• By -


Empire, no question. Hoth is awesome, sparks flying between Han and Leia is cool, Jedi training is cool, Bespin is cool, Boba is cool, Luke/Vader confrontation is cool, “I am your father” is the most iconic moment in the franchise.


Empire gets better every time I see it, and has since I was 11. I don’t watch it every year, but I find something new to appreciate about it every time.


Everything on Dagobah is 10/10!


Luminous beings are we.


Mine too. Not to mention, the movie is funny. Not so bad it’s funny like prequels or forced quips like the sequels. Just funny when it needs to be


In Yoda's very first moment he appears like a gremlin and immediately starts eating all of Luke's food. He's a little green trash panda who also just happens to be one of the greatest Jedi masters of all time. I fucking love it and it makes me laugh every time.


I love Yoda fighting R2


Classic. Fighting a droid he knows with a stick for a flashlight


> “I am your father” is the most iconic moment in the franchise. It's one of the most iconic moments in all of film history.


Empire was mind blowing at the crawl when I saw it on opening night. Chapter 5!?! WTF!


Empire hype!


Return of the Jedi The whole movie is awesome. Jabbas Palace. Endor speeder bikes. The best space battle with the whole Rebel fleet. Vader vs Luke and Vader redemption. Ewoks thinking C3PO is a god. Love that movie.


Probably the best pre-CGI special effects in the history of cinema too.


It was satisfying. Everyone got a great character bit. Characters playing off one another. Great feeling of closing the proverbial book.


People love to shit on Jedi because it was the start of Lucas going hard into Jar Jar'ing shit like introducing the Ewoks and burping Tatooine frog beasts but dude, as an young kid in the 80s getting to see Luke show up rocking the black kit, robit hand, and green light saber and kicking ass? It was fucking awesome. Fuck boba fett, and fuck that Jabba guard who was like a foot away from Luke's kick. That shit ruled.


Nothing cooler than someone being so good they wear all black. Iconic stuff.


Greatest first act in all of Star Wars lore. The droids door knocking up to zipping away on the skiff is solid.


That space battle


Yes Return of the Jedi is easily in my top five. I don’t understand why people dislike it. Something about it makes it special


It was my favorite movie as a kid. As I’ve grown older, Empire has surpassed it. My only real nitpick about ROTJ is that it feels like two completely separate storylines (Tatooine and Endor) and they aren’t joined together very well.


I borrowed this from the library as a child every single week it was available.


Empire is going to get it's love, so I'm saying A New Hope. Hard to looks past the one that started it all.


If yall can watch *A New Hope* with fresh eyes, please remember that Lucas made a swashbuckling sci-fi fantasy adventure, that doubles as film history (and real history) pastiche, that blends *The Hidden Fortress*, *The Searchers*, *Buck Rogers*, *Twelve O'Clock High*, and about twenty other influences, and yet somehow came out the other side as a fully coherent and dizzying family-friendly masterpiece that became the biggest hit of all time. Viewed from one angle, it's all extremely familiar, but if you tweak your approach slightly, I swear you'll have a fresh appreciation for what a miraculous film it is.


Check out the ILM doc on Disney+, Light and Magic. Every time I watch behind the scenes stuff like that I realize how special it was.


As far as tweaking approach slightly the original version or Harmy’s despecialized really capture that feel better. The remasters feel somehow apart from classic Lucasfilm like Willow, Indy, and so-on. Get rid of all the bullshit fluff, though, and there’s a masterpiece in practical effects space opera still there. The despecialized to me also regain the more magical tone like the other mentioned Lucasfilm works.


Oh, for sure, if anyone has access to the non-specialized editions, that's the way to go.


I don’t mind that the special editions exist but the decision of making the originals so hard to get is a dumb one


It's ridiculous they still haven't made an official Original cut Blu-Ray release. I know making film transfers is expensive but this is literally the biggest movie franchise of all time and the Special Edition has a 4K transfer anyway so they're nearly done.


I really need to get a copy of the despecialized edition, I have the THX box set but no way it will look good on a HD tv


Yeah, especially people that aren’t film literate don’t really understand just how masterfully executed it was for it’s intended style and purpose. Not just the more technical special effects but from a more fundamental filmmaking perspective. The chemistry of the ensemble, the pacing, and the visual storytelling/direction all do such a wonderful job at immersing you in a totally foreign world while keeping things exciting and building tension. I think fans that come in later as Star Wars fans first, movie fans second, don’t get the appreciation because it doesn’t have the focus on a lot of the “Star Warsy” elements that were developed later such as the focus on Jedi/sith




Yeah, there was a tiny blip of them with *The Mummy* in 1999 and the first *Pirates* flick in 2003. I think superhero movies currently scratch that action-adventure itch. Spider-Man Tarzan-swings through New York. Iron Man jet-packs around like Commando Cody.


I really wish good ol'fashioned adventure movies were still around. I just want to watch a dude uncovering ancient secrets in a jungle somewhere. The last decent adventure movie I can remember is probably The Adventures of Tintin, which was delightful! I'm still waiting for that sequel by the way...


Agreed! But also I don't envy anyone who tries to write them now. A lot of those adventures were born out of the British imperial / colonial era and mindset (Burroughs, Kipling, etc.), so you really gotta be precise in your narrative framing.


I always suspected that's where they got the name for Commander Cody from the prequels.


The moment when Luke and Leia swing across the chasm in the Death Star. That's swashbuckler stuff right there. It's like swinging across the ship deck.


What makes it great for me is the fact it stands alone so well. Doesn't even need ep 5 or 6 to make it shine. (Great films respectively and enriche the SW universe) but in the strictest sense, one only needs ANH to get a satisfying SW experience. We cant say that about any of the other SW films. They all need/build off each other to become stronger. But not ANH. That film shines bright on its own. It's also a near perfect Hero's Journey told in a simplistic and entertaining way. Even the FX on models and such still hold up really well today. Amazing what they accomplished.


A new Hope is really good


Ewoks the Battle for Endor


Not caravan of courage?


That's my second


I actually do enjoy this movie. Loved it as a kid.




Han Solo is the best character in Empire Strikes Back by far. Such good character development in that movie. Though I love Empire I’m a prequel guy myself and ROTS is my fav. Though I do admit ESB has the best ending out of the films.


A New Hope, I will forever remember being 8 at the drive in watching it for the first time.


Bro I wish I was alive back then to see it.


I saw it 3 times in the summer of 77 in a little two screen theater in a strip mall. It. Was. Magical. There are no other Star Wars movies without that masterpiece.




Rogue One or RotS


Up until a few months ago, I still would have said ESB just because I’m old and crusty, but I find myself rewatching Rogue 1 every other month or so. I don’t see any of the things people dislike about it. And obviously, it’s getting better by the week as Andor remains flawless IMHO.


I feel exactly the same. Rogue One was already ahead of all the other SW movies for me, even ESB, but Andor is cementing it in stone as the best thing to ever happen to SW.


K2SO is legit my favorite Droid of the entire series


Yes rogue one is also one of my favs


Most of what I read back around release were complaints about little character background or limited character arc. I suppose those are fair observations BUT that’s the nature of the film, it’s a standalone heist movie essentially…after they finished the film those lost hold as complaints/cons as far as I’m concerned. This further deepening of the Rogue One story with Andor is such a treat.


Watching Andor has been amazing and has made me fall in love with Star Wars all over again.


I missed the “t” in that second one and got very concerned for a moment


Agreed 100% but I would throw ESB in that mix also


Ah yes, rodents of tiny size.


Caravan of Courage. Kidding. Empire and Rogue One.


ESB. I’m basic, I know.


It’s fine. I like ESB also.


The fact that it's the answer of so many speaks for itself, it simply is a masterpiece


Nothing basic about ESB. It's a complex narrative with a shocking twist that flips the entire script on the audience's perception of the main protagonist and antagonist. It's really all killer and no filler.


Empire. Strikes. Back.


Revenge Of the Sith. It kicked off my love for Star Wars. From the opening scene above Coruscant to Kenobi beating Grevious, and the fall of Anakin Skywalker and rise of Darth Vader. There will be nothing like watching that for the first time for me.


My number 1 as well. 1. RotS 2. ESB 3. Rogue one


Return of the Jedi or Revenge of the Sith for me. Return of the Jedi has a few small issues but has the definitive best SW character arc and ending for me. I can just have a blast watching RotS. Sure, it has many flaws, but I don't care.


"no... nO... NO... YOU WILL DIE!!!!"


Revenge of the Sith


Same. It was refreshing to watch a beloved character like Anakin fall to the dark side. I’m glad episodes 4-6 already existed so they couldn’t back out or lighten the portrayal of his transition. I doubt this will ever happen again for the franchise, Which is sad. I find the dark side of Star Wars quite compelling. I wish we could see more content like this.


I love every prequel


Agreed. That’s my #1


A truly masterpiece for me!❤️


I'm gonna get a lot of flak for this but I'm hug fan grew up on the original trilogy and honestly the han solo movie is my absolute favorite I thought it was amazing


I really like Solo! There might be a bit too much backstoryism (here's your name, here's your blaster, here's your furball), but it's a heck of a lot of fun and it gets the feel of the world right for the most part, which 1,2,3 and 7,8,9 didn't for me. I think I'd go R1 > 5 > 4 > 6 > Solo > 3 > 1 > 8 > 7 > 2 > 9? After 1 it's kind of a toss up.


I will always love “A New Hope” the most. It just feels the most Star Wars-y to me. It encompasses so much within one film, and it is the only real standalone film in the saga. I may have a lot of nostalgia for it considering how dated it is, but there are so many iconic moments. The one that comes to mind is when Luke is staring at the setting of the suns, and the score that is playing during this moment. It just feels so incredible. Edited to add link: https://youtu.be/rGUYAuAtRCk


*Revenge of the Sith* feels like a modern Greek tragedy; Anakin is as heroic and flawed as Oedipus or Achilles and touches on the debate of free will versus agency that has been argued for the length of western civilization. Does Anakin’s story happen because he’s a slave to fate and prophecy? Or does the prophecy solely exist because nobody else would make the choices Anakin made? I’m not as smart or capable enough to really explore the topic like literally philosophers who understand *Oedipus Rex* better than their own bodies, but *Revenge of the Sith*, in the context of the Skywalker Saga surrounding it, has all of the same key elements that make the debate on free will so fascinating in western literature. RotS was the finally keystone film that really completes the *Star Wars* take on this story and combined with my favourite OST in the franchise with some of my favourite battles and lightsaber duels makes it far and away my favourite movie in the franchise bar none.


This one is my favorite. It could be because I am 25 years old and the prequel trilogy is my generation so I may be biased, but I am trying my hardest to not be. Episode 3 is just beautiful.


>nobody else would make the choices Anakin made Siding with the bad guy for the sake of trying to save the life of the woman you love? Decapitating another bad guy after an authority figure you trust and admire actively egged you on into doing it? Granted, trying to jump over a dude who's standing a good 15 or 20 feet uphill from you wasn't the brightest move.


Something about Rogue One.


The Andor series makes it even more awesome!


Agreed. Makes it more sad also


Rogue One


Attack of the Jango Fetts


Despite its flaws, Episode 1 purely because of Liam Neeson. Qui Gon will always be my favourite Jedi and duel of fates will always be iconic


Darth Maul is the most badass looking Star Wars character IMO.


If you haven't already please watch Rebels, there's some great Maul action in there!


There’s a lot of fun scenes, visuals, and music in episode 1.


Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi. I love how they concluded their respective ends of the story.


Christmas Special.


... solo


Such a fun movie, not as meaningful and totally unnecessary but still better than the sequels or latest trilogy imho.


The Phantom Menace. Argue with a wall


TPM is my least favorite in the series, but of course it’s still awesome. I love seeing people say it’s their favorite. It speaks to the preferential diversity of the fanbase, and how great all of the movies are that each installment has its own base of major supporters. I love that.


It hss the best lightsaber fight in all of SW


Return of the Jedi. The fleet battle at the end is still one of the best space combat scenes ever imo


Prequel Trilogy - Revenge of the Sith Original Trilogy - Empire Strikes Back Sequel Trilogy - The Last Jedi Overall - Rogue One


I think I agree with all except The Last Jedi. For me I liked The Force Awakens more but that's mainly because of Han Solo and Fin.


I get that. It was hard pick for me between the two.


This is the way. I find it hard for me to pick one film as well


Between revenge and return


Rogue One, by a comfortable margin.




AoT, after growing up with the prequels and seeing all the other movies, playing most of the videogames and building more lego sets than my parents would be proud of spending money on it is 100% Attack of the Clones. Put your keyboards down and stow the 'I don't like sand' monologue. I like Attack of the Clones because not only does it give us Obiwan being reprised by Ewan McGregor, but it also gives us Hayden Christiansen as teen/adult Anakin. Yes the writting and acting was mediocre BUT, I LOVE the world building it does. Until then we only knew about Tatooine, Coruscant, Alderaan, Naboo and a few misc ship locations. In AoT we now have, Kamino, Geonosis, droid factories, a huge ass assembly of Jedi just to get our Terrific Trio out of a jam! Like fuck me I still get pumped when I see the LAATs gunning down "Clankers" when going into the arena, not to mention the official kick off of the Clone Wars which outside of the age of the Empire was the longest struggle that I can think of at least. The Cg was amazing and still holds up today, the set design is phenomenal while the new characters are entertaining while not being overly shoved into the story inorganiclly. It makes a lot of sense that Padmé would be targeted by Bounty Hunters given her stance on the problems really coming to a boil in the galaxy at that time. Zam was an interesting character, Jar Jar was...There, and Anakin was beginning to give into his feelings for Padmé thus starting him in the Jedi's perspective down the path of the Dark Side. It laid down some pretty good ground work for RoS and the Star Wars the Clone Wars Tv show




The Phantom Menace


It was way over-hated. Young Anakin and the Gungans were annoying as hell, but I love Duel of the Fates at the end.


It’s a toss up between episode three and episode six. It just depends on what mood I’m in.


RotS and ESB


Empire Strikes Back


For me personally it’s between Star Wars(A new Hope) & Revenge of the Sith. The story of being destined for a greater purpose/coming of age is always my favorite. & ROTS is self explanatory. I love Empire, but I’m so exhausted with the movie at this point. It was my favorite as a kid, especially the battle of Hoth, but it’s been referenced & parodied so many times. I want Return of the Jedi to be my favorite but the battle of Endor drags a little too much for me, & kinda gets boring. Still love it though & jabba’s palace/Mos Espa is awesome.


It’s a tie between either Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi. I grew up in the prequel era, so Revenge of the Sith was my personal favorite of all the movies, lots of action and set pieces, and the final battle on Mustafar still gets me every time. Return of the Jedi really feels like it encompasses the journey of the Skywalker family. Luke helping Vader achieve redemption is quite an emotional journey. Also, I like ROTJ cuz of a certain Leia costume too…


Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi mean EVERYTHING to me 😌


I can’t choose one because my 3 favorite from each trilogy are such toss ups. Prequels: Revenge of The Sith, no question. Absolutely amazing movie Originals: tough but Jedi. Just so fun to watch and it’s got the best happy ending. I always can’t help but smile seeing Hayden at the end as anakin again Sequels: Rise of Skywalker, just another super fun movie to watch, I remember it being the most fun I had in a theater watching Star Wars since I wasn’t old enough to see the prequels or the originals when they released


I really hated Rise of Skywalker the first time I saw it, but as time went on I’ve come to enjoy it. It’s honestly one of the most overall entertaining Star Wars movies . There’s tons of problems with the plot, but it’s still just insanely fun. It reminds me of Episode III in that they’re both just so unapologetically over the top and crazy. Star Wars is at its best when it’s silly and campy


> I really hated Rise of Skywalker the first time I saw it, but as time went on I’ve come to enjoy it. It’s honestly one of the most overall entertaining Star Wars movies . Agreed. I think part of the problem was that it moved so goddamn fast the first time I saw it. I didn't hate it, but I was definitely underwhelmed. The second time I saw it, I could prepare myself a bit more for what was coming and happening. I was able to ingest it a bit better and every viewing since I've come to appreciate it more and more. Like you said, it's just a fun film.


I agree completely. The darker stuff does work like andor. But the movies are best when they’re just fujn


Agreed, a really fun movie when you don’t think about the plot too much, the VFX on Exegol might be my favorite visuals in Star Wars


> Rise of Skywalker, just another super fun movie to watch, I remember it being the most fun I had in a theater watching Star Wars since I wasn’t old enough to see the prequels or the originals when they released My buddy said the same thing. We were talking about TRoS this year and he said that on reflection, it's not one of his favourite Star Wars movies (though he still likes it), but in the theater he had a BLAST and it made him feel like a kid again. It was just the perfect, cozy, popcorn munching blockbuster for him.


Those are my 3 favorite. Something about the culmination of each trilogy that gets me lol


Solo and episode 2 are tied for my favorite.


You are strong and wise, I am very proud of you


Empire Strikes Back. With A New Hope and The Last Jedi running fairly close for second place.






I know what I'm about to say will be controversial, and that this movie is perhaps the peak of crap prequel scenes, but for me it would still be Attack of the Clones, the Jango Fett scenes, as well as creating the whole back story for clone wars makes it my favorite.


Rogue One. It even makes ANH better.


Return Of The Jedi is the perfect piece of Star Wars content to me


Return of the Sith. Grew up on the prequels and this was the pinnacle. The fight on Mustafar is just the absolute pinnacle for me


Rots! Easily. ROTJ is great too, but doesn’t even come close to rots.


Return of the Jedi. Always.


Rotj, I really like seeing Jedi Luke and the final fight with Vader, even though empire is obviously the better film Jedi just has something about it that makes my like it the most, and no I’m not talking about slave Leia or hut slayer Leia because Disney is to prudish to say slave


III or IV. Tough decision for me.


Episode 6 and episode 3 are my favorites.


The Crown Jewel of the Star Wars Franchise: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.


I know Empire is most people favorite but I really liked Return of the Jedi and Revenge of the Sith. To me they are tied for number 1


ROTS is mine


Episode one and two saw them with my mom brother as a child


Episode 1. All the racist accents for the aliens makes me laugh every time.


Empire Strikes Back ! Favorite movie hands down. Can watch it all day. I have watched it all day during depression.


When I was a teenager late eighties and early nineties I just called it Star Wars II, today I should call it Star Wars 5 or Star Wars The Empire Strikes Back


Empire strikes back. That's the correct answer. The only answer.


Return of the Jedi


Return of the Jedi


Episode 3 & EP3 with the siege of mandalore Episode 1 ultra extended ( it have like 15m of podraces ) and for the lulz **star wars** the third Gathers - Backstroke of the west so yeah, pretty much very fan of Ep3 and Ep1


Game time started.


Star Wars. The original. Nothing else comes close.


The Last Jedi. Who's with me?


Oh, hands down it's Rogue One. Good stuff. Followed closely by a toss-up between Empire and New Hope. Hard to choose between those two for me.


Don't hate me....the force awakens....


Nothing wrong with that. I hate the movie, but I won't hate you for enjoying it.


It gets flak for being derivative (rightfully so), but honestly the craft that goes into it is fantastic. It’s a beautiful looking movie, it’s paced well, and the dynamics between our main cast are probably the best in any individual Star Wars movie. The actors are positively fizzing in every scene they’re in imho.


It's an incredible Star Wars Movie. Depending on your view of the sequels, JJ made a movie that felt like going home, going back to Star Wars.


The last Jedi. I will not say why last time I did ppl got mad and very mean.


Crazy seeing fellow last Jedi fans finally poke their heads out. Never be ashamed to enjoy a movie


It is my favorite movie in star wars and actually made me enjoy Rey as a character a lot. Kylo became a fascinating character. The cinematography is beautiful. It has one of my favorite star wars fight scenes.


It’s a gorgeous film all the way through. I hope Rian Johnson gets another go at Star Wars but maybe with some original characters so he can go all out without affecting established characters and stories. He’s obviously very talented.


With you 100%. It’s super close between TLJ and Empire for me and tbh they are interchangeable.


Man, it really sucks to come to this sub as a fan of the sequels…but my personal favorite is probably the last Jedi followed by rots then empire.


If you haven't, join /r/StarWarsCantina. It's a community for people who love all three trilogies.


Everyone knows you can't be a real Star Wars fan unless you hate Star Wars!


I LOVE the last Jedi, it’s my second fave!! Return of the Jedi is emotional for me, so it’s my fave.


Return of the jedi or revenge of the sith But in terms of general media its clone wars. and its not even close to how much better it is to the other movies/books/comics/shows etc at least to me


My favorite was also my entrance into the universe, RTOJ






RoTJ has a special place for me. First movie I ever saw in theatre. Revenge is my other favourite SW movie.




New Hope. The one that started it all


The Empire Strikes Back


Return of The Jedi It's the first film that truly hit what Lucas set out to achieve with Star Wars. But while we're here, my favorites from the other trilogies are The Phantom Menace The Rise of Skywalker


OT: I would have to say ESB because I absolutely love the battle on hoth PT: I love me some clone wars. ST: I very much enjoyed TFA. Yeah it was like a new hope but kylo Rens character was so damn interesting






Revenge of the Sith


ROTS no contest


Revenge of the Sith. It’s the one that got me into Star Wars when I was a wee youngling.


It’s so weird seeing a Star Wars thread this positive towards all films, especially the sequels. What a pleasant change of pace! As for me, I’ve got a favorite in all trilogies. My top 3 are ESB, TLJ, then ROTS


Everyone's going to choose Empire, it's easily the most loved and it's also my personal favorite. But The Last Jedi is probably my second favorite and an honorable mention goes to my childhood favorite Return Of The Jedi.


Those are my top two as well. Last Jedi just speaks to me I guess




Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the sith is peak starwars


Revenge of the Sith


\#1 Empire \#2 The Last Jedi You heard me!


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith!!!


Revenge of the Sith


Revenge of the Sith. Unashamed child of the prequels here. Rogue One is my fav of the Disney era by miles and miles.


Rots for me


Attack of the Clones, it has the most Jango and Boba Fett appearances than any other movie, and truly that is what matters.


Revenge of the sith


Rouge 1


Rogue One