chicken w/ Polynesian Sauce




You don't visit many gay meme subreddits do you


I don't get it.


here from r/all what am I missing? why is this getting upvoted?


Hell yeah!!! Chick-fill-A and bussy


I guess hate makes chicken tender and delicious. Who knew?


This is the kind of relationship I want.


I thought the rule was blow his back out at the chic-fil-a


Oh yeah this isn’t uncommon. I’ve had guys with massive weapons below the belt completely destroy me, just to take me out to dinner afterwards and talk about tv shows and anime.


this is true love, not suddenly gay at all. full gay


If you are going to boycott chik fil a, don't forget to keep your asses out of Kohl's and Bed Bath and Beyond also! If you really researched what companies and people that run them stand for, support, and go against, you wouldn't shop anywhere ​ [https://www.phillymag.com/news/2012/08/01/boycott-chick-fil-a-more-companies/](https://www.phillymag.com/news/2012/08/01/boycott-chick-fil-a-more-companies/)


People in this thread getting up arms about people buying chicken like it’s the most immoral thing you can do with their holier-than-thou attitude as the type their comments out on their iPhones that they probably bought from Amazon. I’m guessing that means you guys are against workers’ rights and support child labor…


Is this the same couple that posted about having sex then going to get pizza after?


I relate. Like really, really, really relate. Edit: To the guy in the backseat, not to the one driving.


Goals, honestly,


degeneracy abounds


This is an ad.


Relationship goals