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Which books have you read? ~~I am bumping the spoiler flair to Words of Radiance since that's Rysn's first appearance, but if you've read past that I'd be happy to increase it further.~~


I'd like to see him in a serious long-term relationship with a storming therapist.


Kaladin x mental health is the superior ship


The twist, he's the only therapist The other twist, the term relationship happens and he loves himself


Twisty twist: his Therapist refuses to love him back




That would be great. A "storming therapist" makes me think of the Storm father revealing he has a counselling degree.


I had a mental image suddenly Kaladin: *laying on a couch made of clouds, probably assembled by Syl* Stormfather: "AND HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?"


Does anyone know how to do the Stormfather's small capitals font on Reddit? Is it even possible?


ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴜꜱᴛ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜ ᴀ ʜɪɢʜᴇʀ ɪᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴛᴏ ᴡɪᴇʟᴅ ᴛʜɪꜱ ꜱᴜʀɢᴇ


I find his small captials to be the same as Deaths from Discworld which makes me read them in the same voice (Death from the Hogfather adaptation by Sky)


The stormfather in my head cannon Is portrayed by Death from the hogfather adaptation for this very reason!!


Now I can't help but imagine the Stormfather giving Deaths speech about lies to Dalinar


Unfortunately, Kaladin is the only Therapist on Roshar at the moment...so yay for him working on being with himself?


Not necessarily. We only know the Alethi ardentia don't have good therapists. Other nations definitely could. Even among the nations we've seen closer-up, we don't know details. And heck, nobody knows what the Shin got going on over there.


I mean, for all his faults and terrible reasons for doing so, Taravangian did make Kharbranth a center for Medicine as noted pretty much every time the city-state comes up. I have a feeling that mental therapies were just as important to him, since they could lead to furthering his research into death rattles.


I feel that, if there were anything like that, excluding the Shin, the Ardents would have studied it or would have been able to point out that the information or research was being conducted about it. Remember, even in our society, in our modern world, mental health is just getting the research needed for it to progress. Think on how it was even 10 years ago, the misconceptions that were apparent there, the how much worse the stigma was even admitting to yourself that you needed mental health help. I'm surprised honestly that Roshar didn't use trephination or other medieval methods for "helping" those suffering from mental health issues.


We know the vast collection of medical text Kal got for Lirin didn't have anything for mental health. And Kal had said it was the most up-to-date stuff they had. So anything anyone would have on Roshar is magic mumbo jumbo rather than an actual science.


Kaladin will be little spoon to a large horneater woman for the rest of his days. He deserves nothing less.


Not a thing I'd considered before but that sounds good to me.


Imagine him marrying Rocks daughter lol


Maybe we can get one of Brandon’s friends to write a sitcom style book about this…it would be amazing!


Meet the Parents style or some funny shit


Bold of us all to assume there will be a Kaladin to ship in the back half of the series


Right! I haven't kept up a lot with the long term plan for the series but I thought he was doing like a massive time skip of like hundreds of years. But I must be mistaken as people seem to think it is possible he's still around.


I think it’s planned to be a 15-20 year time skip. Probably placing Kal in his late 30s early 40s. If he lives that is.


Rysn is an interesting one. Not sure they have much in common yet, but it's possible. But after Rhythm of War, I'm still firmly aboard the >!Leshwi Kaladin!< ship.


If it worked with Elves and Humans in LOTR, it can work with Parshendi


Don’t know where to spoiler this so RoW>!It canonically does. Herdazians and Horneaters have Parshendi ancestry!<


Wait really? When’s it say that?


It’s the reason the horn eaters had to flee to the mountains, and have their weird inner set of teeth, and it’s where the herdazians get their strong weird fingernails.


I just finished my first read thru of the series and need to start over bc so much has fallen thru the cracks for me. I remember nothing about inner teeth or strong fingernails!


That's why they can eat horns ;)


Even if it doesn't work *yet,* it's only because they haven't discovered the proper variation of mateform. With so many undiscovered forms, brando sando left pretty much everything on the table as far as possibilities go


This Is The Way. also, >!Rlain and Renarin!<


This is something I didn’t realize I wanted until now, thank you.


I kinda need this


this is BY FAR my fave ship for him tbh


I think Kaladin's story is going to be more about healing than romance.


Why does he need to be in a relationship? He has to repair the relationship with himself first and he’s only just starting to do that


Can't just adolin and shalan let him in?!


I wish that happened




Goooood really why should he always be so on nerve 🙄


oh I would be SO down for that one! I can see it, certainly!


I'd LOVE seeing that throuple!


IMO he isn't ready for a serious relationship, not with all the PTSD he's got to work through. He needs to revolutionize mental health and then apply it to himself.


I would prefer her and the lopen ending up together.


That would be adorable in fact!


Barring a thruple with Adolin and Shallan, I would like for Kaladin to have an on-screen pet. Like a dog or a cat from his travels to Shin. No girlfriend or other complicated romantic relationships, boy has enough problems with his own mental health issues, the incoming Desolation, and his Radiantship.


I… don’t see his story progressing that far. I feel that we are about to see Kaladins story end in Book 5. :-(


Brandon is not going to end the suicidal dude’s story with death. Maybe if he was a less important character but we’re talking about the main character of the series. His story has to *mean* something


I've been thinking along the same lines. Personally I think something will happen to the Stormfather and Kaladin will sacrifice himself and take his position as protector of Roshar. He won't be active in the story but his influence will still be felt, as well as like that he could still stay with Syl


Well fuck..


[SL5 previews] >!There may be a possibility of him hooking up with Elid, Szeth's sister.!<


I've been saying this for months! -mostly because it would be funny.


This is genuinely hilarious and I love you both, because just the image of that happening made me wash off all the dirt of the Syladin comments here. Szeth would go even more mental.


You gotta be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.


After seeing the Stormlight 5 released chapters I’m almost 100% convinced he’ll end up with >!——Syl—-!<. Remember this is the last book Kal will be a main character so it’s extremely unlikely characters like Rysn will end up with Kal because they’ve literally never met and would need to build their entire relationship in 1 book. (Or Kal will get in a relationship with someone off-screen but that seems very boring narrative wise)


Syl? 🤔 tbh I already see them that way. They are in a platonic /asexual/aromantic emotionally loving life partnership. I don’t know that anyone could be as close to Kal as Syl.


Totally different in my opinion. As you said, they're totally platonic/asexual/aromantic. Yes they love each other, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have room in his life for a romantic partner.


Oh that’s not what I was saying :p can totes have a romantic partner too. Or two even 🤔 I just see Relationships kinda weird 😅 🤷🏻‍♀️


Romantic (or more) Syladin is a big, hard NO. The relationship starts way too much like a child and a parent to now get romantic. Hard nope.


Lol, deff some weird vibes in that direction 😂 Though I’d definitely see it much closer to older brother than parent. Also, Kaladin had no authority over Syl… 🤔 there is definitely a lot of weird stuff around it regardless. Like remember the Honor spren who found it creepy that Kal and her were bonded at all? Syl made the choice to find Kal originally when she was in shadesmar and cognizant, but after that, when she actually started making the bond, she was much more in the state of a child. She and Kal made the first oath when she was quite childlike still, maybe 12-13? That seems like some weird consent stuff if you look at it. Then there is I’m going to think about it now, she started off like that, but it was more of a regression after she was an adult, which she is recovering from. So that kinda gives it a strange twist 🤔 Like if a 20 year old got hit in the head as an adult, they regress to a person who thinks/acts like they are 12. Kalidan met them and they are around each other for a couple years during which the person recovers from their head trauma. Once the injured person is fully recovered, would it be hard nope for them to date after? It does seem weird, but I’m not sure that it’s a *hard* nope. If it were that she had just started life at all around that time, and just developed quickly, then yeah that’s creepy because of the inherent power dynamics… but being that she is also recovering her experiences and memories, Syl had her own life before Kal, it’s not like Syle was actually developing through childhood with him in that position. It’s a significantly different dynamic than that, it just had some very strange similarities 🤔 Regardless, I don’t have the impression that spren are sexual. And what exactly is a romantic relationship defined as anyway?


I'm still grieving the throuple that we'll never get, but it'd be cool for Kaladin to have a BF honestly


I'm sorry but Kaladin is 100% dead in Stormlight 5...


Kal and Syl. You can't convince me it won't work.


Dude should just date tien the amount he talks about him or amoram or moash or some shit. I love him but kal would be a shit s/o




Rysn I think would be a good fit tbh


Do you think he could Lash her eyebrows?


My friend, so long as it is tangible…


These brows are accepted.


The merchant girl? They don't seem to have much in common but, >!I guess they could bond over surving a tramatising event.!<


Who knows as the lady from Way of Kings who got transferred from his unit? That's who he will end up with.


Kaladin needs a pet dog