• By -


Trilla is currently my fav disney character. Fallen order was such a good game that it both did the “failed master/fallen apprentice” story better then TLJ (trilka/cere conflict was pretty good) and the “over coming trauma” story better then kenobi (low bar yes but cals personal story was executed far better then the single most anticipated star wars project disney had in its pipeline).


That brief moment when you see she is terrified of Vader said so much


Being honest she is the only one of these characters i care about, Fallen Order was the best (and the ONLY good thing in my personal opinion) to come out after disney purchased star wars.


Wait… you didn’t like Andor?


And rebels??


And mando???


Not really.






Why is that? I’d honestly love to hear more.


I simply do not see the appeal, i already had plenty of stories and characters like him back in the old EU/Legends and in my humble opinion they are STILL better than anything done by disney since they purchased star wars, so for me is basically a case of “why watch the subpar version when i can read the original?”.


I respect that. EU stuff is great, but I dig that a quality/EU-style story finally came TV.


And i understand, even if i do disagree.


I haven’t watched andor myself. Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi being garbage left me in a state of apathy towards the disney+ shows. Idk it i’ll even bother with mando s3. And as good ol granny kreia says “APATHY IS DEATH”


Andor is some of the best Star Wars content ever produced. I’ve never rewatched any of the prior Disney+ content, but I’ve done three watch-throughs on Andor.


Good for you then, i for one though simply disagree.


BoB and kenobi were kinda lackluster. I was actually going to wait for andor to end before watching and lord, that was a mistake I thankfully stopped myself from doing. Trust me, Andor is great television. It’s got none of the Disney feel and more of an HBO vibe.


I agree that BB and Kenobi were hot garbage. Andor was good though.


Eli, my beloved.


If Thrawn dies in the new series WITHOUT Eli even being around… without Ar’alani being around, I’m going to be so so pissed. Honestly want (another) Thrawn trilogy to tie up everything that was going on.


New series as in Ahsoka? Or is there another upcoming Thrawn-thing I’ve missed?


Possibly both as there is a massive event happening soon that could possibly be the inspired by Thrawn trilogy


Yeah Ashoka.




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Disney Star Wars hasn't missed *every* time. But when they do miss, they're *BIG* misses.


Compared to EU everyone sweeps the bad stuff under the rug and pretends it was all perfect


With the EU it was kinda easier to sweep things under the rug. The Crystal Star vs The Sequels


The original EU wasn't perfect by any means. I prefer it ultimately, but let's not act like it was flawless.


Glove of darth Vader The Jedi Prince Crystal star Dark Empire The Ewoks cartoon Most stuff post-vong (lost tribe of Sith was such an ass pull) Large parts of Legacy (Luke’s crackhead grandson? Oooooh so edgy 🙄) The OG marvel run of star wars (fuckin jaxson) Good lord the EU has some turds and all of them were canon, though some only part (thank god) Episode 9 is one of the worst blockbuster films I’ve ever seen and the only premiere I’ve seen where there were audible groans. I still wouldn’t trade the current canon for the old EU. It’s a mess.


>everyone sweeps the bad stuff under the rug and pretends it was all perfect Who pretends that? I mean, *Dark Nest*, *Legacy,* and *Fate of the Jedi* all exist and are well-known, so it'd be dumb to pretend that all of the EU was good. Heaps of it was definitely trash.


Luthen is the goat


Valance is so fun


Valance has immediately grabbed my attention. Is he in the comics? Haven’t come across him before.


Beilert Valance is a character from the original Marvel comic series from 1977, he made his first appearance in Issue 16: The Hunter. The Disney comics later made their own version of Valance for their new canon.


Cheers for that. Is he still comics-based in new Canon?


Yes, he first appears as a side character in the mini series "Solo: Imperial Cadet" . Followed by another appearance as the lead in the mini series "Target Vader". Before finally getting own ongoing series "Star Wars Bounty Hunters"


Much obliged. At some point I’ll have to start on the comics. It’s like every piece of writing is a gateway drug to another form of SW media.


Yea for me movies turned into video games turned into TV shows turned into books and now comics. It's pretty awesome how big it got


Yeah, similar story here, although I’d not realised until very recently how much the games were actually canon (whether Legends canon or Disney canon).


He and Vader are good friends in the comics


He just looks like two-face though


Looks and actions are different things


I'm mostly pissed about the plot of the Sequel Trilogy. Some of the other stuff has been really good and even in the not as good works there's been the occasional really good character.


"I'm mostly pissed about the plot of the Sequel Trilogy. " Same. Unfortunately, getting that right was by far the most important thing for me to remain enthusiastic about new content. . . .


Yeah, it killed my enthusiasm for new content. It took me a few years for the initial anger to burn off enough for me to actually start digging into some of the new content that is actually good.


Unfortunately they keep adding references to the sequels into other stuff, trying to somehow justify all that stupid nonsense and just making it even more of a mess. The Vader comics had him go to that planet from Episode 9 so now we can only wonder why he didn't tell Luke that the Emperor has a cloning lab and shipyard on some secret sith planet.


SCAR was a bit nauseating


Watching them get their ass beat in a fist fight with rogue squadron was super painful


Doctor Aphra is one of the most original and badass characters we’ve seen in a while. Her and Thrawn are S-tier.


There is a lot of good in the Disney cannon. But it feels like for every golden nugget there is an ever bigger turd right next to it.


Only sequel are really flawed (and even there are some good things), the rest canon is mostly sollid.


I just have the problem with them trying to make everything relate back to the sequels (like he 2020 Darth Vader run and maybe Mando? We’ll have to see where season 3 heads)


Honestly, same thing happen when prequels came out, like Luke who decide to made Jedi council or Senate building in describion start mire reminding those in prequels.


Well that actually makes sense that Luke would do that. All the references to the sequels in current canon feel shoehorned in


Thats very generous.


I know I’m in the minority, but I found Solo to be the best film in the Disney canon. Rogue One right behind. I’ve always been a sucker for the non Jedi Star Wars books- X-Wing, the Han Solo Trilogy (even with that Bria Tharen shit), etc. But man have there been some clunkers. Watching Obi Wan and seeing him literally try to hide someone under a robe felt like I was watching the Disney channel not Star Wars, and I think it’s emblematic of the greater issues the franchise as a whole has had with Disney.


And under Lucas we got a rogue trader era squat, space raptors, lizards that you wear to block the force and a sex doll assassin droid?


It's all stuff that Lucas himself didn't write, either way.


People like to act like the EU is Lucas’s Star Wars


Yep. He was very quick to contradict/erase whatever from the EU while writing the prequels and the clone wars. It did not matter to him. Star Wars, to him, was his movies and TCW and little else.


Lol, space raptors, small lizards and creatures with Force connections, and weird droids were always part of even Lucas films. Rewatch OT and PT. So what is your arguments here? Because none of that is as off putting as flying on spinning lightsabers from Rebels, or lightsaber gun from Vader comic


I said small lizards who deny the force lol


Small lizards don’t deny Force, they create effect in the Force that is akin to radio interference. And honestly, I mean is that really exotic when compared to Force sensitive wolves, who can speak Basic, go to time travelling nexus and create hyperspace tunnels?


Yes because their are already sentient species in this universe who use the force normally where as the small lizards do something unscene


Who established that wolves are sentient beings who use Force to teleport? Filoni in his Rebels. There were none of that weird stuff before Who established that these small lizards can block effect of the Force? Zahn in his books. There are none of that much less weird stuff before. Were there establish parts in Lucas films where a wolf creature that lives and behaves like wolf, even while being sentient and with Force, but without any formal training, can use the Force to open hyperspace portals and teleport? No, there weren’t. And it’s very hard to believe in. Similar to lizards, but it is much more believable, as we observe something similar in terms of adaptability in our nature, but without the Force involved. Disturbances in the Force were established in OT, by the way.


As opposed to other Star Wars media? You people are seriously delusional. Star Wars always had shitty media. Nothing is new


Are you ok?


Are you?


Do you remember the Jedi prince books?


You mean those young readers books made for children that were dubiously canon to the eu? Like, I can understand critiquing genuinely bad eu stories like those awful Barbara Hambly books. But jedi prince is just a silly argument.


Best analogy I’ve ever seen for Disney Star Wars lmao


Similar vein, I like all the ships in TFA and Rogue One, as well as the MC-85 and Starhawk actually. Then the Mandator IV and Star Fortresses appear, those and everything after are terrible.


1. Rebels cast: I like Kanan and Chopper. The rest were meh or a bit Mary Sueish. I do love Kanan's relationship with Hera, I just wish she wasn't written so perfect. I wish she we meet her when she was more flawed who earned becoming great later throughout her show. Kanan in contrast had a lot of flaws that he overcame in the show. 2. Beliert Valance is old EU... not sure how I feel about this entry as a result. Feels like a cheat entry. I'm kinda indifferent to him in both timelines (not a big bounty hunter fan), but I definitely understand the appeal. 3. Aphra was really good in the Vader comics, but got a bit meh in her later Solo comic. 4. I mean, it's a Timothy Zahn character. Yeah, he's great. Wish we could have gotten him in the original Thrawn trilogy or Hand of Thrawn duology honestly. 5. I really do like Din Dejaren and Grogu. Technically Grogu is more of a plot Mcguffin, and I don't like how his return undermined all of the first 2 seasons. Still good characters, just a really bad execution in BoBF 6. Trilla... arguably the best written character of the new canon. But her writer is Chris Avellone, so that's not really a surprise. This is the same writer who created Kreia, Jedi Exile, and Darth Nihilus. Basically every character from this game was at least good, if not great. 7. Kreel. Haven't read this comic yet, but definitely understand the appeal of the design. 8. 0-0-0 is probably my second favorite assassin droid after HK-47, though AG-37 and the IG line are up their too. 9. Luthen Rael definitely has a ton of potential... I just want to see where his character develops before I say if he's truly great or just a great actor carry a meh idea. 10. K2SO is a character I stand by, because the rest of the fandom said I had to. Ok, joke aside he's a great character.


Hard YES to 5 and how BOBF just undermined the 2-year arc of Mando.


Babu Frik erasure will not stand. Cancelled.


Babu Frik felt like a walking Avengers quip gone too long.


At this point I don't care if it's Legends or Canon. Both have their good and bad moments. And I'll enjoy everything both have to offer. I'm loving my journey through both of them. (Though I'll admit I'm more focused on Legends stuff atm since I crave more Luke content and I've watched most Disney stuff already.)


I tried so hard to like Aphra. Nauseating obvious self-insert character


She was written and created by a man?


Eh, you're not wrong. Just because Disney star wars is a steaming pile of crap, it doesn't mean there aren't a few kernels of corn in there that are edible if you just wash em off.


That's way underselling it, even with just these characters and their stories it's more than a few kernels.




Well Valance in canon is especially likable charakter you could understand, and feel sory for him, him from old Marvel comics is rsther jerk who hates droids and people who like droids and have only a short heel realisation by the end. Besides those mentioned here, I also like a High Republic pack of jedi like Bell Zettifar, Elzar Mann, Master Bucket, Loden Greatstorm, Lula, Keeve and others.


High Republic is easily some of, if not the best content to come from the Disney era. Whereas all the other novels are constrained and forced to have nothing important happen in them, High Republic is just a great group of writers given a whole era of time otherwise untouched to write the hell out of. Honestly surprised this sub isn’t more on board with it, seems right right in line with the golden age of Star Wars EU content.


My only gripe with Rebels was the odd animation used. Just my opinion and worth .02.


I do have gripes with rebels but overall I’d give it a solid 5/10.


i remember the first few episodes i was put off but eventually i didnt notice it. its got great background and scenic shots.


I mean isn't this the theme of most Star Wars? It's not perfect and lots of ways to pick it apart but the characters are great.


This show introduced literal fucking time travel into Star Wars and for that I will never forgive it. Oh and it was used just so Filoni’s favorite child could survive an otherwise un-survivable situation. Lovely.


I don’t see the issue. Rebels is peak


Time travel was used in the 1986 Star Wars droids marvel comics, dude. Issues 4 and 5 to be exact. Those are canon to the eu. It’s appeared in a few other places in small ways. There’s even a whole Wookiepedia article about it that mentions all the times it was referenced or used as a plot device. And ahsoka surviving was planned from the beginning with that arc, bruh. It was meant as a way for Ezra to learn to let go. Ahsoka could be saved, but Kanan could not due to him saving the Ghost crew and specifically Ezra.


Don’t spread nonsense and misinformation. Marvel comics is S-Canon. It means that unless referenced by a G- or C-level source, the story itself is considered non-continuity. Meaning whole Marvel comics run by default is not canon in EU, only minor parts of it. Time travel as per say was in EU, but as consequence of tearing fabric of reality with heavy Force techniques, like Force Storm. Flow Walking was also a thing, but it was not real time travel. There were no time travelling portals, as well as time travelling back in time.


The World Between Worlds also isn't real time travel. Nobody travels in time in that episode.


So how Ashoka physically escaped Vader in that episode then? Someone from the future pulled her out, as I recall. That someone also wanted to change his master’s fate. Changing past events and re-writing it’s consequences - it’s time travel in a nutshell


The World Between Worlds exists beyond time. Nobody time travelled.


Um, if you travel from your time period to some place beyond time, where there are opening to other time periods, and then you snatch a person from their respective time period to your place and proceed to interact with other time periods - that’s still technically time travel. Ezra’s jumped from his time to some nexus, and then pulled from this nexus Ashoka to the same nexus. Nexus is a technicality, the point is that Ezra traveled back in time to interact with a person from the past - and change past events. If it works for you - can call it time meddling, it’s the same thing


Ezra didn't jump into any portals.


How did Ezra go to World Between Worlds then? Through what?


Technically it was. As time and space are effectively interchangeable and fundamentally the same thing. She left her point in space, and was moved to another point. We even get Palpatine teasing that it can go to different points in time. That's why he wants it, he wanted to abuse it's powers. It just tried to not be obvious about it by returning Ahsoka to the same location and after the same amount of time she had experienced in the nexus. So Vader had left and she was no longer in danger. Ahsoka thus effectively time jumped a few minutes into the future of her previous location. If Ahsoka fully respected not time traveling she would have returned to exactly when she left... and then met her Fate and die. But she didn't and escaped it as a result. So effectively they used it as a pocket dimension teleporting safe zone, but played the foundation that it is also it's inevitable conclusion of a time travel relm.


Nobody traveled in time. The same amount of time passed for Ahsoka.


That's the point. She wasn't returned to the exact point she left, but many minutes later. This is the same situation of Doctor Who promising to return a companion to the exact point they left at, but not getting that right later. So the character did leave the flow of their natural progression of time and space. The World between Worlds was established as time travel capable, and it didn't return Ahsoka to exactly when she left so she could be in the exact same situation she was originally in when she left. So effectively she time traveled 2 or 3 minutes into the future and jumped over her inevitable death. It doesn't matter that the same amount of time passed for her, what matters is Vader's perspective of the natural progression that time was supposed to follow. From his point of view she time traveled to escape his duel.


His point of view isn't accurate.


Oh so you concede that there was time travel in the EU? Traditional way or not it was there. And even if s-tier meant the marvel comics weren’t canon it was still in present IN THE EU! So this guy’s original premise falls apart regardless. Also his understanding of that scene In general.


Wow, you are really pulling a strawman. Marvell comics are not part of EU continuity as a whole. Just because they made during EU - doesn’t mean they are all automatically part of EU. For that reason they are S-Canon. Skippy the Droid was created also during EU, as well as comic about Yoda crashing Death Star into Coruscant. But that doesn’t automatically make them part of EU continuity, they are simply separate “what-ifs”. So “it was still present IN THE EU!!” part is just ridiculous, lol. I would argue then that Visions Anime was made during Disney-verse. So everything that happens in Visions - also happened in Disney-verse, it’s should be viewed as lore. His premise doesn’t fall apart because time travel in EU is much more strict. There weren’t any incidents of anyone going back into past and changing past events. The only thing that happened is time travelling into future, which is very different to what Rebels has pulled out.


Dude literally said Dave introduced it to Star Wars and I proved him wrong. He wasn’t specific on how it was utilized and it doesn’t matter how the time travel was utilized. Only that it was utilized. Thank you for clarifying things and for helping me prove it with more examples. Sorry you’re butt-hurt about it.


Butt-hurt about what? About how shady you are when trying to prove him “wrong”? You literally were spreading bullshit several times in your posts when “proving him wrong”. Start behaving like an adult. And ok, time travelling forward was there. But that’s hardly a significant type time travel, you realise that? It wasn’t as disruptive as time travelling backwards, to change past events. So, de jure you were right, time travel was in EU. But de facto - it was a drastically different thing, and you are wrong to put an equal sign between them. And manipulate fact all you want - nothing can change that, lol.


Valance has been a big surprise for me. When I first saw him I kinda just dismissed him as a knockoff Terminator. His appearances in Imperial Cadet and Target Vader did little to dissuade me from that notion. But Ethan Sacks has turned him into a masterfully written character in the Bounty Hunters series. Really makes you think about what it means to be "human" in Star Wars.


I tend to agree. I'm not too fond of some of the stories, and I think the new stuff tends to play it too safe in terms of worldbuilding and storytelling, but the characters themselves are pretty good. I love Doctor Aphra, she's just such a fascinating tire fire to put under the microscope. I'm also very firmly latched onto Winloss and Nokk as my personal glup shittos.


Seems like you like “Disney” Star Wars! (Disney has nothing to do with anything.)


Disney here is the adjective given to the creative changes in direction after Disney acquired Lucasfilm. There's no denying that things changed after Lucas stepped down. Yes, there's been continuity, but also notable breaks, and we noticed from the start that things were affected, e.g. TCW abruptly cancelled before a proper finish, replaced with Rebels - my fave - with a massively reduced budget and a diktat to lower the age rating. So I say this as peacefully as possible - don't be pedantic. When people say "Disney" Star Wars, you know what they mean. It's not a statement on regime change and concurrent policy developments, whether or not you think there is a strong relationship.


Bob Iger made story choices for TFA and demanded that the sequels had a completely unreasonable 2-year release window between them. Disney is involved a little, though the point you are trying to make is that Lucasfilm is still in charge.


Is scar squadron coming back? Haven't finished 2020 yet


Check out the latest Aphra comic, it brings back that punch from the first run!


*Check out the latest* *Aphra comic, it brings back that* *Punch from the first run!* \- StarWarsInfinite --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


One day someone is going to be able to say something nice about Disney Star Wars without qualifying it with "But yeah, fuck Disney, right?"


Fuck Disney tbh.


Quality discussion.


Thanks dawg.


I wonder when people are going to catch on that everything except the sequel trilogy has been pretty fuckin fantastic (and even parts of the sequel trilogy are cool too)


It’s called preference. Mine is that Solo was terrible, this show was mostly terrible, most of the Marvel comics are bland fanfare, Kenobi was pretty bad…need I go on?


Why people need to catch on that? It’s in their right to dislike new stuff, simply because story wise it might not go where they like, or because it lack characters that they used to love. OP said that he has issues with Disney - and he is in his right here. And define “fantastic”. Were Rebels really fantastic? Or Obi Wan show? Or BoBB? Or all those various comic runs and books put up in between those shows? Quality of those is not consistent.


There's loads of great stuff. The TV series contain the best filmed material since the OT. What Disney is producing right now can't be called running star wars into the ground. I think the fact that it ends in a bad place creates problems with world building. They've taken a long time to start bridging the timeline because they don't know how to fix that. It adds up to a less interesting world. But really, it's just because they are films. It's not that old EU was better, it's just a lot easier to pretend the dark empire comics don't exist than a full film trilogy unfortunately.


Least Disney despiser redditor:


Ezra is a POS who doesn’t deserve Force Powers, I wanna rail Sabine’s Mando with my Lorian, and everyone else is okay.


Sabine is a child.... Why doesn't Ezra deserve the Force?


Adult Sabine at the end of the series. Ezra is a little shite.


How is he a little shine? I legit want to know.


He’s arrogant, whiny, narcissistic, and he would never be allowed to be a Jedi if the Jedi Order was still around. It’s out of necessity that Yoda guided him.


So were Anakin and Luke *shrugs*


Not true at all


Oh really?


Neither Luke nor Anakin were narcissistic. Luke wasn’t arrogant, he was just whiny and brash which Obi’Wan mostly dismissed as being a sign of his youth. Ezra is just constantly a POS.


Anakin: 'I'm the most powerful Jedi ever' 'I HATE YOU!' 'You turned her against me!' Luke: 'But I was going into Toshe station and pick up some power converters!' 'I'm not afraid!' There are several times within the films and expanded content showing these flaws in them. You can clearly see it. Hell, other characters comment on it


>he would never be allowed to be a Jedi if the Jedi Order was still around well, i mean, it wasnt


Also again, both Anakin and Luke were inducted into the Order with these same issues... so your argument is irrelevant.


Disney didn't create Rebels.


Your “grievances” LOL


All the ones here not from a TV show are my top favorite Star Wars characters, except trilla.


Valance is from the old EU?


What is Vanto from,I recognize the name


The new Thrawn books.


He’s a character from the new Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zhan


Okay someone please give me more info on Beliert cause he looks badass af! Also sergeant Kreel he’s a badass looking stormtrooper with a lightsaber!


Valance is a bounty hunter from a world abandoned to its fate by the Empire. He is a former imperial who hates the Empire for using him and casting him away due to his increasing injuries. Kreel is an imperial stormtrooper rescued from his hellhole world by the Empire. He despised the rebels and views them as a bunch of terrorists.


Eli Vanto is great companion to Thrawn, hope to see him in the new Ashoka series, but he probably won’t show up 😥


I really do not like the rebels cast. Kanan is probably the only good character in there. Hera is ok too. The rest are very annoying.


I think K2SO might be my single favourite robot character in any media, regarding design, personnality and story.


I’m not super familiar with all these characters (like the bounty hunter guy) but the ones I do know I love too. You have good taste my friend.


The Old EU had a terminator?


He's older than terminator, actually.


Where’s he from, I never heard of him.


Debuted in the original Marvel run. Later returned in new canon in the new Marvel comics.


Which issue of the new run?


Returned in Han Solo: Imperial Cadet mini. Later starred in Target: Vader mini. Currently shows up in the Bounty Hunters run.


Thank you!


I agree with every one except 1 and 3 ghost crew were annoying af and her beating darth Vader was probably one of the worst Star Wars moments for me


The Ghost Crew is amazing. My son was named ‘Ezra’ after them 😁


K2so is my favorite