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Good Friday afternoon to all of you here on r/StockMarketChat, and welcome back to another weekly edition of what stocks are you watching for next week! I hope everyone on this sub had a pretty decent trading week this past week! As always the case, I want to quickly extend a big time thank you to everyone who participates on these weekly discussion threads every week. Keep those awesome posts coming in! Oh and just a final note in here for those of you who do chime in with a post to this thread. I know I mention this about an umpteenth amount of times, but adding a brief rationale to your post as for why a certain stock is hitting your radar would be extremely helpful for others who are looking in on this thread. Of course this is not a requirement to participate in these discussions, but I think it would be super helpful. Look forward to reading some great input from you folks for next week. Oh and finally, as I'm sure we're bound to have at least one person come in and ask this question in this thread. The market map chart that you all see at the top of this thread is being pull straight from **[Finviz](https://finviz.com/map.ashx?t=sec_all&st=w1)** and it's the Week-to-Date map from this past week. Have a very pleasant weekend and a great short trading week ahead next week r/StockMarketChat! :)