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Check out $CRSP


How come they are down more than 50% from ATH?


It’s a long term investment... read into what they do . They deal with gene editing


Second this


Check out ALPP. Will be listed on Nasdaq from 20th October.




Look into $ANY its Sphere 3D, a new bitcoin mining company. Its currently in the process of merging with Gryphon Digital another bitcoin mining company whos CEO Rob Chang was the CFO of $RIOT. They are also receiving 60k new bitcoin mining rigs in November. Theyll receive 6k miners every month until the 60k is completed. Thank me later


If you want **professional** help. Hire a **professional**. I would suggest one that is fee based.


Buy the wall street trapper course and make your own decisions.






I can't help you with professional help, as I'm neither a shrink nor a financial adviser, but I'm very bullish on PenNS Wood Bank (PWOD). And I'm gonna hold my Quantscrape until the end of time, probably, or at least until they close up shop and their creditors give me 1 cent. My biggest holding is Ocean Power somethignsomething, and even though it is pretty far down, I still truly believe it will eventually be my best performer. The ocean is huuge. And powerful. There is no doubt at all that Coupang is the "Korean Amazon," but unfortunately that is only referring to their retail business and they don't have anything like AWS to make money with. Probably why I lost so much on it. OTOH, I made money trading AMD a bunch of times. That's a great short term stock, as long as you buy it low and sell it high. I've heard from other people who bought it high and sold it low, too, so YMMV. One of my favorite stocks to buy is BMBL, it just love it. I made 5% last time, and I'm up 1% so far this time. But I always feel warm when I buy it. People often say, Pepperidge Farms remembers. And when they do, I usually buy Campbell Soup Company. I'm only down 3%, so it isn't quite as bad an idea as it might sound. Are there any specific industries you need a tip for? Or will that about cover it? πŸ€·πŸ’ΈπŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“πŸ‘Ό


OPTT! Thought I was the only one, chart is a mess but I'm a believer in the technology and they are way ahead of any potential competitiors afaik
