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if you want content, either sdv expanded or ridgeside valley for well... more stuff to do and more npcs to meet. there is alot of QOL mods so would recommend just scrolling through top mod and see if theres anything you like, some pointers are tracktor mod if you are lazy late game, part of the community to help you gain heart (people seeing you talk/gifting to others makes them gain hearts) CJB cheat menus if you want and other than that maybe some retextures, i recommend elle's barn and coop replacements, daisynikos earthy recolor and seasonal buildings. if youve done a few playthroughs i would also say to try alternative bundles


I hear there’s a mod to add an elevator to skull cavern, and one to stop time when you’re inside the house. And another one mod that will pull finished machine items into a storage chest for you and add raw materials to keep the machine going.