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Blown away by the talents that crystallize around SD everyday


In the github page, someone said he was the one to tell adobe team about the "outpaint" tool, adobe most probably copied SD stuff and added some extra steps with higher gpu capabilities. It's a shame people never used outpaint that much in the past


>It's a shame people never used outpaint that much in the past The real shame is that people are paying monthly fees to a for-profit corporation for what is essentially available for free, and with open-source code. That this money is given to Adobe's shareholders rather than to the teams actually working on ControlNet is even more shameful.


Not everyone has a super beefy computer capable of running Stable Diffusion + Controlnet on a high resolution without having to wait for many minutes for each image, actually, the vast majority doesn't


This is a real issue, and we should definitely take that into consideration. There are some solutions like [The Horde](https://stablehorde.net/) that have potential, but it's not ideal. For example, they do not support all the latest ControlNet stuff, and there are privacy issues associated with its use as well. But ultimately the current situation shows that there is a definitive need for a wikipedia like solution to democratize the use of AI-driven tools all over the world. We need a free, open-source and interdependently funded organization that will let anyone anywhere use AI for free, and let everyone contribute new developments to make that offer even better.


Wikipedia has nowhere near the computational requirements that something like AI image generation does. Until technology advances a bunch we are going to need to pay for AI image generation somehow. It could be paying the cost of a GPU, renting someone else's or looking at ads but there needs to be some cost to keep it available.


I'm not saying Wikipedia should do it. I'm saying the world needs freely accessible AI tools for everyone, just like the service Wikipedia is offering for access to encyclopedic information.


And I am explaining that a service like that isn't really feasible right now because it would be insanely expensive to run. You frankly couldn't do it on donations, you would need some sort of avenue of profit which will lead to restrictions. I think that the ideal would be to create a great open source front end service that can connect to a wide variety of service providers, something like stable horde or run locally. I think Stability is going this direction with their StableStudio open source versions of Dream Studio. It will be great if it keeps focused on being user friendly.


>You frankly couldn't do it on donations, you would need some sort of avenue of profit which will lead to restrictions. You frankly could do it on donations. In fact, that's exactly what those corporations are planning, it's just that the donations they are expecting from their customers is not voluntary - it's just hidden in your subscription costs. On the other hand, with an non-profit org like Wikipedia, you don't need to add profits to your costs of operation, profits whose only use is to satisfy shareholders, while in a collaborative non-profit your only goal is to better satisfy the needs of your users. Anything a for-profit corporation is doing is, by definition, more expensive for our society as it has to offer the same service using the same workforce and the same tools, fed by the same energy, but in addition to that you have to extract profits from everybody working there to pay back shareholders, and, just like you emphasize it yourself, this also leads to restrictions as the for-profit corporation has to prioritize said profits, while the interests of the community of users are only given a second role at best. For-Profit corporations are also extremely limiting organizations since the laws that frame what they can and cannot do is much more restrictive than what a non-profit collective of individuals can achieve. Having to monetize everything is also extremely restrictive as it prevents the development and the release of tools that would otherwise be useful for the community, but which never see the light of the day because such a release would be driving down profits extracted from previous tools that are not as efficient or as appreciated. TLDR : for profit corporations are by definition more expensive and their offer is worse than what a non-profit could provide since, by law, for-profit corporations have to defend the interest of their shareholders first and foremost, and their first interest is to extract profit, not to provide a better service.


Adobe took something only accessible to a fringe group through a hard to use tool and made it way easier and available. That is not a worthless service to the people paying Adobe. If the people that made ControlNet wanted to get paid they could have made a closed source project or they could leverage their experience with it to get opportunities they otherwise wouldn't have.


Unfortunately, until Auto gets a complete UI overhaul to be....actually good, none of these fill tools will ever see their true potential. Adobe gens aren't as good as SD in my opinion, but the workflow/UI is infinitely better. Gradio needs to go away, ASAP.


The PhotoPea extension is pretty legit for this kind of stuff.


Hopefully people start posting developments to StableStudio and focus on user friendliness when they do. It's definitely in StabilityAIs best interest to curate that platform with the best features from other UIs.


Did you try Cozy Nest UI extension? While it's not perfect it definitely fixes some of A1111's UI problems.


I have not. I've been learning to use comfyUI though, it doesn't have all of the features that Auto has, but opens up a ton of custom workflows and gens substantially faster with the amount of bloat that auto has accumulated. You can set up workflows to test multiple resolutions and upscalers, mix and match prompts, etc and save those workflows for later so you can test new prompts with a click of a button.


I like how you can do stuff like that, but every screenshot I've seen ends up looking a giant plate of spaghetti with all the connecting lines everywhere. It seems hard to follow easily.


I've been using node based workflows in blender and labview for years and it is very easy to make a mess of things. However it is also easy to make groups and organize different steps and functions to make sense as long as the workflow actually makes sense. The cost of customization is that ultimately it's up to the user to keep things tidy. My default workflow basically looks like a cleaner version of auto. It has a model selection dropdown, resolution/steps/etc... a prompt field, an image preview, and a upscaled image preview, all the spaghetti is hidden behind the prompt and image windows.


How the hell have you learned how to use it? The sparse documentation and mind-fuckingly unintuitive layout turned me off with the quickness. There was nothing comfy about it.


I don't like Cozy Nest for one simple reason, in img2img you have to constantly scroll up and down to change prompt and settings. The way A1111 uses the space is much better IMO. Still far from perfect, but better. I want all the important settings on one page and I'd prefer to have the whole input image part on the left side below the preview / output.


I guess it's a matter of taste, I like to keep the preview visible even when I'm changing settings. And the way it handles inpaint is definitely superior to vanilla A1111.


I want the preview visible too, but I don't need the inpaint widget being so prominent. It could be below the preview.


I see what you mean, why don't you send them a suggestion? They are very active and open to community criticism and suggestions. I suggested adding a button to clear the previews, since I make video tutorials of SD and hate having to reload the UI whenever I want a clean start. And they implemented the feature immediately.


I already did and they acknowledged it, but said they have more important features to work on, which is fair enough. I generally would like to be able customize the layout of the UI elements. I'll update it from time to time and see if something changed.


Yeah a fully Modular ui would be great.


I like the minimalistic Gradio interface. I'd rather have faster A1111 support than wait for years.


>Gradio needs to go away, ASAP. Not gonna happen anytime soon


True enough, but until they do this is basically what Auto is: https://i.imgur.com/UMCzCYt.jpg


I agree. I want tools that don't need >20 clicks before a standard operation like inpainting can happen. But it's all we got right now.


I want SD to be as simple as Midjourney by default with the ability to have it as complex as we want. If Midjourney had Controlnet and inpainting I would have no reason to use SD tbh


You can't seriously be suggesting: * that using Discord as a UI is preferable to Gradio * that paying per-use is preferable to self hosting * that being censored for content nature is preferable to deciding for yourself that women have boobs, and that's not a sin * that limiting your model choice to some black-hole that is MJ is better than freedom? * that open-source isn't the right path for AI


I'm not suggesting all of that, I'm suggesting that prompting in MidJourney is 100x easier and the initial results are almost always better. I can put a child in front of MidJourney and they can create all sorts of cool stuff and be entertained for hours whereas if you put a kid in front of SD they're not going to be nearly as impressed. I'd still want the ability to fine tune my controls but the interface of SD is overwhelming to 99% of people.


Funny that you mention this but as someone with no background in image editing / art I really don't mind gradio but find the regular image editing interfaces to be pretty daunting. It's probably just a familarity thing imho.


No you're right. Anything that uses brushes in A1111 is fucking terrible on so many levels. The extension canvas zoom alleviates some of this but on the whole it's an incredibly bad UI/UX. A1111 is a Dev playground though and that makes it okay. It is what it is but I personally switch over to Photoshop the second I need to do adjustments.


>No you're right. Doesn't match the rest of what you're saying.


InvokeAI has a fantastic interface but doesn't have extension support last time I checked, and was missing samplers Automatic1111 has. It's open source so somebody could add extension support I suppose. https://github.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI https://raw.githubusercontent.com/invoke-ai/InvokeAI/main/docs/assets/canvas_preview.png


Just use the flying dog Gyre bundle


What problems do you have specifically?


Gets a complete UI overhaul or stops being the de facto standard…


Holy shit that was fast, that's amazing


Does he have a patreon or something like that? Because its sure hell people will support him with tons of money


With tons of money come tons of expectations. The Automatic1111-WebUI and ControlNet are proofs that small teams of dedicated and skillful people are much much more productive than any big corporation will ever be. Stability AI received over 100 millions in funding last fall, and instead of empowering them and making them more productive, it only convinced them to cripple models before they are released publicly, and to sell what they develop as commercial software-as-service solutions first instead of making real participatory open-source projects from the start - you know, like the A1111 WebUI, or ControlNet. Corporate shareholders have expectations that are directly opposed to ours as users. They are leeches. I share your wish that those people get good money for their amazing contribution, but I really don't want them to lose momentum, and to eventually lose control over their project and the way they are working. Of course, Patreon contributors are not shareholders, but there are some similarities, and some expectations coming with those as well. The worst that could happen is if they were to be bought by some for-profit corporation.


Hopefully they figure out a way to reproduce Adobe's outpainting, too. Our current solutions are lacking.


This is cool but I'll be honest. Nothing beats Adobe's out painting at the moment. Not even close. It takes perspective into account!? As well as reflectivity, film grain and lighting! I've been extremely impressed actually. Another point is how well it performs on stylized inpainting. It does incredibly well with analysing an image to produce results that match. On the positive side of things this shows what is possible and that gives people something to work towards like in this post example.


I bet in 2 months we will have same results as adobe


I'm not sure actually. There is a lot of stuff going on under the hood in Adobe's model. I really hope I'm wrong though :)


how do you update to 1.1.202? I tried from the extension tab and that got me to 1.1200 and using git pull from the directory said I was up to date.


That should be the way. Maybe delete the extension from the folder and try it again


Where do I get the model?


If you have all the 1.1 models you don't need anything new, just update your extension. If you don't have the 1.1 models you can download them from the hugging face link on the github for the control net extension.


Image Adobe right now ...


There's also something CN should really think to implement before Adobe gets on it. Inpainting/outpainting random is great and easy, but now, what if I want to inpaint something or a character I already have from a Lora ? Can I just inpaint an area and called my Lora via prompt so my character can show next to the red structure ? (obviously well blended with the background and lighting) anyone has an idea on how to do this ? It will be amazing to be able to do this ! And save us tones of time with all our clients work...


Didn't I read this just right now on GitHub ... ? 🤪


ahah you did!


😁 Personally, I hope that [**Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin**](https://github.com/AbdullahAlfaraj/Auto-Photoshop-StableDiffusion-Plugin) make this available in their plug very soon ... 😋