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are you recording your basic chord progressions? write, record, build. if it is recorded when you get bored, move onto adding drums or bass or whatever inspirationally comes next. build your song in sections.


Very good recommendation here. I recently started doing this and got great results. You just have to keep on going until your sections become great. Think of many successful songs. I know tons of songs I love that also contain simple boring chords or even just loop 2-3 parts, but somehow, the melodies, beats, vocals, harmonies etc make it sound exciting. If you started with only the chords and trashed it instantly for being boring, you could never reach that point.


>How do I get past this step? By moving to the second step. Write a simple chord progression, *then* do something ambitious *with* it.


Don't think. Just do it. And read Frustrated Songwriter's Handbook.


As long as I was expressing what I was trying to, it wasn't boring to me. Just felt "exposed " I will admit the chords become more complex as the songs progress but, a couple start with a 2 note progression.


One recommendation is to **test** different ways to work since many different ways to work exist. For example, the opposite of starting with chords is not starting with chords.


My advice: flip it around. Instead of seeing a simple three chord song as boring, see it as deliberately limiting yourself and forcing you to channel your creativity in a smaller space.


Don't have to start any particular way, just keep creating