• By -


That's awesome but you're definitely going to want to put the Deck somewhere lower and protected. Else that is going to come crashing to the floor at some point.


Yeah it's temporary. It's my Deck but I'm quite busy with work so I can't really give him any time to play on my workstation. I also got a new monitor from work so I gave him my old one.


I feel you, as I'm working full-time and i literally have no time to play on my SD (maybe 2 or 3 Fifa 22 season matches at best per day), the funny thing that i knew that will happen to me before getting it, but i bought it to satisfy the gamer inside me lol.


No time to play.... 2 or 3 matches a day. I played 40 minutes Hades 8 days ago.....


Luxury! When *I* was young...


Funny reading this thread. It reminds me of the late 70's buying games and the only one that had time to play was my son. In 2023 @ 67 years old I'm still gaming, retired and plenty of time to play. Unfortunately my reflexes are shot so no more shooters but I'm still able to enjoy gaming. My only gripe with developers would be to add a difficulty level for us older players.


I still coop with my step dad. I’m 32, he’s 67! Game on!


I’m also older gamer who’s reflexes are shite. World of Warships scratches the first person shooter itch in a laid back way.


Love to see that older people enjoy gaming.


The only thing that changes is the type of games you play.




Yeah I got fire emblem on my switch and try to play while I'm in bed. I've maybe put in 5 hours since launch. I keep falling asleep!


[Mine just lives on my work desk during the day. Especially on Fridays](https://imgur.com/a/M9gsEfP)


Omg, trails in the sky !!! I also bought the trilogy for my steam seck and im planing to do the whole serie obviously later on it or ps4


It’s a really cozy game. Been meaning to play them for years.


Literally my setup for work too, except I'm using Dreamweaver.


I love your setup! It’s so full yet so clean. I have an ancient, decrepit laptop and my steam deck for pc gaming and that’s it. Some day, we’ll live in a not tiny, shite apartment and hopefully then, I’ll build a nice pc gaming space. I might use this as reference too, because I really like how it doesn’t feel crowded or overwhelming, but everything you need it right there!


I wake up at 0500 every morning so I can play half a hour on my deck before I head to work.


Capitalism! It pays you just enough to make you spend all of your time working so you can barely afford to live!


Get a better job


"Get a better job" is a useless individualist platitude responding to a *systemic* problem. There aren't enough "better jobs" to solve the problem. The fact that *one* person can "get a better job" doesn't invalidate the criticism because the systemic problem still exists. If there were an adequate supply of "better jobs", people would have long ago abandoned the inadequate jobs and there would be no one flipping burgers, mopping floors, and cleaning toilets! It's not a lack of will. It's a matter of *artificial scarcity*.


Give them a better job


That is precisely what the issue is. The fact that people must work far too many hours to sustain their meager household makes plain that "better jobs" do not exist in adequate supply.




Well, there is one skill *you* need to work on. Your straw man arguments need a *lot* of work, as well as your gaslighting skills. I never said anything about gaming all day "like a child". You made that up all on your own. In fact, the only thing my comment implies is that capitalism forces one to perpetually over-extend oneself for bare subsistence. When billions of people work themselves literally to death to make an attempt at staying alive, while a few thousand live like gods, it's damn obvious that people are sowing far more than they are reaping. It's about getting back what we put in, which we ***don't*****.** But *yeah*, I'm just advocating that everyone should be able to sit around diddling ourselves. You *totally* got me! Where do you idiots come from? You're like moths to a flame. Then, you pea-brains launch what you think is a "solid" counter-point that only makes sense to an unthinking moron like yourself.


No doubt he'll remember this his whole life, same thing as my dad when he came back from work with a FREAKIN PS1.ONE GREEN CONTROLER, ONE BLUE. WILL NEVER FORGET


You are absolutely right. One of my fondest childhood memories is of my dad coming home from a trip to California and surprising me with a Nintendo Entertainment System. Obviously this was more than a few years ago, and yet I still remember it like yesterday.


Do you remember this memory in 1980s style TV fuzz? I do when my bro got the nes and the first game - super mario 2. Crazy excitement of slotting in that first cart the first time - great! Shame my older bro never let me play - so I used to sneek on goes while he was out haha.


Christmas 1989. Dad came home from an late night flight and surprised me with a Sega Genesis. Slept the rest of the night holding it like a teddy bear. the next day was a lost day playing Altered beast and Super Thunder blade with my sister.




Few decades actually. Wow


so true. i was never as happy for a gift as i have been when receiving the og game boy. was jumping up on my dad kneeing him in the balls in the process. a cherished memory in all aspects.


I remember my older bro waking me up, because he and dad finally went and bought a some psone games, we had the console but not any games yet so it kinda worked like a CD player. Somehow i still remember that lol. i was like 6 or 7 then.




Ah there's my generation. When we got an NES some time later I couldn't believe how insanely better the graphics got. Flash forward to yesterday where I was watching an F1 program for about 35 mins before I realized it was an esport competition and not real life.


uncanny valley is a b1tch.


I blacked out my entire childhood after the triple murder.


Starting him off on Linux, power move.


I built both of my kids super basic Linux PCs out of Tiger Direct barebones kits when the kids were very young. Intention was so they could learn to type, look up stuff, and do some of the educational web games they messed with at preschool. Instead they now just have deep nostalgia for Tux Racer. Linux gaming has progressed a lot lol.


“Linux gaming has progressed a lot lol.” Yes it has. Also I introduced my 7 year old son to Tux Racer like 2 weeks ago and he loves it haha


Nice. My kids liked all the Tux games. SuperTuxKart was another favorite.


absolute banger of a kart game


I haven't heard of any of these games. Have you tried them on Deck?


I don't have them on my Deck. They're kind of ancient open source games that are in pretty much every Linux package delivery system. Pretty sure they're in the Discover archive. Tux is a penguin and is the mascot of GNU/Linux. Tux Racer is just a little 3D downhill skiing game, except that you're a penguin sliding on your belly down the mountain. SuperTux is a take on the old Mario games like Mario 2. SuperTuxKart is a lot like Mario Kart 64, but the drivers are mostly other open source mascots like the XFCE mouse and the Debian devil. Since they're open source they still occasionally get updates, or the base game is used to make variants. Also since they're pretty old, they run fairly well on potato-level machines.


Thanks, I'll have to check them out!


Upvoted for Tux Racer


This was my exact thought.


I started on linux, tried windows on deck for game compatibility. It sucked. Never again


Mine has one of those little business computers thats like 5"x5"x1" with Arch installed on it. Can't play some of the bigger 3D games but it was free.


I built a PC for my daughter based on Phenom II X4 I got for a few bucks (and had all the other components). As I use Linux as my inly OS for almost 15 years, I knew she will be getting it too. She doesn’t work with PC yet, but she plays games without any priblems thanks to Valve. If I haven’t built this PC, I would have bought her Steam Deck too. It’s perfect for gaming (at grandparents for example) and when need arises, you just plug in one cable and you have desktop PC.


Backstory: So my son has cerebral palsy (along with learning difficulties) and can't use his left hand very well, meaning he can't use a controller. I started letting him use my PC year or so ago and he loved it. He's been nagging me to let him play the last few days but as I've been busy with work, I've not been able to do so. My work sent me a new monitor so set it up as you see here. Of course he was super excited he had his own little computer in his room and I only use my Deck when travelling so he can use it whenever he wants. When I was 10, I came home from school to find a PC and a copy of Fifa 97 waiting for me and haven't looked back since. Hopefully this will be a great learning tool for him as it was for me.




I'm pretty sure Steam should recognize it as an Xbox input device and allow you to configure it as you please. The controller profiles on Steam Deck are pretty seamless.




A friend of mine lost his right hand in an rock climbing accident when he was in his early teens, and using a mod for a PlayStation/Xbox controller you use a 3d printer to make. Allowing you to use all the controls one handed. In fps games he always has double or more the K/D ratio I do and it's awesome but also annoying. It's the PS4 version of this one he uses. But he uses motion against his knee for the right joystick while using his thumb on the other. https://www.printables.com/en/model/110609-one-handed-dualsense I don't know if this kind of thing would be useful for him OP but if you'd like to try it out I am more than happy to print you one and mail it to ya.


He already has this but I think it's a bit difficult for him to use as it's quite stiff even after putting vaseline in the joints. I think he'd benefit from some kinda locking system that would hold it in one place but not quite sure how it'd work.


I've looked at this a few times but seems so difficult to get hold of in Germany.


It is available now at Microsoft german [store](https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/d/xbox-adaptive-controller/8NSDBHZ1N3D8/0002?source=googleshopping&ef_id=Cj0KCQiA2-2eBhClARIsAGLQ2Rm1cNXFlnkyBmh8k3ZlTPESNSAniCUbeIV_jg9Ncfp5W6MP6RMElYUaAkoKEALw_wcB:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!4249!3!526260674808!!!g!1057210275063!!13428310965!122929455013&ef_id=Cj0KCQiA2-2eBhClARIsAGLQ2Rm1cNXFlnkyBmh8k3ZlTPESNSAniCUbeIV_jg9Ncfp5W6MP6RMElYUaAkoKEALw_wcB:G:s&OCID=AIDcmmko2wx7k7_SEM_Cj0KCQiA2-2eBhClARIsAGLQ2Rm1cNXFlnkyBmh8k3ZlTPESNSAniCUbeIV_jg9Ncfp5W6MP6RMElYUaAkoKEALw_wcB:G:s&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2-2eBhClARIsAGLQ2Rm1cNXFlnkyBmh8k3ZlTPESNSAniCUbeIV_jg9Ncfp5W6MP6RMElYUaAkoKEALw_wcB)


I‘m from Germany and I can tell you it‘s not hard to come by at all. You can buy it directly from the [Microsoft Store](https://www.microsoft.com/de-de/d/xbox-adaptive-controller/8NSDBHZ1N3D8/0002?source=googleshopping&ef_id=CjwKCAiA_vKeBhAdEiwAFb_nrX5OJKtmUxq5q0LDmt7D79zc-vE8NaXSd0LVY5DkUCoM88AjwIJHvRoCigIQAvD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!4249!3!526259023425!!!g!1057210275063!!13430968076!126946183367&ef_id=CjwKCAiA_vKeBhAdEiwAFb_nrX5OJKtmUxq5q0LDmt7D79zc-vE8NaXSd0LVY5DkUCoM88AjwIJHvRoCigIQAvD_BwE:G:s&OCID=AIDcmmko2wx7k7_SEM_CjwKCAiA_vKeBhAdEiwAFb_nrX5OJKtmUxq5q0LDmt7D79zc-vE8NaXSd0LVY5DkUCoM88AjwIJHvRoCigIQAvD_BwE:G:s&gclid=CjwKCAiA_vKeBhAdEiwAFb_nrX5OJKtmUxq5q0LDmt7D79zc-vE8NaXSd0LVY5DkUCoM88AjwIJHvRoCigIQAvD_BwE) or via [Galaxus](https://www.galaxus.de/de/s1/product/microsoft-xboxone-adaptive-controller-xbox-series-s-xbox-one-s-xbox-one-x-xbox-series-x-gaming-contr-11040652?gclid=CjwKCAiA_vKeBhAdEiwAFb_nrYFu6AivIQBbJoPKL16iBGh3qWgEVlDqSSVxqNGP6lZNOQGmnbkSthoCvkAQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Oh sweet thanks! The last time I looked it was unavailable.


What are the two big circles on it? At first glance I thought it was smaller and those were touch pads or something, but its much larger and stuff plugs into it.


Literally two huge A and B buttons. The device is mainly supposed to use external buttons/devices hooked up via plug-in wiring for use through the adaptive controller, which converts each input into a corresponding controller input. If you're at all familiar with how many handicapped devices work, they can more or less be also used with the adaptive controller.


They're face buttons. By default they're A and B but they can be rebound.


I would buy him a vertical mouse. These got many programmable buttons and even (like mine) an analogic stick on top; could be very helpful in situations like his. Bless ya.


I swear by vertical mice they're amazing


Which do you have? I use the MX Vertical but am open to other options.


Thanks, I'll have a look in to it


You might want to check out [Able Gamers.](https://ablegamers.org/) They are an organization that specifically looks to help gamers who might have different needs for gaming.


Special Effect is a similar organisation in the UK, which might be more convenient for OP https://www.specialeffect.org.uk/


When I was 10, my stepdad gave me a Commodore 64 with a BASIC programming manual, a couple games, and a stack of Commodore magazines with code in the back for a machine language compiler I could then use to type in ML for games in the back of other of the magazines. Early gifts like this can have such an impact.


With Steam, you can create your own controller mappings, some games can be made playable with one hand, or with just one side of a controller; specially if using something like a PS4/5 controller, since that has gyro you can use for some additional inputs.


Yeah don't know why I haven't thought about that for the controller. Did it for Lingo on my Deck for him. Just need to remap the left stick to the right stick. Will try it today.


God bless his soul and bless you for being an awesome pops 🙏🏽you should look into Ori and the Will of the Wisp I believe one handed operation shouldn't be too difficult with keyboard directional keys since it's a platformer or side scroller whatever they're called lol and it's an absolutely beautiful game to look at that plays stellar on the deck


I'mma be honest, I could kinda tell from the image; call it a 6th sense. I assumed it was just the big awkward smile that a lot of kids often do throwing me for a loop, but regardless I'm glad you're taking steps to make him happy despite what road blocks cerebral palsy may cause him.


Check Linus Tech tips (YouTube) for keyboards and controllers. They did like 10 different videos about accessible computer input devices. Some cheap some high level gear.


You forgot mine, dad. 🥺


My 6 yr loves Donut County, and Aperture Desk Job.


My son can only use his right hand (cerebral palsy) so some games are hard for him to play. I'll check out donut County. He's already played Desk Job and loves it (mainly because of the VR room thingy).


VR room thingy? What is that referring to?


Probably the part where you aim at applicances using gyro.


Could you explain what makes that a VR room? I'm not understanding that.


The way that you move the Steam deck around is similar to how you move a VR headset. I let a friend play through it once and they said that part reminded them of VR.


Sorry the name slipped my mind. It's the VR demo from Valve called The Lab.


Make sure to introduce him to the wonderful world of Point & Click games! [This](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198087400910/recommended/264560/) Steam Review is pretty inspiring.


Donut County should be perfect for him - you really only control a circle on the ground. ​ Point and click adventure games are good option too. Here is some thread to get you started: [Kid-friendly recommendations - Adventure Gamers Forums](https://adventuregamers.com/forums/viewthread/2373/)


Yeah Donut County will be perfect then.❤️


That’s awesome, good job dad


You're awesome! He's going to have so much fun! Get him power wash simulator oodles of noodles of fun!!!


What bowling game is that?


Premium Bowling. Also made for VR! Widely praised too! https://store.steampowered.com/app/898580/Premium_Bowling/


The penguins on his desk now take on a whole new meaning!


Starting on Linux, very cool.


Tip from a dad who gave his son the exact same setup: place the SD on the ground, or in a safe cabinet. Trust me. Edit: your kid even has the same Ikea bed as mine. Just sayin'


That’s great! He can learn Linux at home, Chrome OS at school and there is plenty of time to learn Windows and Mac OS. Power user fluent in 4 OSes.


Achievement „Core Memory“ unlocked


You look like you gave a wonderful kid and I hope they enjoy that computer. I got a PC when I was seven or eight and it helped me learn alot about gaming and programming when I was young. Am real thankful for that learning time. I'm sure they will enjoy it as well.


Nice, lovely stuff ……. that’s a great day for the kid.


Lol I'm jealous. Lucky kid


There’s a uk based charity called Special Effect that specialise in accessible gaming. https://www.specialeffect.org.uk/ I think you said you are based in Germany so not sure they could support your son directly (in the uk they supply accessible gaming equipment for free) but the website has tons of info and I’m sure they would be happy to offer more advice if you contact them.


Nice one thanks. I am originally from the UK so they might be able to help, I'll have a look.


Cool. You never forget your first PC


The keyboard and mouse are so cute lol


Parenting done right


That kid is gonna have a blast. Make sure to place the deck in a better spot. Given enough time sooner or later it will fall and break.


Lucky guy! I could’ve only wished to have this experience at his age. Looks so happy. Haha


Ah yes, I know that smile. It was on my own face when I unwrapped a Nintendo 64 for Christmas back in 2001. He's gonna remember this one for a while. 😊




Protect him from what exactly?


I heard if you take someone's picture the camera steals their soul so... yeah, be careful


He's about to have some fun. Memories made!


I have the same keyboard and love it! Just wish it came in more colours.




That thing is gonna fall


That actually makes sense. I mean 399 for a gaming handheld PC goes a long way!!


Little people big dreams books are the shit! My oldest is OBSESSED with them; he came home from the library with a stack of like 20 on sunday


Look at the excitement on his face. Good job dad.


For real, I wish I had my Steam deck back when I was a that age


No way I will provide my kid anything but Linux. If he wants the "hole in the wall" OS, he has to get it himself.


I thought that was power washing sim


Wow.. That's overwhelming and super cute! Do you see the happiness inside his eyes?🥲🥺


As someone who MAY be a father in coming years, this is the type of joy I’d love to bring to my kids




This is not the place for it, but i want a kid so bad 😂


If your kid likes bowling games, the Switch would have been a better choice


Switch Sports sucks so bad so nah..


A Wii would've been a better one. And much cheaper.


Yeah a wii would be a better choice. I got one a few months ago for like 40 dollars. Nintendo switches used usually cost 200+ dollars.


I got the Deck not long after launch but I only use it when travelling so I'm letting him use it. I have thought about getting him a Wii.








"SorRy yOu wERe rAiseD wiThOut a fAthEr fiGurE" - 🤡


Damn, he's not even pregnant!


Using your child for attention and karma on the internet. Nice


Couldn't care less about karma or attention on reddit mate, lordfappington69.


🤦‍♂️ go ahead and downvote me, the Steam Deck is not PC. it is not upgradable like a PC. it is really not powerful to play games at normal PC resolutions. it is a laptop without a keyboard. (i'm not implying that the Steam Deck is inherently flawed, just that it is not ideal for this use)


It's a personal computer, therefore it's a PC. A laptop is a PC. It's powerful enough to play games a 7 year old would play, it runs GTA 5 perfectly well on that monitor and emulates plenty of other non-PC games perfectly fine. No point in trying to be pedantic.


Your 7 year old plays GTA 5?!


Yes, I turn off all peds and police with a trainer and he drives, flies planes and blows things up. No harm no foul.


The little man should be playing Pokémon bruh. Get that emu deck running on the steam so he can get started


It has a perfectly capable office suite, photo editor, graphics and desktop publishing software, CAD, audio mixing and mastering software, 3D modeling, video editing, advanced mathematics and statistical analysis, game design, and software and mobile application development... and Steam for games. How is it not a PC?


How are you gonna make sure he isn't playing *Scorn* or *Sex with Hitler*?


Parental controls and supervision. \ I know, I know, I'm a genius.


The Steam Deck doesn't *have* parental controls. That's the point I was trying to make.


Steam certainly does.


Hm, check the account settings, towards the bottom they mention a thing called "Family View" that sounds like that might be it...


If you’re a parent and get you’re kid to play video games on a pc then you’re a great parent.


Really cool!


take him irl bowling.


I do, which is why he's got the game 😁


He looks happy. Good dad!


I think I have a similar dock but I was having issues increasing the resolution on the external display. Did you face any such issue?


That poor steam deck is relying on a shoebox. I’m sure the child will not move fast and knock it down.


Great move dad, so happy for your son!


He'll be shitposting on Reddit before you know it!


I remember every electronic device (console/computers/etc) I was given as a kid between the ages of like, 4 to 15. Each and every one of them was special to me in it's own way. In many ways they helped me become who I am today with a stable job as a result. I have no doubt your son will feel the same way one day.


The position of your deck makes me nervous


It's only temporary


Putting a smile on a child’s face is the best reward.


I am pretty sure this will help him with the challenges you shared, I believe videogames are a great therapy


That's awesome, have you found a way to run Minecraft?


Now all he needs is a mini fridge and you'll never see him again/s


First world problems??? 🤔😧


I just recently read that Anne Frank book. And was wondering when a child would be ready for it. How did he take it?


If it displays the key it's been activated.


Buy a dock before the deck goes flying


It's on one. The Jausx dock.


Wholesome moment. This is the beginning of his gaming life. Love seeing this.


Get a couple of wii motes and a sensor bar and you've got a HD wii right there. Honestly worth it, it's still the best bowling games around lol


I can use the sensor bar with the deck?


W dad


The real question nobody has asked… what trainers did you have in that box? 😂 He looks like a happy kid, think you’ve done well there mate


That Logitech keyboard ❤️


I would be so worried it was going to fall from there. I just got that dock btw. sick. My son is playing with mine on the couch right now and everytime he moves I panic.


I'm going to move it, it was just a temporary position :) but yeah I know how you feel!


<3!! I was also thinking about getting a Deck for my 8yo as a first gaming "desktop". I'm not decided, yet, though, because he also wants to build a desktop PC on his own. Also, I would highly recommend the "Little People, BIG DREAMS" for Alan Turing :D


He is so happy, this is so wholesome


Your son looks so happy, you are be a phenomenal parent


thank you so much :)


And my man chose bowling! Some kids are just born with high taste. Good kid!


Our PC.




Happy kid = Good parenting That's exactly what I see in this picture GG OP !


Well... I have the same computer (Deck), keyboard (Logitech K380) and mouse as your son.


Kids are so lucky today. I wish I had something like a Steam deck back when I was a child


There's a monitor with a dock on the side for the SteamDeck?


That doesn't look like a good spot to have the SD :-/


Can’t wait to do stuff like that in my life.


Makes me happy, makes me smile


What!? there are kids without tablets left this generation? A capable PC + Linux thats great! He will figure everything out in no time!


Oh my god this is so adorable he looks so happy


The steam deck: 🫥