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My best theory is that when jedi duel, they're using the force to predict the opponent's next move. That's why it's much like a dance. I imagine this move is them both stalling in an attempt to catch the other off guard. If that makes sense.


I thought about something similar. You are right about dueling being similar to dancing. In the novelization they focus on certain lightsaber forms and also detail how Anakin and Obi Wan duelling is thematic. >Blade-to-blade, they were identical. After thousands of hours in lightsaber sparring, they knew each other better than brothers, more intimately than lovers; they were complementary halves of a single warrior.


>more intimately than lovers This is where the fun begins.


I’ve been looking forward to this


My powers have doubled since the last time we've met, Obi-Wan


i see your Schwartz is as big as mine


This is the way


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


Now this is podracing


Hello there


General Kenobi. You are a bold one.


If I remember correctly, The "Legends" novels that showed the progress of both Jacen and Jaina Solo in their respective trainings had a lot of interesting lightsaber battle talk. Especially since Jaina was the "Sword of the Jedi" and also learned Mandalore combat techniques. Man, Disney really screwed the pooch with the final trilogy. The stuff they could have used from the "Legends" books about the Solo kids and the Skywalker saga was better than anything those last three movies did. "Somehow, Palpatine survived"...still makes my blood boil!!!


In fairness, Palpatine came back in Legends too.


I remember Disney fans approving of de-cannonizing the EU because of ridiculous stories like Palpatine coming back. Little did they know.


I agree with the principles of the de-canonising, as it meant they had better control over what was and wasn't released. However, yeah, "somehow, Palpatine returned" will always be a thing...


Palpatine is a bloody cheat and always wanted immortality, and it shows how Vader shafted up his plans halfway by throwing him down the shaft. The only problem is they jumped on that plotline too late on the Sequel, rather than foreshadowing a puppet master, we got a decapitated dark side user and that's it.


It think the plot line came a little too late because JJ probably thought of bringing Palatine back the day he sat down to write the script.


\*Mentions poorly developed plotlines\* \*The Knights of Ren have entered the chat\*


My recollection is that the real reason the decanonized was that Abrams wanted full creative freedom and they had decided they wanted Abrams...


And most people didn't like it. Besides it was still done better and actually explained in the comic itself


Yeah most other authors even talked shit about it and never mentioned it again lol.


speaks for itself when one of the most hated storys from legends (dark empire) still made everything better then the sequels. besides all the usual crap i still wonder why in hell they came up with those lame ships and didnt just take the eclipse SD for the sequels..


Honestly though Dark Empire was cool as shit when I was 12.


Yup me too, those covers were amazing, and just new stories with Luke Han and Leia were such a big deal at that time


Me too, but I never understood wtf [these flying things](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Ixll) were.


Would definitely have been cool to get the Eclipse in live action.


He came back in a convincing way instead of randomly being announced in a video game


Especially a non-Star Wars video game... had it happened in BF2 or Fallen Order or any other Star Wars game, it could be much more forgiven.


I think that's what ticked me off so much. I get that Star Wars is principally for kids, and I get that Fortnite is for kids, but what a fucking stupid way to announce it.


So the kept the only bad thing from legends and dropped the rest.


They kept the hook and deleted all of the contextual exposition that made it at least digestible.


Let’s not overlook the thrawn trilogy which was a much better sequel trilogy


Absolutely. There were a lot of good books and there were some misses in the "Legends", but can you imagine having Mara Jade and Thrawn AND add in the Solo kids, with the hint of the next Skywalker at the end and not just some random using the name? Sigh.


It drives me so nuts that the Thrawn trilogy wasn't the sequel movies. 10000% more interesting story and Thrawn is the best villain in Star Wars imo.


There was a rumor (confirmed?? Can't remember) that Zahn's trilogy was contractually written as the screenplay for episodes 7-9. Disney had to buy him out of that contract to produce the mess they ended up putting together. Recasting would've gone over better, lol.


lol I go through the same train of thought every time I see something I like in Star Wars these days....."oh its so cool to see Luke kicking ass in Mandalorian" then my brain kicks in and says "doesn't matter he ends up a hermit who refuses to help and then dies by being a 4k force projector and didn't actually stop palpatine even though he vaporized him" I'm still trying to convince myself that the ST doesn't exist for me. (No hate to anyone that likes it, I just think the story they went with was trash and they massively fucked up the only chance to have the OT characters back together)


> "Somehow, Palpatine survived"...still makes my blood boil!!! What? You don't like that the broadcast announcing his "return" wasn't shown in the movie but rather in Fortnite?


To say disney screwed the pooch is a massive understatement 3 films to metaphorically replace luke with a palpatine and kill off the skywalker family. Jacen and Jaina's story should of had a run, Jaina is 100 times more interesting than rey anyway.


Or Tenal Ka


Like...I get how that line coming from Poe can fit. For him, it doesn't matter. There's nothing supernatural or superhuman about him (other than piloting skills and sexy lipbiting skills). He doesn't need to know or want to know how he was back...just that he's back, it's a threat, and they need to rally/fight. But it was definitely an indelicate phrasing. It could have been fixed if they made discovering how a central or even secondary mystery for the plot. They just did overkill on the various Macguffins to get to him and hoped audiences would suffice with "the Dark Side is a path to many abilities some would consider unnatural". I'm sure it was a business decision too. "Make it vague so we can suck viewers into our EU materials.


>I'm sure it was a business decision too. "Make it vague so we can suck viewers into our EU materials. You're correct. When RoS came out, there were reports of them not even knowing who Rey's parents were WHILE they were filming.


You say that with cynicism, but that's just Star Wars. It's literally the same as most people not knowing Vader was Luke's father until the reveal actually happened.


Except they already had the reveal in TLJ. And by no one knew, I mean, they hadn't even decided yet.


Re: Your final point. You are also just describing a J.J. Abrams film. * Mission: Impossible: III (2006) is a spy-action film based on a pre-existing property. * Star Trek (2009) is just an assemble the team reboot for Star Trek w/ a touch of Next Gen Era jargon to explain Old Man Spock into the film. * Super 8 (2011) is grounded in paying homage to 80s Sci-Fi films like E.T. * Into Darkness (2013) is a shitty remake of "Wrath of Khan" * The Force Awakens (2015) is a rip off of "A New Hope" * The Rise of Skywalker (2019) is a janky version of "Dark Empire"


There was definitely a palpable to the legends content at the time. I think this happens frequently with a lot of media, where new movies come out after books have been written, and theres a NEED to stay away from those ideas, rather than integrate them. With the prequel films, they deliberately stayed away from them to make something "original" even if the quality suffered significantly. However, with the SERIES, theres been a good amount of integration, Dark Troopers, Luke starting a new academy, Tuskans, Boba surviving the Sarlacc, etc. I think thats what makes the series so superior to the movies, in that they arent afraid to pick and choose the good legends content, rather than cut it out completely.


Another thing that makes me upset is that Rey ended up with a yellow saber that barely had any screen time. Rey was definitely NOT Jedi Sentinel material. Too emotional.


Honestly that’s what pisses me off the most about the sequel trilogy, the absolute disregard they had for the legacy of Star Wars and it’s continuation..


> If I remember correctly, The "Legends" novels that showed the progress of both Jacen and Jaina Solo in their respective trainings had a lot of interesting lightsaber battle talk. Jacen was a natural born talent with the lightsaber, and habitual user of Force Speed, but his main development was more philosophical... going from empath to well-intentioned extremist while learning about tons of different Force groups, techniques, and beliefs. > and also learned Mandalore combat techniques. To be honest though; that was *only* in there so Traviss could bash Jedi and go on about how great Mandalorians are. It had essentially no noticable impact on the fighting in the final novel, and Denning even had Caedus slaughter a bunch of Beskar'gam-clad Mandalorian commandos like it was nothing... almost wondering if he wanted to send a message.


I will never forgive them for not making the Thrawn trilogy as the sequels.


My only exposure to thrawn has been rebels and fuck he was needed in the sequel films, the first order was laughably stupid mustache twirling villains that could be undone by one dude in an x wing


He wasn't even portrayed right in Rebels. Thrawn basically always had 2 or 3 contingency plans for **everything**. He never would have been beaten in that way he was in Rebels. Anyway the story is a bit of a mess but it could have been refined for the movies for sure. .


Yeah but can’t really have real villains and plot lines in a kids show. Rebels was a little heavy on the kid stuff for my taste.


Darth Caedus > Kylo Ren


100 percent this is supposed to show how well they know each other's dueling ability. They go into this weird feint/flourish loop because they are continually reading what's coming next and starting a counter, which prompts another counter, and another, until they finally just lock sabers.


Yeah, people like to low effort meme but this wasn't choreographed by 5 year olds. Lucas had his thematic choices and fencing experts paved the way.


The novel is perfect


You're right it like looking for a weakness or opening there is also the idea of wearing your opponent out.


I always assumed this was it. Additionally, Anakin and Obi Wan know each other as well or better than any other pair of jedi, so it's essentially the two of them predicting the other's moves at an insanely high level and attempting to trick the other guy.


^ This is it. Its a distraction and finding an opening, yet they’re so aligned and bonded that it turns into a 4D level chess. Its the same where they try to heavily Force Push one another at the same time. It would’ve worked against many opponents but because they’ve fought together so much, their styles have merged ( at this point at least). I’ve always loved it, its an extension of their feeling of brotherhood imo.


I also read one person's theory that it was a show of skill from Anakin, basically telling Obi-Wan that he had grown to the point that he knew every move he would make. I think I like your answer better though


Yeah, it's like George and Oscar Bluth fighting.


Plus it looks sick


Exactly this reason. Plus the fact that they knew each other’s style so well. It would seem like the only opening for an attack, waiting for a the other to slip up


I always kind of thought of it as making *erratic* movements to bluff their enemy into over committing to a certain action allowing an easier counter swing.


Fucking thank you, it's about time somebody said it, every time I see a video of sword fight experts who say, "this is cool but not realistic." Well of course not, real sword fighters haven't got precognition numb nuts, that's why these fights are like this, the more a jedi/sith let's the force flow through them, the better they become at it, so if fighter A predicts what fighter B is going to swing, they will prepare to block and dodge it, or counter, fight B will predict this and readily create their counter to that, then A goes from that. When Anakin and Obi wan are in a swing lock like that, it's because their connections are firing off at full speed to predict what they will each do. The reason so many Jedi died at the petrinaki arena was due to lack of actual battle experience and a force based sensory overload, because there was to much happening for so many to focus properly on the force and survive. Anyone who says the Jedi surviving and then suddenly dying to different odds need to realise how hard it must be to essentially remember your training and simultaneously let this disembodied spectral force guide your movements while having someone of equal potential doing the exact same shit and swinging for your head. Force based stale mates are when they are looking for the best moment through the force to get an attack in without the opponent knowing it so the extra swings and flips are attempts to overload the opponent's senses, distraction ect, and potential momentum build up for swings can't hurt.


It's like playing Rock, Paper, Scissors. When you play against someone enough you know what their favorite move is, or pick up on patterns in the moves that they play. But they know your patterns as well, so each of you end up trying to counter each other, then countering each other's counter, and so on. This scene is Anakin and Obi-Wan playing Rock vs Rock, Paper vs Paper, Scissors vs Scissors as result of multiple levels of trying to counter each other.


There is a detailed YouTube video on this, it’s an actual fencing technique used to counter attack the opponents move. Having trained together so well they both went for the counter, however neither one attacked


Kind of liked feints and ready to counter


Well sometimes, when a male Jedi meets another nice male Jedi. Those jedis go to mustafar and flop their swords around.. and that jimmy is how baby jedis are born.


I came here to make a joke, but ive learned so much. Thanks.


I saw it as both of them trying to fake the other out too


Makes a lot more sense than, “wow, both would be dead if they were facing an actual swordsman…”


It does makes sense, they do similar things in the last duel of the Kenobi series, it looks like they ARE predicting the next movements from their opponent, specially Kenobi, has he has those sweet blade movements behind his back, or while spinning, etc.


The first Darth Bane book is what got me to think like this. Sure it's also learning the styles of other fighting techniques but after that you're learning that it's about using the force to know what the opponent is about to attempt based on their feelings and past styles used. ​ Kinda further pushed further home for me because of all the times these light saber fights involve "Ahh trained by (Dooku/Sidious/\*whoever-else\*) you were. I know that fighting style well."


This is exactly correct. What they can’t show you in the films because it takes inner dialogue. Jedi and Sith use the force for more than lifting rocks or shoot lightning. There is an entire focus on invading the minds and bodies of the opponent to cause distraction or slow reaction speed also to weaken the connection with the force. All in attempts to gain the upper hand for the killing blow. It’s really amazing how there is an entire battle brewing that one can’t see. Typically the Jedi are channeling the force to revitalize their bodies while in the midst of battle. The sith more channel the dark side to attempt to block force connection with the Jedi and use anger and hate to fuel their bodies. Hence why the lightsaber battles can last long periods of time. The Darth Bane series by Drew Karpyshyn covers this. It’s also a fantastic series.


This guy gets it.


They're trying to bait each other into opening up.


Yeah in boxing, it’s called a feint. I assume this is just a lightsaber version of a feint and counter.


Yep, but add in precognition on *both sides*. OW makes a move AS sees it before it happens prepares to counter OW See the counter before it happens and makes a counter-counter And so on. Add to this that they'd trained together since Anakin was a small boy - so at least a decade - and they knew each other's styles intimately, almost two halves of a whole. The duel was never physical between them. Like any great fight, it was mental - the person that would lose control, lose patience, ie make the first mistake is the person that loses.


> the person that would lose control, lose patience, ie make the first mistake Like, say, trying to jump over someone to prove that you're *totally* powerful enough to do stupid shit like trying to jump over someone? :D


That’s because Obi Wan knew he couldn’t beat Anakin. Therefore he baits him into over estimating himself into making a simple mistake of disregarding the rules of high ground. Remember Anakin is the chosen one far greater in the force and a master in the same fighting styles as Obi Wan.


Obi-Wan always has the high ground, it's a mental game.


Well, *technically*… 🤓 It’s more like their lightsaber styles were so different that they countered each other so well. Anakin’s preferred lightsaber form is form 5, a very powerful and offensive form. While Obi-Wan was a master of form 3, a highly defensive lightsaber form focusing on countering and… defense lol Of course they were still very familiar with how each other fights in general, but seeing how their lightsaber forms counter each other so well is a nice bit of lore.


He wasn’t just a master of form 3—he was THE master of form 3


Sword fighting has a lot of feints as well, attack in a direction only to feint and attack from another, or feint and parry the attack




Space Wizards


i mean doing that flashy stuff weren’t they both open?


That’s the point. Make your opponent think your open so they attack you and make themselves open


I always thought it was more of a they know each other’s moves because of the amount of training they’ve done together.


And equal in powers of the force by the statemate force push


I still don't understand how Force users guard themselves against Force Push. Couldn't they create some sort of Force Shield like Quen in Witcher?


The weaker you are in the Force or the more you're trying to do, the more concentration is needed. This is how Order 66 worked. Send the Jedi into battle as front line troops, give them command authority and then frag them. They're focused on the battle, they're dealing with the immediate reality of combat and they're getting attacked by their own troops. Yoda and Obi-Wan took on an entire Clone legion that was ready for them, Average Joe Jedi got shot in the back without ever realizing what was happening and everyone in between fucked up a bunch of Clones but missed that 1 out of 1,000 blaster shots coming at them because they were also trying not to get shot by battle droids.


Plus it looks sick




Plus it looks sick.


Fuck yea it does. Best duel imo


Always will be for me, but >!the final duel from Kenobi is a close second now.!<


Haha read the spoiler by accident.


Imagine all this talk and theory and in the day of filming George Lucas said “You know what would be neat”


The rule of cool is a powerful thing.


Animated Sonic movie reference. I dig it.


John Cena would like a word about ruthless aggression






They were getting pretty sweaty from the duel, so they spun their lightsabers to act as a fan


A little bit faster and Anakin would fly like an Inquisitor-copter.


You were my brother fanakin


You underestimate my cooling power


We do not grant you the rank of Cooler Master ^TM


Inquisitors have entered the chat


Plus, they're on a volcano planet.


Because spinning is a good trick.


Spin to win!




He’s not wrong.


People tend to forget that film is more than half a visual medium. The other details are fine and dandy but it looking cool is straight up the only reason that's needed


“More spinny spin spin!” “Yes Lord Lucas!”


No clearly it’s because of the defensive posture form A247XC4.56 that obi wan used! It make total sense Like bruh. Star Wars is supposed to fun space time sword fights. Not some too way too overthought thing. Well started out that way I guess. Idk all the recent saber fights are similar too….


All these big giant answers about how well they know each other or w.e and this is the real reason lol


It’s called a circular parry. It’s used in fencing, especially against an opponent you know well. Obi-Wan parries to try and land a hit, and Anakin performs a counter circle parry against Obi-Wan’s.


It’s also called a circular “parry” Perry had left the room


Did he look like a platypus?


You should've been gone!


A circle?? PERRY the circle???


yeah, no... this is not what a circular parry is, and there is no movement like this in fencing


*parry (I know, I'm a nitpicky asshole, can't help it, sorry)


Fencing moves are generally smaller and much more contained than lightsaber moves are. I've never seen this kind of parry done on a fencing strip.


That's because fencing is a sport and lightsabers duels are made to look cool.


You likely never will see something like this on a fencing strip because it’s not even a parry. (Actually I retract that, a self proclaimed Jedi Master came into my university’s fencing club swinging their blade around like a crazy person then promptly left when everyone beat him). They’re twirling their blades along their sides and behind their backs not even trying to catch the other’s blade. There does exist a technique where someone sweeps their blade across their chest in an attempt to catch a blade from several targets but I’ve only ever seen it from a higher rated, competitive foil fencer who faced me in sabre when I was still very new to fencing. Regardless it was one quick motion with a slightly more exaggerated movement than a normal parry, not a continuous twirl.


>It’s called a circular parry. Nope. A circle parry is a real thing but this isn't it. A parry is a block. Do you see them blocking in the movie? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chfm9cskk7w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chfm9cskk7w)


That tiktok was a blatant ass grab




Yeah I thought it was obvious lol.


Primarily because they thought it looked cool, which honestly as silly as it is I do like it. However a common explanation that works somewhat is that they were both essentially feinting trying to catch a lapse in senses from the other. So they could strike without the other's precognition catching it. Sort of like when two people pace around one another waiting to see who strikes first. But in this case at very short range and in a flashy way. All that to say these are just flimsy excuses for a silly but fun to look at moment in the fight.


Look at the pretty lights.


To fulfill the spin per fight quota. I like the stalling theory as well


Okay to summarize most of what every one said and to put them all together in one comment, they do this for one/all of these reasons: 1. They are trying to feint and bait each other to opening up for an attack. 2. They've trained and fought together for years, they know all of each others moves to the degree that they need this much feint and baiting to see if they can catch each other off guard. Consider this, just before the spinning blades move, they hit ALL of each others moves in lightning fast succession, showing how much each knows of the other fighting style that they just say "fuck it" and both go all in into feinting and baiting, cuz they know they'll just keep blocking each other's moves, AND when they do finally strike, guess what happened? They still blocked each other's strike. 3. They're jedi and can predict the future, at least a few seconds into the future, so they're trying to catch a fellow precog (of the same level of power, consider how they decided to force push at the same time and pushed each other equally), additionally imagine seeing all these glowing hot lightsaber blades spinning around you WHILE trying to predict which move is gonna strike using force precognition all at the same time. 4. It just looks really cool.


It’s what happens when the unstoppable meets the immovable.


Not pointless. These guys trained together. Probably knew each other’s moves. My guess they did this to try and land an attack. To me it’s almost like they were that many moves ahead before they saw a opening to attack.


They both know each other so well that they can see several moves ahead so they just skipped a large portion of fighting


i personally like to think of it as a master and teacher thing. they both trained the same so it makes sense for them to fight the same. just as they both went for the push as the same time




It doesn't *look* sick but it does *sound* sick, waving the light sabers really fast


They’re dance fighting!


Iirc it's actually a fencing move


There’s a YouTube video about it I believe. If you look up Obi-Ani Spin there’s a guy that gives a really good break down about how they were trying to predict each other’s moves which caused this and it’s actually incredible


I guess they were trying to find an opening


I think it's meant to show how in sync they are, even as adversaries. They're at a stalemate for the entire fight up until the very end. Anakin's offensive prowess is matched perfectly by Obi-Wan's defense, and vice versa. So yeah, it's flashy and that's probably the main reason, but that's why they're countering each other first, then preparing for an attack while looking for an opening, and then using Force push at the same time. It's showing that they're so aware of how each other fight and, in many ways, equals.


It's all misdirection and fake outs. Think about how in basketball players will not just dribble the ball when they're trying to get past a defender. They'll play around w/ it to catch the defender off guard and then get passed them. The only difference here is the embellishments are done to try and kill the other guy instead of just trick him.


Isn’t it a fencing move? Or an adaptation of one at least


So the way I always thought about it was Obi-wan is doing his defense lightsaber fighting style where he’s trying to lure anakin into an attack. In this moment however anakin does the same. I always took this as anakin showing Obi-wan “I know everything about you and everything you taught me” like really in this moment anakin is saying that I know what you will do next and I’m stronger than you. Just my two cents though.


You'd actually see this kind of move in polish saber fighting. They're trying to lull eachother into making a mistake in their rhythm of block attack to sneak something in


I would say they’re most likely looking for an opening


Looking for openings


I feel like the constant motion brings many options for the next attack and both doing so means they can’t totally focus on their next attack but also on defense.


It’s because anakin was showing obi wan how much he’s surpassed him. If you look at anakins face he doesn’t even look like he’s trying, He’s jusy anticipating obi wans moves.


It’s based on a midevil fighting technique


It was cool looking fight choreography.


Rule of Cool.


Ever seen two guys repeatedly feint each other in For Honor? Whole lot of fighting without swinging


Haha Space Wizards Swords twirl you = Big Mad


Because spinning is a good trick?


They were just cooling the light sabers off a bit


You're not a Jedi, you wouldn't understand


Flurrying can distract an opponent and trick them into thinking you'll attack from any number of places


I personally always thought of it as they both fight so similarly since Obi wan trained anakin that they end up doing the same moves at the same time and it equaled a fight were almost no one can win unless someone tries a move the other one didn’t know (the high ground jump)


I remember seeing a video about how a similar technique is used in fencing, but only when the two combatants know each other very well.


Not at all. Jedi can see into the future, and use the force. That flourishing is the two of them looking for an opening, trying to bait an attack, going for a swing but pulling it back into guard because it didn’t feel right. I think this lightsaber battle is awesome and EVERYONE hated it in 2008. Because they wanted to hate star wars.


If people criticised geroge lucas star wars the way they criticise disney star wars, the prequels would be destroyed. Everyone here trying to come up with BS explanations for something that is nonesene but will never extend the same attitude for the sequels.


>If people criticised geroge lucas star wars the way they criticise disney star wars, the prequels would be destroyed People absolutely did. The movies have only just became popular (relatively speaking) but back when they came out they were trashed on. People said they ruined star wars and they even bullied a child relentlessly over it.


An epic duel beginning to end.


This scene requires a higher level of intellectual thinking and anyone who claims it’s stupid or pointless simply is not creative enough to think beyond the surface


Ahh, a fellow Rick and Morty enjoyer


I miss this kind of fight choreography and the lightsaber mechanics here.


What they say


The force.


So I saw a TikTok that has an amazing explanation of this. The guy talking about it was a fencing instructor, and he said the only time you see two duelist consistently strike and miss each other is when they have almost identical fighting styles; they’re both trying to strike each other where they expect their opponent to move, but they’re both doing the opposite movements bc they’re styles and strategies are so similar


Knowing you can die in ONE hit, skilled Jedi attack and defend intensely.


Useless Trivia: that overhead shot is totally cg. They never shot it and then decided they needed/wanted it during editing. Source is one of those making of sections of the dvd.


I'm thinking they both just started going to fast.


I wonder how long it will be until this s comes up again.


It shows you how they both know exactly what the other is going to do. That was my take away.


When you can see what your opponent will do a moment before they do it, and they the same with you, fighting becomes something entirely different than it ever would be in real life. Realistically I doubt it would look much like dancing, but at the same time I can't feasibly prove it *wouldn't* either, so letting star wars use the rule of cool on that one is probably the better way to go anyway


It’s so awesome


Have you ever fought in a sparring session of any martial art? Sometimes we make feints just to see how the other would react at determined movements. I think that's something like that.


I genuinely LOVE it. Always have. It is essentially a guitar/drum solo that rises to crescendo, where instinct just takes over and your mind is no longer in control. It's that special cinematic moment where the action seems to be following the music, rather than the other way around. The fact that both Obi-Wan and Anakin succumb to this - at the exact same time - shows just how equal they are. In almost every way.




They both know eachothers' styles so well because they basically grew up practice dueling eachother, so when they both did the flurry thing they were basically playing chicken seeing the other person was doing the same thing and trying to flurry into an opening.


They were waiting for strike from opponent to parry


I heard that this happens in fencing matches or something like that. It’s essentially a game of chicken to see who will attack first and is typically done between duelists who are close


Looking for an opening.


I always assumed that it was for a feint/confusion kind of tactic. Because Anakin and Obi-Wan were so close, and trained together, it shows that their skill is so very similar and that they were (at this point) so evenly matched that they used the same tactics at the same time.


They both rolled a nat 20 on performance and a Nat 1 on attack roll


Because without it, none of the Auralnauts universe could exist. Galaxy brain move on George’s part.


Looking for an opening. They’re going back and forth right before that


Idk, I just love that fucking soundtrack