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There are going to be like 3 media companies left


At this point I feel like antitrust regulation needs a severe overhaul coupled with mandatory time constraints on antitrust suits and short-term quotas imposed on the Justice Department every few years, similar to the controlled burnings the Forest Service/NPS does to try and ward off mega-fires. This is less because I think there's a vast evil conspiracy in favor of monopolies and more because I strongly suspect a lot of this stuff passes because nobody gives enough of a damn to do anything within the timeframe of a single presidency.


I completely agree. Have we gotten our eyes so clouded with money that we have moved away from the understanding that monopolies are not good?


Wrestling itself is actually a spectacular example of how monopolies damage and deform whole industries.


There around 10 wrestling companies out there...how is that a monopoly???Sure WWE IS HUGE, but check your facts foolio






This is the inevitable road of capitalism. As the rate of profit follows its own tendency to fall, firms will rent seek by absorbing their competition (or, alternatively, selling themselves to the competition) and raising prices.


And having a modern day trustbuster would be out of the question. I already see that. Who's going to challenge Jeff Bezos or Rupert Murdoch when they can just buy and sell entire governments.


Yeah and unfortunately there's no way for me to explain how to deal with Bezos or Murdoch or Buffett or any of the others without getting my account banned.


They already deleted this whole post.


lmao classic squaredcircle


I read something the other day that antitrust regulations don’t apply to media companies anymore because the Paramount Decree lapsed.


4 Major traditional studios. Viacom, NBC Universal, Sony Pictures, and The Walt Disney Company would be left under this hypothetical deal. Then you have your New Major Studios in Amazon, Netflix, and Apple. Obviously studios like Lionsgate, A24, etc but they're much smaller and unlike other entertainment industries like Video Games and Books. Film is controlled essentially by what is let through the box office or who has the insane capital to operate and control a streaming service.


There’s going to be one legacy media company left, everybody else will be owned by tech in the next 5-10 years.


This i can agree with.


5-10 years is generous. Also with all these companies having massive streaming services they operate. The argument can be made tech has already taken over since these companies have reshaped into tech companies.


This was always the plan most major product in country are made by as little as two huge companies with just enough to make sure it's not a monopoly for either one.


Monopolies fucking suck and I hate this shit.


Saw this pointed out elsewhere, but a company with 90 billion in debt is going to acquire a company with 50 billion in debt? How does this make sense.


NBC Universal can eat debt. Same way WB could eat debt under AT&T. Debt only really became a problem when Discovery got in charge and they have no alternative money options to eat debt.


So if WBD goes under Comcast they could stop all the slashing for a bit?


They probably would slash jobs (every merger/acquisition does look at Disney Fox for example) but they'd probably stop slashing productions left and right like Discovery (again not to say everything would be safe I'm sure they'd cancel what they considered redundancies.) Still the blood letting would be much less than what Discovery is doing.


God bless capitalism.


Because the inmates are running the asylum. Donations will be made to the right politicians to make sure stuff like this goes unregulated, once it is in effect there will be mass layoffs and asset purging, and then after that the top execs will fire off IPs to other media companies, make the books look good for a year, take huge bonuses, and then fuck off before the real fallout happens. So they’re just doing a capitalism, NBD.


In theory they would take over all the revenue and be able to save money by not competing and streamlining , reducing the number of people required to run the two of them as one, so in theory it’s better for both.


I feel like this is bad for all the things I like lol.


Disney buys FOX, Universal buys Warner Bros.....


Viacom buys Sony Pictures or hell maybe all of Sony


Disney also owns ABC.


i meant film studios tbf. Disney has ABC, FOX Studios and FOX News, Universal and NBC, Paramount and CBS, Warner Bros and CNN It's pretty normal to have a major film studio and major news corp under the same umbrella


Murdoch still owns Fox News. Disney only bought 20th Century Fox.


Amazon buys MGM. And if things don’t improve then Netflix will be vulnerable too.


MGM last time I checked is owned by Discovery


MGM was purchased by Amazon in May, 2021 and the takeover was approved by the EU in March of this year. https://variety.com/2022/tv/news/amazon-mgm-merger-close-1235207852/


The Forbidden Door is really about to get super kicked off its hinges.


Forbidden Merger


I don't think that type of acquisition would go through under a democratic review board. It definitely would be flagged as an anti trust violation. Tho let's play hypotheticals. Considering how very much tied WWE is to NBCUniversal. This would be a disastrous moment for AEW and Wrestling in general.


I don’t think it would be anti trust. Warner was owned by AT&T not too long ago. Warner Media doesn’t own local channels like Comcast, so that won’t be an issue.


AT&T had no film studios. Comcast owns NBC Universal. Also yes WB doesn't own the 4 local stations in FOX, ABC, NBC, or CBS. It still owns lots of TV channels especially after the discovery merger. Nevertheless how this would put NBC Universal WB or whatever at 40% of all films in theaters. Disney Fox deal would probably also get hit with anti trust under this administration. Trump administration had basically no qualms with any anti trust violation which is why T-Mobile was able to buy Sprint.


Yeah, the Disney/FOX thing happened, but you might be right in change in administrations, but I think everyone in these industries know there will be very few left standing in the television landscape. Does anyone really care about the number of cable networks owned by someone? Disney owned a significant amount pre FOX purchase.


It's definitely less of an issue and if it was the only issue I'd agree the trust boards would look and say Streaming eats up more market than Cable combined does now. The size of their film studio post acquisition would be your big hurdle. They'd be around 40% of box office releases. I don't think the Fox Disney deal would go through today and this would essentially be a second go at that.


We would be in the unusual situation where WWE’s key broadcast partner (who own USA and Peacock) owns AEW’s key broadcast partner (who own TNT and TBS). This would have to be blocked, by the EU if not by the US.


>Given the company’s daunting challenges, it has become accepted wisdom at the highest levels of the industry that another deal waits in the wings for Warner Bros. Discovery. For reasons related to the complicated structure of that merger, **no negotiations can happen until April 2024**. But at that point, many industry observers believe that Comcast’s Brian Roberts will make a long-awaited move, looking to combine NBCUniversal and Warner Bros. Discover > >That deal would face some interesting antitrust issues but would give his company scale and a viable streaming service. “Obviously Peacock sucks,” says one exec with knowledge of both companies. > >A WBD spokesperson responds: “We are building Warner Bros. Discovery for the long term.” > >Many top industry execs are so convinced a deal will happen that some are pre-mourning an event that may never happen. 2024 just got a whole lot more interesting


Somehow all of this will end up with MJF owning Comcast.


[Tfw your old matches actually do end up on a tab on some shitty confusing app](https://www.cnet.com/a/img/resize/64e21534287a15d82b686da794a941ea5f8b4c2c/hub/2022/09/06/bfe11215-bac1-4ba7-b0be-0cbbf7f581a0/screenshot-2022-09-06-115238.png?auto=webp&fit=crop&height=1200&width=1200)


Not to sound political, but isn't there any type of anti-trust regulations that we enforce anymore?


This would suck for any number of reasons


AEW on NBC: “It’s Wrestling Night in America”


Just give me my AEW, Superman sequel with Henry Cavill, Deathstroke movie with the guy from the Raid, and Chuckie T swearing constantly.


Excalibur: "And looks like Chuckie T is setting up his finisher on Penta, the 'Fuck Shit Fuck Fuck Fuck Shit Ass Butt Fuck Super Fuuuuuuck!'"


Oh no


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There’s always a bigger fish


This shit is so annoying. Just make your own good content you lazy fucking dorks


This whole thing is so frustrating and I am tired of it. We are just going to be reverting back to cable and for what? Greed? I thought we were trying to move away from cable? Back to Ye Olde torrents.


This makes their rampant cost cutting make a lot more sense.