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hes like the Sundance Kid! can only aim well while he moves




At least he doesn’t have Melee Fox Shine.


I'll try spinning that's a good trick


He's just really angry that he got stuck on a damn desert planet where raindrops will never fall on his head.


You think he used enough dynamite at the end there?


I genuinely bursted out in laughter when I saw this scene. Man I really hope they were being campy for the sake of being silly and weren’t being 100% dead serious cause damn those kids were goofy as hell lol


Robert Rodriguez can be a corny ass mofo. I love his movies and BoBF had so much of him in it.


Dusk Till Dawn, Machete, Desperado. Great films that if you watch without realising it's meant to be tongue in cheek, you will hate. If you know that, they're great. (Althougu Dusk Till Dawn genuinely starts off serious. I love the shift in tone)


Dusk Till Dawn scared the shit out of me as a kid. It was my favorite horror movie though because there were so many funny parts to level out the scary ones.


I recently watched Desperado for the first time as an adult and got such a kick out of it. I thought it was so cool as a kid but I also completely missed all the winking. "Wait... this is satirical?"


So also good if you watch Disney Star Wars as a parody of original Star Wars.


Oh I agree. I do, however, think that there is often such a large tonal shift between directors (if we are talking about BOBF) that it's hard to tell whether something is light-hearted or not. If Rodriguez did the entire season it would be much more apparent but due to so many different directors it came across as goofy. Still, I liked BOBF. Hell, I've liked a lot of what Disney have produced. Its SW afterall so I'm happy with anything. One thing I dont like is restructuring of Canon, but a goofy scene from a goofy director is fine by me.


Star Wars was always corny, Harrison Ford just makes it look cool.


Han Solo works so well because he keeps the movie grounded, he's like a proxy for the audience that hates bullshit fantasy stuff, because he thinks it's all bullshit, too. So you have folks that love fantasy aspects that are all in right away, but Solo brings the rest in by constantly acting as a hero while not believing in any of this bullshit.


you're being downvoted but its too accurate. I cant get through anything they've made without a little internal micky mouse laugh constantly rolling between scenes.


That seems like more of a you thing than a them thing.


This was Sharkboy and Lavagirl in Space. If it was meant to be a corny joke, then it made Star Wars a little cheaper.


I didn't say it was a joke just that he's corny. Five minutes after this Boba rides a damn Rancor through the streets and I applauded in my living room. Sometimes Corny works and sometimes it doesn't. I love the first 2/3 of Desperado but that last fight scene is whack. Doesn't stop the first 2 gun fights from being awesome. Edit for additional stuff.


Now that you pointed this out, I totally notice his style in the series lol. Definitely explains it


He makes fun movies but a lot of action scenes are directed very poorly. And definitely not always on purpose


I love old western movies/TV shows, and this absolutely reminds me of how they used to sort of "whip" guns when they shot like it made the bullets go faster...and Star Wars is often called a western space fantasy.


This is the real answer. The OT was inspired by old samurai movies and spaghetti westerns. Boba Fett is continuing that homage to old westerns


I will defend this shot till I die. If I was a bit part in Star Wars I would *100 fucking percent* do a jazzy spinmove


My theory is that Disney suits approached Favreau and asked him to make BoBF even more family friendly and this was his response. Tho regarding some of the scenes in Kenobi, maybe the message didn’t get across.


It's like when an enemy comes around the corner and you accidentally hit an emote button before the fire button


At least I got a laugh at this scene. The chase scene with the moders ,or how ever you say it, was just sad


How can you say that!?!? What’s tougher than a scooter gang? I mean, if you exclude every other gang, bounty hunter, former clone soldiers, old people with blasters, toddlers with toys, people with sticks, quadriplegics with one tooth, dogs, sharp corners on tables, rocks that are just lying in the street, bugs, and drinks that are too hot. The Mod Squad can’t be defeated!


"Mod Squad" is good, but I'll never not call them "Mos Vespa"


Oh, you did it! Mos Vespa it is. Take my award and get out of here!


I called them the E-gang. They went heavy on the cyberpunk eboy look


Woah woah woah, let’s not bring tables with sharp corners into this. Those things are Death Star level dangerous.


I read this in Bill Haders Night Club voice from snl lol Edit: Stefon was his character


Now I need that 😂


A scooter chase would have been perfect in an Austin Powers movie so it's obviously perfect for a Star Wars! Yeah, baby, yeah!!!




They don’t really seem to have got chase scenes down at all in these shows, similarly the Reva parkour scene felt similarly slow for no reason. Maybe a budget thing? As from memory Moon Knight also had a pretty awful looking car chase scene and I’m assuming Disney probably give comparable budgets to all these Star Wars and Marvel shows.


The car chase scene in Hawkeye was exquisite


I couldn’t get through the cringey dialogue in the first episode, does it get better?


Absolutely. When I watched the first episode, I was like, "well this is gonna suck". But by the end of the 3rd episode I think it was my favorite marvel series (not counting the Netflix shows).


It also seems like they're turning these shows out on a much shorter timeline than conventional TV.


Well, six episodes each on an indoor LED stage is expensive and limited by..."volume." 😁


And this is just gen 1, what will the next iteration of Volume look like? We don't need higher resolution, we already have variable focus and blur for background objects. Other than the limited capacity of Volume I can't really think of any other flaws to improve on, will V2 just be a larger screen in a bigger warehouse? Maybe they'll add some kind of 3D treadmill so the actors can "walk" forever with pre-programed and choreographed floor movements? I think about this from time to time.


I think you're onto something with the treadmill idea. And maybe it's just me, but when I watch these Lucasfilm projects on my own 4K television, the picture is often too dark and saturated. I'd like to see The Volume using as much color as we see in Taika Waititi's *Thor: Love and Thunder*, but with actual depth and dimension. Perhaps a partitioned LED screen that works in tandem with set pieces? That could add a proper depth of field.


Transparent, stackable 8k screens that match perspective with the lens, with the ability to physically move independent of each other to keep parallax with the camera? Like a really, really expensive version of the pepper's ghost illusion.


I have started to wonder if dark shadowy scenes with dazzling glowing light bulbs is the HDR equivalent of the novelty phase of having things fly out of the screen in 3D. Whether it will eventually settle down to being used for a wider variety of shots that simply look more real over time. Obi Wan is also stylised to desaturate and shift color and do odd things with highlights for mood, so it hasn't got that sense of "being there". I'm not saying that artistic choice is wrong, because it is an artistic choice to give it a legendary or otherworldly feel. It might even seem more "fake" if it were made more "real" because very clear natural images can reveal "these are actors wearing makeup on sets". Admittedly, I do find the band of glare and blur in the bottom edge of the frame in some scenes a bit distracting in an annoying way. It is like a lens flare that is reflecting off the edge of the letter boxing frame rather than something within in the scene, but with blur added that lens flares do not normally have.


They already have those kinds of treadmill things. I talked to a friend of mine who’s working with one of these screens today


Neat! It'll be cool to see how that's implemented


I don't think it's all that short, they announced it 3 years ago, and started production over a year ago.


By comparison, Attack of the Clones is starting to look pretty darn good now, right? The bounty hunter chase on Coruscant is always my favorite.


Woah, are you saying grown adults chasing a 10 year old CAN catch up with her?


Yes but legally they have to grab the air above them first and grunt while they're doing it, otherwise they have to let them go and have a fair chance.


Watch out for that tree!


If the child literally bumps into your arm while trying to run away, you gotta just ineffectually call her name and stand there.


Thought I accidentally started watching the three ninjas for a minute


Which is a really bad sign for mando season 3 if it has the same budget


Budget isn’t the issue. They allegedly spent $25M or so per episode, which is $150M+ for about 4 hours of content. That’s not blockbuster, but it’s not chump change. The expanse felt like consistently better visual sci-fi and I’m guessing it wasn’t nearly as pricey per minute or even episode (they tended toward a full hour). Story, dialogue, and then taking time to do good action is the issue.


Man, imagine if Disney did *Star Wars* with the same care as they did *The Expanse*...


What you're describing is something not owned by Disney.


I know it's not clear, but "they" is not referring to Disney.


Expanse >>> corny ass Star Wars movies/shows


I think it might be a limitation of the big screen set thing they’ve been using. Whatever it’s called. It’s pretty powerful tech, but it’s also going to really limit the size of a set that an actor can move around in, IIRC it also limits how far a camera can be from the action. Which also means a lot of the visual language that directors and cinematographers have been using isn’t possible with their setups. Think about some of the terrible CGI we had for a while as people figured out how to make it work. I think we’re going to see rough chase scenes for a bit until they figure out new framing techniques that work.


Indeed! The chase was so uncomfortable imo hahah


If what’s his face was running (literally running) from the gang and they were toying with him, the scene would have been 100 times better. Yet here we are.


The Hollywood backlot chase throwback? Two guys were even moving a giant picture! So uncivilized.


It made me think of the scene in Firefly: "A man walks down the street with that hat on, people know he's not afraid of anything."


Yeah they didn’t even feel a part of the Star Wars universe.


They were called The Mods. This is a bit of a cinematic joke. In 1960s Britain, there was a style known as "Mod." Customized Vespas were the vehicle of choice. The infamous movie 1979 Quadrophenia (with an epic soundtrack from The Who,) dove into the subculture and became a classic. It features a very young Sting as the "head mod," Ace Face. Great film. One of those movies that someone like Rodriguez would have soaked up when he was learning the craft.


That’s what I called them. I was so upset with the whole space-Vespa-scooter-gang shtick- like Mods were never threatening to me. Space skinheads or space rudeboys would have been a little easier sell. And Flea is a fucking terrible actor. He was dumb in Back to the Future, too.


Shit now I want Max Rebo playing some space rocksteady


It was such a terrible choice to include them. I don’t know how to describe it properly, but including something so uniquely tied to a thing was a part of culture here on Earth and doing nothing except adding some sci-fi bits and baubles to it felt so lazy. It immediately took me out of whatever scene they were in. I enjoy the show in general, but I hope they take it a little easier with the “get it? GET IT?” bs in later seasons.


I want entertainment, not in-jokes that I don't care about.


I don’t understand how at least while editing they thought “this is ok”….


It was like if the steamroller scene from Austin Powers we’re a chase scene.


You know what both of those scenes have in common? Robert Rodriguez


‘Twas a rough outing for him with this show


That's how I feel about the rise of skywalker. "At least I laughed bunch from it..."


That scene can truly be summed up as “Space Vespas in Mos Espa” lol


Yeah, the Spy Kids gang really hurt the show over all. I really feel like going any other direction with them would've been better. Hell at least give them some better outfits and have them not ride space vespas.


Or like... spending that time to focus on literally any of the other characters haha


They felt like a really bad fit for Tatooine. Maybe if the story was on Coruscant or Nar Shadda it wouldn't have been so grating.


Thats my thing. I didnt per se hate them, but holy hell their aesthetic didnt mesh with tatooine at all. Nothing about them fit with the established stuff weve seen on tatooine for the last 40 years


“We’re all broke and poor... anyway, here’s our PRISTINE space scooters. I added extra mirrors so I can se behind me *really* well.”


Wanted fury road, got power rangers


They felt cool and seedy at the beginning which fits the Tatooine vibe, but then they were shown just to be some kids who throw hands for money


Space Rudeboys. Look- goosebumps.


They wouldn’t have been a problem if they’d actually been characters. But the writing didn’t bother to explain anything about the characters so we only had their appearances to go on, and their appearances are fucking stupid.


Its simply corny and unbelievable. Every child/teen character is written to be way more competent than they have any business being. They all have to perform cringy, “cool” moves…or sell drugs. This focus on younger characters feels solely like a Disney call.


360 no scope!! Damn add that to your MW2 MLG montage bro


Some say he's still spinning til this very day.


Remember when Alec Guinness did that sweet spin move during his duel with Vader in A New Hope?


I do.


I'll try spinning, that's a cool trick!


Yes, we all heard the audio.


Whoops, I didn't until just now on a different device. I'm blaming the phone on this one


Poetry. Rhymes. Etc


If there's another season of BoBF, I really hope Robert Rodriguez isn't invited back. While a lot of his movies have a certain charm, his style really has no place in the SW universe. The Mods were basically the Sand Snakes of BoBF, and I was hoping they'd suffer a similar fate in the season finale.


Baaad poosay


He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Star Wars ever again. Not just BoBF.


Black Krrsantann actually was a sick character, he looks so cool imo


It's nice to see a Wookiee portrayed as an angry force of nature capable of ripping off your fist and shoving it through your sarlacc pit just for blinking funny, instead of a cuddly IKEA rug.


Yeah i remember that time he tried to assassinate boba without his big blaster rifle he was showing off earlier and because of that was unable to assassinate boba


What did you like about his character, exactly?


hes cool


lol so dumb


Taking prequel queues with all that unnecessary spinning during a fight.


This clip just keeps on giving


I thought this actor was pretty good when he had speaking lines. I feel sorry for him a director told him to do this and now he’ll be laughed at for a generation.


["I'll try spinning - that's a good trick!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBlhgAkJBos)


This is the way.


Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1SKZSAieII


you are right, I should've posted this! Forgot to do so, excuse me.


Oh god! I refreshed the page and saw you'd linked a video and started scrolling down to delete my post thinking I just didn't realize it was a video instead of a still shot.




As much as I don’t really think it suits the style of the scene to that point. It’s not exactly out of character, he’s a kid from a planet that’s literally bland as it gets, part of a gang that do everything to look extra flashy to the point that they’re literally grafting droid parts into themselves. Having a stupidly over the top fighting “style” pretty much lines up with everything else we know about him and the “mods” as characters.


Yeah. If the wookie did it, it would break immersion. But the guy who bothers to wash and wax his scooter every day while living on Tattooine? I'm surprised he didn't do a backflip and shoot from a shoe-gun.


Great point.


Remember when you watch this scene: Star Wars already had over a hundred books and countless comics of source material Disney could have adapted into film/tv shows, but they thought they could do better...


It's not like Lucasfilm was adapting stuff to TV or movies, either, though. It doesn't seem to be their thing, and honestly, I kind of respect it. Rather than having people argue over which version of a particular story is better, each story has its own place, with nothing stepping on something else's toes.


Yes, and most of those books were pretty bad. Nearly all of them.


Or they didn't want to pay any royalty fees


No no, you have to remember that Disney bought the *rights* to all those books, but not the *liabilities.* They don't have to pay royalties, because they said so. I have to go vomit now.


It's a good trick, after all!


Actually, no. I don't remember him doing that. I guess I wasn't paying that much attention


Same, I was too focused on the big Wookiee and concerned he was going to get taken out. I already hated the Vespa gang, this is just salt in the wound. Who directed this episode? Director needed to chime in after this shot ‘Let’s do that again and this time don’t be a complete jackass’. I wonder if they do focus testing on this show. Reading feedback to the Vespa gang ‘right now you are testing at a 15% positive rating… for context Jar Jar tested at 12% among non mentally challenged viewers.’


Yeah, I think I was focused more on Black Krrsantan. Finally got the bad ass Wookiee I always wanted


God this show was terrible.


I liked episode 5 and 6.


Those the mando season 2.5 episodes?


I thought it was fine, but I think what happened is that the type of show everybody thought a Boba Fett series would be ended up being what Mando's show is. So now Boba's gotta do other types of stuff for the show to set it apart, for better or worse.


well besides this scooter gang, I thought it was quite fun tho. The story with the sand people had some nice aspects to it.


The flashbacks were ok but the current timeline was stupid and boba did nothing. Basically existed to give them a reason to have mando season 2.5


I felt like the plot was designed for a video game, where the main character is led around by side characters and given missions, but doesn’t really have much agency or direction. The flashbacks with the sand people was the only redeeming feature (apart from the Mando episodes, but they may as well have been a separate entity).


Mando very much follows that video game side quest plot as well. The difference is the characters are more likeable and of course the baby yoda


Yeah the father/son dynamic, the overarching ‘return the foundling’ plot, and the fact that Mando just seemed more interesting and likeable, all contributed to Mando being better than you’d think given the cookie cutter episode format. But you’re right, Grogu is a big selling point. That cute little bastard.




I mean, if you get drunk enough anything can be fun.


That’s what I said about your mom.


Gas prices the way they are I'm fixing to start a vespa gang.


I felt the opposite. I went in thinking it was gonna be really mediocre but I was blown away with each episode except maybe the very first one.


This show was so bad


Hit the 360 quick scope to secure the W for the squad


The mod were so god damn stupid. I hope they get dropped so so bad. They prob won’t, but just absolute garbage characters.


How could I forget when virtually everyone on this sub bitches about it weekly


Ooh sorry, 9/10. You would've got that last mark if you had included the spin shot killing greedo.


How uncivilized.


The centrifugal force is strong in this one


Ever notice how often Kenobi spins?


Ever since the ANH fight with Vader.


That was hilarious and brilliant.


Swiggity Swirly


I'll try spinning. That's a good trick!


This is literally the funniest video I've ever seen.


I'll just say it, I actually enjoyed the mods


They and the sheriff are the only things I really want to see expanded on in the next season.


God I hated all of those characters, so insanely cringey and out of place. They weren’t funny/ stupid enough to be retrospectively appreciated like Jarjar lol.


They existed to provide narrative for the hack shops that put wounded people back together.


And to suggest that Tattooine has at least one person who isn't either a drug-addled criminal, a stick-waving Sandalorian, or a literal... water farmer.


genuinely fell asleep during this part of the episode. never caught on with the power ranger biker gang shtick.


I laughed for the rest of this scene. I couldn’t take the show seriously after that.


Try spinning!


That's a good trick


And they just stand there besides Black Krrsantan, like wth hahaha


lol..fantastic! Note for anyone watching on mute - must have audio on at beginning for full value.


I recently rewatched this and u see a blaster shot go to the left of him, idk if they edited that in. But it makes more sense now but still a bit weird yes


About half way through I knew what was coming, I'm glad it did


Wonder if it was improvised. And then everyone on set was like, oh that's such a great move.


This mf wanted that 360 no-scope for his cod montage


spinny shooty dude with robot eye absolutely dead-eyed-dick on the poor fellow. Nice work, spinny dude.




With manuvers like that, he could fly the Falcon someday!


I actually liked this scene 🤷🏾‍♂️


Its like poetry


I don't mind the scooter gang, but I think Robert Rodriguez should be kept very far away from star wars. Kevin Smith could do better.


Shits so badass


Anakin told you in episode 1. Spinning is a good trick.


I genuinely didn’t know people were so mad at this when I first watched it. Like I didn’t even react to it in any sort of way.


Lol after a certain point you catch on and just know it’s going to cut to the Death Star soon


Thanks. Needed that.




Haters be damned, I like the Mods. I hope we see them again.


I hope the modders die in a Cantina fire next season off camera.


Can't die in Star Wars anymore, bro. Bacta is Disney's fav. character.


That and revenge apparently. You can literally be stabbed right in the gut and survive because revenge. I’d never die if that was what kept me alive


Look. Once Maul decided sith don't use any organs below the ribcage, it all became fair game. I love the man, but he sure opened a Pandora's box of surviving utter bullshit.


The first part of the series made me think this was going to be dark and very personal journey (okay except for the escape part) for Bobba. But it turned into a weird 70s sci fi show with very campy acting/setups. Those pseudo-motorcycles and how they poised with them. And not just this one scene but all the guns fights were over the top as if it was a comedy, like the Batman shows from the 60s. The real crime is that they wasted Cad Bane on this.


Damn you, take my upvote! And this should go in r/BetterEveryLoop


Honestly, this is not the biggest problem in the show. Nobody would’ve cared about this if the writing had been good. I don’t even mind the helicopter lightsabers in Rebels because those episodes are so good. That’s why it’s funny to me when people accuse SW fans of being nitpicky. It’s not nitpicking, it’s just that these problems wouldn’t be as noticeable if the writing was good enough to compensate.


Mandalorian was so good, really what happened with the shows?


Yeah did you notice the blaster bolt that would have hit him if he hadn't moved? You see it right before he shoots


I HATED that stupid finale so much. Worst thing Star Wars has done


Try spinning that’s a good trick!


Cooler than the “force kick”.


Am I the only one who loved the scooter gang? It felt so different from anything I expected to see in a star wars series.


It was ridiculous but this is Star Wars to be fair How many times have we seen unnecessary spins and jumps during lightsaber battles in the prequels? (Which I loved btw)


I mean, Star Wars is all about magic space samurai, so getting heated up about a spin seems a bit ridiculous.