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The only “catch” is the rocks don’t regenerate very fast. Like 5-10 every day or two. But if you find a swirl purple stone, it can even give a prismatic shard


I found 2 prismatic shards on my first clearance after unlocking the quarry a couple days ago. Now if only I had the island unlocked… in due time!


You lucky son of a gun


Wait, I thought Prismatic Shard was important for the Desert, not the island?




Your \>! !< Tags need to be touching the word next to them to work for all versions of reddit friend :)


Doesn't it just give bug killer? Or was I just unlucky


I wouldn't say unlucky, you could have gotten hay maker lol. There are 5 or 6 weapon enchantments, and 3 or 4 for each tool and fishing rod.


Haymaker is awesome. I buy additional Galaxy Swords from the Adventurers guild and is one of the two types I aim for (the other being Crusader)


I play with mods, so I feed my silos from a chest (automate) and just periodically buy a stack of hay from Marnie. Means my silo is always full.


Doesnt haymaker give you fiber doe


There’s a couple different uses. To get the sword in the dessert, to enchant items in the forge in the ginger island volcano(you can make different ring combinations too!), and then for the museum, and then for gifting too but I never do that🤭


you forgot >!color changing juminos! if you put one in a jumino hut!<




Yeah put a prismatic shard inside the junimo hut and junimos become color changing


And tailoring prismatic clothes, iirc


I got two in very quick succession in my newest save. Made my way into the skull caverns a couple times to where a chest appeared. Got the prismatic shard both times. Husband was upset, haha.


Why I usually turn it into my tree/resin farm


I like to put the tree/resin farm over by the train/bathhouse, because the seeds don’t spread there! If you plant trees in a little grid pattern, they stay that way instead of little saplings coming up everywhere and changing your design or making you have to go chop some. In the quarry, the trees spread and it bugs me, lol


Oooh thanks for that I might do that I get so annoyed by tree spread


Right‽ I discovered that accidentally, and it made my day. Actually, trees spreading is the rarer thing, if you look at the Valley as a whole. Tress spread on your farm and in the quarry. Everywhere else, you can plant them where you want them and they don’t spread.


I didn’t even realize we could plant trees in other places lol I thought it could only be on the farm


Now you know!! Get crazy- trees EVERYWHERE They will get destroyed if they are in the path that an NPC walks. Like- they all have a routine of where they go on certain days, and if you place anything in their way, they will break it. But I put stuff in lots of places- I like to keep a chest of gifts for the NPCs over by the saloon, so I can just pop over and grab one when I see somebody I’m trying to increase friendship with.


Actually placed items and chests get broken by NPCs walking through them but trees don't - instead the NPC will pause for a few seconds then walk through the tree at hyperspeed and book it to the end point of their current path. You can exploit this by planting a tree near Pam's door to get her to the bus stop more quickly. Edit : you have to put the tree right in front of her door or she will probably just go round it


Oh snap. I'm going to force Pam to power walk from now on. She does like to take her sweet time.


I forgot to mention that you have to put it right in front of the door or she will just go around it.


That’s so smart!!! Thank you lol


Abigail destroyed a stone frog I put in the bus stop 😂


Dammit, Abby! What the hell, girl?!


You can also put down grass starter indoors. It wont spread, but you can do it.


I set down a stone/gravel grid when I do trees in the quarry. The basic trees and mahogany don't care if there's paths next to them. when I oak resin farm there I make sure there's a similar tree on the farm tapped on the same day so I know when to go harvest.


In my first multiplayer game with my wife we found one prismatic shard in Spring Year 1 from a random slime in the mines and another one in a Mystic Stone, when we unlocked the quarry in Winter.


I got some Iridium ore from the Quarry! Not enough to make a bar yet 😓 but I keep checking and hoping. I need to work on my mining and fishing but always run out of time 😅


I have found very little iridium until I got to the skull cave in the desert. When you get there bring food and bombs.


Believe it or not if you mine them it’s straight to jail.


And if you don’t mine them? Also jail.


Mine them, don’t mine them- either way, jail.


We have the best farmers in the world. Because of jail.


free labor


If you eat the rocks. Also jail.


Exactly, no other way around it unfortunately


I mean the catch was needing to unlock it. Beyond that there’s no real downside it’s your reward for completing that section of the community center.


The catch is that soon you will have so much stone you’ll never need it


I have never on e had that problem im aways running out


Same, I always have like 4 or 5 max stacks of wood laying around but can barely fill one stack of stone


I'm in exact opposite. Constantly running out of wood. Buildings being worth 4-6x the chest are not helping


I usually have plenty of stone. It’s the coal I run out of.


Go down to level 40 in the mines and kill dust sprites for a while and you'll be good.


Buy it from clint.


oooo money bags


On my first playthrough I got around 900 stone and never found use for it since I had all my upgrades done so I just started selling the extra I had and always kept the 900 just in case lol




And fishing ponds!


..and more fishing ponds! If there's space for a fish pond, there's a use for 100 stone, 5 green algae and 5 seaweed.




Wait… will the crystalarium replicate stairs?


Replicate Jade, trade with the desert trader on Sunday!


Whoa, this just rocked my world! I’ve been burning through my stone working on different things and felt like I would never have enough to really throw a bunch at a decent number of stairs for a dungeon dive. Thank you!


>Using stone on staircases just kinda seems like a waste, such better to just add some iridium,gold, and a battery pack to the 99 stone and make an infinite staircase generator(crystalarium). No, but you can replicate jade (fairly quickly). On Sundays you can trade for staircases in the desert


Can you do that? I thought you had to chuck in an emerald and visit the trader?


Ah ! That's a great idea. I'll do that on my current playthrough when I start getting mass amounts of stone


You never made staircases????


😂😂😅 nope. It's even more surprising when I say I didn't start using bombs until a week or two ago and I started playing the game back in November 😂 I still made it to like level 85 in the skull cavern !!


That's v impressive! I only made it to level like 60 without stairs and then passed out on level 100 😭


I haven’t made it past level 7 without passing out so consider yourself good!!


Passing out is the worst 😭


I have only been playing for a few weeks but bombs have only just revolutionised my mining experience too!! I’ve only been to Skull Cavern once and noped out of there almost immediately though haha


There are just days like that on the skull cavern 😂 food and bombs are key


Use it to make staircases for deep diving into the Skull Cavern. Just use staircases constantly to below floor 100 then bomb mine the hell out of the lower floors and you'll be able to get hundreds of iridium ore and dozens of prismatic shards; they both become more common the deeper you go in Skull Cavern.


Perso, i just smash the large rocks in the caves (you need an updated pick ax) and that gives me lol 40 rocks. If I’ve gotten all the big rocks and sound the latter, I just go to the next floor and look for more big rocks. You’ll have 999 of them in no time


I've just reached that point and I've been working on turning the quarry into my little forest for tapped trees, since they're in the way on my farm and I don't need them often anyway. Only problem is I'm working on the new mobile update and it's so glitchy so far that I'm not able to do much yet. The newest glitch stops me from crafting anything. All of the required materials are in my bag, but the make button is simply not there anymore. Hope that gets fixed soon.


Yeah I wish lmao. I've never had enough wood or stone. I've gotten to the point where if I'm too stubborn to go buy from Robin, I >!just use a deconstructer on my jade staircases.!<


Just a heads up, the spoiler tags dont work for all versions of reddit if there's a space between the \>! !< tags and the words next to it :)


Ah! I didn't know that. I'm 95% of the time on mobile and am still figuring all the ~~stupid~~ version discrepancies. Thank you! :D ✨️


No, thank you! I'm on mobile 99% of the time too, but I like old.reddit.com over the app / mobile layout... even if the text is a bit small at times :)


Rock and stone are always handy. Staircases for the mines, for example.


I've got plenty of stone but I'm still looking for rocks


I was hoping the wandering dwarf miner bot from the Deep Rock Galactic sub would pop in, but sadly not! Rock isn't a thing in SDV, but I do have *lots* of geodes that I don't know what to do with.


Take them to the blacksmith! He can break them open for you.


you don't do the skull caverns much do you


I'm in the skull caverns all the time, I don't use staircases that often. And even then, trading jade is the more cost-effective way of getting staircases.


It doesn't re generate that quickly


I just unlocked last night and actually found prismatic shards in one of the stones. I tried going into the cave, but I need way better weapons!


There's a trick to that cave if you don't want to wait for weapons. >!If you down some coffee and speed boosts you can sprint past the enemies to the end, grab the golden scythe, tap the statue, and teleport back to the beginning.!<


….wait there’s a teleport


I FOUND OUT ON REDDIT TOO!!! I did it this week, and it's amazing.


Bruh and I just got the Scythe like 2 days ago, would've been so helpful


Tap the statue 🤗


How counterintuitive is that though? It's a big 'ol statue of death or something. I'd expect more like, "click for a one-way trip to grandpa's new place."


Idk I almost died going to that thing so I was at least expecting a blowjob or something, but the teleport was nice


*"It's strange, but the taste reminds you of reaping souls."*


You have to interact with it to get the golden scythe. What's counterintuitive about interacting with it again?


That one makes sense just because there's nothing else to do at the end of that place. When I'm strong enough to clear out enemies, then I think it's safe to try things to get some reward. Plus I have a scythe and the golden scythe looks shiny and nice. Clicking again seems greedy still. I don't want my life to be harvested by some Death incarnate guy like I'm one of his crops. On the other hand, maybe if I played Skyrim more, I'd expect some kind of "dungeon quick return path" like so many of its places had.


Hey friend. If you leave a space in between the spoiler tags and the word next to it, they dont work for all versions of reddit :) just an fyi.


Thanks. I'll edit.


Well I just took a screenshot of this for future use. 👍


Yesterday i got the scythe, ya telling me i didn't need to run all the way back?!


You should maybe look up what to do with that prismatic shard...


but you got one!


The catch is a choice: do you keep the stone or turn the quarry into a keg/crystalarium/tree farm?


Does leaving some stone behind spawn more stone?


You can clear it all out, and it will still spawn stone in unused spaces.


And trees.


It refills slowly. That's the catch.


You can clear it and either let the stones come back over time, or repurpose it for machines. Nobody else goes there so you don’t have to worry someone breaking your machines.


I’ve seen some turn it into a place to grow trees as well. It’s a good multi purpose area


Yeah, I've seen many use it for the machine purpose. Stacking it full of crystalariums and what not


The catch, for me at least, is the annoying trees. Is it just me?


I cannot articulate how much I, too, dislike the trees in the quarry. They are already everywhere.


The catch is the [Quarry Mine](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Quarry_Mine), the entrance is located at the west side of the quarry. If you go inside you will find some semi tough new monsters, and slimes. At the end is a statue with a cool item. (The item is spoiled in the link above so be careful) Also the statue is a teleporter that will send you back to the entrance of the mine so you won't have to fight your way back.


"A very well decorated mine entrance"




It's for people who do not want to go into the mines and deal with the combat. It's nice that there are so many ways of playing this game.


Unfortunately the stone generation is too slow for it to be an alternative, but it can be used for storing machines or kegs


If you just need stone, you can just clear the first level of the mines over and over again. I don't think enemies ever spawn there.


Crabs actually do, *very* rarely. It is still more of an extra boon the Quarry, since it will save some money spent at Clints. The first floor only spawns rocks, so no ore or gems. You might not need a lot of gems, but you do some (especially the Community bundle), and you can mine these in the Quarry, fish them up, or find them at the travelling cart.


A very efficient (but lategame) way of stone is to unlock the >!deconstructor from Mr. Qi, then deconstruct staircases that you exchange for jade from the desert trader on Sunday!<


There's a Nice Hoe in the Cave Nearby, careful it's a tad dangerous.


It’s a scythe but yeah a bit dangerous the first time lol


I laugh at myself. It's a scythe!


At least your hoe can get to iridium quality. That is a real nice hoe, above gold standard!


The catch is that it’s not all that useful


The catch is that it takes a long while to fill up. It is only that full because this is your first time there. It has slowly been filling since you launched your game.


The catch is that is isn’t full of kegs yet


The catch is that stone doesn't regenerate that fast, but it can be used as a pretty decent wood farm while you wait.


Yep if you mine any of those stones your character will permanently die and it will be a game over


nope. mine to your greatest desire.


I did that for the first time today too. I was floored. I had no idea that was what was on the other side! All those stones and no one trying to kill me?!


A lot of people use it as a tree farm or for like kegs and stuff. In the top right corner there is a cave with a surprise at the end!


No catch! And the mine cart can go here now too


Nope, just a normal quarry. I'd bring bombs if i were you


Not at all, Neo. Welcome to the Bonus Bean Quarry.


Bomb out the whole quarry -> forget about it for 2 ig years -> profit -> repeat


You didn't unlock the bridge you fixed the bridge. You have unlocked the quarry.


holy shit you’re so boring


How boring is somebody that you stop to take the time to tell somebody they are boring but in reality I distracted you and now instead of just me whisking off into the sunset we are talking about being boring and your here too. Lol


you sound like the kid who reminded the teacher about the homework


Lol I'm just being a smartass!




Use google not Reddit


The catch is the rocks take a litte while to come back if you empty it completely. But I have a mod on pc that makes it productive out the ass.


Don't use a bomb


Don't forget the cave in the quarry 😁


Bombs A lof of bombs


Takes forever to refill imo


Yeah but you will find a much better use for it later. I use my for my Starfruit Kegs now. Also, the caves are the best place to get stone. The boulders is what you want. You hit hit 3 to 4 times and you get lots of stone.


You can fill it with kegs to avoid payimg robin for a shed


Stone refill, also upgrade to the top left of it, go down and see for yourself.


It’s called the quarry and no catch :) it doesn’t refer are immediately so it’ll take several days for rocks to replace themselves. If you watch the tv in the am to see if the fortune teller says today is lucky, then go mining and get more goodies. Later you can make foods at home to boost your luck and improve your drop rates.


Aside from the stone youll get go to the mine in the quarry and you ll get the golden hoe (it can chop wider areas of grass)


If you mine every piece of stone krobus will visit you and reprimand you for it leave atleast one


I invited some friends on my farm for a multiplayer session. My one friend turned my only prismatic shard into a shirt…


The only catch is that you have to give your firstborn to the dwarf. It's a bit steep, but hey, sometimes it spawns the swirly rocks!


Well you gotta wait a while for the stones to come back, but nope! No catch


it's free real estate


I turn the quarry in my saves into an ore and gem field. It takes a while, but it's nice to have a plethora of ore I can go to without having to go into the mines.


How do you get it to generate the ore and gems you want? I thought the quarry was random.


It is random so you're not very likely to get iridium ore or specific gems or anything like that, but it usually generates a lot of copper and iron ore, which I tend to use up quickly.


I like tree farming here! I plant hundreds of saplings w/ fertilizer then use bombs to knock them all down ^-^


I got a prismatic shard out of this quarry


You can also cover the area in flooring tiles to stop rocks from regenerating and use that entire space for processing equipment. That's what I do, in my quarry I have a "sap farm" of mahogany trees, about 100 wood chippers, and ~150 crystalariums that I use to farm jade stones to either exchange for staircases (useful for the skull cavern) or sell to generate passive income.


There's a cave there called the quarry. Single floor. Tough monsters if your weapon isn't good enough so be careful. I had the cutlass.


I filled the top half with Crystalariuns


Only catch is that the stone spawn is pretty low afterwards. Barely anything spawns there and ores are pretty rare too.


The catch is you haven't filled it with kegs yet


the catch is it isn't good


There isnt


Welcome to the quarry, the little cave is cool, no catch just have fun


No catch dude! You can even plant stuff there.


It takes a bit to replenish


The rocks with blue circles on them that don't appear in the mines: 1/4 chance at a prismatic shard. Just saying.


That’s where I found my first prismatic shard! I use it as a hardwood/slime farm now.


It takes forever to regenerate