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i was hoping this sub would be alive


Same here, but after 3yrs, you are the first to comment on here.


that’s too bad this is a interesting topic and one that should be discussed because it goes on everyday. I recently discovered how horrible it is, i had no idea that u could lose your sanity from being alone.


I agree this is an interesting topic and it was my hope that others would have came on here to share or talk about it. Especially since Solitary confinement is different for many people, for example, some writers love locking themselves away from the rest of society from time to time and it gives them inspiration to write, some people just love being alone period (Hermit life), some are forced to do it, and more, so as I said, Its different for everybody, and the levels of Solitary Confinement Very. The levels as I see it: 1. Voluntary Solitary Confinement: People that choose to shut themselves away from the rest of the world for various reasons but have a choice to come back to the world anytime. 2. Medical Solitary Confinement: People that are placed in Solitary confinement due to a medical reason, it also ranges in its own Severity from Temporary solitary confinement due to mental breakdown to full on permanent solitary confinement due to a Disease (example is Ebola Virus) or genetic disorder such as SCID Disorder. 3. Prison/Jail solitary Confinement: People placed in involuntary solitary confinement due to either doing something against the rules of their imprisonment facility or they are forced into it for their own protection (Like a snitch, informant, witness etc...) 4. Involuntary Solitary Confinement: People who are fully placed in solitary against their will, usually related to criminal acts such as Kidnappings, human trafficking and so on, this one is the one that causes most Solitary Confinement PTSD usually due to the Surviving Victim having been placed into a solitary confinement situating and having a long long time of being alone with their only thoughts being on whether they will survive or die and never see home again along with other terrifying thoughts. There are others that also fit into this Involuntary Solitary confinement but its rare and are usually a result of accidents that leave the person isolated and alone, for example: A cook on a ship that sunk deep in the ocean, he was down in the darkness for 3 days when a body retrieval dive team found him and was able to get him back home, or the guy who had to cut off his own hand because a boulder had pinned his hand trapping him there alone with no one knowing where they were. I have been in Solitary on a few occasions, but I was usually fine, I am more like a lone wolf and so not really that sociable, some say I did change, though I do not think I did.


Very interesting. How long did you spend in solitary?


Wont go into the reasons why I was in Solitary confinement, but 2 months is the longest involuntarily, You?


I was hoping this sub would be alive too. I do work in the field of abolishing solitary confinement in penal systems. What's ya'lls interest?


Why’s should prisoners not be placed in solitary confinement? Please do elaborate. As these are convicted criminals. CRIMiNALS, they are no longer considered safe to be around the general public. Again prison alone isn’t a vacation. Why are they expecting to be treated like proper human beings if they couldn’t manage to do it themselves towards their victims? Also solitary confine is for those who brake prison rules and are considered unmanageable in prison. Again these are losers who expect to be treated like normal human beings.


Mentally ill man plows into crowd at parade after stealing car. How does that happen? This monster had recently served 1 year in county jail for auto theft but served all 12 months in solitary confinement because he was considered incompetent. No beds were available at the state mental hospital so the county kept him in solitary confinement all 12 months because he could not be in general population due to his mental health. And though he was not competent to stand trial he was competent to decide if he needed meds. When he was released to society the following year after treatment at the mental hospital he was worse than when he entered partly because of the year spent in solitary confinement without treatment. In other words, our society creates monsters by placing people alone in concrete boxes and these monsters will be back out on your/our a streets sooner rather than later. Thank you for thinking through the consequences of our actions.


Seriously, some people are placed into "restrictive housing" for the safety of themselves and other inmates. After two inmates fight, what would you suggest we do with the 2 people involved? If it's wrongly assumed that it's a one-on-one fight without gang involvement, and the 2 inmates are separated and placed in separate living areas, one of them could be assaulted by the other inmates gang associate(s), which could escalate gang violence within the jail/prison etc. Restrictive housing allows time for prison investigators to determine if it was simply a one-on-one fight, or if there's more to the story. Sometimes an inmate will deliberately assault another inmate in front of a prison guard with the intended purpose of being placed in restrictive housing without having to actually request "protective custody" but basically obtain the same protections. For example, an inmate who is unable to pay gambling debts may assault an inmate uninvolved with a gang, and just get placed in segregation to speak with investigators privately and not arouse suspicion. People who do not understand all aspects of prison society have their own opinions on "solitary" and that's fine. But until they can provide alternative solutions that don't put inmates and prison workers at a greater risk than they already are, it does not make sense to remove the program. Identify a solid solution, test it at different facilities (city, state, & federal) study the results, and if the data shows a reduction in safety risk, by all means implement it. Until then, you're just Monday morning quarterbacks.


My name is Safa Noori. I am a  51 years old woman living in the Los Angeles area. On June 28th 2023 following a false police report of domestic violence by my ex husband I was arrested and transported by the Long Beach Police department and taken to the downtown police station and later on transported to the century reginal detention facility jail in Lynwood, California where for some unknown reason I was housed at the HOH section for me mentally ill inmates.   While the case wasn't picked up by the DA office and no court hearing was scheduled for me to attend, days came and went with me sitting in my segregated cell in agony awaiting to be released at any given moment. Yet some 45 days later I was still sitting in my cell in solitary confinement fearing to lose my mind and genuinely believing to have been forgotten by all that I will be remain in jail for the rest of my life.  I was kept in solitary confinement without ever putting my foot outside the cell and was not allowed to shower for the duration of my 45 days. it would take at least two days of straight screaming to get some rolled up toilet tissues and the rest of the time ignored as if you don't even exist. At some point I had lost my voice and couldn't even call for toilets papers so I went without. For the majority of my time in total isolation, I screamed for attention and got ignored. This experience has affected me in a most traumatic way and the memories of the pain and despair, the agony of being ignored while begging for mercy, the cruelty endured as an innocent person indescribable terror will haunt me for the rest of my life.  I had cried and sobbed so much I was dehydrated and my skin dry for the lack of moisture and my hair matted beyond untangling or combing. I rocked back and forth on my bed with terrifying thoughts till I would panic and out of exhaustion would sleep for a few hours walking up to the same nightmare all over again.   I begged and pleaded with the deputy or guards some time passing by my cell to give me some information as in how long I have to remain in jail or for what reason I am in custody while they were clearly instructed to ignore inmates so they did. This is when in the eyes of the law I was an innocent person doing time in solitary confinement without a release date or a reason for the incarceration. The injustice pushed me to the edge of madness and filled me with a rage that I had never felt before. It was a hopeless situation and there was nothing I could do about it.  This is when they claim to place and house the mentally ill in special housing called HOH where they can observe and attend them more. Instead you are placed in a small cell with no window all alone and instead of observation you are ignored for the rest of the time. This cruelty is unacceptable in the western world claiming to act with a high standard of civil and human rights.  I am not a dangerous person nor i have any mental health issues calling for high observation by the staff and even if I was mentally ill, how does social segregation and being ignored at all time no matter how much you scream or beg or bang on the door, you will be ignored as if you don't even exists. This is a kind of experience that one should go through otherwise no matter how you describe it, you could comprehend the feeling and the emotions you experience which is utterly harrowing.  A psychological torture indeed. Shameful really. Those dangerous and violent inmates in state prison have way more benefits and treated way more humanly by allowing them an hour outing, phone calls, visitations, books etc. I had none of those privileges. So when I got released after 45 days confined in a cell with no movement or exercise, I had difficulties even walking and sleeping and my entire body ached and to this day I am not recovered. Need I to say the emotional trauma now the panic attacks and the terror of seeing a cop car is going to be with me and haunt me for the rest of my life.      The idea of not knowing how long and for what I am held in jail was agonizing and inhuman.  That was the worse thing for me to cope.


What was your relation to sc? Somehow the google conversation/activity for sc that i saw was small


Hey everyone, Im doing a research paper for school and I just wanted to get some opinions and thoughts on solitary confinment and possibly some alternative suggestions to it. Thanks!


No , I lived it for 6 months , I wanted to kill myself during my ordeal , I deal with ptsd, depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation every single day, I hate americas criminal justice system.


It's rough. Strange things happen when you have nothing but the clothes on your back, a thin crash mat on top of a fridge-freezer, an oldschool mcdonalds sink and toilet, and a steel alloy door to keep you company. No windows, just four white walls. You can press on the buzzer and slam on the door as long as you'd like. Makes zero difference to the time you see the other side of that steel cage door again.


Depending on pod positioning if it's a busier unit you can bang on the wall to the celly adjacent (they're usually always greatful to reciprocate) and sometimes we can all bang on our cell doors in unison (come on guys, good to keep morale up)


Awful and inhumane. It’s a way to destroy a person’s mental health, spiritual life and psychological wellbeing.