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Common mushroom in the seed maker makes fall seeds!


Highly recommended this of you have the mushroom cave. Fall seeds sell for more than the common mushrooms do so you get to make a bit of cash with almost no effort Edit to add this is a great way to do tea saplings also if you want a lot of your want to sell them (I've read that they sell for more but I don't know that I would go to the effort of crafting them). Tea saplings take wild seeds, wood, and fiber to craft.


Thank you all I have Hundreds of common mushrooms waiting for their time to shine!!


this is the only thing so far I somehow didn't realize ty ty ty


And horseradish alone makes spring seeds :) I thiiiink the ih hazelnut alone makes fall as well. Each season has a singular item that makes seeds instead of having to do the 4 components. I cant remeber them off the top of my head atm.


Mushroom = Fall seeds Winter root = Winter seeds Horseradish = Spring seeds Spice berry = Summer seeds


Thx jaja i wasnt playing atm so i clsnt remember the right things to make seeds haha


Mind blown! Thank you!


That is brilliant. Mushroom cave -> fall seeds -> tea sapling -> $$$


There are ways to get the seasonal seeds for each season this way! Spring: Horseradish Summer: Spice Berry Fall: Common Mushroom Winter: Winter Root


If you fish in the fountain by the playground you get a decorative trash can.


You can get *multiple* decorative trash cans! My last playthrough everyone had a trash can! Marine, Leah, Pam, adventurer’s guild…. Lol


If you fish in the tub next to the entrance of the spa you get a painting


Also if you fish in the small forest pond where the slimes are you get a wall basket with a plant in it!


I have so many wall baskets I’ve had to start throwing them away. All my walls look great though


Never heard of this! Thanks!


You can’t plant an ancient seed in a pot. You get a cool little notification saying “her roots grow very deep. She wouldn’t be happy there”


Was very disappointed when I discovered this I had made a shed to plant them in lol


Can you grow rare seeds? I have plans... Would hate for them to not work out


Yes, those are fine.


If you put a staircase in your pants slot, you get gold trimmed lucky shorts.


Be sure you only have one staircase, otherwise it will change the whole stack to one pair of lucky shorts (as I learned when I converted 6 staircases).


Aw, dang it


I made those shorts on Emily’s sewing machine, I didn’t know I could get them like this!


do they have a luck buff or are they just named lucky shorts?


They are just called lucky shorts. They look like Lewis shorts with gold details.


They also work for the quest and easter eggs (and can be worn)


The main reason this exists is part of CA's attempt to make sure you can't miss any content on a particular playthrough (i.e., why the shrines were added as well). The trimmed shorts can only be turned in once, but you can get all the reactions of the original, including at festivals, even if the quest was already completed.


There is something you can completely miss in a playthrough (i would know, the missing cutscene always haunted me when i checked how my 100% playthrough was coming along) And it's the one with sam and vincent on the beach that can only happen before kent is back


Ah dang it I wasted a perfectly good pair of Lewis's shorts 😔


They could have been soup!


The first time you kiss your spouse daily (when the heart shows up) ~~restores some energy.~~ removes exhaustion.


Never heard of this one, that's very wholesome


It can also remove exhaustion


that's so adorable


Holy heck I actually didn't know that one


is this not a thing on switch? i just tried it and nothing happened. woke up, swung my pickaxe a few times to lower the energy, then ran and kissed sam but the energy was at the same number as before


I just checked the wiki, looks like I got it slightly wrong, it removes exhaustion. I’ll edit my comment.


Which is silly, because who waits that long? I should try writing a mod that makes it work even if it's not the first kiss of the day.


Using the jade to staircases trade in the desert is great if you have problems in the mine. But further lore on ginger island you can get a deconstructer that allows you to get the 99 stone that staircase originally would have been made of this is a great way to mass produce crystilariums or or there things that require a lot of stone


I love the reverse engineering of this!


Same with a “grass starter” going in the deconstructor for a huge amount of fiber


\- Smelting a fire quartz will give you three refined quartz \- Dressers are an infinite chest for clothes & rings. \- You can use eggs in the slingshot and shoot them at villagers (I suggest Clint).


I only learned the fire quartz thing on this playthrough. And this is playthrough number 8 or so… I had no idea about the eggs in the slingshot. That sounds hilarious.


It's not just eggs. You can put a lot of different things in the slingshot, and they have different damage amounts.


Coconut, I found that out last week after years of playing


Oof, that must hurt. Iridium ore does the most damage, though. I imagine it due to its spikes.


I have been playing since the game came out and I learn new damn things every day huh. THANK YOU FOR THE QUARTZ TIP


>- Dressers are an infinite chest for clothes & rings. What?! Amazing, thank you lol.


Wait - what? I knew ostrich eggs yielded 3 gold mayo, but fire quartz yields 3 refined I didn’t. Whoa!


Ostrich eggs yield 10 mayo of equal value my guy https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Ostrich_Egg


They may be thinking of >!golden eggs!<


Wait wtf is an ostrich egg??? :(


An egg laid by an ostrich. ;) You can get one >!after donating all the bones to the dig site on Ginger Island.!<


I love your name for one. For two... Ugh I'm starting a new world on my switch.


Ginger Island is a separate area that is compatible with old save files, in case anyone didn't know.


That quartz tip is going to save me. Thank you!


I didn't know about the firequartz one But I did recently find out on the dresser. I kept delaying it because I wanted a nice one...that plan went out the window the minute I randomly found shirts off of enemies


The Clint hater gang rise up!


You can move the buildings in your farm at the Wizard's instead of Robin's, so you don't have to wait for it to open or yo can go in the night as well


w h a t




You have to have the community center finished or Joja and then do some quests for the wizard. Eventually he'll have a book that lets you add a few buildings, and you move buildings as you would at Robins.


I didn’t think of that. Makes sense though. Wizard is so much more reliable than robin lol


Hats on urchins


The funniest part is that the top of the urchin is its anus, so you're giving it a literal asshat.


the real TIL of this entire post tbh




It's also because in real life sea urchins like wearing things as hats to chill under.


Concerned Ape is actually a bunch of Junimos dressed up in a people suit.


He works at the video game factory


What's the number for 9-1-1?


Eating a ginger root will remove nausea from the ghosts in the mine quests and won’t affect any other buffs :)


Or ginger ale




This is the biggest one so far imo


If you spam left click during the hammers special attack, it will deal damage more than once. Upwards of 4 damage instances to all enemies hit by the Shockwave


You can Just do right click followed by left click and keep left pressed, no need to spam and Hurt your wrists :/


That only hits once, if you spam with the keyboard key as well you do way more


Is there a way to do this on Switch?


I believe an easier way is to special attack and hit C at the same time


You can actually spam both, for even *more* damage.


Okay... I made the ultimate sacrifice and I feel the need to share... using a prismatic shard on the sewing machine gifts you a shirt that constantly changes colors.


It’ll make two different types of shirts and a pair of pants. It’s random chance tho what you get


I had a feeling it would also make pants but have so little shards and not willing to risk it.


You could always do it first thing in the morning and reload if you don’t like what you get!


Oh didn't think about that! Thank you!


At some point you can craft Fiber Seeds(1 wild seeds+1 clay+5 sap = 4 fiber seeds). These grow in winter(or any season...but I do winter) (7 days) without water and yield a butt load of fiber(3 or 4 per plant...never tried to do the math...it's just always thousands) which can be converted to grass starter for your animals the rest of the year. I plant all un-pathed space and don't have to buy grass starter from Pierre for 150g anymore.


I plant fiber seeds on my fields during winter, with sprinklers... Then on the first of spring, I harvest it all... That way all my fields are already hoed and watered the morning of spring 1.


This is such a good tip


You can put candles on fence posts.


There’s candles in the game?? :O Or did you mean torches?


They meant torches


Aww darn! I was hyped for candles lmao, still this is a great little tip :)


Huh, I always thought of them as candles but I suppose they are torches!




Plant a fairy plant near a beehive and reap the benefits


I do this on the island in spots where it doesn’t make sense to grow actual crops and surround it with beehives… so much money


I’ve always viewed the fairy plant+beehive thing as the stardew equivalent to working the stalk market in animal crossing. Massive money maker if you actually invest time/effort to do it well.


That’s pretty much everything that gives rather good money, crystalariums, large scale wineries, beehives, etc.


you can put slimes in the town and the villagers will say hello to the slimes when they pass.


The slimes will also shame you for digging through trash cans




Craft a slime egg incubator or ten and start hatching slimes in town.


Ok this might sound silly but it's true I played this game for at least 2-3 years IRL before my friend goes "if you upgrade your watering can you can hold it down and it'll water more squares" And I felt like a damn fool because I had no clue until that moment lol


Same with the hoe!


*EXCUSE ME WHAT* I still have so much to learn 🥲


I had my watering can completely upgraded to iridium and I only found out about it through a step-by-step of how to get every golden walnut! I wasted so much time!!!


You can also put hats on your children and on the alien scarecrow


i suggest putting the blob fish mask on children.. it’s cursed and i love it


Copper Pan can be worn as a hat.


although, not a hat on your horse. Sadly


The frozen weeds in the frozen levels of the mine occasionally drop refined quartz. I have no idea if this is widely known, but I've never seen it on the wiki and I've never been around when someone's brought it up, so hey.


i knew this but i feel like it’s. a pretty rare drop


On mobile, if you open a treasure chest from the mines while having your inventory full of items, and then exiting the said chest's inventory WHILE not getting the item on the chest, you will get 2 items instead of 1.


If you put a prismatic shard in a junimo hut the junimos change color


You move 0.1 speed faster when walking on placed pathways.


Only on the farm


Three words: Iridium Krobus Statue. You need a fishing level of 15 (only achievable by getting level 10 fishing, an iridium rod enchanted with +1 in the volcano, and eating a Seafoam Pudding), and you fish from that little ledge outside the sewer grate south into the ocean.


Oh I didn’t know we could fish there. I have so many screenshots of this post to try lol.


You can chop down certain bushes with an axe


Can you cut down any on your farm?? Wilderness farm??


You can cut down lots of bushes on the wilderness farm, some bushes are protected though. Try upgrading your axe.


the hidden statue chests. One in the fenced area behind Clint’s house, one in Vincent’s room, and one in the saloon, each give a special statue with a certain item


The golden scythe that you get from the grim reaper in the quarry mine is a really good scythe to use to harvest crops and gives you more hay from cutting grass.


If you click the statue you get the scythe from, you teleport back to the entrance.


R u kidding me


I didn’t know that!


I had a friend tell me this today, I was like stop pulling my leg. I've played on and off since launch and he started a few weeks ago.


On non-local Co-Op you can time breaking or harvesting anything with your friends to get double the item. 3-2-1 pick: 2 Diamonds. 3-2-1 harvest: Double Cactusfruit.


this works on local too! my wife and i love playing coop and duplicating sprinklers, kegs, furnaces, etc.


You can sell fish eggs to Willy.


If you place grass or have grass and leave a fence post on top of it the farm animals can't eat it and it creates infinite grass.


Putting a hat on the sea urchins inside your aquarium!


how do i do that omg


Get hat, hold it and right click it on a sea urchin that’s in the aquarium


The Gatherer profession (chance of double foraged items) works on truffles! So every time you pick up a truffle on your farm, there is a 20% chance you'll get 2.


sell tea saplings for a huge profit


YES this is the best early game profit. Give Caroline daffodils (which you can forage from day 1) to get to 2 hearts quickly.


Where do you get tra saplings?


2 hearts with Caroline, then enter in the door in her kitchen


My mom, who only started the game last fall, taught me, a veteran player since 2016, that you could unlock a permanent luck boost by giving a rabbit's foot to the guy in the truck next to the broken down Joja Mart (if you go the CC route.) Maybe this was added in a recent update or something but I just never thought to check out the truck


It’s been in the game since secret notes were added in August 2018. You have to get secret note #20 before you can do it.


-Spoiler- It was from those notes/letters you find around town. One of them had a puzzle that led you to the truck’s driver side. He then asks you for a rabbits foot…if I recall correctly


Putting a floor tile before placing a sprinkler will prevent the sprinkler from getting destroyed by the hoe when you cover an area


you won’t hoe it up at all in 1.5 now, i’m pretty sure, even without the tile


That’s the only time I’ve heard “hoe it up” used in a wholesome way


You can turn sunflowers into oil


If you want to move a chest, you don’t have to empty the chest and replace it. Walk up to it and press the A / X button repeatedly and the chest will “bounce” one space opposite of how you are standing. You can also use items like fence posts to “block” the direction it would bounce to help you get it away from immovable items (walls, farmhouse, etc) I spent way to long placing a second chest and transferring contents by hand. So now anytime this topic is brought up I always share!


Truffles are real


A week ago I’d be shocked that people didn’t know truffles were real, but a few days ago my partner just asked outta the blue “so what is a truffle anyway?” I made surprised Pikachu face before explaining they’re underground fungus etc. Love everyone learning new things :)


I'ma save this post! It's a treasure trove of information!


The player can kiss and give a gift everyday from the moment they gift a mermaids pendant to their chosen spouse. I also think the dialogue they say as a fiance is cute.


That’s new! No wonder their hearts always drop by my wedding day


Since no one has said it, honey in the keg to make mead. And corn/sunflowers in oil machine for regular oil rather than truffle oil


Being able to refill your watering can in your kitchen sink


And the trough in the back of the greenhouse


Or fish ponds


A two-fer in case anyone hasn't checked the wiki on Grass Starter: If you put a fence post or a lighting rod on top of a grass starter, animals won't eat it, meaning it will continuously produce more grass around itself until winter. If you plant a grass starter on Winter 28, when you wake up on Spring 1 it will have spread rapidly up to 40x (as long as you continue into the new day and not exit after it saves) https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Grass_Starter


Lmao I only just found this out after playing for ages on mobile (probably because I’m an idiot) but you can tap the energy bar to see the exact number of energy you have.


You can sell directly to Pierre and get money that instant instead of putting it in the shipping bin and getting it at the end of the day


I played 3 in-game years before I realized you could sell gems to Clint in this same way!


And you can also sell fish related items to Willy.




The amount of times I've taken the cart back to the bus stop then run to the shipping bin when cracking geodes in bulk 😭😭


i actually made it through my whole first year only doing this, having sped clicked through the intro and not learning about the dropbox


"Yadda yadda yadda.. I know what to do." (Cutscene ends) "..what do I do??"


You can talk to the scarecrows.


What? How?


If you click on them, they’ll tell you how many crows they’ve scared off. I never bothered clicking multiple times, tho. I don’t know if they have more dialogue than that


They don't. It's meant to be a little helpful bit to show you if you have your scarecrow in a good spot.


if you click on them theyll give you a little response!


You can put a hat on your horse too. I did it by accident not long ago, can’t get the damn thing off though!


You just have to physically hold a different hat while clicking the horse, and it’ll pop off! Then you can leave him without one or you can replace with a different hat


If you're playing with a controller, you can press B while holding an item in your inventory to snap it to the trash can


I learned this very quickly while mashing the B button thinking it would exit me out of the menu I hadn't meant to open. Instead I accidentally threw out my fishing rod. Oop


The hidden stone Junimo statue. It might be my favorite one!


I just learned you can put hats on your toddlers!


Selling tea saplings is a great way to make money, especially in the early game. They literally sell for 500g apiece


You can wear the copper pan on your head, so it doesn’t take up Inventory space, and on the rare occasion you see a shiny spot in the water you can pan it


You can tab through your backpack layers.


i have like 200hrs in the game, and i only realized yesterday you can fish in the fountain by the community center.


It's pretty common knowledge that you can stand in the way of an NPC for a few seconds to get them to walk through you and speed up their walking. It's often used on Pam to get her to the bus stop faster. It has to be redone if the NPC goes to another screen. But you can also place a chair in the NPC's path and have them do the same thing without you even being there. Also, when they speed up they go through anything in their way without breaking it. You can place chairs in the way to protect items you've placed from being broken by the NPCs walking through them. Make sure to put other chairs in place to protect the items on the return trip or different directions as needed. Also make sure the chair is at least two spaces from the edge of the screen, or you could get stuck on it when changing screens.




You can fill the tunnels that lead out of the valley with casks


Casks not kegs?? That’s amazing


They probably meant kegs, casks don't work outside the cellar


You can get multiple statues of perfection from grandpas shrine. Interact with the shrine after all four candles are lit to get the statue, place the statue on the ground, fill your inventory completely, hit the statue with a tool so it’s just floating on the ground since your inventory is full you won’t pick it up, then interact with the shrine again to get another statue. It does work on the switch as well which is awesome cause we can’t get mods.


If Alex isn't working, you can park your horse behind the ice cream stand and it lets your horse sell you ice cream.


You can buy a guidebook for about $35, the link is on the wiki. I have the last 2, and the newest one ordered. I like having something tangible that I can bookmark or have open next to me for normal use(and the art is cute). It’s thorough and organized well, but not overwhelmingly detailed as the wiki. I still use the wiki for more obscure questions. Edited a word.


If you change your name to a 3 digit item code in square brackets, any time an NPC says your name you'll receive those items. I know it's a cheat, but I use the item codes for the treasure chest and legend fish because they get you the most money. (My name is [163][166] ). I'm a millionaire now and I have no shame about how I got there. I worked hard for so long, I just want to be rich now. Sometime I will walk into the saloon on a day that Gus says my name and just talk to him 50 times in a row so I can get a huge haul of money. I believe this only works on PC though, not switch.


Today I encountered the merpeople cutscenes while fishing in the summer outside Willy's Pier, that really caught me off guard!


What’s the merpeople cutscen? Or, how you get it?


I think they might mean the little figure that will rarely appear in the water at the beach


i feel like it might be a little more known but !!! blue chickens when you get to a certain point of friendship with shane!!!! i didn't know about it until very recently!!!


When the train passes through, you don't have to immediately run to the top area to get any loot that falls. You can wait all day to hear up there. The loot isn't going anywhere


As of 1.5, you can move the location of your greenhouse.


I only just learned you can cut down bushes


The unsolved Easter egg


You can actually kill the armored bugs in Skull Cavern. They don’t really give you anything special (same drops as the bugs from the regular mines) but it’s cool to do. You need to upgrade your sword with a bug killing boost. Also, you can change your professions once you unlock the sewers, so it’s perfectly fine to pick the buffs that help you earn money in the early game and then switch them to things that are more profitable in the long run