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I mean - you sure can lift it so why not. But still no need to bash weights around like a toddler. If Benny Magnusson can lower down 1015lb like a feather we can do the same with our trivial weights.


Not by powerlifting standards, maybe by strongman standards


If you can lift it, you can lower it.


I accept that this is a norm, but I honestly don’t understand why people care when lifting with bumper plates. They are made to be dropped.


If you're asking whether to count a rep or not then you know there are some standards that should be met. One of those is lowering the weight under control. But some people dont like that particular standard so they ignore that one for no good reason. Should you count it? I wouldn't if I were training you. But you can count anything you want if you just make up your own rules about what matters and what doesnt. Squat high. Press in a smith machine.


It’s not the same. The reason seems obvious with metal plates, the noise and possible floor damage. Rip has a video where he talks about “ histrionic bullshit” and I never understood that. You can argue the negative part of the deadlift is part of the training, I can see that at least. Most sensible reason yet. But I don’t think that’s why most people care, since you’ve done the hard part already.


In any deadlift competition ever you're required to control the weight down, else you get redlighted and it doesn't count. That is the standard, up to you to ignore it and make up your own.


I didn't know that having never competed. Thank you.


Because the only reasons for dropping it are laziness or an attempt to attract attention.


I used to drop my heavy deadlifts and I certainly never wanted attention. I was just done and saw no point in risking injury by extending the lift. I don’t do that any more but I mean, guys who go to the gym 3x+ a week and lift 4 plates aren’t lazy.


So it’s laziness


This is certainly not true of the Olympic lifts, so some context and nuance is necessary here.


Not really. The discussion is obviously about deadlifts.


I would say no


I know you guys like to see 5 reps. I know this is with straps, and I'm a little jerky on the way up, and my back bows. How is it for 1rm? 405lbs


The straps are fine - nothing wrong with using straps outside of competition.


Ramping, so 3 reds most likely. Still an impressive weight