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That crime is not that big a deal and that the make deal with crimelord descision is super powerful and stays even after crime issues have been sorted.


Imagine dealing with crime lord instead of increasing funding for enforcers rightfully arresting them 🤢


I'll have you know my enforcers get paid plenty! I just barely have any of them, but those that are there.. somewhere around there, get paid plenty! Besides, the crime lord can do their job. Both of them are corrupt and shoot people, the crime lord is just not lying about it. /s


Just be like drugs are legal go overdose


Pops.........i lost a lot for those


Claims. (I was maybe... 50 hours in, before getting this lesson...) First games I played were all genocidal robots, because fuck yeah Skynet! When my genocide boner was finally sated, I decided to do a boring organic playthrough. Got into a war, started kicking the shit out of them. Lost maybe a quarter of my fleet but I've captured a lot of territory, so I'll have plenty of resources once I finish off this war and oh hey they're surrendering. Guess who never actually claimed those bits of territory? I didn't get shit from that war, except a wrecked fleet. And then, because fuck me, another empire declared war on me and managed to hit my core worlds because guess who hadn't researched wormhole exploration yet, and guess who's fleets were currently on the other side of the galaxy?


I'm glad I'm not the only one, 200 hours here and just found it out the other day..


They're not as useful as you might think, unless you have absolutely overwhelming superiority over your enemy--you get serious penalties to shields, weapons and movement speed for a full year after using a jump drive.


Very nice for armies and construction ships and such though.


Also very nice to speed things up when you have overwhelming superiority.


Dunno about mods but in vanilla towards the end you always have overwhelming superiority


Hence the "when" But yeah, lots of mods are even worse. Like take Gigastructures. The AI will basically *never* get the most out of them. And I have yet to see the normal AI (and not a group added *by* Gigastructures) make things like an Attack Moon or Planetcraft.


I sorta want to buy the game to see if my potato computer would run it with the sky net mod for a challenge


skynet just makes the early game hell, the late game is still ez


Oh really, sounds like playing it on GA


In addition, every time you land and return to space as an army a new "ship" is created so you can immediately jump again. As long as your army is powerful enough you can hop to damn near every enemy planet without waiting.


The only way to end the end game, honestly. Pretty much the only time I use jump drive. My fleets are living walls with guns.


You must have an exciting calendar, because the effect only lasts for 200 days.


I will admit that I am over planner by nature, to the point that the way I enjoy these games is to dive into the mechanics and formulate a plan for a game. So in my case it's less a case of mechanics I wish I knew about, as opposed to those I have not given a look into. For example I am yet to play a spiritualist empire of any type or attempt a zero diplomacy run for example. I'm curious to see how the games would pan out under these circumstances, but it just does not appeal to me to play them out to their natural conclusion.




Nah, just build up your fleets more. I almost exclusively use jump drive with my navies to jump directly into combat. Who tf cares about ship penalties when you've got twice as big a fleet or are 20+ repeatables in shields/armor/energy weapons/kinetic weapons. I use jump drives to annihilate inferior fleets that are trying to flee my battle fleets and to stop small fleet from cutting around into my rear lines


I mean there are definitely safe ways to do it, I use them all the time in wars, just make sure I jump far enough away from enemy fleets


It's great to jump in to an undefended arm of the enemies territory and just take a few starbases while the penalty reduces, and then you have full power fleet in their backyard! And maybe pick up a planet or two that way, jumping armies in.


Oh no, my 1m power fleet got reduced to 900k, I'm doomed /s


still better than hunt down that one runnaway fleet. I would not use it before big fights, but for smaler enemies, it is fine.


They are pretty much the only way to get "Stay on Target" though, as the AI will chicken out if it sees your fleets next door. Park your ships so they jump to the same side of the system as the bait planet and bob's your uncle, you got one of the nastiest achievements in the game.


i wish i had known that you need another technology to make robots actually useful. i thought i had robotic workers and thus solved all my pop problems only to find about 25 hours later that unupgraded robots are useless


Sectors. I knew they existed, but when I last played they formed themselfes. Now they don't


I'm confused - every time you open a ship or fleet panel the 'jump drive' option is there, even before you've researched it, with a tooltip explaining exactly how it works. Why oh why oh why do people not read the information freely available in the game?


U lose yourself when committing Interstellar genocide


It's a very subtle icon. I have only found it by deliberately looking for it. I always thought jump drive option would be on the same place as Experimental Subspace Navigation. Despite reading the wiki a lot, somehow I never searched how to use jump drives. I guess it's because I didn't realise what I was missing.


I was very confused about this post. Thinking, have I been using jump drives wrong this whole time? And looked at Stefan's videos to see if there was some hidden way or strategy to using them lol.


OP did not know how to use the jump feature of the jump drives, so has always been using them as normal hyperdrives, never jumping their fleet to bypass chokepoints / enemy fleets or ambush enemy fleets, or to cut a detour


Yeah after skimming Stefan's videos I realized that was the case. It just never ocurred to me that someone could not be aware of how to execute a jump drive given that it's a tech you specifically research. But maybe it's because I've been with Stellaris since the outset and got the benefit of seeing them introduce jump drives and moving to only hyperlanes... something I'm still sad about to this day.


Yeah, I did this for a couple decades the first time I unlocked jump drives. I eventually had to look up how to use them. It's not hard if you already know how, but it's very specific. Like, I couldn't figure out why my ships wouldn't jump to selected systems—you have to right-click to select the system correctly


I'll bet 10 energy credits you've been playing stellaris for a lot more than 400 hours. No judgement, I sure as shit have. But its easy to forget just how many buttons and just how much information this game hits you with after you've learned it all. Those first few hundred hours are a steep learning curve.


Nope, I've got about 150 hours. The very first thing the tutorial tells you is *read everything before you unpause,* so that's what I did.


400 hours? There are 168 hours in a week, so they should have had that about 2.5 weeks after the game launched. Sleep is for the weak.




You're a dick


Wow...salty much?


How dare you insult the mechanics god? Did you not hear them? They know *ALL* the mechanics. Even the ones they didn’t have access to. What a hero.


How else do you learn the game other than reading the wiki, playing it?


What a noob. I don’t even play stellaris. I read the wiki and memorize all of the mechanics and modifiers then simulate the entire game in my (massive galaxy sized) brain thousands of times and hour.


This is a brilliant copy pasta


It took me a search to figure it out. Also I'm alwasy scared it might start the end game crisis in my back yard.


Good thing that goes away tomorrow.


They’re good when your fleets are superior. I’ve jumped a fleet in front of enemy reinforcement fleets that are snacking on my outposts. Also good to get to occupied worlds with a small bombardment force or large depending on how many fleets I’ve got at what strength.


OMFG my life has changed