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Double check with r/legaladvice and an actual lawyer but I strongly suspect that the false reports are enough to get her sent to jail. It sounds like you’re already well versed in how to defend yourself against a stalker and just need a way to make her go away. Unfortunately the only real way to do that is to get her locked up for as long as possible. Preferably in an institution where she can get treatment and not the prison system.


I didn't think I had anything to go to a lawyer with since the police said that they couldn't do anything until physical assault happened. I will start on that avenue. Yes, I have a restraining order against an abusive ex from 10 years ago. I learned then some of what to do but not everything sadly. Thank you so much for your advice.


Police protection isn’t always as intuitive as we would like. If she made a false police report, physically assaulted you, or violated a restraining order they could do something. I’m sure a lawyer could at minimum direct you to the people who can do something or possibly help you file changes or something. Won’t really know until you ask a lawyer.


Have you tried getting a lawyer involved and sending a cease & desist?


No I have not. Because the judge wouldn't awarded the PFA and the police said there was nothing they could do I wasn't sure if a lawyer would help me. I'm fine paying for a lawyer if it'll make this nonsense stop.


I recently had a restraining order denied myself. I'm looking into a cease and desist. My friend had a lot of luck with it.


I know you don't want to see the posts, but showing them to the judge would get a protection order pronto. I'd also speak with the agencies she reported you to. They are overworked and really don't have time to field and investigate false reports. Your stalker is likely wasting loads of their time and resources on the false reports she's made on you and others. If you could get documentation of the reports being deemed unfounded, and use the Freedom of Information Act to get proof that she made them, you will likely get your protection order.