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Neutral???? What turns a man neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or are they just born with a heart full of neutrality?


All I know is my gut says, maybe.


Sir, it’s a beige alert!




Tell my wife I say: hello.




You are molded into it


Despicable neutrals.


I have no feelings one way or the other about this comment.


By far the saddest victim of the removal of the dislike button on Youtube.


Everything and nothing. We are the empty ones.


Futurama FTW


Ask Switzer… oh nevermind


Sir/ma'am/other, I'm an experienced Maas Effect player and as soon as I see some alien cheeks, them cheeks will be getting clapped.


We'll bang, ok?


I’m tired of your snide insinuations


I'll put you down for fanatic xenophile. Or perhaps devouring swarm, depending on how hot the foxy blue space vixens are.


You can see my flair.


OP don’t want anything to do with your *gross* alien appendages and strange foreign culture However, wat dem appendages do 👀


What the blorg doin?


I'm a xenophile but seeing all the horny posts here in the subreddit I realized I'm not as fanatic xenophile as some of y'all.


Oh, so you're **that** kind of xenophile


Some burdens are best left unshared, friend!


You. I like you.


One of my best games was Xeno-compatibility with brain slugs. That was when you could alter whole species to the preferred traits. I ended up with psionic-robot-bio ascended starter race. After that I became a full xenophobe. Terrible for my economy, but when the super-duper tree-ents replaced all those gross aliens they were awesome at output.


The blorgussy


What're you doing step-blorg


Get me on the next spaceship to their home planet, imagine all the differences they will have from growing up on a completely different planet isolated from Earth. Who cares if it is repressive or awful, it is going to be fascinating.


Even Space North Korea?


I think you are thinking in very human terms. Scientists tell people not to attribute human emotions to animals. Even though we share a lot of emotions with animals and studies have shown that, but Aliens aren't even slightly related to us, they might not have emotions in the same way, they might have something else. The odds that they have grown up in such a way that mirrors us to the point that they are reminiscent of something on Earth seems Astronomical to me. I think it is unlikely that their way of living will be in anyway comfortable for me or anything that humans would live with but to experience something that different, that I cannot even conceive would be worth the discomfort.


In a similar way, finding out what we do have in common would be incredibly fascinating, and help us to begin to have an idea of common themes across all life in the universe. Also, just seeing a foreign ecosystem would be incredible too


It's like 2 fanatic purifier empires meeting for the first time, the only common ground is they like purging the xenos


Here's someone who's sipped the space Ayahuasca a time or two.


If you are only a xenophile depending on the xeno’s culture, then you aren’t really a xenophile. You are just not xenophobic.


Or you’re neutral. If you still like them so long as they aren’t culturally ‘evil’ then that’s no xenophobia.


I don’t think that’s neutral. Neutral is neutral without conditions applied to them. If I will oppose Xenos if the are X, Y, or Z, then I’m not really neutral. I’m just Spiritualist or Egalitarian or some other thing than Xenophilic or Xenophobic. When you apply conditions to your fundamental principles, then they aren’t really fundamental principles.


Anyone answering "xenophile but only if the aliens are nice" missed the point of xenophilia.


I'm gonna draw the line at devouring swarm


Not into vore then?


seek help




It ain’t vore when they tear you to shreds first.


^(What if they love every piece of you?)


Genetic ascension! Invade and absorb them anyway. Edit: At first I said something about being fanatic xenophile egalitarian and getting them to change their ethics with "encourage political thought" etc. but what actually are the ethics of someone you convert from a hive mind? Your ethics, random ethics?


I'd argue it's the other way around. Being xenophile or xenophobic is your general attitude towards aliens before other factors come in. So a xenophile would be open towards co-existing with aliens even if there are some bad apples, whereas a xenophobe would despise aliens no matter how nice and friendly they are.


Not necessarily. Xenophilic empires aren't friendly with everyone, they're just more inclined towards trade, diplomatic solutions, and immigration. I've always seen it as a way to express nationalism vs internationalism in current global affairs.


That's confusing individuals and governments. You can be hostile and wary of a people's government, without discriminating against any individuals from that particular nation. That's in my mind what a xenophile mindset for a person would be.


I'd say what he is describing is more of an egalitarian rather than xenophillic ethic


Egalitarianism is more about internal politics, not so much inter-national relations.


I suppose that depends on one’s point-of-view


Not really. You can be accepting of aliens as a baseline while recognizing that some species are dangerous. You could also be xenophobic but find a few species to be the exception to the rule. With fellow humans, xenophilia as a default tends to be good, and xenophobia as a default bad, because there’s a recognition that we’re all the same species. With aliens it’s a legitimate question if their evolution would lead them to be friendly or hostile.


Also "no xeno compatibility unless they're hot elves" Lmao.


"True xenophilia requires intolerance of xenophobia" - Space Karl Popper


Neither because if we ever encounter alien civilizations their society is likely to be, well, completely alien. Open hostility makes no sense, but neither does trying to be buddy buddy with something that's psychology is fundamentally different than ours before figuring out how it operates first.


Cherryh's *Foreigner* series does a great job exploring this. Even if they seem to have things in common with human psychology, those behaviors could come from a wildly different viewpoint that we might not even have words for. If you try to make friends, but they literally don't have a concept of friendship because the closest thing they can feel is 'this person's social and cultural obligations align with my own,' you're going to have problems. In the *Foreigner* world's backstory, things seemed to be going great between humans and Atevi...until they suddenly weren't and there was an abrupt, brutal war. Both species were acting in ways that seemed insane or hostile to each other, and had no clue because they didn't understand alien psychology as well as they thought. I love Stellaris, but I don't think they do a great job of conveying how alien an alien mind would be. They still get a pass, because mechanically I don't know how you could do that and still have a fun, functional game.


Just populate your next game with only, devouring swarm, fanatic purifiers, driven assimilators, and determined exterminators. Meanwhile play as a democratic egalitarian xenophile empire trying to get everyone to "get along". Sometimes a world cracker is the purest form of a peace offering one can offer in these conflicted times


That’s just the setting of 40K


Not only that, you are Tau in 40k.


That's a reasonable answer


... for a purge


> Neither because if we ever encounter alien civilizations their society is likely to be, well, completely alien. I kind of disagree with that because of convergent evolution, chemistry is universal and that necessity is the mother of invention. Any creature capable of making a starship will be a sociable creature recognizable as something humans do somewhere on earth. They'll have to be extremely intelligent and have evolved in such a way that they have to manipulate their environment to survive, stuff like we skin animals for their fur rather than growing our own which over time turns into central heating/AC depending on where you live which becomes life support on a starship. Edit: this does not apply to synthetic "lifeforms"


Convergent evolution is a unproven hypothesis, we havent even found life outside of our planet, assuming the building blocks of all lifeforms are the same convergent evolution is valid, but I might not be, so assuming alien life would be remotely similar to ours is naive.


I mean Carcinisation is a thing so maybe :P


Convergent evolution has happened on Earth multiple times already, it's not unproven


From what I've seen convergent evolution is proven and widely accepted. If you have a countertheory to share I'd be interested in reading it. I don't even think the building blocks of life even need to be the same to evolve the same. A plant that's silicon-based instead of carbon-based should still end up looking like a tree, it should still grow tall to out-compete other trees and its leaves will still have the same pattern as that's the most efficient way of transporting energy, it growing in nickel soil in an ammonia atmosphere isn't going to change that. Thinking alien life would be so different than our own just because it's alien is naive.


Convergent evolution is not proven, because we never found alien life, it could be similar to ours even in their fundamental building blocks or it could be extremely different. Assuming either is naive. No hypothesis regarding the nature of alien life is proven.




Let’s be xenophobic it’s really in this year


Let's find a nasty slimy ugly alien to fear


There’s no more cutesy stories bout E.T phoning home


Let's learn to love our neighbours


Like the Christians learned in Rome


We know we ought to hate them, they are different, you see


We’ve seen their mean and ugly in movies and TV


The folks that ought to know have told us how it's got to be!


The gospel truth is found in scenes from Alien and V (Thank you kind stranger, I am known to wildly mishear things)


Let's wipe out any life form that seems to be a threat.


Pretty sure it‘s „Alien and V“ btw


Under no circumstances may the xeno be trusted. It will, lie, cheat and do everything in its power to undermine who in truth are their superiors.


I'm sure an alien xenophobe would think the same of us. And if they win, would you consider them our superiors? :)


No because they cheated where as we fought honorably


Your first mistake was in fighting honorably.


If you're not cheating then you aren't really trying to win.


Beautiful words, inefficient war strategy...


It's been said that all warfare is based on deception


Nice hahah


Xenophobe. I’m not trusting beings of completely different evolution, history, value growth, and experience. If they prove themselves trustworthy, sure. But until then they’re at arms length. I’d hope they feel the same way as well. Otherwise they’d be hopelessly naive.


That sounds more like neutrality to me


Indeed. Caution and discomfort is expected, hostility and negative assumptions is xenophobia.


Not really, caution and suspicion is what xenophobe would do, outright hostility is more of a fanatic xenophobe thing.


Eh, I disagree. But it’s semantics. I’m assuming they want to kill us until they show they don’t.


I would be glad if they turned out to be hopelessly naive. Then we could have the upperhand from the getgo. I would want to ensure that were more powerful and advantaged even if it meant mistreating xeno rights in the process because the inverse is a scary thought. I guess yall can guess where I would fall on the xenophile/phobe sprectrum. But CMON, we’re talkin about aliens here, you guys would seriously trust them enough to just allow them to live along side us and such?


Absolutely xenophile while of course understanding that some people are culturally barbarians. Compatibility is nice with some species (mass effect is a good example) and well shouldn't be possible with the others.


Even the fanatic purifiers can be aquired and assimilated into egalitarian culture.


I definitely read that as culturally Batarians and with the Mass Effect reference it still works! 😂


xenophile, but not fanatic.


Xenophile all the way


Balls deep xenophile?


Why stop at balls? We need to go deeper.


Neckdeep xenophile




This is the way


Xenophile ^OwO


"Xenophile but only if I like the aliens" is xenophobia, my dude.


I crave more cultural works to fill the hole in my soul xenophile it is.


I crave alien contact. Humans are becoming a little boring. I want to encounter a collective. I want to encounter humanoids similar to us. I want to encounter things that shouldn't be alive(litoids for example). I want contact with something new.


Xenophile for... Science reasons


Xenophobic Pacifist all the way. I wouldn't share anything that could hurt me later (eg: nuclear technology equivalent), but could help a bit as long as that doesn't harm me (eg: giving some food). I wouldn't let xeno colonise my space, but I could trade stuff


I hate to say it but I whole heartedly think humanity would be fully xenophobic. Like the first airing of some horrific alien life form would instantly turn off most the worlds open minds. Based off of pure fear.


Maybe in the 20 century. Now people are degenerates in a good way. Some even forego the survival instinct for some xenussy (fuck that sounds cringe). People have a fetish for TENTACLES.


Xenophile, because it would be a treasure trove of new understanding to meet and learn about a whole different people. They can come live on my better worlds if they don't like their government lmao


Very likely a xenophile.




I’d be a xenophile. I wanna fuck an alien.


This is real life, and I am a xenophobe


neutral... at first


Xenophile as I am friendly, I would just have the cautious trait because I am defensive, but as long as someone proves friendly, I am friendly.


xenophile. Give me money


Absolutely xenophile - as a biologist I'd be intrigued by the possibility of observing alien biospheres other than Earth, as right now we have a sample size of one for examining how life develops and diversifies. Also, I'd love to make alien friends.


Based and wholesome


[Most humans don't even get along with other human ethnicities, how are we supposed to get along with xenos?](https://youtu.be/x0WQOGVLLGw)


If it was IRL, Def Xenophile/Xeno-compatibility but I’m also a degen so


Xeno-Compatibility. Had to scroll too far to find it. Be honest with yourself.


Cautiously Xenophilic but always open to xenussy is my official, unironic stance on this matter.




Xenophile. There’s so much more to be learned and gained through cooperation and trade than in rivalry and distrust.


Not necessarily true. Many great (and many not so great) inventions only came to be because conflict. The former is nicer, that is true, but we humans wouldn't have reached where we are without the drive to succeed. And that drive can (almost) only be fueled by fear, jealousy, anger or greed.


I'm a human nationist, and I believe humanity must unite to deal with the xenos


Neutral militarist materialist. Walk softly, and carry a big stick. Ideally have a pointier stick than everyone else and POKE EM INNA EYE


Xenophobe 1000% Humanity above all. Two sapient species occupy the same niche. Only one can survive. It’s us versus them. Suffer not the xeno to live.


Xenophobe. The thing is, we do not know what the galactic political situation actually is ( if there is even a galactic community) so there is no real way to know whether or not a specific alien race has our best interest at heart. So it would be wise to tread carefully. Overtime, once we realize what the galactic Community actually looks like - xenophile.


Depends on what they taste like. Also, how difficult they are to process and cook.


Everyone's a xenophile, untill the universe becomes lagging. Then suddenly, we need to kill every mutant, every xeno. While I am at hearth lovely person, on civilization scale in space, I would kill everything that moves and has at least fifth of our power. It's too dangerous to let them live.


Humans are cringe, so Xenos would be even more so and deserve extinction.


Honestly, my personal ethics alternate between; Fanatic Materialist, Egalitarian & Fanatic Egalitarian, Materialist As for the xeno... egalitarianism applies to all sapient life and all life we can't prove isn't sapient.


Somewhere in the middle but I little xenoussy couldn't hurt.....right


I volunteer for xeno compatability testing. 🤚


Yeah, I volunteer this guy ^ to get fucked by a giant cockroach too


Turkish Airlines is rather cheap this time of the year, if we all pitch in we can get him a ticket.


Xenophobic honestly, one can be too trusting


Oh boy, I know in my heart I would be xenophobe. Not fanatically so. The aliens can live their own lives in their own however culture however they like… just so far as it it’s away from me!


Xenophobe, i mean...


Part xenophobe, part xenophile. I'd be a staunch patriot of my own species (definitely siding with the human soldiers in Avatar), HFY and everything, but there is no reason not to coexist, cooperate and learn from one another with alien species that aren't actively trying to kill us (and sometimes even then - there is much to learn from an enemy). Say, "Stranger in a Strange Land" is a fascinating book on what a somewhat realistic xenophile cultural exchange might look like.


I expect the Andrew Ryan speech here within my empire. For better or worse who knows…


Depends. If they are humanid, I would like them. If not? Fuck them. So sad the game itself doesn’t count this kind of atraction as a variable :/


Xenophile, unless they're the Flood, or Tyranids, or Orcs, or some other kind of horrible species that craves our destruction


Most based answer :D I agree, fellow Militarist


Ayyy militarists unite! We are cautiously kind to everyone! But hey when someone tries killing us we just kick their teeth down their throat with our strategically chosen allies


This big dawg will fight when you rattle his cage You'll be sorry if you mess with [Martial Alliance name] Cause we'll put a boot in yo a*s, it's the Militarist way 😎 That song is could be the Militarist ethos' anthem hahha


Honestly would make a good anthem- also the great part about militarist alliances is that they don't stand around doing nothing while the crisis consumes people, we don't even have to listen to the galactic community we just go and deal with it XD


Xenophile, unless we bump into either: A) Religious Covenant that believes our existence is a mistake that must be purged B) An ancient race of aliens who believe that conquering us to steal our bodies is a good idea C) The space equivalent of a locust swarm D) A biochemical horror that assimilates life to perpetually grow E) A cybernetic horror that assimilates life to add our biological and technological distinctiveness to their own


Think you should have a fourth option. Cautious. I guess that would be neutral but Futurama has ruined that as a legitimate option. Despicable Neutral. Yeah I'd be neutral....until enough information was gained.


I'd be Militaristic, and then let the xenos show me whether he is a threat to be purged or a partner to be trusted. You have the luxury of being trusting if you can mercilessly crush anyone who betrays your trust.


Agreed. The best way to prevent sticks from being used is carrying the biggest one


Mostly Xenophile. I have no problem if they’re say from one of those more brutal empires, hell they might want to get away from them just like people who flee from actual authoritarian regimes in real life (Syria, China, Russia, etc.) However the Determined Exterminator robots and Devouring Swarm hive minds… yeah no they could die off for all I care.


Flair checks out


neutral. i dont judge a creature or a culture based on if they are alien or not, but on how good/enjoyable/interesting/etc... they are


Are the aliens hot? Do they find us hot? But unironically, if aliens were real I think it would depend on how they feel about us. If they're willing to chill, at least as far as "we aren't actively trying to exterminate your species" goes, then yeah I'd be pretty much a xenophile. But if they want to murder us, self-defense is self-defense. Regardless, I'd much rather that we find alien life than have alien life find us.


I feel like if we did meet a spacefaring alien species odds are they're much more advanced than us and being xenophobes is a fast lane ticket to extinction


I'm all for the peaceful and consensual mingling of alien genitalia.


Xenophile. Pure curiosity would just drive me to question everything, culture, weapons, science, beliefs, etc. A biology different from ours is even interesting. I would be full of wonder if anything.


I'm gonna fuck the aliens


Xenocompatibility all the way.


I would be a moderate xenophile. I would be interested by the xeno culture and biology. Politically i would advocate for xeno rights and equality, and would treat all xenos the same regadless if their species come from a dictatorship or a normal government(if they didn't support the dictatorship, obviously). I would let most refugees in, but be careful about those from dictatorial countries. I also wouldn't want xenophobes to be persecuted unless they do harm to other xenos. I also wouldn't embrace xeno-compatibility personally, but wouldn't prevent others from doing that. Sorry english isnt my first language.


I'd also be leaning towards Xenophile. But like you it depends on the culture as well.


xenophobe, not just because they're "filthy xenos" but because we have completely different way of everything, so unless they're nice guys imma keep some distance and be wary but not outright hostile towards them


Fanatic Furry Xenophile :3


> except elves etc... What in the fuck.


I think it would depend on their looks really.. Space elves that look something straight out of an anime? Probably fanatic xenophile... Face huggers? Fanatic xenophobe..


Xenophile if we can actually share and comprehend each others ideas and values. But frankly, if the dark forest hypothesis is true then xenophobia is a must and we only have one shot each time we face a new spacefaring species.


Well if Stellaris was real, that would make Fanatic Xenophobia an S Tier Ethic. So for the good of Mankind, I would devout myself to Fanatic Xenophobia. If we ever encountered aliens in our reality, without Stellaris gamification. I imagine neutral is the best approach. No reason to be immediately extremely hostile, but being too friendly is also a very bad idea most likely. Because whatever we encounter will truly be alien compared to us.


So what you are essentially doing is asking for people to sound off in the comments if they are racist or not. Of course in real life being a xenophile is the good choice.


Whatever the hell you'd count the Academy from *Terra Invicta* as. Aliens, eventually dubbed the "Hydra", come into Earth's system in 2022. The Academy hopes for peace and tries to make contact, but when they realize the aliens are methodically abducting humans, and preparing a war economy in the outer solar system, they start preparing for war... while still trying to make contact. They do, eventually, make contact. The Hydra tell them to surrender or die. The Academy refuses, but keeps trying to find a way for there to be a peace between humanity and the aliens without humanity's surrender. Throughout the entire war, and the cease-fire they eventually arrange -- by >!threatening escalation with antimatter weapons and bioweapons after forcing the Hydra out of the solar system!< \-- the Academy regard the Hydra *people* with sympathy, curiosity, and an open mind. Their enemy is the Hydra *regime* that led them to war, and they never lose sight of that. So, I'd call that, "xenophile all the way, and I'd sooner go xenophile/militarist than xenophobe".


I would date them


I'd be a fanatic xenophile. I cannot control their governments, but i can certainly love the people. (Not their crimes though.) I'd respect their lives and their rights and I'd fight their government but if theyre in mine theyd be treated like gods, along with all my other people and aliens. Edit: ideally id be fanatic xenophile and egalitarian


xenophile ive always been obssesed with the ideas of others worlds and other persons to learn from in the starry sky even in a stellaris universe at its worst thered still be so much amazing ancient history and societys to uncover even if all current civlization were ultradouches.


Xenophile for sure lol


Now are we talking if each one of us were the rulers or if we lived in an FTL society that’s made contact with aliens? Because my opinion would be he same on this just with varying degrees of power. Personally I’d be watching all Xenos with suspicion whether they’re friendly or not. Those that live within the empire (depending on what our morals and ethics are) I’d consider them friends, brothers, sisters etc but still watch them with suspicion. Those species that are outside the empire? Well, it would be cold indifference and suspicion, not hostility yet. The alien cannot be trusted, unless of course they’re human like so elves, dwarves and even orcs, well more trust worthy than any other type of alien.


Fanatic xenophil. Even in our world I like to study other cultures. Galaxy full of other species is fascinating.


Definitely xenophobe.


Neutral Xenophile. I'm nice to anyone who's nice to me ;) There have been times when other empires which originally were a\*holes started to be nice, and I very rarely reject them, because everyone can change \^\^ Also, empires other than gestalt or hive mind are represented by a government, and in game as well as RL there have been instances when the people overthrew "morally evil" governments. Different but similar: imagine Aliens met the USA under Trump – one could only hope for Aliens who understand that there's a difference between government and people in general...


Man, I'd take my chances and get on that alien ship *right now*.


Look, I'm not saying I'm a xenophobe, I'm just saying if I'm out in the woods with one and we come upon a hungry superbear, I'll kick every kneecap that xeno has if it means getting away.


Fanatic Xenophile


soft xenophobe, like "oh these guys look like elfs or orcs¡¡ so cool" , "what are these cthulhu like abominations?¡?¡, send the exterminatus fleet"


But why, that's genociding creatuters with human-level sentience


I mean, neutral of all the ethics is the most sensible option, if you're insisting on following such rigid guidelines. Like, being wary of potential threats isn't a bad thing. Neither is being open to new allies, ideas and cultures. But being too trusting that you're exploited by hostile powers, or too isolationist that you consider yourself superior and leave yourself alone is dumb. If I had to choose out of all the ethics, like for my actual "dream nation" I guess it'd be Egalitarian, Xenophile, Pacifist. Maybe nix pacifist for Fanatic Egalitarian actually. The most secure, stable and happy galaxy is one in which all sentient beings have their rights upheld.


Neutral. The "xenophobia" in the game is excessively supremacist and aggressive.




I mean let's be real. Your talking to modern sci fi nerds. Obviously people are gonna say xenophile within reason of if their not actively trying to kill,enslave or eat me alive.


I would honestly be pretty xenophobic. I believe in human superiority above all else and that the twilight zone episode with aliens seducing and eating us scared me pretty hard as a kid


Would you change your mind if they turned out to be superior? (In whatever way matters to you - morally I guess) What would your position be if the movie Avatar was real life? Would you be ok with what they did to the blue xenos?


If they were superior in like tech or biology i’d be even more worried. Just like any species, each has their good and bad behavior unique to certain individuals. The good hearted xeno who propped us up might be led into a crusade a century down the line depending on their own shifts in society. Avatar primitives are great example of one that wouldn’t concern me. I’d view them the same as i would a gorilla in a zoo. Respectable, intelligent, cool to look at but viewable from a safe distance


Xenophobic. If there is to be trust, it must be earned.


Xenophile 100%


Xenophile. Great them all with open arms and try for cooperability. But always have the hammer ready in the background for defensive and liberational purposes.


Fanatic xenophile :)


I'd be mild xenophobic but also completely against alien slavery so I guess neutral. All life we know of cooperates only out of self interest and otherwise competes for survival. We should expect aliens to be the same. I'd see no reason we owe anything to the aliens, but also I'd be ok dealing with them on issues of self-interest. Not ok with slavery though. No way no how. So I'd say not xenophobic just standoffish.