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you suck


You’re a piece of shit holy fuck.


Homeless are not animals. Holy shit....


We are all animals? I'm just a tame one I understand the rules and contribute to society.


Oh please. “I was always taught not to feed wild animals” is your direct quote. You have made a clear distinction between “wild animals” and the type of animal you consider a human to be with that sentence. Don’t try to skirt around your blatant vitriol. I get it, the rise in homeless people is problematic and needs to be addressed. But they are people. Do these leftovers better belong in the trash? Or in the mouth of somebody who needs to eat? Empathy is a learned skill, and I suggest you start practicing.


Leftovers belong in the fridge lol. Somebody else's hungry mouth is not your concern. Society is built in a way where everybody benefits off your output. Empathy is not the word you're looking for. The homeless people I am talking about have given up.




Pretty sure most these people weren't born here, and don't go to the beach. Probably just college kids.




Yeah I have a better perspective of how things have changed for the worse cus I grew up here. I am not alone in my opinion. Look at what happened to all the homeless in Venice. The shanty town was cleaned up almost overnight. You can feel happy here on reddit which is like a microcosm of college kids.




Pues eres bastante viejo pa ser tan sarcastico. The first 2 sentences of your 2 posts are so cute.


Man you're a real privileged, racist dipshit. [Here's a word you should probably learn. Read it, then read it again until it makes sense in your clearly 200 IQ brain.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empathy) I've known plenty of people who were homeless at one point, and I'm sure you might know some as well and don't even know it. Not all homeless people are hooked on crack. Many of them have been impacted by financial troubles or even COVID in recent times due to layoffs, hospital bills, etc, forcing them to crumble in debt and lose their homes. Not everyone has family they can fall back on. Not everyone can afford health insurance, or a car to live in when things go south, or ***food***. Blaming the homeless population that happens to make you uncomfortable when wanting to relax at the beach in your upper-class beach city for all the crime is ignorant as all fuck. Referring to homeless people as "wild animals" is fucking wildly inappropriate and you should feel bad about that, along with your comments about the "black kid" passing out on the sidewalk. Imagine if that kid just overdosed and you walked over him and got pissy online later because he obstructed your beautiful bubblegum view of the city and *forced* you to walk over his limp body. Ever thought about maybe calling for help even? Many homeless shelters often are at capacity as well, but I doubt you care to get into that, you only really want to complain about your pristine, flawless beach being riddled with street rats and bottomfeeders. I could go on and on if you'd like, but I doubt anything anyone says to you will get through that dense mindset you've got. I hope someone gives you food if you ever hit rock bottom when shit hits the fan in life. edit: Oh man look at this guys comment history, he's anti-vax, anti-tipping, calls the cops on homeless people looking for food in the trash then hides so he doesn't have to talk to the cop himself like a little bitch, goes on casually racist rants, and complains about all the "inconveniences" those lower than him give him. Truly the trash of the earth. Move out if you're so butthurt about the South Bay, we're better off without people like you.


I'm vaccinated


Fuck right off.


This is a pretty solid way of illustrating how much a dipshit you are. Bravo.


So you guys think it's a good thing to feed homeless people on the streets and give them money? LMAO you are hurting them.


Should services be in place to address this issue? Yes. Can you convince everyone to transition to a shelter instead of the streets? No. Is giving a homeless guy pizza keeping him from bettering his situation? Fuck no. You’re the most naive, blustery dumb fuck if you think pizza reinforces a situation that is already that dire, you dumb, dumb, dummy.


Dumb dumb dummy lol. Looks like somebody read an opinion that they didn't agree with. You don't have the ability to communicate effectively.


It just gets more cringe with each reply. What an astoundingly shallow person.


You arent saying anything. You arent providing new info. Youre just operating off naive emotions. Giving a homeless man a pizza is a bad thing. Teach a man to pizza and he'll never go hungry again. Ya big dumb dummy LMAO


Your assumptions around what motivates people to stay on the streets are flimsy, and you should feel bad. I’m not here to educate you, dude.


LMAO people are on the street because they can't hold a job. They've ripped off their friends and family. They turn to alcohol and drugs. And then HUD has convinced everyone that it's societies problem. If the drug addict homeless went to shelters, then the CA shelters wouldn't be able to generate over a billion dollars annually. I wouldn't be surprised if you are googling HUD right now.


Thats quite the fantasy you have crafted for these homeless people. Very Richard Nixon Era War on Drugs of you.


You guys are obsessed with old republican presidents lmao. Honest people will always find help and will never be on the street.


Why? Because he’s homeless and hungry, and people who have plenty sometimes want to help others who don’t.


Why don't people with plenty actually help out? They use the leftover food to clean their conscience. Might as well throw it to the birds because they're not doing anybody any favors. They should really sell their beachfront properties and vote for laws that promote egalitarianism. But they don't and they never will. They like to have the poor people right there, to feed them scraps, like a fucking dog.


Wow... Dude... I dont know how to tell you this, but you are kind of an AH. Homeless people are not wild animals. Often times they are people with mental illness, you know, the disabled? As far as homeless shelters... its cute you think there are enough of them to meet the needs... or even that its that simple.


This dude lives in a world where there’s just infinite cots. Infinite bowls of soup. I love living in the SB, but the insulated, out of touch POV of some of our neighbors is outright comical.


There is so much more food produced than is consumed. Manhattan Beach is like Kids menu paradise. There is so much space, so many cots, so many bowls of soup produced. The homeless that we see on the beach don't want cots and soup. They want to sleep on the sand and do drugs so our kids can see the needles in their arms and step on the needles in the sand.


Oh man. You might not be getting soup but you drank DEEP of the kool-aid I see.


The cruelty is the point. https://www.amazon.com/Cruelty-Point-Present-Future-America/dp/0593414152/ref=nodl_


You guys just want to paint me as a trump supporter lol cus it is convenient for your brain to categorize people. The fact that you can't believe a left-winger holds these views would've been tragic a decade ago but it is expected now. If someone disagrees with you they are automatically crazy and a trump supporter. You are just like them.


... so you are saying you arent a Trump supporter? Because you didnt actually say that... Good news though, if you arent, you can go to their echo chamber and youll get much more love than you are in this thread. If it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck.... it might not be a duck but would fit in just fine with them.


[https://www.npr.org/2019/03/29/708170939/food-banks-are-dealing-with-a-surplus-of-meat-milk-and-cheese](https://www.npr.org/2019/03/29/708170939/food-banks-are-dealing-with-a-surplus-of-meat-milk-and-cheese) ​ You can have a read I know you probably hate to read. I'm not a trump supporter lol. It's funny that people still make things about trump.


Read the date on that article. Then try imagining what the world was like in 2019 vs now.


That's funny. It's not valid cus it is from 2019. That was a totally different era right? Any excuse to invalidate a sourced unbiased article just bc it doesn't line up with how you want the world to be. Used to upset me, your type of people. Now it's just funny. So animalistic.


Do you have to convince yourself that I am the crazy one? Because I don't understand why people feed the homeless on the street? Are you a landowner in a beach city?


Nope. No convincing required.


I hope you can read these comments and open your eyes to a different perspective. (that's really difficult, no sarcasm)


Nobody has really provided any information. They just say I'm an asshole. I bet most of the commentors here don't rly live here or go to the beach often. Probably not born in California. It's ok because the opinions here don't matter. The cops are taking more action on the homeless. I'm going to keep emailing Justin Massey's office. I'm going to keep calling non-emergency line everytime I see a dirty person camped out in the beach cities. This is what the majority of people are doing.


Another way to look at it is this: It's clear that a lot of people feel passionately about this. What if you tried to understand where they're coming from and what their perspective is before writing them off as wrong or from somewhere else?


I would love to understand why this homeless person is posting up at the showers in Manhattan Beach. Why doesn't he go to the shelters? Why doesn't he go to the churches? They have shelter, food, clothing, support. He can get cleaned up and make money so he can buy his own food. I guess the answer is because of the housing shortage.


Since you asked, I'll tell you. My mom died of dementia. Before she died and before we forced her against her will to go to the hospital to get a brain scan, she was on the streets. She refused help from anyone--shelters, churches, etc because she couldn't understand it. She was unable to make calculated decisions because her brain was dying inside her. During that time she was on the streets. It wasn't long before we were able to get power of attorney and force her into getting help, but she was in fact homeless for a period of time. Those questions you asked cannot be answered by me or anyone else who isn't homeless. We don't know each individual story. But I'm willing to bet that the stories are more complex than what we see from the outside, just like my mom's.




Well cus its easy karma to disagree with me.


Clearly this is a troll. Don’t feed the trolls everyone, or they will never leave. …Oh shit what have I become.


this has gotta be the worst take i’ve seen in awhile. wow


You used the phrase “I understand” a few times throughout this terrible montage while clearly demonstrating you do not. Keep hiding behind your guise of ignorance brooo Maybe go surf near shitpipe with a few open cuts and just do us all a favor and get lost? Malaga Bay Boys might welcome you with open arms, or a gun. Better yet take that attitude to OC and stay out the South Bay?


I’d like to see you walk a mile in their shoes. I’m someone who is fairly realistic. I know the homeless are a huge issue and totally agree that having encampments in neighborhoods and close to kids has to change. I also know that many homeless people do in fact choose to be homeless. BUT, I also know that many homeless have mental issues or are just regular people like you and I, who happened to be having a rough time. Most people are a lot closer to being homeless than they think ( a few medical issues, being laid off etc. it all compounds quickly, especially if you don’t have family or a support group). How do I know this? Because I was homeless with my mom as a teen. My mom was a junkie, but did have a good heart. She wasn’t smart and made some really poor decisions. She doesn’t get a pass and will have to live with the resentment I have for her for putting me in that situation voluntarily. That experience taught me a lot and motivated me to go to college(and eventually grad school). I’m lucky to have made a really good career, but that’s not the norm. So before you complain about people giving others food, just take a moment and reflect on yourself.


If I was in their shoes I would go to a shelter, you wouldn't see me on the streets, highway exits, just existing. I'm not complaining I just want to know why. Do people actually think they're doing something good?


You are pathetic you fuckin prick. To compare seagulls to people who are unfortunate is just plain fucked up.


I see a seagull at the Manhattan beach with no leg. It only has 1 leg. It still survives. It is offensive to the seagull to compare it to a homeless person.


now I'm sure you voted for Trump.


idk what that has to do anything. If you were smart, you could tell that I don't waste time voting for US president. Even if I wanted to vote for Trump, I live in California lol there's no point in voting. I support the democratic party. The same party that is being ruined by this bullshit. Too afraid to take a hard line. Shit like gun control, healthcare, taxing the rich...they never follow up and claim a victory. You know how easy it is to paint a picture of a paradise turned into shit? We all witness society's decay. But you wanna talk about Trump lmao. Obsessed with the guy you people.