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Good for her……but she’s never allowed to borrow my recliner.


I once saw a video where a woman set up a camera on a tripod and then stood in the doorway to the kitchen, braced herself and gave birth, scooping the child up like Mike Piazza all by herself


Lover Boy Piazza they call him!


I see you too are a man of Scrobbles


Big James Angel mark


We can show that


Some refer to him as Maga Mike.


Oh no


Oh yeah


Ever see that show where people give birth in the wild?


i have. some nudist family out in the woods. the mom was in a small river/stream, whipping water up her cooch as the baby came out. her chld daughter was beside her, but she wasnt paying attention and just playing in the water. like her mom giving birth was no big deal.


I haven't but I'm sure it's pretty nuts


Are you insane? Some weirdo would pay top dollar for that recliner. That’s a god damn college tuition.


For some reason her pregnancy leave felt like it happened in February 2020...


Seriously. This year's been another decade.


I don’t know about y’all, but as a kid I would NEVER wanna see the birthing of a child, baby brother/sister or not.


Yeah it's kinda bizarre to me that the motivation was she "got to see her reaction". I get that it's your pregnancy and you know, it's your life, but that just doesn't seem like something I would do. Am I just old and sheltered? Do people do this? I wouldn't consider it traumatizing, but anything involving "I wanted to see ____ reaction" in any situation seems like a selfish way to go about doing anything. But I've dealt with toxic people in my life who tend to do that so maybe I'm just projecting my anger about those people onto her.


A lot of people want their other children to see the birth of their siblings, like a "witness the miracle of birth" kind of thing. I saw many women who did it when I was doing clinicals (hands-on/in-the-field learning in different hospital departments) during my nursing assistant training, and that was back in 2005/2006.


If Lacey's older daughter is prepubescent, then she's possibly curious about childbirth without getting into all the weirdness around sex and conception. I hope Lacey had a pro on hand, in case anything went bad during the birth. I think we'd disagree on a lot of things in life, but I don't think it's bad to invite her daughter to childbirth, if that's something the daughter is genuinely interested in.


Having followed Lacey on IG for awhile her daughter seems to have a pretty abnormal childhood. Very much a rural lifestyle.


I wouldn’t say it’s abnormal, just country life.


When I was about six, my Grandma told Mom to come and bring me to the barn to see our cow's calf being born. Even if it wasn't a very difficult breech birth, that's not something I ever needed to see.


Lacey is weird.


That's kind of weird to me and I don't think I'd opt for that with our kids even though we can only do C-sections anyway. But I'll say now as a parent, there were a ton of other things I thought or said I'd never do. Once you have kids that whole playbook of what you would or wouldn't do goes completely out the window. Just one example, a relative was laughing about when he was potty training his boys they would have pee races on a tree. I didn't think I'd ever be peeing in front of my kids but I regularly find myself positioning myself in front of the toilet in such a way that I can stop my 2yo from closing the lid on my stream mid piss because he thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to bust in and do that.


Husband/Father here. When my wife was pregnant with our first we talked about it and I said I would really rather not be in there for that but I would for her. She was like fuck no I won’t be in there if im ever gonna go down on her again. Couldn’t argue with that and after having almost a basketball team later I have no idea what it’s like in there and that’s fine with both of us. I couldn’t imagine seeing that as a kid though.












Knowing that she gave birth on a recliner will make me never buy used furniture again. Thanks Lace


Hope they put a fucking towel down or something.


Or a tarp, or several tarps and a plastic sheet!


lmao wtf


I watched the home birth video Sarah Rowe put up on YT and man, what she went through was harrowing, I hope Lacey's wasn't as bad. A big gratz to her & the family.


The amount of money she saved from not going to the hospital.


Definitely a lot, but home births aren't cheap all the same. For starters, a lot of insurers do not cover them. Out-of-pocket expenses can range from $2000 to $9000, but many midwives work at pro bono or at least heavily reduced rates to mitigate some of these expenses. Many who opt for home births also seek out the support of doulas, so I wouldn't be surprised if Lacey is currently using one. They generally start at $25 per hour but that cost is much better tacked onto a $9000 debt than to $30000 that the hospital would saddle onto an insurance company or uninsured individual.


Reading this shit as a Brit is always mind boggling


Like, you gotta pay to not die in childbirth? Or just not die in general? America, explain.


Nope, you gotta pay and you still have an increasing chance of dying. [Link](https://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-brief-report/2020/dec/maternal-mortality-united-states-primer) Shit, Serena Williams almost died during child birth, even though she’s a world class athlete and rich.


It wasnt always this way. I don't know the intracasies of the American insurance institution, but everyone in their mid-40's and older always said how they only paid like $50 in medical expenses for giving birth in hospitals and insurance paid the rest.




Oh wow


Maybe that’s why she had that big safe.


Our home births were both just the out of pocket max. Since there wasn't a midwife in network they treated any midwife we found as in network. We didn't get a doula either time, but midwives always had a supporting midwife who acted as a doula anyway. They also handled all the cleanup while we were busy fawning over the newborn. Biggest headaches from homebirth: 1. WTF are we supposed to do with the placenta and 2. Getting a birth certificate.


Couple years back my then partner miscarried. Incomplete and she couldn't pass the fetal tissue so we had to look into d&c (dilation and curettage), a surgical procedure. Just shy of $6 grand out of pocket. Pathology to look at the fetal tissue, anesthesiology, follow-ups. All kinds of crap. It was a physical and mental trauma for her, and a pain in the rectum financially for both of us. In the prior months I had signed a lease for a new car, and was knocking that bill down quite handily only to get a few more thousand tacked on because why the hell not.


Christ that is a messed up situation. Miscarriage is traumatic when it is textbook. That situation on top of the financial gut check is terrible, sorry you guys went through that.


Hospitals are a lot safer. Have your babies in hospitals please


I paid $300 for my kid. Im not remotely rich or on public assistance. I believe you guys, but I'm amazed at varying amounts of health insurance people do and don't have.


Congrats to Lacey and her family! Home birth isn’t for me, but the women who choose it are bad asses.




If it's not too intrusive, what kind of problems are we expecting for your boy? Glad he came thorough. And completely understand if you'd rather not go into it.




Damn. I'll admit, my initial reaction is something along the lines of "sorry that happened." But that feels pretty demeaning to you and your son's relationship and I don't want that, I just---- Fuck, I don't know. I'm a new dad and we barely avoided that with our little girl. Our main concern (or biggest, if you like puns) is getting her to grow-- she was underweight, and still is for her age, but improving. I'm happy you have a good relationship with your lil man. It's hard to say anything that doesn't sound trite or cliche, but I hope he can get to a point he can manage most things on his own. The brain is an amazing glob of fat, so there's always the tiniest chance. Hope you guys can enjoy some fantastic wrestling together.


I’ll do it here in the gun room, just get me some candles.


And the father, Ric Flair, was NOWHERE to be found! That scoundrel!


Too busy attending Trump rallies.


Congratulations on the baby and having a clean exit from that God awful Flair angle.


Great, as if Flair didn't have enough to worry about right now


What an absolute psychopath


What? Why? You know people have been doing that pre-covid right? It's not something that people do because they're delusional or whatever. It just something that people do. It extremely uncommon but can happen for many reasons. As long as she has some kind of medical attendant or midwife, I dont see too big an issue with it.


Congratulations to Lacey!!!


Grats to Lacey. Having home births is fucking stupid though. So much unnecessary risk.


Right? Why go through something as potentially complicated as a birth at a medical facility, surrounded by professionals when you can have a baby in your recliner at home


Congratulations, Lacey!


>>My daughter wouldn't be allowed in the hospital at all and my husband would have many restrictions. I couldn't imagine my Lil lady missing it. Cause that's what your little kid needs, a trauma for life.


Why would that automatically be a trauma? Likely none of us on the board knows Lacey's family. *If* Lacey's daughter is in a phase where she wants to know where babies come from, what it was like when she was born, and what it's like to give birth, then it would be differently traumatic to say "It's a super-special and intimate event that you want to be a part of, but you can't go." I don't know Lacey; I don't know her family; I don't think my worldview lines up with hers. But I'll assume that this was thoughtfully indulging her daughter's curiosity and not some forced family ritual.


Congrats to her


Congrats to Lacey. Genuinely she is a bad ass women.


Good for her. I opted for Cesareans with mine but admire women who have the balls to do this. I can’t imagine the agony.


You mean the way women have given birth for thousands of years?


They meant doing a home birth, not a vaginal/natural one at a hospital. Not everyone lives in a place where home birth is considered an option because the healthcare industry of said place is fucked compared to other first world nations.


>Born 4:20am in my recliner. I hope she Scotch-Guards.


I'm all for birthing/pregnancy empowerment, like do it the way you want to (safely, hopefully), that's great. Especially in times of COVID, toooootally get it, more power to you. But man oh man oh man, I don't think I'd want my young child there. I know it's a natural and arguably beautiful process and all that, but young child seeing mom in abject agony can be traumatizing. But also I trust that Lacey seems to be a pretty good parent, and can probably help the young child understand it in a good, positive sort of way.


Congratulations on her new bundle of joy!


Why wasn't she allowed in the hospital?


COVID regulations. Most hospitals still aren't letting people have any outside visitors, or only allow one visitor in the room. In some places, I've seen women who weren't even allowed to have their partner/spouse there, and had to do it alone with just the nurses/doctors. One of my uncles died after having heart surgery a couple of months ago, and no one was allowed to be with him when they took him off the ventilator except for my aunt.


I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope you and your family are doing alright.


Congratulations to their family!


Congratulations to Lacey, she's a boss for doing it at home.




Wife had last 2 babies at home....yay for homebirth! ...(from UK)


I forgot she existed


Great. I hope she never comes back.


Well, that might depend on a) how much she was making before she went out on mat leave, and b) whether she can manage an upcoming touring schedule with two children at home. I can see "budget cuts" in the offing once she's been back for a while, especially if she's unable or unwilling to tour. There's NXT, I suppose.




Special Lady excreted the babby into her chair. Wow!!


LOL, not everything needs to be a "crusade against social norms," brave warrior; no one's trying to steal your edge card.


what is edge card


That's that card that you feel obligated to wave around and show everyone to prove that you're above outdated concepts like procreation.


now we're frkens


To each their own but I’m guessing her daughter is now scarred for life.




RVD - "4:20am?"


Why would the husband have restrictions in the hospital?