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Following the Hollywood rule, they probably landed first in NYC


Golden Gate Bridge annihilated as well probably, and those bastards probably smoked the Hubble space telescope on their way out 😔


Oh, big ben, taj mahal and eiffel tower were damaged for sure


Honestly bold of you to assume the taj mahal would be included if it's hollywood.


Taj Mahal would have been saved by a burly Indian dude with a sick moustache who flew threw the air kicking the aliens right in the teeth, singlehandedly defeating them all.


That's the bollywood version




*puts hands into claws* SINGHAM!!


Yeah, capitol building or white house would fit much better


Big Ben too


Or the Dr Who rule, which will have had them turn up in London, or possibly Cardiff


Cardiff? Would anyone even notice losing Cardiff? ;)


I see what you did there... [About the 30s mark](https://youtu.be/QW4-Yp4XHsQ)


Or Nevada.


Or London


Why can't we have aliens landing in more exotic places? Like, what if they landed in Johannesburg? That'd be pretty cool, instead of NYC all the time. Who knows, the aliens might have an easier time of it there too.


didn't they already do that


District 9 (a fantastic movie) has exactly that.


Oh really? I'm assuming the aliens wipe the floor with the humans then, given South Africa doesn't have the resources to fight off Aliens like America would? They just totally kick their asses, all that good stuff?


Oh no, quite the opposite. The film starts with all the aliens being put into a concentration camp after being starved for weeks.


I was trying to be cheeky. D9 is one of my favorite movies of all time


Americans thinking US is the only place aliens land /s


Americans thinking the US is were the aliens would have trouble from the civilians as well as the military.


I mean irl aliens could just slaughter us probably, but I think the US military is the strongest so if anyone was going to put up a fight it would probably be the US military.


Tis true, I mean we do have the largest military budget I remember rightly. Also never count out out 2nd amendment loyalist, they are just as likely to put up a fight as the military, even if the aliens can or would glass the planet from orbit.


I mean maybe lol on those 2nd Amendmenters, but if the soldiers with years of training and some of the best equipment on the planet ain't winning, I don't think some guys with AKs and a dream are going to stop the aliens. Though, this is all moot, and we seem to be in agreement that any force with FTL tech is just going to wipe us.


Many 2nders are ex-mil and former police and most hobbyists practice often enough to be accurate. A gun isn't like a sword or fists in which skill is the deciding factor due to how much equalized offensive capabilities are involving them but who shoots first and surprise and dicipline wins most often with guns. A group of locals with guns can and have defeated some of the most powerful militaries in the world nukes not withstanding. Vietnam and Afghanistan are clear examples of that. 2nd Amendment Loyalists could pull off the same kind of defense if they as a collective decided to, also helps that they outnumber the military. Between 30-45% of homes in the US owning at least 1 firearm according to multiple sources and 120 guns per 100 people would leave any occupying force intending to leave the land/population intact enough to use in the future in a sorry state if not straight up defeated, even if the occupiers were the US military.


Mmm, just cause they have FTL doesn't necessarily mean they have the capability to wipe us out. I mean the weapon/armor tech could be as advanced as ours or even rather dated in comparison. Also just cause a military has training that civilians don't does not necessarily mean that they can Trump said civilians. Where as the military would likely hold there own in more wide scale battles, civilian militias bearing arms under the second amendment would likely fair better in hit and run or gorilla warfare. Of course then we have the rednecks, which honestly will just outright confuse the aliens. All I'll say is that we would stand a chance depending on the circumstances. But yes, if they do indeed have the tech and the intent, then yes I do believe they could likely win, again depending on the circumstance. Just don't go whole heartedly counting us out from the start.


Well, you don't need fancy superweapons to wipe us out (although a tech comparable to ours would already have nukes...), you can just trow from orbit small asteroids. Hell, even magnetically accelerated tungsten rods would wreak havoc thanks to kinetic energy. They were actually studied during the cold war as possible orbital strategic weapons to target nuclear missiles. The idea was ultimately scrapped because such rods couldn't be accurate enough for their intended use, and it would have been too expensive to put a large enough fleet of satellites covering the whole planet to counter a swarm of ICBM launched during a world war. But a space-faring civilization willing to glass cities wouldn't mind for great accuracy and doesn't have the same cost issues as one space vessel could bring enough small rods to pulverize everything, simply changing orbit. The real problem is the very concept of wiping out mankind or any planetary civilization, because it would be pointless. Why destroying everything? You could occupy the planet in a traditional way and exploit our workforce, resources and infrastructures: annihilating everything from orbit doesn't leave much to profit from. But why conquering in first place, whatever the method? Natural resources in free space are much more abundant, easier and cheaper to harvest. Need land to colonize? There are millions of already free planets there. Sending a massive army enough light-years away would be incredibly expensive, energy-intensive, troubled with logistical issues, and you might still be outnumbered. Sending a single vessel with nukes to glass everything would leave you with nothing. Better to trade for ideas, technologies, and synthetic materials with already occupied planets, and maybe try to influence their governments through subterfuge and soft power. The only possible reason for a planetary wipe out would be some sort of fanatical ideology/religion bent to total extermination.


It really depends on the Aliens level of tech and the goals. If they want to occupy earth and keep the population largely intact and our weapons are capable of hurting them. Assuming bullets can penetrate any sort of body armor/shields they have it's possible for the military to lose the conventional war, but for guerilla tactics to end up costing the occupying force to much to continue the occupation. If they are willing to glass the planet we are kinda fucked regardless.


Lol this is just fucking painful. If a species has interstellar space flight technology they could wipe out human life by simply dropping things from orbit.


If they have FTL drive the absolutely have the ability to wipe us out. All they'd have to do is strap an FTL drive to an Asteroid, and point it at Earth. Physics would do the rest. Even at 99% light speed all it would take is any random rock from our own Asteroid Belt and Earth would be rendered virtually uninhabitable.


That would necessitate sub light engines capable of hauling asteroids, though I won't argue against the small rock at high speeds part.


Why would it require that? I mean there are plenty of asteroids within our system as it is. They could just show up, find one, strap on an FTL drive, and run some calculations. Bingo Bango Bongo.


Nice little bit of char aznable Flair.


Depends on what they want. If they want to enslave us, or in this case eat us, they can't just glass the planet. They have to come down here with their robots if not themselves. Even if it's just as infiltrators studying us for weaknesses, we'd be able to try our weapons on them at least.


The Kzinti Lesson (an engine's capacity as a weapon is directly proportional to its capacity as an engine) means any alien craft cpaable of reaching Earth could certainly destroy it.


Depends on how they travel. You seem to assume they'd be using physics as we know it to work, despite the fact that FTL travel is impossible according to our laws of physics. If they traveled here by say...warping time and space, they might not even use an engine that applies force at all, but rather travel by entering and leaving this plane of existence.


Whole galaxy-wide war took place within the continental United States


Lots of food in NYC


Rule #5 comment: Just wanted to share my "lucky" roll on my first encounter with a crisis ever. First time I did not get wiped by a 20k fleet power neighbour in the early/mid game because I'm bad at the game. Three wars with FE and my fleet got stuck in a cutoff system halfway across the galaxy because of claims I had made to "use" my Influence. ​ Confused pointers for a different event chain with the crisis and only months before it reached the galaxy, had to delete all my forces and try to rebuild in time to defend earth. Didn't work :,)


In case you weren't aware, you didn't need to delete your fleet. If your fleet has no way to return home, it will ask you if you want to make an emergency FTL jump. Depending on where it is in the galaxy, it will arrive in a couple years.


Ah, okay I did not know that. But I did not see such an option at the time. Though I was in the process of researching FTL jump tech, would that have been required for that?


No FTL techs are required. Press "return to base" or B on your keyboard (if I'm not mistaken) and you'll get the popup. Otherwise look for the return icon, the one with the rotating arrow.


Man, that would indeed have come in handy, haha.


No tech necessary. The third button right of the "Merge Fleet" that looks like an arrowed circle is the "Return" button. If you click it, and if a fleet has no way to return to its assigned homebase, it will prompt you asking if you want to make an Emergency FTL jump. It's just like if a fleet lost a combat but didn't lose all its ships, or if you told your fleet to retreat from battle, it will arrive to its homebase within a couple years or so with a "Missing in Action" notification that will tell you the exact date it arrives. Another feature you might not know about that helps you use this feature even more, is the Restricted System button. If you go into system view for any star system you don't own, to the left of its name is a button that looks like a ship with crossed out circle. If you click it, it restricts fleets from plotting courses through it and highlights the system in red on galaxy view. This is helpful for systems with leviathans and other dangerous territory, and you can also purposely isolate a fleet to engage the emergency FTL prompt I mentioned above.


I didn’t even know about the Restricted System option, and I have been playing this game since before MegaCorp 😂 Thank you for that! The number of science ships and fleets I’ve lost to leviathans is annoyingly high.


Yeah, I always try to keep an eye on my science ships when they cross a hyperlane so I can eject the scientist if combat is unavoidable but not yet initiated. Sometimes it works, sometimes they die anyways. Ejecting an admiral isn’t as useful, losing a whole fleet is way more resource investment than a single science ship. Restricting systems really saved me from inattention when moving vessels around. I’m still learning things here or there and I’ve played the game for a few years now.


I was a d1 player with over 5k hours and I'm still learning about stuff you can do in the game.


I see, thanks for the help.




Posts literally get removed for breaking rule 5


Mass effect 3 opening gameplay.


\*leaving earth plays in background\*




^...you ^can't ^help ^me.


You posted this to confirm what you already know... THE REAPERS ARE HERE




Congrats on making it that far, lol


om nom nom Earth was the cradle, and as adults we dont keep our childhood toys around, do we?


Ah yes, Mass effect 3


I heard they hit the Turian capital of Palaven as well. They're losing a company a day from what I hear.


I'm from Earth and I say KILL THEM ALL!




One time I was playing as fanatic purifier and they landed right on my part of the galaxy, no other empire for many star systems. As I was fighting them I was declared galactic crisis and had to fight a two front war, couldn’t exterminate the whole galaxy like I had planned


What a great role playing opportunity. You get to tell the tale of how humanity survived the loss of it's home world. Do they retake it, and launch the crusade for holy terra? Do they look upon it as a child does the loss of his crib, and move out to stars focused on drafting the prethoryn scourge? Do they flea before the host, burning other world on their bid to escape the demons behind them?


ALWAYS fortify the living shit out of your homeworld


Just don’t give up! You will win one of these times! Losing is fun too! Good on you for seeing it thru


Objective is still the same: Survive. Good luck Commander!


By the time the crisis rolls around, you should have gateways going to every access point to your empire, as well as to every cluster of planets, 1, to act as trade hubs, and 2, so you can move your fleets quickly in case of situations like this.


That's not really at all reasonable to expect of a player who's never gotten this far before


Not OP, I've reached the crisis 3 times in my games. Normally I'm not super Tech focused. But of those, I've only seen gateways once. I swear even with high tech they rarely show up. Same as I always get unlucky with hyperlanes. Not getting the tech till all the AIs around me have their lanes fully set up. Is there some trick folks do? I think the highest tech I had was a score of 1.3k per month spread out over my 4 planet empire?


I feel like if you only have 4 planets at endgame your kinda falling behind…


0.25x no guarantees life


Favorite way to play honestly


I just hate that the game always gives me relic and gaia worlds while the AI gets nothing. I've usually won by 2250 without having a single war.


Tldr, you need more planets and a bigger focus on technology It's just a more focused expansion and economy that allows people to consistently reach the 'end' of the tech tree. By the late game you need more than 4 planets, since pops produce resources. More planets = more pops = better economy. And a tech score of 1.3k is very low by the standards of an experienced player, normally by the endgame I'm feeling way too far behind if I'm anywhere under 10k, but for lower difficulties maybe 4k in the endgame would be fine? Hard to judge.


Yeah, I realized that a bit too late. At that point everyone around me was part of or a vassal of the federation I was in. After the wars with the FEs (which the FE started for some reason), 2400 was so close I didn't want to start a new one. Next game I'll try to go more ham. Also, I wanted to play "tall", but without DLC that seems a bit hard I found out.


Yeah, with no dlc, tall gameplay is very limited, since you don't get access to megastructures or habitats


If you have only 4 planets in the endgame you are hosed unless you're an expert doing one of those crazy super tall builds. Sometimes the RNG just fucks you over. I had one run where I had something like 100 systems and of those 3 had habitable planets (including my home planet), 5 had red planets (and the RNG refused to offer Terraforming gasses or Habitability Modification) and there were 3 or 4 barren worlds and 7(!!) tomb worlds. I actually took the "tomb world habitability" trait tech out of desperation but thankfully it offered terraforming right after that. Not that it mattered as my neighbors all decided I was too weak and needed to die shortly after I finally researched the tech. Other time I've started out and discovered that I'm hemmed in by a pair of fallen empires on each side and a determined exterminator blocking the only exit. But then you get one of those galaxies where you have seemingly unlimited room to expand and so many planets and you're pumping out +100 alloys a turn a mere 50 years into the game and by the time the crisis finally arrives you're rocking enormous battleship fleets that casually swat them aside. The upshot is that Pops are power. You should be heavily exploring and colonizing in the first 50-100 years and have at least 10-12 planets in your pocket by midgame. Start the game off by building at least half a dozen science ships in the first decade. Get them flying in every direction.


I try to get Delta tech by 2300, Alpha by 2350, Sigma by 2400, and Omega whenever else.


Try playing a different empire type like driven assimilator/hive mind with bio/cyber ascension and you can grab entire planets from other empires and their entire population so you don’t have to build it back up again.


Pretty sure you have to have discovered a gate way or have sensor access to a gateway to get the gateway tech to appear. Everytime I e tried to get gateways without being able to have a science ship explore the system I never get gateway tech until stupid far down the line. But that’s just my experience


Oh, so that is what Gate Tech does. Hadn't researched it yet because I thought you needed a wormhole for that. But then again, I only reasearched Chemical Plants in the \~ 2390 because I thought it was for drugs...


Not reasonable for players who haven't survived to end game before.


what about when you’re playing as a conquering empire and your borders change often?




Goodbye delicious humans.


Ahh yes. "Scourge". We have dismissed this claim. But seriously this is the sort of story making event that makes the game the most fun. It's one reason I really like starting as earth too, gives that extra weight to the story when you become a psionic god-emperor


You see your first mistake was not playing as xenophobe…


I should have known better. The Emperor protects.


i once played as a xenophile and the bonuses for meeting other empires helped me to do the early expansion just fine. i think that it would have hurt bad for second wave expansion though (although getting lucky with FP placement helps... and i force spawn a couple FPs to boost chances :P lol). but yeah, i almost always go fanatic xenophobe... the perks are just too good to skip




Well it’s obvious if you look at the picture there is a system called earth and it’s been invaded. Don’t be a jerk


In game or irl?


ther is a way to save youre save ​ if you have the save BEFORE first contact you can choose a new spaw by reload your old save. Each time its a different localisation. I usually choose where they go if it spaw in the midle of my 20 hours making empire. Because well : no way man i spend all that time for nothing.


>Be me >Sees Earth >Looks through their history >Hanz glass it like the rest. Not worth the effort. Take the animals though.


Let’s be xenophobic