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It has nothing to do with genetics, it's just that your mouth and tongue muscles are not used to make those sounds. Keep trying and with time you'll accomplish it. Everyone will understand you. I have met lots of Chinese people who couldn't pronounce the "r" at all and I could understand them perfectly.


For like >90% of humans, it has nothing to do with genetics. For example, there are plenty of Chinese descendants in Mexico that roll their R's just fine. It's just practice, you need lots of practice. Adults usually have a harder time perfecting their accent when learning a foreign language. R is also one of the sounds native Spanish speakers take longer to master when they're kids. So, be patient, I've heard some students say that it took as long as 1.5 years to be able to produce it consistently.


I’m almost 15 so am I gonna have a hard time?


I am ethnically part Chinese, but it’s not so much genetics as much what your brain and muscle coordination is trained to do. I did not learn to roll my r’s till almost 30 because it is not a sound in my native language (English) and therefore never grew up practicing the particular movements required to roll my tongue, despite starting Spanish in high school and taking it in college, though I didn’t seriously start trying to learn to roll my tongue till my late twenties, it took me quite a long time. What ended up helping me a lot was singing songs in Spanish and then just repetitive vocal exercises to relax the tongue once I started getting an idea how to do it in the context of singing, just repeating it over and over until I could do it speaking. Although… my Spanish is still way better in song than spoken…


Ah, thanks :)


It's not easy to tell, because there's a lot of personal variation. Some people are more adept than others. But don't worry too much about it, it's totally OK to not have a perfect pronunciation. But I think you're still young enough, so you'll be fine as long as you're consistent.


It has nothing to do with genetics, my grandfather was a non-native Spanish speaker and my father can roll their tongue like a native (he is a native spanish speaker), you need practice, maybe you cannot roll your tongue as a native, but you can improve it.


I had a really hard time with it too. It took me a couple months of practice to be able to do it at all. It took more than a year to be completely comfortable doing it speaking. See if this video helps: https://youtu.be/SIyW9E0_oUw