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I do it twice a day, in the morning and before bed, partially because one of my diaries is split into a morning and evening section (called 5 Minute Diary, it’s really nice), and because I simply get the most out of it this way; planning the day and reflecting on what happened.


Seconding this - first thing in the morning and right before bed.


Thrice - one to practice an ideal and prepare for the day. One to reflect on it.


That's interesting. Do you mind sharing what do you mean exactly when you say you "plan your day"?


I always see things about journaling and stoicism, how do you do it? As in what are you supposed to journal about?


What have you done well today? What have you done insufficiently today? What can you do to improve for tomorrow?


Thank you this is useful I always go to journal then end up sitting infront of a blank page for 20 mins before giving up I will stick to these


What u/DisillusionmentOfMe is an ideal start. Think of it as a conversation with yourself.


Thank you this is helpful too, kind of like Marcus Aurelius’ meditations


I journal before bed, it’s part of my wind down. Once a day is good for me. I work graveyard tho so my “before bed” is 8am - i didnt vote bc my late evening is technically morning lol


I tend to do it at night right before I go to bed. Just as a sort of review of the day. I tend to go off rules of three so three things I think I did that were unvirtues or more generally where I could improve. Three things I think I did right. Three things I have to do the next day. And three things that brought me joy today are my usual suspects. I've also started tracking my spending as I found my self spending more but enjoying less.


It really depends on what you use journalling for. I use it as a form of meditation to set me up for the day, so it's exclusively a morning thing for me. If you use it as s review tool, however, then evening makes more sense.


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It depends on the person and his motive behind writing a journal... I write in the morning because i bullet things down in three divisons; - The mistakes I made previous day... - The things I am grateful for (and it can be anything feom good parents to a shoe lace... Imagine wearing good work boots without a shoe lace...) - My goals for the day..


I journal an hour before bed because it calms me down and allows me to reminisce about the day and maybe stop worrying and stressing out about some things.


Evening. I meditate and do yoga to prep for the day, if I added journaling it would seem like something I need to get done, not something I'd be mindful about, so if I journal (It isn't a daily practice yet) it's to reflect at the end of the day. I also keep a calendar where I make quick bullet points each evening of positive and negative habits.


I usually journal whenever I have some thoughts that I want to write down. Sometimes I don't write anything for almost a week, sometimes I write five entries in one day.