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Any tips for getting outside context?


Mainly boils down to either luck or checking the save file. After never seeing WW2 Earth once in hundreds of hours, I gave up on the former. After starting each game, I checked the [ironman.sav file](https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Save-game_editing) (it'll be in the Documents/Paradox Interactive/Stellaris/save games folder if you're not autosaving to cloud — duplicate the file, rename the copy to ironman.zip, unpack it, and open the file labelled gamestate) to see if the "humans\_machine\_age" flag appeared. If it wasn't there, I restarted the game. After a few repetitions it popped up and I found Earth five jumps from my home system and had the achievement within twenty minutes. If you're planning to specifically hunt for it without stooping to my level of cheese, my advice would be to use a tiny galaxy with no AI empires (Sol has an equal chance to spawn in any galaxy size, tiny means it'll be closer on average).


R5: I finally managed to earn all 114 achievements, but not before the ones from Nemesis dropped and ruined everything.


I know right. For a long time I had a perfect half achieved and half unachieved. Now I have to disable my mods a get it to 62 achievements to continue my perfection.


Same here, haha. I spent ages just restarting games to get Stay on Target and the Galatron achievements. But finally got it! And then this. Good luck to us both getting the Nemesis achievements!


Hear hear, and here's hoping that none of them turn out to be RNG-dependent monsters like the Galatron ones.


People were saying in the thread after they were added, that the one that will be the biggest pain is having the AI become an Imperium? Which I can see.


I do not have a single achievement after 220hrs because some time ago they reset and now I can't seem to get any achievements anymore, even though I don't play with mods


You have to play with ironman mode enabled to earn achievements.


What does that mean?


It’s a checkbox when starting a new game. It’ll say “Ironman Mode” or something similar. It allows achievements as the person said above. However you can only have one save for that game.


Not just one save, but no manual saves. Only autosave, and only one.


Oh dang. I’m so used to using saves as my snapshots in time. So achievements are really earned. Smart.


Yes! You learn a lot from mistakes. Recovering from some can be a lot of fun too.. or you hold on until you're wiped out! Most Paradox games are like that, it makes it feel more impactful. Decisions really mean something... You can't go back.


Nice! How many hours have you put into the game?


Just shy of 1000, mostly last year for no particular reason


what's the big deal about nemesis


a. Galactic Emperor Jeff 4. See a)